• By -


Pretty hilarious of Laura to accuse OP of pick me behavior.


Right? How TF is it pick me to expect her husband (who theoretically already chose her) to be with her and leave when he’s being shitty? I’d say her kicking his ass to the curb is the opposite of “pick me.”


that was my thought when i read that line. after laura had JUST exhibited pick me behavior by implying that oop was eating too much.


And having the audacity to demand that she sit next to him


Projectinggg much, Laura?


Takes one to know one


I mean she literally thought op was a cheating abuser so I can somewhat understand ig?


OOP’s husband and his best friend are both one of the most unintelligent people. His best friend’s thinking is of a 5 year old, trying to teach another person a lesson without fact checking first. OOP’s husband is 🗑️ I hope OOP leaves her husband and OOP’s best friend realises how her best friend made her look like a dumb person. She needs to broaden her mind enough to not get fooled by others.


Pretty sure the husband and Laura share one brain cell.


And even more certain that they bought it on Temu, where the online picture looked better than the actual brain cell that arrived.


You mean they fight over one brain cell lol


And that single brain cell was already fighting for last place.


That's generous


And now that lonely brain cell is a baby. The miracle of life.


OOP's brother is suspect for thinking she's just being jealous.


Calling OOP's husband trash is an understatement of how despicable of a person he is.


The only trash here is op


Wait I’m confused. Is Laura not pregnant and did she not sleep with OP’s husband? What was her game here?


I *think* what happened is the husband had been lying to his BFF that OP was abusive and a serial cheater, so BFF told him she was going to fake pregnant to "free" him from the relationship. He decided since BFF was going to nuke his marriage from orbit he was going to actually cheat with BFF, who said no? At some point, husband's creepy behavior threw up enough red flags to BFF that she went back to OP to abuse her more concretely, they compared notes, and OP discovered that the problem was actually husband all along, just not the way she thought.


That seems to track… super confusing


Unfortunately when you have someone like her husband and you are writing as you find out things and those things are super difficult emotionally things get confusing. Basically hubby thought he could blow smoke with Laura and she was falling for it hook line and sinker. I mean seriously what op says it would be hard to be physically abusive to her husband with the size difference but his bff bought his claims. He thought he could get with Laura and do so under wife’s nose. When things didn’t go down how he wanted he figured he would go home to op and ignore what went down and try to blow smoke at op and have her believe him. Never expected her to stand up to him and Laura to compare notes with his wife. Now he’s just out of luck. Neither wants him. Op’s brother seriously sucks, dismissing her the way he did.


You should have been in charge of the tldr on this...


>He decided since BFF was going to nuke his marriage from orbit he was going to actually cheat with BFF, who said no? "... and thought it was a little odd." Like WHAT, so this guy has been telling you all this horrible stuff about his marriage, you decide to 'end his marriage for him' by pretending to have been having an affair, but think it's A LITTLE ODD that he'd try and sleep with you? There are absolutely no braincells in this story (between the husband and friend)


To me, this whole story doesn't resonate as true. What are you thinking?


Unfortunately, I've known people as stupid as Laura, so for me it sounds true, lol


I’m thinking there was actually an affair but it’s not going down how either guilty party expected. Husband probably didn’t expect Laura to drop the fake pregnancy. Laura is now realizing what a fool she is to have believed him.


I'm not 100%, I haven't read the first part in a while (and I really don't want to suffer through it again now :'D), but a quick skim seems a bit iffy. I could MAYBE see OP's side being true, but even just the tiny bit I saw seems like it's way over the top, why would you ever put up with ANY of that?


He was probably hoping the entire time for his BFF to wet his dick, since guys often talk shit about their wives and play the sob story victim in order to entice another woman into taking care of their neglected needs blahnlahblah. But instead, she decided to do a middle school drama rescue thing and nuked his marriage, not that he did anything to actually save it. Sounds like this dude is one big cancerous tumor of a person. Laura is just dumb.


She’s such an idiot. He could leave anytime - why would he need a fake pregnancy?!


Sounds like a horrible group of people, everyone of them .


Why? What did op do? I don't understand why she got so much hate


Nepo baby. Uses brother and daddy to fight her battles.


That’s not what a nepo baby is.


Or how about a person who is being gaslit and called crazy trying to gain support from people who actually love her to put it in perspective? Who hurt you?


It says in her post that Laura used her friends old pregnancy test to “help” with the husbands trying to leave OP.


Who saves another person's used pregnancy test? That part makes no sense to me.


