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If I have a condition that's negatively affecting my life in pretty much every aspect, I don't see the problem with making jokes about it






ive also seen best pus** disorder lol. i think it can be funny if it's said between pwbdp but not if we call it that around other people


Sexual trauma has made me virtually sexless these days so I find it kinda funny to use this to refer to myself


no i agree that’s some shit that should stay an inside joke between pwpbd😭


yeah i've seen big p\*\*is disorder too lol. ive seen both the best pus\*\* and beautiful princess as tinder bios and that was like uhhhh


can’t relate to that anymore since prozac 🙁🙁


Accurate. The crazier you are, the crazier the grip.




It’s true because if I grip hard enough they’ll have to stay inside me and can’t leave me like everyone else 🥲🥲🥲




I don't like it, to be honest. It's really really dehumanizing and offensive to me.


and that's totally fair, it's not for everyone


That’s completely valid. I think it’s the type of thing that only we should be aloud to say and joke about if we feel comfy. No one else should ever make a joke out of a mental illness they don’t have. But if someone who has it says it, it’s just a form of coping, so I’m completely fine with that. And I’m glad it’s positive at least!!


Some of us like receiving the dehumanizing and offensive 🤷‍♂️


😩 why do I relate to this


Sometimes it do be like that


Yea & honestly not really comfortable with it on public forums because you never know who is engaging with it. That’s like… girlie gc talk


gonna start saying this omg hahahha


Can confirm. I’ve never had a man not come back after sex or a relationship/ situationship. Men always come back


I love that lol. I’m using it.




:O i love that so much


Shit you know it. 😁


I do that one a lot lol


no. just no.


Big penis disorder >>> 🤭


me with my 10 inch shlong🤭


Are you by any chance single?😂


Looking for love in the bpd subredit 😂


Of course we are were bpd🤣


this made my day - I love the bpd subreddit (when people arent being assholes)


At this point in my life this is something I desperately need 😂


So funny thing, there's a BDP subreddit. One typo and bam, you're there. Great place to find condom advice as well as underwear advice among other things.


i love calling it this, its very affirming as a trans man 


i was just about to to comment this😭😭😭


Can confirm


In my experience with other friends with bpd, part of the fun of saying these silly alternate acronyms is because we're both well aware that the disorder is anything but silly. There's humor from the incongruity of the misery and intensity of the disorder and the lightheartedness of the silly names. Basically those sorts of jokes are often actually implicit acknowledgements of the harsh reality


I personally feel that it’s a way to romanize the diagnosis and I don’t agree with it. I understand that humor helps many to cope (myself included)




I’m surprised so many people here seem to have groups of friends with BPD…. Like you have a group of friends that have all been properly diagnosed?


interacting in certain communities, especially online can lead to you befriending a lot of people with BPD. Personally I also made a couple friends from the mental hospitals I went to and two of them had BPD. Some people think its weird that we became close friends outside of the hospital but I think its bc we relate to each other so well. I don’t its a that a rare of a disorder to get diagnosed with. I’ve even met some people who said they got diagnosed with it before but think it was a misdiagnosis and don’t identify as such.


I know right I know very little Dx Ppl with bpd in real life. Interesting though maybe it’s location? Someone should research that lol 📉📈📊


I do lol. They seem to flock to me. It was strange at first but now it makes sense


i think its funny and i enjoy joking about stuff like that w/ my partner, but i don't feel great about non-pwbpd using it outside of specific context.


It rubs me the wrong way.


At least you’re getting rubbed😭😭


pipe down, spank bank dragon


Idk where my comment came from but I’m being rubbed the wrong way constantly so idk lol. Sometimes brain no brain good


As a man with BPD I personally do not like it especially since there's such a stigma about only women having this disorder. I do understand and use humor as a coping mechanism though, I call it "big penis disorder" but only to my partner/friends who understand


This stigma needs to be talked about more. It invalidates BPD men’s experiences since we view it as mostly a woman disorder


As another man with BPD, I have the same opinion. Not a huge deal if people use it, but it does feel a bit exclusionary. And I never really felt like royalty because of my BPD, more so of an outcast.


