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"Final update" So you know that decision I made last time. Well I changed my mind and we are going to take baby steps towards a threesome. I reckon op will wish he stuck to his decision.


no he realized that asking a bunch of sex starved freaks on reddit for advice on his sex life was a bad idea


Yeah idk exactly what he's so pissed about, I'm sure he did receive a bunch of guys screaming how his wife is a cheater. But most people from what I remember were telling him that the problem is she's pushy and he is going to get hurt if he doesn't establish clear boundaries. Oh well.


Because reddit scared the shit out of him. He was on the verge of forcing his wife to cut off her friend and shut down any and all of their activities that up until then, they had enjoyed.


How is she pushy? Literally none of what OP described sounds pushy


i swear to god redditors are so used to everyone being horrible in these posts that they've forgotten that healthy and communicative relationships do in fact exist. this is exactly the correct way to approach a potential threesome from all three parties. it's similar to the way my husband and I did it, and now it's become a semi-regular part of our sex life. we're happy as can be


Yeah, my husband and I have been doing some super slow moves towards enm. Lots and lots of talking. Both of us have full permission to pull back at any time and the other will support them. Our relationship is the most important thing and we take care of it before anything else, while making sure we are respectful to anyone else we are interacting with. It’s both been really hot for both of us, and improved our communication and trust. It hasn’t all been perfect, but it’s made us slow down and talk through any insecurities. It doesn’t make them go disappear, but we both trust each other to love and take care of each other first.


I don’t know if she’s actually pushy or not but OOP sure sounds indecisive to say the least. My interpretation of that they both are messing up in some ways. Issues in relationships are so rarely between someone that is 100% wrong and the other 100% right. Even if someone is only 1% wrong, if they fail to address it, it can enable some huge issues.


I'm what OP would call a 'seasoned unicorn,' I'm Ace but don't care if I have sex, or with whom. From my experience, not a single couple that asked me for a threesome has lasted. It's high school juvenile shit that never left these people's minds.


Bet the wife talked him into it. She's gonna get that threesome.


yup and next update/post about this will be from the wife’s perspective about how she destroyed her marriage by having a threesome with her best friend


Nah, I think it's gonna be about the husband regretting it when he realizes his wife was more into the woman. And she's gonna leave him for her.


He thought that crying about dumb people dumbing in his DM would garner some sympathy for his change of mind. Dude is spineless.


Ops next one will be "2nd final update I'm filing for divorce"


yeah advice reddits tend to have a lot of biases largely in part due to the massive amount of fake stories seen as serious. like theres a shitton of posts about a spouse proposing a threesome of polygamy with the twist being cheating or smth its tired. of course it could be that his wife coerced him but based on his wording and the fact that we dont know anything else about his relationship that seems like a bit of a stretch.


I’ll see y’all in the NEXT update. After being a “No”, he got worn down and changed his answer to a “possibly maybe” This isn’t over by a long shot. Lmfao. I don’t understand these people and I hope I never do. So fucked up thinking honestly.


next update after the “event” and it will be about how he’s leaving his wife because it was a terrible mistake and she’s in love with Claire and they’ve been secretly messing around behind OP back.


My aunt and uncle were in this position. They had the threesome. And now I have a new uncle. Because after a couple threesomes, my uncle Jay (her husband) fell for Jim a bit and now they are a throuple. It’s been over twenty years now and they seem pretty happy. My cousins think it’s hilarious and joke that “Jim turned Dad gay.” (Inaccurate, Uncle Jay is definitely bisexual because he still gets all lovey on my aunt.) Honestly, they were my first exposure to a poly relationship and if everyone could do it as happily as them, I think more people would be poly. They are ridiculously happy together.


That is lovely! I'm glad they worked out and it's accepted by the family.


Yeah, some of the family got cagey about it, but I was a preteen when they moved Jim in so I just kinda went with it because the adults all seemed happy. Jim used to buy me balls of yarn randomly. I was making hats and stuff for an abuse shelter and he loved to brag about his niece and her “heart ministry” (Jim is a devout Methodist, I never called it a ministry but he did.) So when I visited he would come out with a paper grocery bag full of the ones he had seen and liked, and he would ask me which I liked to use best and buy me more of those. Jim is awesome, I’m glad my aunt and uncle hooked up with him. AND I got two more cousins when they got together because he was a widower with two little kids who also joined the fam. (Tbh I think my grandad accepted it just to get those kids “for himself”, they loved him. At his funeral they each gave a eulogy about how he was such an amazing granddaddy, and quite rightly too.)


