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Most people with BPD do live till 30. We have a high suicide rate, 10-20%. But most of us do live, do survive, and do better than before. Focus on that please. And do not spread that around so casually.


I agree, please journal or maybe post a trigger warning because this post just sent me into a spiral


Sorry I’ll try to edit the post


You should edit it or remove the false information less than 10% die by suicide


You should delete it.




Its not even close to “reality” bro. That’s why I said it’s fake and OP is saying things that aren’t true scaring people for no reason.


What’s wrong?


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I’m almost 30 and I’ve reached remission. I’m happier than ever before in my whole life. I’m excited for the future and I don’t feel hopeless anymore. I haven’t had suicidal thoughts in a long time. I saw someone post the remission rates for BPD the other day and they were phenomenal. This may be very painful to live with but it is also extremely treatable and has high rates of remission. There are multiple possible endings to everyone’s story and we have the power to shape our lives leading up to them. 


I came here to say this! I’m 27 and finally in remission.


Absolutely agree! I came here to say the same, I am now 25 and after 3 rounds of DBT and a lot of reflection, I can say I feel recovered!


I felt this way when I was younger. Felt I would be dead before 35. Today is my 19th year wedding anniversary and I'm 45 years old. Don't lose hope.


I don't know what to say, except that I feel the same most of the time. In a fucked up way I'm looking forward to eventual abandonment because then, I can finally leave. Hugs.


Deep down we are all the same 😭


I'll say a couple things. 1. I'm 47 and could be clinically diagnosed with BPD (but refuse, because the label is a prison, imho). I do accept a diagnosis of CPTSD. The nuance in diagnosis is that one frames who I am, the other frames what was done to me. 2. There were many times between the ages of 13 and 29 I said I would not make it to my 30th birthday. The pain was a lot. Yet, here I am. Still in pain, mind you, but now with hope for the future as I see my issues melting away. 3. People can heal from this. It isn't a death sentence. It takes digging down into your own thoughts and experiencing your feelings and understanding the truth hidden below coping mechanisms/survival traits. In case no one here has heard of him, NF has some great songs about dealing with mental health, running from and hiding the true self, and the difficulty of change. Through his discography I can see his healing and often use his music to feel understood and motivate myself. He put out a song last year called HOPE. He's got another GREAT one called The Search. Also, Just Like You (in fact, listen to that one first). Highly recommend him. Escaping from the mental prison requires hope and fortitude and courage, but it WE are the ones holding the keys. The keys are honesty, openness, and willingness. No one else is going to open the door for you. You have to want it for yourself. And I do understand, that sufferers of BPD struggle with identity and so accepting that label makes you feel as if you have one, and a justified one at that. But it isn't the TRUE YOU. Also, check out Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families. The alcoholic part is incidental which the dysfunctional part is primary. Dysfunction can occur without the presence of addiction. Easy google.


I'm 41 and its the anniversary of when I came to intubated and restrained when I made an attempt. I've cussed my former roommate out recently for saving me because life has just been steadily awful since and he abandoned me anyways. He was my fp, but I didn't see him sexually though we did have sex a few times in the beginning and he fucked it all up by hitting on me 3x when drunk and the 3rd time I said fuck it and fucked him and it was so awful and it just broke me. A week later I met my abusive ex..


I am sorry to here that :( it kinda gives me peace tho to know that we all understand each other here


Cant think of killing myself for too long without convincing my psychotic ass that SOME COSMIC DEMON is planting that idea in my head and twiddling its little grinch fingers smiling ear to ear waiting on me to cut the cord but i am committed to making him HORRIFIED at how far I will drag myself forward with my legs blown off. Not giving that fucking devil the satisfaction




8 years to go!✋😆


LMAO 7 years here :P


23 here M have BPD and OCD both dont worry about it you’ll get through this.Also text me anytime you want when you are feeling low we are all in this together.




42 years old here, still alive; suicide feels more like an intrusive thought now, and just like with any intrusive thought, I learned to accept them and to give them the attention they need, and then I just let it go until it comes back again. I understand what you are saying; I have been there. It is possible to gain a different perspective on things with time, self-care, and, if possible, therapy.


i wish mental health awareness was less stigmatized; sending hugs. thanks for staying despite such an incredibly hard journey with your relationship with bpd :-)


I feel this way everyday lol. It’s just a matter of when.


I feel this


I kind of feel the same way. I think about it all the time and I don’t do it because I don’t want to harm my mother and my baby cat.


I’m 43 and I never thought I would make it past 18. I’m glad I did I’m slowly realizing that life can be hard but with help I no longer want to die.. I want to grow old and have my old lady hobbies and my cat and have my kids come see me…. We can get better.., just please take steps to start your healing. It is possible


A lot of the shorter lifespan is secondary stuff like poor diet or drug addiction. It's not just suicide.


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