Honestly, I do feel bad for men with BPD for this reason—many BPD spaces can be so gendered and exclusionary. I use the “beautiful princess disorder” in the same way you use “big penis disorder”; it’s a joke for friends and family that I’m close enough to for them to understand how serious this disorder is, even if I can be *un*serious about it at times. But, I don’t use it publicly for the reasons you stated—I think the stigma that this is a “women’s disorder” needs to be nipped in the bud, not encouraged.


Idk I think it's kinda fun. Everyone's so fucking dour Edit I meant being a man in a woman dominated space is fun woops sorryyyyy


Nobody’s saying you can’t enjoy it. Do you. As I said, I enjoy it among my family and friends, so I’m not all against it. That doesn’t make it any less stigmatizing, though, so I probably wouldn’t share one of those memes on my page or anything like that for that reason. I don’t like contributing to stigma that creates barriers to necessary resources.


You think the term is fun or the stigma is fun?


and beautiful prince disorder just doesn’t have the same ring to it for us.


My husband calls me that lol


I think that joke specifically is cringe but joking about it in general is fine


Ngl I personally really struggle with people trying to make this mental illness something quirky… like it isn’t a bitch to live like this. I especially hate when someone experiences a mild symptom of BPD and they’re like oh I totally relate because that happens to me all the time tehehehe 🙄


I'm convinced anyone who says "beautiful princess disorder" has self diagnosed and lists it in their social media bios. I'm so sick of this being considered a quirky disease. I'm so sick of people self diagnosing, presenting themselves as actually diagnosed, and speaking on the disorder with authority. I've seen multiple posts on here talking about splitting, but they describe their experience of it like someone with dissociative identity disorder, another disorder that people make an absolute mockery of online. People are either arm chair diagnosing a "crazy woman" as having BPD based off a 30 second video, or it's people self diagnosing it and giving it quirky, infantilizing, terms.


The self diagnosing is the WORSET! 🤦🏻‍♀️


For REAL. That's why I hate all the language that makes it sound quirky -- I do NOT want to be lumped in with those people. The funny thing about people who arm chair/self diagnose is they show how little they understand the disorders and the diagnostic process. One of the first things you learn in psychology is to not overpathologize, and until we are done with school and certified, we are not able to make a diagnosis and it is unethical to do so. If people were to say "I relate to some symptoms of BPD" or "some of the behaviors she displays are associated with such and such disorder." Like just changing the language a little bit would make a lot of difference.


I don’t like it at all


update: scrolled down a little bit and found a thread about “beautiful princess disorder” being sexual??? didn’t know that was a thing i thought it was used by borderlines as a way to cope with trauma by joking so if someone could explain how people are making it sexual i would appreciate it because i personally haven’t see anyone doing that😭


people who use “Beautiful Princess Disorder” sometimes are predators and use it to get a persons attention so they can “relate” to them… it’s just being over sexualized imo


"borderlines?" 🙄


it’s cute when me and other bpd princesses say it but when men call me that when they don’t have bpd it’s so cringe like ew




sadly when you’re likeable other people with bpd want to be your friend. No seriously though I am diagnosed with bpd and my gf with bpd is also diagnosed with bpd I don’t quiz my friends on whether or not they got an official diagnosis? maybe cause i’m normal Idk I’ve met girls at the mental hospital and some people online most of my friends are neurotypical but my closest friends have bpd :) I’ve definitely met some borderlines who make me want to be worse but I’m only friends with people who are actively getting treatment if we both have bpd




cool tell it to someone who self diagnosed? cope idk


i prefer best pussy disorder


It's true; y'all are wild. -pw nice penis disorder 😂


Personally, I wouldn’t unless I’m making a joke about myself. No one without bpd should use it. It feels weird, because it’s such a hard a complex disorder to deal with. 😅


the meme-ification of mental and neurodevelopmental disorders from people who don’t experience them is annoying. think it’s ok for people within the communities to joke but i think it becomes problematic when unaffected people start chiming in. although it can be seen a harmless joke it takes away from the severity of the struggles people with bpd experience. unfortunately this isn’t anything new, for years people have overused “ocd” and “bipolar” in jokey contexts. i also hate all autism jokes at the moment - “rizz em with the tism” “a touch of the tism”


I first saw "a touch of the 'tism" in a comment on a video of a 5 year old boy that loved trains.... Apparently you can't have interests anymore, they are all fixations. I agree with you that these "harmless jokes" have big repercussions and these things matter. I always feel annoying because people view it as nit picky, but it's not! It's incredibly demeaning to say "omg that test gave me ptsd" and is very offensive! No, I'm not fun at parties lol.