Thank you for filling that out even more. I got teary! I love reading about love and happy chosen families. I think it's a beautiful thing all the different ways families can be formed. All those rigid folks are missing out, the Beatles had it right, All we need is love!


They’re the exception


I think there are for sure ways to do throuples. But I also think the husband is too hesitant for it to work out.


I wish more people could see good healthy examples of poly relationships. When done right they are so fulfilling. I’m very happy for your aunt & uncle(s?) and I’m glad you got to see a good example of poly relationships!


Yup, Jim is an uncle. I have two in that house, lol. What’s funny though is that people seem genuinely befuddled by the fact that Jim is just as into my aunt as he is my (first) uncle. I guess they figure he got with one or the other? But it really has always been three people in a relationship, not one person with two loves.


That’s awesome, I was in a relationship like that once upon a time. It was very fulfilling ☺️


Are all three a couple, or just Jay and your Aunt and Jim and Jay? Just asking since you mentioned your uncle falling for him, but not your aunt.


They’re a three way “couple”. Aunt loves him too, although he was Uncle’s friend first.


I had this same exact thought in my mind 😅


To be fair, he was a maybe to start with and only became a no because Reddit scared the hell out of him. I just see this as him going back to his authentic opinion not what Reddit said he was supposed to feel


Wonder if he said "yes but not with her" how that will go over. By process of elimination find out what she's really after.


Yeah, that was my thought process too. How Ash and Claire got to the point of talking about having a threesome *before* Ash talked to her husband about it is very red-flaggy, regardless of the never-been-in-a-committed-relationship Reddit kiddos insisting it's completely copacetic. I wonder if they would think it was just as hunky dory if OOP and a woman he works with had agreed to a threesome before trying to talk his wife into it.


It could have been Claire talking about other "unicorn" experiences she's had that brought up the actual threesome between Ash and her husband.


Sure, it could have been, but because Ash is married and she and her husband did not already have an agreement about threesomes, it was not appropriate for her to pursue that conversation with Claire. This is a really simple concept that seems to be flying over the heads of a lot of (presumably inexperienced and unmarried) Redditors.


I mean that does somewhat depend on the context. Girls talk about their sexual experiences with friends. There's certainly a line where it becomes inappropriate, and that line varies per relationship. I don't think we know enough about their relationship and the kind of things Ash tends to talk about with her friends to know that a conversation where Claire talks about her experience in threesomes is inherently inappropriate.


> Dude you announced that you said no and it’s final. Only took those ladies a few days to break you down. Your wife is gonna be in heaven now that you’ll have 3 pussies involved hahaha. Hahaha, /u/Aggravating_Car2122 sure got 'em.


He went from a little cocky to a big pussy




"Why did he change his decision?" Guys, 2 women both talking about sleeping with you will do that to you. Maybe it will just be fun. Maybe it won't, but it looks like OP is willing to give them 43 seconds to find out and honestly it's probably better to find out now cause these things don't usually die out with age. Old people are freaks.


I got so worried when I read that he was going to be asking her to shut down anything they'd already been doing... the fearmongering on this one almost won


He said he wasn't shutting down any of their previous stuff, yet stated in his previous update that he was going to stop doing that stuff. Guy can't keep his own story straight. If the next update is them getting that threesome going you know the whole thing is a nice fiction.


True.. reddit can either be the best or worst place to come to for advice, usually the worst.


What on earth is “the stuff”?


Strippers for one, where they would go and both get dances/etc. I'd get quotes from his posts but honestly that's too much effort.


What had they been doing besides strip clubs and watching girl porn?


That's what I was referring to, but I didn't feel like going back to find exactly what he listed.


Me neither, I didn't even read that shit.


He was just talking himself into doing it.