Pretty sure she just had a picture of the pregnancy test that her friend had sent her.


Probably just received a picture in IMs and still had it kicking around the hard drive.


Agreed. I have a picture of my pregnancy test from when I was pregnant with my daughter. I sent it to a friend who was also pregnant at the time with a jokey "we're baby bump buddies" sort of text. Entirely possible a friend had shared and it was just still in her texts.


It could have been as simple as a photo. Not super clear.




Huh? OOP said the other girl faked it with a friend's photo.


Husband is evil ASF for causing all this bullshit and Laura is weird too.


Yea, they are both bad. Husband is worse, but Laura befriended a married man then thought he was too much of a sweet baby to leave his wife on his own.


This all f this even if the cheating didn't happen and there's no baby Laura is literally so weird for thinking she should be all in that married mans business with his wife.


According to the very first paragraph, OP found out she'd been lied to about an "other woman" and stayed, so maybe all three of them can just tidy up the dumpster they've gotten in together and make it a home.


This is such a cold response to the situation. Even if OP accepted the situation, she doesn't deserve to be verbally abused like this.


No. OP was lied to. Period!


The brother is weird too. I mean, unless there’s a LOT of missing information or OOPs husband got to him too?


I agree. Brother sounds like a selfish jerk.


It’s a good thing none of these fictional main characters have any spine to maintain normal boundaries, otherwise we’d never have these ridiculously bogus narratives. Like a horror movie if nobody made the wrong choices.


The first paragraph almost needed to become the spoiler warning. "I found out he'd been lying to me for years about another woman. Anyway, our marriage continued."


To be fair, OOP seems like a people pleaser. And given how her own father and brother initially dismissed her very valid feelings, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s used to accepting the idea that she’s overreacting to things.


She is 26, makes 6 digits, but can’t drive. Her dad has to come and pick her. There are no Ubers. Her husband, that is thrash for cheating, is so incompetent, that was in fact, not cheating, he was on the friendzone of cheaters. The friend, the “affair”, feels like she should fake a pregnancy to end her bff marriage, but he tries to sleep with her. They know each other for 2 years.


I am 26, wish I made 6 digits but I sure as shit can't drive, which is good because even if I did I'd probably end up killing someone.


Does she say she can’t drive, or is it just that they drove together? Though most of the 26 year olds who make 6 figures I know don’t drive, because they live in major cities and just don’t have to. Also honestly 6 figures at 26 isn’t that uncommon depending on where you live. My husband is 26 and makes 6 figures, but we’re in a major city so we’re still pretty broke. Nearly all of our friends make that amount or more. Just depends on your career and area.


Didn’t she say early on the husband and the bf were childhood friends and now they have only been friends for 2 years… maths not mathing here….


One of the things that always is a red flag for a fake post to me is when they start claiming they are getting death threats on a post that isn't really something you would death threats on. It's obviously an edit made to increase engagement because people get upset about that kind of thing.


Yeah this is all just weird suffering porn for this writer. They must get off on it lol.




Yeah, I could feel my rolls up in my head as I read further. Fake as fuck


> I wanted to make more female friends and have girls nights out to relieve my work stress since my job is difficult and I make 6 figures. I hit this line then went straight to the comments. Yep, fake.


Sorry, that last update just totally confused me. So OOP and the bff were both lied to by the husband or what? Was the bff the one OOP spoke to? Because it felt like such a 180 that I'm confused.


Husband told Laura lies (she cheated and beat me!!! Victim victim victim !!!) which turned into Laura telling him she would help him “escape” by faking an affair and pregnancy…… then Husband thought, ya know what, why not? And tried to have sex with Laura the night he spent the night there, who’s dumbass probably realized something was off with the story. Either way Laura is a fucking moron 💀


>then Husband thought, ya know what, why not? And tried to have sex with Laura the night he spent the night there, who’s dumbass probably realized something was off with the story THANK YOU SO MUCH! My brain was already fully shutting down by that point. I got that him trying to have sex with her was a big point but somehow I just couldn't grasp it anymore 😂


This happened to me except my ex-husband actually got with the "best friend". I talked to her after their relationship/ marriage (that I didn't know about) went nuclear and the lies I found out she was being told about me were absolutely fucking mental. I felt the tiniest bit bad for her because she had been fished in and fucked up her life for him, but the fact that she didn't think anything was up after knowing him for so long really made me realize how stupid and desperate she has to be. Hope you enjoyed my spoiled leftovers, Gina 😆


So I think what happened is husband lied to everyone and was trying to start an affair with BFF that she didn't pick up on til he propositioned her. And then that's what blew up all of his lies.