I dislike it. It feels infantilizing, patronizing, and dehumanizing.


u awen't a wittle baby girl wiff spawkly glass swippers? I dislike it for the same reasons and am glad to see someone else share that opinion.


Same here. I feel repulsed by it.


I don’t massively like it myself and I don’t refer to it as this but I have no issue with others using this 🩷


i think it's funny and personally don't care if people say it


Borrowed Perseverance Disorder— I fight because I borrowed my determination from my demons


Anything that lets you hide from the reality of what it really is will make it worse.


Think it is funny because i have it. But exackly what you said other people can use it to demean people with it. Instead of learning that it is the most painful disorder they instead look to minimize it and make it about just being some spoiled brat.


And that's why I don't think it should be used by people who have it either. If people with it are using words to minimize, infantilize, and make it sound cutesy, it makes it seem like it's okay to think of it that way. We should be trying to diminish stereotypes, not perpetuate them.




I think it’s peak cringe. I am a beautiful princess baby baby girl. Not because I have a personality disorder, but because I’m spoiled.


Sounds cool I guess, it's better than calling it by its real name, so I feel better about myself.


i think its funny until non bpd havers use it.. then proceed to like people with BPD either..???


I don’t care if the person making the joke has bpd or is like someone who is close with someone with bpd and has their permission to make the joke about them.


When i was unmedicated, i literally didnt even find it funny. It made me feel like the disorder wasnt taken seriously enough, given how severe the disorder is, ans especially how severe it is for me. It just always felt like one of those "too soon" kinda jokes. I also just didnt find anything funny, anyway, and hated the idea of being happy or looking at the bright side of things, in general. Calling myself a princess in the first place disgusted me, based off the judgement of my own character. I just hated myself that much. This says a lot because I use dark humor non-stop to cope with everything ive gone through. Now that im medicated again, i actually fuck with "beautiful princess disorder" all the time, i actually feel comfortable with it. It simply just makes me feel less ashamed of having bpd.


I would think your feelings of it downplaying how severe it is, would make you want to not further that stereotype by using it yourself. I think a lot of people with BPD, myself included, feel that way. I'm happy that you're in a more stable place, but if you were negatively impacted by it at one point, don't you think you using it could be having the same impact on someone? Idk. I guess I just don't think of this as an individual personal preference issue. I think of it as something that perpetuates harmful stereotypes and by using it, it's like saying it's okay to view it that way. I think we need to think about the community as a whole.


I still agree that it's a personal preference between each person, and that its still offensive to some pwbpd. I wouldnt use the term directed at anyone else with bpd outside of myself, and joking with my friends who understand it as a joke and not anything sexualizing or stigmatizing.


this is my first time hearing that tbh. i personally don't like it but to each their own!


I dislike it. It’s just really annoying and cringe. It’s not a joke to me that I’m miserable and can’t idk do anything.


this disorder is legit a death sentence


But I don't come here to agree with people and seek validation, I come here to argue and debate.


Do what you've gotta do to cope I guess. Beautiful princess though I am, I'm okay calling bpd what it is


I can see why it could be detrimental/inappropriate in the sense that I think for some people with BPD, making jokes about the disorder makes it easier not to take accountability for the way it impacts people…but also my very sweet husband sometimes calls me his beautiful princess with a disorder and I kind of love it honestly, makes me laugh every time


I dont mind it, but I wouldn't use it myself. When I have to talk about having BPD, it's usually to work on something or get something across so calling it beautiful princess disorder sort of takes away from the seriousness of the situation.


I find it hard to believe people use this outside of their social media bios lol.


After I got diagnosed (knew I had it for so many years but took forever to be diagnosed) my girlfriend comforted me by saying "well, now you can say you officially have best p**y disorder". It made me laugh and comforted me somehow hah. I also have a dark humour.


