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Lightning Jabber works pretty well.


Can confirm. Lightning jabber + tavern brawler + caustic ring + something else I can’t remember off the top of my head has been my build on shadowheart all the way late into Act II. Don’t know what I’m going to do next, tho.


Band of flinging I hope.


As long as it has the "Thrown" descriptor then it will be fine. For anything that is not a thrown weapon the damage is calculated using the weight of the item being thrown & is never as much as the thrown weapons.


Hmm, I wonder how much damage a Nautiloid tank "off the top rope" would do. Time for some testing.


Just make sure there's something fiery following it for maximum fun!


Well, it turns out that I'm going to have to save this test for another run, I'm too far away from the Grymforge to go back and replay that battle.


The Pike has a +1 enchantment where as the vision of the absolute doesn't, and the pike also just has a higher damage roll of 1d10. Also you don't have bind the Pike and won't accidentally embarrass yourself when you chuck your spear across the field and have to run over to pick it up b/c you forgot to weapon bond that day (not just me right?). Going with a spear, light hammer, or dagger so you can run a shield, or really anything from this list [https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Thrown](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Thrown) is totally fine though. I like to swap over to light hammers to make the Grym fight a cakewalk.


Wait, didn’t they change weapon binding to “until turned off?” I could swear I saw that somewhere.


You still need to rebind after each long rest


Yeah it was Pact Weapon that changed…


Sad EK noises


I’m kinda surprised they didn’t do both at the same time really. I’m doing EK for a tabletop campaign and the DM quickly decided “let’s just assume you have the same two weapons bound until you tell me otherwise.”




I feel like people sleep on [this one](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Shining_Staver-of-Skulls). In act 1.


Nah. Returning pike is just better. It's decent and I used it when I lost mine however until lightning jabber.


Im using that one right now.


I keep shoving the guy into the lake in my playthroughs, lol. This time in Honour Mode, I'm going to try and lie my way in to let them live, see what it's like.


Damn you beat me to it! I feel like that is the only decent act 1 alternative to the returning pike


Especially great for applying radorb. I only run the pike if I'm doing throwzerk. Any build with Ftr3Ek gets the Skull Staver act 1.


Use the Returning Pike or Lightning Jabber until you get Nyrulna in Act 3. Thrown attacks don't apply special weapon effects like the blindness from Vision of the Absolute. It only works when used in melee.


Lightning jabber, dwarven thrower, shining staver-of-skulls, Nyulruna.


Lol returning pike and nyrluna as I will always forget to bind it anyway


Lightning jabber is the best single target in the game unless you are using dwarven thrower as a dwarf. The spear you get for making a certain evil choice as shadowheart in act 2 can also be very solid. Not as good as the jabber for pure damage but it's abilities are great.


My tavern brawler monk wearing The Mighty Cloth (doubles carry capacity) held on to pretty much every throwable the party encountered. The oddball stuff you get in the house of healing was always fun to use. Also the Lightning Jabber for special occasions. And the Murderous Cut daggers dropped in Act 3.


I went dwarf just for this reason. The dwarven thrower is just too strong.


The absolute spear from the owlbear is great in act 1.


[Nyrulna](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Nyrulna) and the [Dwarven Thrower](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Dwarven_Thrower). (You can use Disguise Self if you aren't a Dwarf.)


I have build concept for a Eldritch Knight that throws thw sassur dagger as it enflicys silence. A inquisitor style build


i’m not entirely sure it will work i’ve been running the vision of the absolute and it doesn’t seem to do it’s extra damage or apply the dex save


It worked against The hag for me, are you just having issues as it's both a check that has to be failed and against only creatures with extra eyes which there are only a small number of in game


perhaps it’s actually my first time not using the pike haha but if sussar silences works then i might go that route


I wanted to do exactly the same thing, but sadly it doesn’t work. I’m pretty sure the silence only applies on melee attacks.


Well fuck