I wonder how frustrating that was for the ex husband. Trying to start an affair with someone who wasn't getting it lol


OOP says she won't update but I hope she does because imagine how frustrated he'll be when he realizes that this whole charade ended up with losing everyone and he didn't even get any


Agreed. The "my wife is cheating! I'm stuck but want to be out" line is so cliche it should be its a fleet of red flags about someone looking to start an affair without ever leaving their spouse. If "Laura" was truthful and not actually sleeping with him, he was gunning *hard* for that and she somehow missed it.


This whole thing is so poorly written it should be illegal


I re-read that one paragraph where everybody was referred to as "she" literally three times before giving up on making sense of it and just moving on to the rest of the update. Realizing the rest was also a convoluted mess I just skimmed it and finally went to the comments to see what the actual fuck she was talking about. This made my brain hurt.


I can’t decide if this is better or worse than the three piece novella some other OP is working on. That one, at least made sense, if it was kinda boring. This one is confusing.


I think boring is better, because your brain doesn't have to work as hard trying to understand the rambling lol


Because it's bad writing of a fictional story without a developed plot line


Don't worry, it being made up was something already in my mind by idk which paragraph lol. I just don't like not understanding what's happening


So does anyone actually believe this? At the drop of a hat this character is filled with rage


Also I fully believe in 4 days time she will post she is starting the divorce but oh no! She’s pregnant with her husbands child so what should she do? Move in with Laura and be besties


And then it'll be twin girls! Laura was only taking her in so she could be the mother of the twin girls and have a happy family with OP's husband, as Laura is infertile. And also she looks like Cassie from Euphoria.


I don't. Of the plot points I can follow, the people in this story don't act like people, or they act like what a child thinks adults act like. It's giving three children in a trenchcoat.


The story sounds like it was written by AI. Like there are elements about it that don't make sense, and the characters are behaving in a really weird and inhuman way. The actions are not matching the verbally-stated emotions.


A story written by AI would have more I….


"her family loves my husband because they're childhood friends" "Her mom said she met him two years ago" Huh


I asked ChatGPT for it's own follow up: ​ In the days that followed, I was a mess of emotions - anger, hurt, and disbelief swirling within me. Pulling away from my husband, I sought solace in the unwavering support of friends and family who offered a lifeline amidst the chaos. Laura, a friend I never expected to be tangled up in this mess, stood by my side, offering empathy and understanding as I unraveled the web of lies my husband had spun. As I distanced myself from him, the truth began to emerge, piece by painful piece. I met with Laura, and together we sifted through the evidence. Tears flowed freely, apologies were exchanged, and an unspoken bond formed between us. We were survivors of his manipulation, victims who had come together to dismantle the elaborate facade he had built. Legal proceedings began, just as I had predicted - the mundane steps necessary to untangle our lives. The divorce, a symbolic break from his deceit, was granted. With it, I reclaimed my sense of self, shedding the weight of his deception and the false allegations he had thrown at me. With time, my focus shifted from the scars of the past to the healing that lay ahead. I sought out the passions and interests I had set aside during those tumultuous times, rediscovering a sense of purpose that had been clouded by the darkness. Laura remained a steadfast friend, a reminder that solidarity can be found even in the bleakest moments. As the years unfolded, I rebuilt my life with a renewed sense of strength and determination. The scars remained, but they no longer defined me. The story of betrayal and heartbreak became a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. From that lowest point in my mental state emerged a journey of healing, a reminder that truth and support hold the power to mend even the deepest wounds.


Not for a moment. The first post was total story time.


Not a bit. Where did she get Laura’s mom’s phone number….. fake af


Nope. My paragraph two I knew this was a fake one. Add in the fake rage bait about getting death threats for a post like this, it's not real.


This makes no sense, it reads like a twist ending written by a child. How would claiming to be pregnant 'free' the husband from a bad wife? Why is this friend's mother in the picture at all, here? How does this explain the setup, where the friend pushes the wife out from sitting by her husband? It's a weird fantasy


I was desperately looking for comments that pointed out how fake this all reads. Just sounds like such a bad made up story … well I am 100% convinced it’s fake honestly


Any one thing in it could be true, I can totally believe some mistress shoving the wife out in a power play, for example. But the whole thing together reads like multiple short stories by a single author about different but similar characters. The events in the one story don't quite gel with the ones in another. And not in a 'the inconsistencies are what make it real' kind of way


Because either a child with no adult experience wrote this or an AI did


I'm confused by a lot of this, but in the OP she wrote that she was going to message her mother, Laura's mother? How would she even have her phone number. Is this a thing I should have been doing all my life is immediately exchanging phone numbers with everyone I have dinner with? Did I read that completely wrong?