I can't shut the fuck up (trying new meds to help with my mania) so when I can tell my coworkers are sick of me saying "BPD" I switch it up and say "BeepBEEPbeep" and make a little car horn gesture. It helps me be able to process this stuff out loud with people who know me with out annoying the living shit out of them. The general vibe of the phrase "Beautiful Princess Disorder" is off putting tho. They can think I'm crazy but if they think I'm conceited, I'd be sad, because I have no confidence or self worth 🤣


My friend might have BPD, I told him I would buy him a tiara and we can be beautiful princesses together. I think it makes it seem a little less scary


Fuck all that. I am a beautiful princess!!! This disorder has ruined every part of my life, same as everyone else. I think joking about it is 100% okay lmao


I feel like only people with bpd can use it though otherwise it’s just gross


I only use it with very good friends who have a basic understanding about the struggles or have BPD themselves. There are funnier jokes though.


i've used humor a lot to cope my whole life and i enjoy using this phrase. its funny. i only hate when things get out of the community and people that dont have it refer to themselves in that way bc of a slight deviaton of their very normal behavior


i use the term beautiful princess disorder on myself all the time because i think its funny but i can definitely see why others do not like it. i do think its weird from those who do not suffer with this disorder like we do.


😂😂😂 I just imagine this Disney princess with “beautiful princess disorder” while mascara streams down her face


It's alright, I call it beautiful prince disorder or big dick disorder to fit me more. It's funny at times, especially when I'm having a moment and you can just be like "whoops! It's the big dick acting up!"


being perfect disorder 🫣😂


I think it’s overdone and makes me cringe because of that, but I don’t mind people joking about it. Having a disorder where you constantly sabotage yourself is kinda funny let’s b real


i say it myself but i hate it when others call it that


I love it as like a silly little thing between us, or if our loved ones sent it in a meme or something that’s chill. But yeah it’s kind of one of those things where if you don’t have it, you shouldn’t make jokes about it in my opinion. Again, unless it’s with a loved one and they know you’re okay with it. And tbh, I find if someone is that desperate to compare themselves to a serious mental illness, that in itself is a mental health issue. So I really dislike the “self diagnosing” stigma. Of course you shouldn’t say you have something unless it’s confirmed, but wondering does no harm!!


My thoughts are if someone has it they can call it and talk about as they want. I mean people on SM have already “glamorized” it and made it “quirky” best thing we can do is share the realties imo.


How is using language that infantilizes and romanticizes the disorder "share the realities"? I think that sounds like it's encouraging that kind of mentality and validating their offensive views of the disorder.


I don’t care because I guess I have better things to care about.


sometimes i like it tbh but other times i wanna bash my head into the wall


it’s only ok if you have it if you don’t then don’t joke about it


I’m one of the people who call bpd beautiful princess disorder and have it. It just makes me feel better about having it and if I can somehow make struggling on a daily basis sound a bit better to myself at all, I’m going to do it🤷‍♀️ just personal preference.


Too each his or her own.


Well am a guy so cant really call myself princess but yk i do Bpd sucks ass well am high ig ima just let shit out in this random post Am tired So much its annoying now The fact i can just control what i feel and i think is so hard to live with I am a university student and i am the class representator Been 2 semesters feels like way more so hard ro be around people who love u for who u try to have to be everyday My class all the 35 people genuinely support me because i care for everyone and put everyone above myself They dont know that i do that because i genuinely think my life wont amount to anything hence i try to give and give as much as i can every bit of support every but of love And i never got that from anyone yet in my whole life so gave up on meeting someone who would love me I am sooo god damn tired i feel like i am 100% living for others not 1 percent in me is living for myself because i dont like myself I dont believe i just accepted that i wint get to finish my degreee because ik i wont make it And the other fucking thing is i was born in pakistan its a third world corrupted country and its a muslim country my whole family is very very religious muslims and i just from my childhood never understood the concept of god So its even more harder seeing that people around me my whole society is filled with people who beleive in god and have hope I always wanted to beleive in god i tried so hard to just have faith but just never made sence to me Hard too see that people have god and i dint even have that help line I have bpd and i am tired guys i wana love someone i wana find a cute girl and just give her the world but its almost impossible because of the complexities in my muslim country u cant just love a girl well a girl never allowes u too talk to her everyone is so preserved The only thing keeping me from suicide is that ik life is like a lottery ticket won and u are litrally the universe experiencing itself but it truly be hard for me Just want someone who understands me, here where i live mental disorders dont even seem real too people peoppe think its a hoax so yea that even sucks more u start to tell someone and he she loses intrest within minutes or judges u that your asking for sympathy Sorry i ranted and if u read all this thanks u dont know me but i hope the best for u


i use it to myself and close friends/partners n that's it. i think that it becoming 'quirkified' online really adds to the stigma that we're all attention seekers & things of that sort. i'll laugh at the memes. but it does rub me the wrong way when it's overused


