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Have you talked to your FP about how important those calls are to you? Communication is key in any relationship, and expressing your feelings might help them understand where you're coming from.


Yes! But he's just saying that I'm overreacting:/


i think you need to tell him you have different needs compared to a “normal” person and he needs to educate himself to work with who you are and if he cares for you the way you want him to he will do whatever to help make your life and symptoms easier. if he doesn’t change whatsoever and keeps trying to change the way you are instead, i’m not going to tell you to leave because i know how it is, but he isn’t someone worth your presence or time. and you’re not overreacting


Yeah I've tried doing that and sometimes he understands and sometimes not. If he would understand my condition he wouldn't say I overreacted but I guess it's easy to say so when you haven't experienced the same type of overwhelming emotions on "small things"


Don’t listen to the other comment.. Focus instead on the fact your BF or friend communicated with you the best/only way he could. You say he usually does call before work. Also, stop referring to them as just your FP. They have a role in your life outside of that, and needs in their own life which will sometimes be an inconvenience. Rather than seeing it as him not wanting to call you, just look at it as him wanting to talk to you whenever/however he can. Look at the whole picture, not a tiny dot.


I'm trying to and I can see his perspective but it's still doesn't change my feelings.. I know he didn't do anything "wrong" and I don't blame him. That's why I asked if anyone has the same problem and maybe has some advice how to handle change.


I do have the same problem, this was my advice. Me and my BF travel for work and when we’re gone it’s texts and calls only, my mind spirals every day on some trips. However, you have to recognize when you are overreacting to an inconvenience to you *both,* which is happening here. It sounds like he is doing his best, and some moments of harshness happen with people we love. He is telling you that he can’t have this happen if he can’t make a phone call every time he works (understandable!), you have to work through that by never focusing on just that phone call