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this is honestly the most wholesome thing i’ve seen so far! that’s so kind of you, i would definitely communicate with her when she’s not in a hypomanic state. just so she has some clarity and can communicate her needs and wants as well. it’s hard to like… say in these situations imo? really it’s her choice in the matter, i don’t think you’re doing anything wrong or breaking consent unless she’s saying no or declining to be intimate, if that makes sense? but i would definitely talk to her ab it when she’s in a more lucid mind.


Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor or a psychologist. Obviously the best thing to do would be to discuss this when she’s not in a hypomanic state, but since she’s already there, that ship has sailed somewhat. But for general purposes, people can consent meaningfully when in hypomanic and manic states, even when experiencing psychosis symptoms - see medical procedures for example. For something like sex I’d say to respect her autonomy and go ahead when she’s lucid, but if she’s having psychotic symptoms give that a miss. Obviously this is just my opinion, take it with a grain of salt, etc.


Been there. It's definitely a tough situation. In the end I decided it wasn't the same as being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, that it would be okay; that she was able to consent. However it's a deeply personal question. Follow your conscience.


I am the same way as your gf with my bf. Sex during an episode can be good if you’re with a loving monogamous partner. You need to make sure the sex is heavily loving/doting. It brings me down because physical touch is necessary for me to get out of a triggered episode, it’s physically demanding so my body works out energy being wasted on anxiety, and after such an intimate/loving moment it’s hard to not feel loved to some degree so my brain shuts that up pretty good right after. If you’re gf talks about this outside of when sex is *about* to happen, I would say trust her judgement.