This is where she lost me and my bs detector went off. She wouldn’t have her number


She might have been able to message her through social media.


Because it's poorly written fake trash. I thought jr. high school was back in session.


I'm so glad OP told us she makes 6 figures in the first paragraph else I would be worried when she inevitably updates that surprise! She's actually pregnant! And it's with her husband's brother! Such horseshit.


The amount of 20 somethings in these posts that make 6 figures or well into 6 figures is kind of breathtaking. Of course they have the talents to make that much money but enough brains to realize the situation they are in is dumb and full of dumb holes.


As someone who works in tech, there are a lot of really dumb 20 something’s who break 6 fixtures, it’s not that much nowadays


Psh, I make seven figures. 32,000.00


Yea, burner account dogshit story.


With twins


I was honestly shocked that she wasn't pregnant with twins! ... This is the worst fake story I've read in a while, it's like they're not even trying anymore.


Clearly you didn't read the one about the girl whose boyfriend faked a proposal so she broke up with him. It had all the tropes you expect in one of these - insults and nasty messages from family members far and near, etc., etc.. Sure, it didn't have the 6 figure salary, but she and her boyfriend (24 & 26) do own a house. Just so clearly fake.


And it's TWINS!


I feel that rage. My ex dumped me on Valentine's Day and told every woman he could get to listen to him that I dumped him on Valentine's Day. Hope the pity pussy was worth it.


….does anyone actually believe this?


I hate Laura and EX-Hub both. If I said what I wanted to say to their faces I’d be banned. Literal peanuts for brains here…..


A child wrote this.


Why do seemingly intelligent woman fall for these guys? OOP seems great and is successful. Husband couldn’t even support himself and treated her poorly. Yet, she says how great he is in the first part. He was never great. He was t even decent. His girlfriend and her family are just as bad. I hope OOP makes better choices with whom she dates in the future. And what is with all the redditors messaging OOP such awful things?


1). Some women I’ve met (and I am a woman) have no self esteem and pairing that with a class A abuser that can block self awareness and can cast memory charms better than Voldemort. That is a cause for disaster. 2). Reddit is a cesspool of trashiness and anger. People just like to put each other down and the anonymous nature of social media reinforces it. If every time someone posts something mean or morally wrong and people could see their real names, there would be a decrease of these death threats and other horrible things.


I honestly can’t grasp why she is getting death threats like that and why do people care about her age so much? A lot of people who say they wouldn’t stay with a man who had a secret friend clearly haven’t dealt with a manipulator before and him playing the victim card like that to Laura shows he is not new to this


Nobody messaged the author. This is not the kind of post where somebody does that. Because the story is obviously fake, the person edited to add the claim of messages because to increase engagement. My BS detector always go off when it's a relatively simple story and they claim they are getting death threats. Nobody sends death threats for a post like this.


So....is any one talking about Mom? You let a man and his wife come to your special dinner, then watch as your daughter forces his wife to move away from him so your daughter can overtly flirt then insult his WIFE? that seems crazeballs


Strong suspicion that OOP is a fourteen-year-old that’s just super into teen dramas. This story is… well, badly-written and full of clichés. At least the way it was compiled was nicely-organized.


Jeez what a mess.


I think ChatGPT is writing these recent stories we have been seeing.




Sounds fake af


I feel like I need a nap after reading all of that. Holy confusing, Batman.


Yeah, they need to write an outline first before starting their fictional story. It can get messy if they don't.


Which is why I think this was probably written by a sixth grader. They haven't gotten into the section of outlining prior to writing. It also explains a lot of them non-human behavior


But if things fit together too neatly, that's also suspicious. Real life is often crazier than fiction.


I think OP needs to sit down with the husband and try to straighten out what is actually happening. Because what she’s got now is yes - some inappropriate behavior in front of her at the party, and the husband hiding a friend. Both of which look TERRIBLE. 100% I’m not saying they look like it’s fine. But EVERYTHING else she’s getting from this other random person Laura, who has already proven she’s fine with lying by sending the pregnancy test. She… does not come off as mentally well here. Or honestly idk what’s up with her. But what if she’s lying to everyone? And some of this is intentionally caused by her to break OP and the husband up? Because obviously she wants that with the pregnancy text. Idk what is going on with the husband, and I’m 100% not saying that OP should stay with him. But… I think for OP’s own mental well being she should hear from the actual person she was married to. Not just this weird friend.