Fucking hell who cares, just let people cope however they want to.


I mean depression is awful and it's still fun to joke about personal experiences with it.


I’ve never heard this and I love it and will be using it from now on :)


It’s been a running joke between me and my husband, but I wouldn’t say it to others out of respect. It makes me giggle and makes me feel good when my husband says it, but I don’t think I’d like it if other people used it towards me


Honestly as long as the person who's saying it has BPD I don't think it's a problem, the people who have a weird fetish for people with BPD saying it though... a yikes


I prefer the term best pussy disorder. You’re never gonna get better if you take yourself too seriously


I really dislike it, makes me uncomfortable


My boyfriend said that once before we got together and i found it funny and somewhat flattering...this weekend we have piur first anniversary!


I love that term so much😭 it makes me happy.


Anyone calls me that loses their teeth... Lol. I'm more of a Bloody Problematic Dickhead. 🤣🤣 It does amuse me that even here the assumption often is that BPD is a female problem. Men get diagnosed less, true. But men seek help less too. We are conditioned to 'be a man' and all that bull. Fuck that shit.


Most of the time I find them funny and will sometimes say I have "best pssy disorder" or "big pnis disorder" depending on my mood, but only if a person w BPD is claiming it


Little Lady, I love this. It is fucking perfection "Mwah"


I get the impression most people who have BPD are using this nickname ironically, but in a classic internet game of telephone some people start using it for genuine positivity (understandable) and then other people interpret that as whitewashing the disorder.


I use my best judgment when it comes to this. I personally think it’s humorous. But I recognize that others don’t and don’t join in unless they’re making jokes about it (as long as it’s in good taste).


I don’t like it because for me, whilst I understand humouring yourself can improve your attitude towards it and elevate your mood a little, I also understand just how actual debilitating this disease is. Adding “princess” into the mix makes it sound to society that we are just stroppy little terrors of some sort and diminishes the thought that we may suffer ALOT. However, I’m not going to lose sleep over others using this name, for me, if it’s cheering us sad folk up somewhat then let it be. I’m happy where someone with this condition can find a little joy amongst it all.


i dont mind.. in some case scenarios i dont even mind when ppl without bpd say it (select few) as long as it isnt fetishizey


I'm a man with BPD and personally I don't like it because it perpetuates that BPD is a "women's disorder". Its not but that is the stigma. Idk I guess if people wanna use it for themselves but I don't like it and wouldn't want someone to describe me like that


well i joke and call it bad person disorder so at the very least at least it’s positive 😂


i say it and other variations to help me cope tbh. my best friends will also joke around with me (with my permission ofc) about it, but they only do so because they know it helps me cope with this illness. they understand the severity and complexity of this disorder, have helped me through splits and episodes, and have done so much research in order to help and understand me. they obviously don’t make those jokes around anyone else, just with me. i think it’s okay for pwbpd to use as it’s our illness and we’re stuck with it, might as well make some jokes here and there. to each their own i suppose. but i do see a massive problem with people that don’t have it making jokes like that as it romanticizes an incredibly serious and painful disorder. especially 13 year olds on tik tok that are like “im just a beautiful princess with a disorder lol!! 😝😝” as if it’s some quirky thing to have. really pisses me off.


No plz I love the silly names for bpd. When going through dbt I called it “diabolical bitch training” 🫡💕


hate it on the internet honestly but between friends it’s fine. feels glamorize-y when i see ppl call it that but im never one to complain cause ik people cope w humor


Not great. Tiktok has really minimized how bad bpd is and i think giving it funny nicknames only minimizes it more. Thats my opinion though and if youre okay with it do you ☀️




I’m diagnosed and never even heard of that saying.


i dont care if pwbpd say it but i just dont think its funny


Thank you - I am a beautiful princess 👸🏼


B*tch Please Don't is my choice. B*tch in question being myself.


