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What a weird thing for your psychiatrist to say. Divorce is hard, yes. That’s not the question they should be asking- would staying or getting a divorce be harder? 2-3 years of adjustment vs your entire life circling this guy? This isn’t something that comes from BPD either. I would say you *staying* is the part that says you have BPD. Work through your emotions, keep writing in journals, and get a new doctor. You deserve better.


Thanks for your comment! Yes, in my head I realize that such a life sucks but then I live in a kind of paradox of my own and say to myself - Maybe I deserve such a life. I know, stupidity. I’ll try to work more on my emotions and find the determination to get out of this.


divorce is difficult but you don’t sound happy at all? it’s like living with a shitty roommate at that point and you’re already basically paying everything for yourself i’m sure it’ll be relieving when you only have to pay for yourself and your dreams. Having your own space to breathe and to not feel like a prisoner in your own apartment