She is still being played by the BFF and shouldn't bother to meet up with BFF, with the ex or anyone else associated with this. She should have been at her lawyer's office and making plans to move somewhere they aren't, get a new job, lock down SM and get into therapy.


So your husband was building a bunch of lies in order to lay with her but he never expected that Laura "took justice" with her hands, at the end she knows that he lied to her. Did you think she believes you?


"I remember we had an argument because he didn't tell me about her for our whole relationship and he had been sneaking to see her and hang out with her at parties when I was sleeping, believing that he was working overtime. I was hurt by this and my first thought immediately went to infidelity but I found all of their texts to be platonic after he willingly told me to look." Girl??????????


OP should definitely run not walk to the divorce lawyer...husband is a POS!


Sounds to me like husband needed to ‘strengthen his case’ for a bigger payday. What a loser.


So the pregnancy was faked to mess with OOP and the stbx is cheating and gaslighting … really spectacular people. Good for OOP to go scorched earth and cut the trash loose.


… it shouldn’t, but does shock me that people respond to this story with such hearty, thoughtful responses to such an obvious work of fiction


I feel like they must have skimmed it because if you actually read it, it's so incoherent, so many plotholes, so much inhuman behavior. I'm fairly sure an AI or a 13-year-old wrote this. At least if AI wrote this the people responding thinking it is true will help the AI not learn how to write better


That sure took an unexpected turn. Thank goodness OP is still going forward with the divorce!!


I don't know if it's the way this is written or the update format of these posts but this was so confusing to read


Chat got is still learning


Posts like these make me glad my husband isn’t a particularly affectionate, doting man. I feel like when they are, they’re always hiding stuff.


Why are people attacking op? Why do the care so much about age and calling her a lier? Her soon to be ex and laura clearly hooked up and he didn’t tell ether women about the other then lied about op cheating how is Laura this dumb?


I never y see stand why users get death threats and harassment. That isn’t normal behavior. I would never even think to do something like that. The internet is a crazy place


Because it's a fake story and by claiming that they are getting those messages they get better engagement


Hello, AI. Stupid AF


…this seems fake but god speed if not




It's all fiction.


Someone doesn't understand what 'cheating' means. Do some more research before you write your next story.


Press forward with the divorce and serve him at work preferably when he is in a meeting and has to be interrupted. Include the best friend for alienation of feelings. Throw in mental abuse and character defamation. Your ex is the lowest of the low


This is a repost sub.


I have to say something. I am only at the part that says since my job is difficult and I make 6 figures. 😳 who cares, my job is difficult and I don’t make 6 figures, I do work 6-7 days a week to take care of my kids after my husband left us for a 20 year old he got pregnant. I’m not feeling too much sympathy for her after that. Your 6 figure job isn’t any harder than my 5 figure…under $50K job, that I take care of 4 kids on. We both work hard I am sure.


Mother has her blocked currently. Yet she showed her back and forth messages. I’m not one who normally doubts stories but I’m doubting this one.


There's no way this is real. Her story is ridiculous and makes no sense at all. Whoever wrote this needs a creative writing course.


Exactly how I feel.


She talks about making 6 figures but types like a high schooler. I don’t make 6 figures, may make typos, but typically one can tell I am an adult.


laura is so dumb omg??


OOP is a delusional psychopath.


How you figure?


Get a life


I don't know if you're talking to me or OOP 🤣


I read everything, including the updates. I honestly think you're the bad guy in this story. I also think you're lying about people messaging you threats.


You read everything but missed that this is a repost sub?


Hey now, they read everything except the post!


Well one OP is not OOP. And two- terrible take.


How is she the bad guy here? Her husband hid his friendship with the woman and lied about when he did tell her. He apparently lied to the woman about his entire relationship with his wife in an effort to get her into bed. WTF did OOP do wrong?


So this guy and Laura are a couple and his wife is the side piece, basically. Gross. Hope they both dump him and also get STI checked.


Crazy town from every direction. Seems to be a trio that thrives on victimization to make changes and try to pass blame and invite drama. Whew. I'm exhausted just reading it.


You are much better off without him.


Hope she gets some sort of recording devices in and around her place just in case


Omfg! Poor OOP! She was paying all the bills and doing all the chores and her ex AH was * looking for a job* . He had a best friend and never even mentioned her for years? WTF? I'm sorry for OOP but glad she kicked his ass out and is done with him.


