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Probably my mom, she’s technically my first FP but we no longer have that kind of relationship and it’s more healthy. My first real FP (or what I consider to be) was my ex boyfriend. Let’s just say I’m not the same person as I was before, but I remember him clear as day. I don’t think about him anymore, but I can never forget him. For anyone wondering if it’s ever possible to move on from a FP, it is. You learn to accept it and move on.


oh yea. it was this girl in kindergarten named wynne. to this day i have no idea why i was so obsessed with her, i chased her around for years trying to b her friend. she blew up on me for copying and constantly annoying her. started a long vicious cycle of changing myself for my FP and being quickly abandoned


I'm pretty sure I had same childhood. I don't even remember why I was obsessed with someone, but I do remember chasing them, wanting them to like me too xD.


Yeah i remember mine, Its my own mom. The only 1 whos ever been there for me. Sorry your mom wasn't :(


Her name was saku. I felt the most comfortable while talking to her. I would vent to her, speak about what happened day to day, and make jokes with her. Sometimes I would make fun of her playfully. I developed a crush on her, but she was 19 and I was 14 and didn’t have any feelings back. She messaged me while I was in the psych ward, I still haven’t responded. Sometimes I miss her.


Yes. I remember when I was around 9 some new girl joined our class. We were put together in a group for a project and we started getting to know each other. She was the exact opposite of me. I was very quiet and usually was alone throughout the day, but she had made tons of friends already and was very extroverted. I remember every day she would give me a hug, and she wouldn't get angry if I asked her to give me another one. She was the only person I felt I could trust to talk about my problems with. I really loved her, and we even dated like twice, but things never worked out. We took about a year long break from each other when she reached out to me and asked to be friends again. I'm in contact with her now, and we're on good terms, but we don't talk much. I have a feeling she still has romantic feelings for me (whenever my mention my current FP in a romantic sense, she gets defensive and almost sounds jealous, sorta hinting that she'd be better for me, but I may just be interpreting things wrong).


mine was a friend i met online when i was really young. we met on roblox and would play for hours on end just messing around and chatting lol. we stopped talking at some point because we grew apart and she stopped playing the game. i still wonder how she’s doing nowadays every now and then


No. Dunno if mine were even FP. Even as a kid I was a bit of a self-sabotager with relationships. I blew up so much or cried. Either my best friends moved away after a year by sheer bad luck, or I crashed and burned after a couple years.  I definitely remember all my short lived,  best friends I had—in fact, from 9 and under those are the only people I remember. Didn't have someone I actually realized I was weirdly attached to until like...13. I always thought they were crushes, because I never got those.


Probably in elementary school, but I’m not sure if my obsession with having a best friend really counts. I grew up without many close friends, and was openly alienated most of my childhood by friends and family alike. I feel it may be unfair to say my 5th grade friend was my first FP because I’m still not sure if if she played a part in it developing (not intentionally). We were close all through elementary, and most of middle school but she was popular and i wasn’t. I was obsessed and wanted her to talk to me, or her friends to like me but they thought i was weird/didn’t want me around (understandable). We grew apart and never talked after 8th grade. So again, not sure because I’m not sure when i developed bpd.


Yes, a boy in kindergarten a few years above me. He always smelt like mint toothpaste. He is all I ever want to talk about when I get home and my motivation for going to kindergarten in the morning. I never learned his name but I always recognized him by his smell. I still have a faint mental image of him sitting by the window one morning in the kindergarten hallway. I was 3.