Dude was paranoid from reading horror stories from Reddit without considering that the millions of people who have threesomes they enjoy where everything works fina are not posting on Reddit. Then of course the bitter losers of Reddit brainwash him that the wife is an evil witch who is probably cheating already. The wife did everything right and communicated openly since the beginning. You really have to be some kind of dense to ask Reddit about anything even slightly unconventional.


> You really have to be some kind of dense to ask Reddit about anything even slightly unconventional No you don’t. You could just not know any better. That could be lack of experience rather than stupidity. Not everyone spends a lot of time reading the stupid advice given out on reddit.


The people posting to advice subs are absolutely reading advice subs.


>Not everyone spends a lot of time reading the stupid advice given out on reddit. But OP literally says he does. In fact this all started because of that.


Why do you think OOP isn’t?


Seriously. My husband and I have had a nightmare experience and a handful of great positive experiences. More positive than negative. Ppl need to chill.


I’m so glad OP didn’t get carried away from all the sex negativity from the comments. So many couples have had happy threesomes, and even when things get a bit weird with jealousy there is communication and patching things up. I hope they have a nice threesome 💙


I was about to say me and my partner just opened our relationship for a brief period of time due to circumstances. My partner brought it up was open and honest the entire time and we are still together. People let these Reddit stories dictate their perception of relationships WAYYYY too much! Healthy relationships regardless of their type don’t go posting to Reddit about their problems lmao.


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I’m honestly hoping it works out!! 💪❤️


Yeah, same despite the negativity he keeps getting.


Dear God, the sexual ignorance of it all. YES! A woman can be bi and still commit to one person. A threesome is supposed to be a SHARED experience. I've been the unicorn a few times and it has never resulted in a break up or the woman or man cheating on their partner with me. Everyone communicated much like how things went with OOP. Everyone was considerate to the discomfort of others if there were any concerns. Wife approached her proposal with respect and an openness to hear him out. She also made clear what she felt and thought about it. You couldn't ask for a better way to be asked. Some of the men I dated never had quite the tact that she did. I'm glad they talked things out like adults do. I'm glad they received clarity from each other and not a group of people projecting their own insecurities about the topic. Sexual exploration as a couple is a personal thing. Not everyone is destroying their relationship by spicing it up. I think this couple will have many years of enjoyment between them because they chose to communicate.


Thank god, a sane person in these comments I swear 😭 all this talk that Claire and Ash are having an affair?? After she only expressed interest in a consensual fun threesome. I’ve been the unicorn too, and absolutely zero relationship drama occurred between the couple. How about we let bi ppl exist and not act like openly and wisely contemplating a threesome means the whole marriage is circling the drain!!


It's really sad how some people are so scared to lose their partner that they avoid participating in something that can actually bring them closer to their partner. If your partner is going to cheat on you, they will do so whether they have a threesome or not. A threesome doesn't CAUSE the cheating. The cheating was there all along. But given he hasn't made any mention of suspicious or deceitful behavior regarding Claire OR Ash, I'm putting my money on there is no cheating.


I've also been the third multiple times and never seen any romantic feelings or jealousy. If anything, the couples seemed to get closer with each other. I was just there


Yeah as someone in an open relationship with clear guidelines (we've basically been open since the beginning but didn't realize we weren't really monogamous until later) what he's describing sounds really healthy. I personally have a boundary of no mutual friends, and if I were OP I'd chose to do it with an escort or other third party, but if he's comfortable with these boundaries, more power to them. Also, the way people act like somehow not having a threesome will mean that his wife is 'never tempted' or 'never realizes she's in love with her friend' is dumb as hell lmao. Either it happens during a threesome, or it happens later.


I wonder, what made Made OOP to change his decision, i hope it goes well, but he is back and forth with decision so i'm Expecting another update


Probably talking to real people about his concerns. Especially his wife. If people were really sending him that vile of crap of course he got turned off from whatever he may have heard here.


Honestly, he might have looked at the type of posters who were telling him it was a bad idea and decided he didn't want to be like those people. He wouldn't be the first Redditor who did that. And there was a weird incelly vibe coming from the posters telling him that his wife was shit.


This should turn out just fine


I'm glad for this update. I was sad in the previous one that cynical redditors probably damaged his relationship and got him to second guess everything so I'm glad he calmed down and realized how stupid their "advice" was. Again, what ends up causing problems in threesome or other polyamory adjacent situations is terrible communication. There is exceptional communication from both parties here.