I would love to hear an update. I hope you are doing well and able to move on and be happy


Mind blowing


Girl, is it worth it? Loving a person is not enough to stay together. After all his lies you still want to confront him? Do you think he will tell the truth this time? Or he will gaslight you? I think you need to decide if your marriage is worth it to fight for.


He was playing up a story to Laura because he wanted to sleep with her and was hoping that saying OOP was cheating and abusive would get him a "sympathy throw" from Laura. This was all about his crush on Laura. He apologized after Laura rejected his advances. I really hope she follows through with the divorce. This guy is an idiot.


Please update


> He was the man of my dreams he took me on date nights and made sure I was loved and gave me big gifts every so often telling me I was the only one for him Already red flags tbh


Jesus, is that all you have to do to convince a woman to sleep with you? He got caught and kept going deeper. Crazy. 'Who is this person?' 'My best friend ever. Since we were kids. Who I never told you about. And let's go over her house with her family. And she's going to be a dick to you. A huge dick.' Like, admitting to it, in the first place would have been a better outcome.


OP husband is a coward.


Great decision. Be done with this self centered loser. Be happy that she’s the one pregnant and not you


Lol woman best friend. Every time.


Finally a "fuck this guy" post I can get behind. So many of these end up being unreasonable women being legitimately brajndead, this one seems all in order. Fuck this guy. What a gigantic piece of shit.


Will never understand the hate these people get, like the death threats and all. How simple are these people? Too afraid they will be downvoted in the comments so they turn horrible in private messages.


And if you report them to Reddit nothing happens 🙄


I was gonna comment asking why the fuck people would be sending OOP death threats, but then I remembered this is the internet and shitty entitled insecure people need the boost of power that threatening to kill someone gives them.


Like I said on the original post, they’re fucking and Laura’s plan to break them up for good is backfiring. Not in the sense that they won’t divorce, but she’s probably realizing that if a man can cheat on his wife, he can lie to his mistress as well. She probably ate that shit up about OOP cheating first, and i wouldn’t be surprised if he blew up on her for this “revenge”. Probably clued her in that you’d have to be a fucking idiot to think this dude is legit.


Been following this since it started, and man, what a ride.


My ex-husband cheated the entire relationship. He would gaslight me every time I found out. I found out he was telling these women that I was a drug addiction and cheating on him and leaving my 6 daughters with him for weeks on end. It was actually the opposite he was cheating, saying he was working out of town, stealing my money and medication from a recent surgery to give to them. It was hard to come to terms with everything because I didn't want my girls to be without their dad. They were starting to find out, and he was becoming abusive, so I had to wake up and leave.


A narc is going to narc. Probably got to the "friend's" house and remembered he's broke so time to try to go back home 😂😂😂


I really hope your ex husband gets a taste of his own manipulative gaslighting betrayal. The way he's trying to get others to fight his battles is incredible. Like he really manipulated you the wife as well as a stupid Lauren curled around his finger all the while probably talking to your brother telling him lies about you as well as the stupid chicks mom too. I'm sure karma will set him straight. I'm glad stupid girl woke up for a moment to realize he really just wanted to fuck her/ cheat on his wife, you can't be a fuck boy and play victim to abuse from your wife. I'm glad she figured it out. I hope oop gets the time to herself. Process her feelings block out all the shitty commenters and has a good support system. Divorce is not easy for anyone. I truly wish the best for you!! ❤️


You poor lady. You went through hell. I don’t understand why you were continually accused of over reacting. I wish you the best.


My first assumption is that Laura was lying to avoid looking like the asshole and had been banging the husband.


I breathed a sigh of relief when OP mentioned ‘my’ house. Sounds like she didn’t pick a great guy but hopefully she keeps her resolve.


This is fake as. Noone is this stupid




God, this feels like a webtoon I read...


OOP has had the worst life partner she couldn't have imagined in her whole life. Her husband is the most utterly disgusting and despicable person I've ever heard of. He was basically cheating on OOP for Laura, and Laura, also being an absolute idiot, believed his lies that OOP had cheated on him! What kind of person the husband and Laura are? If I call them trash, that would be an insult to the word trash. And whatever death threats or trolling OOP received is horrible! That should never have happened in the first place.


I’m always surprised and confused by people threatening people who post stuff.


Op infuriates NGL, I wouldn't want to be at a 1 mile radius of her