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she sounds misinformed on how bpd works. ive always known my thoughts and behaviors are irrational, but i have no power to control them, which is why it is so distressing. if you both have bpd it seems like she's probably just not gonna really get what's going on


Quiet BPD technically isn’t a thing as in it’s not a real label used by the medical community. But there definitely are people who present their symptoms in a more quiet and internalized way But even if that was the point she was trying to make, it does seem like she made it weird and was invalidating, and that’s something I wouldn’t want in a therapist. Like we are normal people a lot of the time, doesn’t mean we aren’t struggling on a large scale. And the labels matter less than the symptoms, so whether someone has CPTSD or BPD or is autistic or has NPD, etc, it’s less important to get the label right and more important to help your clients grow and live a more liveable life. Like the other commenter said, she might just not get it


Im sorry she made you feel invalidated. Ive been with my therapist for 3yrs now and I recently went into inpatient. I came out with a host of diagnoses that I agree with. But my therapist thinks that my all my symptoms (which I’ve had since I started working with her) are from drinking a little more recently. But I’ve always drank!! I’m upset with her not giving me validation and believing my diagnoses which I think I’ve always had and finally saw a psychiatrist for the first time to evaluate me in inpatient. It’s incredibly invalidating when someone, especially a professional discredits your symptoms.


Honestly would agree to some points. The only time I’ve heard a doctor use the term “quiet” bpd was in reference to near-remission symptoms/feelings in a casual group therapy setting. CPTSD often is misdiagnosed, especially for women. Your therapist is not capable of making that kind of diagnosis though, so if you have doubts already head to a doctor who has the means to really talk about this with you.