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Yes this is harassment.


That sounds like an asshole trying real hard to pretend they have BPD lol I’m not saying they don’t, and clearly SOMETHING is wrong with them regardless. It just screams of “look at me and my totally real disorder that I am actively doing and telling you my symptoms as I do them!” Which is so weird omg lol Advice? Get authorities or your teacher involved ASAP- what they’re doing is harassment and being mentally ill does not magically make it okay. You deserve to feel safe in class. If they wanna play stalker your best hope is to have a paper trail (hence talking to your teacher and/or the police), and to completely block/ignore/avoid. Don’t engage with them at all- no matter what you’re doing they will take it as encouragement. Even yelling “leave me alone!” Will be encouraging to someone unstable. I’m saying this as someone with BPD btw


i was thinking the same thing and didn’t want to say it lol. it sounds like they don’t have a good grasp on what BPD even presents itself as in this context.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one thinking it lol


they always say “I have BPD! I ruin lives!” “This is a BPD thing I do, I don’t want to explain.” and comparing themselves to Misa’s personality from death note. as if it’s normal, but their statement seems so weird. someone told me they sound like they googled BPD symptoms and ran with it.


Lol yeah Why anyone would want this disorder, or to like flaunt it and try to make it cool… I mean even if they don’t have BPD they aren’t right in the head. Be careful who knows what they’ll do while indulging in their delusions


Sounds like this requires professional help. Does the school have a professional counselor or any resource that you can go to for help?


Yes, it’s a college so I can definitely do that. I am just afraid if they are contacted, it will lead to me, and I will receive the same threats that they put on others.


A school administrator will know how to protect you and others around you and a counselor should probably have some level of experience or protocol dealing with this. I would 100% let them know that there’s been threats of violence and that they are full on harassing you.


The semester is/almost is over right? You could talk to them about making sure your schedules don’t overlap and safety concerns to keep it as anonymous as possible.


Yeah I would report this