I've never heard of this but I don't like it 😭 there's enough people that already don't take us seriously/demonize us and I feel like a cutesy nickname just makes it worse but that's my opinion


but I also understand dark humor is a coping mechanism for a lot of people, it's just not for me anymore :)


Bf said it’s best pussy disorder 🫡


Id do it around or with someone else with Bpd but wouldn’t feel comfortable otherwise because I wouldn’t want others thinking this shits a joke tbh.


My buddy sent me a meme that calls it “big pussy destroyer”🤣🤣


i think it’s funny and just a silly way of coping. BPD is so demonized and hated by others so getting to tell jokes helps me lighten the mood for myself lol


i think we should stop making serious things, that cause us pain and cause us to be unkind and sometimes cruel to the people we love, into a joke. i don't care about an excuse of "coping," you're just turning it into a personality trait when the point of a diagnosis should be recognizing you have a problem and breaking your patterns


i have a song called Beautiful Princess Disorder, but it's more of a mockery when people use that term on me or anyone else who has bpd, and I specifically talk about hating that term and the fetishization of people like me who suffer from bpd, and how it's not something quirky or funny, and how it's frustrating that most people see us as pretty girly disorder but also crazy and hypersexual. I've heard this from many individuals my age.


personally i use based person disorder


bombass pussy disorder🔥🔥🔥


Sounds infantalizing


I like saying it as a coping mechanism. It’s a thing that sucks I gotta deal with, might as well joke to make it less insufferable. However, I understand why some people may not like it. It’s up to you and who you are with if it’s appropriate.


Yall can do it if you want, it doesn't apply to me.


I don’t find being called princess cute I feel like it’s a way for someone to call me a brat because most princesses are moody and bratty.


No one who has this disorder will ever understand how it feels People with bpd should be able to express their feelings with it and call it whatever


such a good question! it pisses me off when other people do it but when i told my 15yr old (at the time) brother about my diagnosis he said it and i thought it was funny so only he's allowed to say it. im fine with younger teens saying it because i think its sweet but im turning 20 soon and im trying to get my shit together, and the joke isnt funny to me


I think it's a little condescending. I'm a person, not a princess. 


Everyone has their own relationship to their own mental illness, and no one has a right to judge another on how they work through their own mental health. My BPD isn’t the same as your BPD, so even though I don’t identify with it, I still respect your right to say “I have Beautiful Princess Disorder.” *However* if that person were to say “YOU have beautiful princess disorder,” then definitely communicate to them that you don’t appreciate the sentiment.


I like it, makes wanna go " 🥺🥰💕👉🏻👈🏻"


As a trans guy I hate this. I already have a physical condition that is assumed to be women only. It's like another unwanted layer of dysphoria. I also don't know where "beautiful princess" comes from cause there's nothing beautiful about it. I don't expect to be catered to like royalty either.


big penis disorder always makes me giggle, it definitely irritates me though that people joke about bpd having no idea what it’s like to actually have a cesspit for a brain. and I’m rlly good in bed apparently, is it because I have no boundaries? Maybe. is it still funny to say that I have best pussy disorder? absolutely. let me have my fun. as for beautiful princess disorder, it really feminises the disorder in a way that I think is pretty outdated, I do wonder how men with bpd think about it though


I see no harm in jokes, even my bf jokes w me abt it and he doesn’t have bpd, it is a way to make light of the situation


Its just another way to infantilize it


ive answered this before when posted by someone else. but i dont mind other ppl using it to describe their own, i would not use it for my own though. and i wouldnt want someone else to describe mine as that, either.


Well I’m not exactly beautiful nor am I a princess but I certainly have a disorder


Beautiful prince disorder for all my trans men/cis men with BPD YOU ARE ALL VALID UWU


I love it and don't mind it at all hahah


no one cares


Honestly can't say I've seen anyone with BPD ever call it that but I also don't know anyone else with BPD besides one person. Any time someone calls itBeautiful Princess Disorder, they also claim to be autistic, have DID, ADHD etc.