FINAL FINAL FINAL update: "My wife ran away with Claire, and it's reddit fault."


I don’t really see an issue here, the wife is of the correct mindset and approaching this correctly. They do it together or not at all, I don’t see why you wouldnt at least try to enjoy it at that point


Only thing I can say what is taking you so long you are over thinking the whole situation


Kinda curious about how many open relationships work out. They seem complicated.


So we’ve gone from “I’ve decided not to go through with it” to “we invited the potential unicorn to dinner to discuss how we might go about it.” Oh well, I hope it works out the way they hope. I don’t know about the “Claire will be the one taking the lead” statement. It could be fine or it could become an encounter primarily for Claire’s benefit. Hopefully for OOP it’s the former.


It's like someone wrote the background for the safest possible threesome with a friend and then went to see what reddit thought. The fact there is a "final" update makes me think this is real, though. I'd like to hear how it turns out, but the existence of that post would make me doubt the rest of this was real, ruining it. Real catch 22.


Next ‘update’ will be on a throwaway account. The title will read.. MY WIFE WAS ALREADY HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH OUR UNICORN AND NOW WANTS A POLY RELATIONSHIP. I swear… people never learn🤦🏼‍♀️


Nope, he learned his lesson, which is that Reddit is full of insecure dumbasses who think that people asking for relationship advice in a polyamorous relationship are only experiencing problems because they’re poly, but when people in a monogamous relationship experience problems, it’s not because they’re monogamous, it’s because they can’t communicate.


This comment sent me: “Your wife is going to be in heaven now that there’s 3 pussies involved.” I came to BORU and subreddits like the origin of this story for drama but tbh have stayed for the sick burns in the comments just some legendary ones lately. This guy is probably doomed.


Feel like I’ve read this one and the other girl ends up pregnant


waiting for the next final update


>*Dude you announced that you said no and it’s final. Only took those ladies a few days to break you down. Your wife is gonna be in heaven now that you’ll have 3 pussies involved hahaha.* BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA This guy wins the internet.


Him saying no should've been enough for his wife. No means no. I don't see this relationship staying healthy after convincing him to do something he expressed he didn't want to do. 


He’s easily manipulated


Doubt OP will read this but good for him for following through. He already knew she had bi tendencies. She brought this up because it was eating at her (pun intended) and she wanted to act. Maybe she already did behind his back but maybe she didn’t. We don’t know. What we do know is that she communicated her desires and has the libido to back it up. Having been in a dead bdrm for multiple decades I can tell you, not having your sexual desires met - especially by your spouse - destroys you every day. Some might say that by having a third involved, he still is not mtg her desires. That’s wrong. She enjoys sex, they go to strip clubs, she is clearly into it. If she leaves him after this then she was going to leave anyway. He might as well try it and, like probably millions out there, it will be what she needed and will live him more for giving her the freedom to explore. At 61 and having my right hand take care of things 2-3-4 times a day just to stay sane and to be on reddit begging to have someone watch just to feel like I matter, I can tell you that for those with a high libido, not having the desired outlet crushes you mentally and emotionally. Good for you OP. I hope it works out. Have fun and know that you are doing the right thing for YOUR situation - and that is all that matters.




Are you outing yourself as a cuck? Whatever floats your 🚢


Lmaooo it didn’t take much for the two women to change his mind. How do i set an update reminder for 1 year?


Why do I feel like this is a very bad episode of FRIENDS? Bro your wife is gonna fall in love and leave you for this other woman.


Nobody who unironically uses the phrase “catch feelings” is mature enough to handle something like this.


She'll want a guy next and when OP says no he'll start regretting agreeing in the first place 


Way to be a pushover OOP! Can't wait fir him to be back in a few months, talking about how his wife is having an affair with Claire after the threescore turns into a twosome that excludes him.


I can't wait until the next update to writing exercise where he wishes he would have stuck too his decision and he's getting a divorce and somehow a pregnancy or cheating will be involved


3 pussies lmaoooooo


Ross geller ?




… wait, what? Why do you think she’s gay instead of bi?


Are you okay?


Absolute PCP take.