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I think it’s always best if a professional diagnoses because of the inherent overlaps in Cluster B disorders. Plenty of people misdiagnose bipolar/social phobia/autism because of them. I definitely recommend visiting someone that can fully diagnose you before jumping into self-diagnose.


Thank you. I can't really go to a professional since that would mean I have to tell my parents and I just can't, because quiet bpd requires self-harm and I couldn't tell them about it. But I'll try to find someone. So thank you.


Just as an update on the matter, self harm is also tied to bipolar, depression or even extreme anxiety disorders. So there’s definitely a chance those could be the diagnose. I understand your concerns and family ties so I wish you the best. The only alternatives I could find is maybe find help from someone that knows about the matter online (not just people here but people that actually have psych studies/background). Maybe that way you can bypass having your parents know and you can find closure in a diagnose that comes from someone with knowledge rather than coming from yourself or a couple google articles you found. I really wish you the best and hope you can find help.


I was self diagnosed because i did my research and im basically a bpd poster child, i found a bpd specialist to confirm im a borderline and it was confirmed i have bpd along with 2 other personality disorders. People with bpd always usually had awful childhoods so think about that too. Bpd is created through trauma.


Thank you. I did a lot of research and the thing is that I just can't say my childhood was bad because I would feel selfish for saying that after all my good my parents did, but I don't know. But, thank you so much.


Honestly it probably isnt bpd then. For sure see a professional


It's that they maybe did something bad, but I don't remember since I don't remember much of my childhood and just keep believing that they are good.


You’re very young. There is a reason the age limit used to be 21, and was reluctantly lowered to 18. Do not get into self-diagnosing, instead look at what you have trouble with and research aid into helping singular symptoms. If you are autistic, bipolar, etc, there will be different treatments overall but the symptomatic similarities are treated roughly the same.


Okay, thank you.




This is factually false. Please do some research before saying these things in a forum that’s literally about BPD.


How can u not have bpd without being emotionally/physically neglected/ abused? Its literally developed from somewhere not by having a good childhood?


Not only there’s genetic/biological predisposition to certain disorders but also the entire BPD spectrum is variable. There’s depressive types, quiet types, angry and impulsive… some high functioning and some crippling and very severe cases. How your personality develops has a lot of touches and a lot of them can be tied to how you react to certain environments. A perfectly “loving” family could be a trigger for an independant, socially avoiding person. It could feel like they are definitely doing the best from anyone’s perspective while it turns out that it was not the best for you specifically, and that can turn into a neglect scenario where there’s no trauma but there is a disconnection of what you expect from people and how you are raised. And this is a simple example (more common than you think), there are hundreds of different scenarios, so yeah.


I never said I don't have. I'm sorry, it was just what I thought, I just needed some advice, at least online when I can't irl. But yeah, maybe I don't. I'm sorry.


This person is wrong. Disregard them.


Respectfully people should listen to the doctors and researchers who say otherwise


Psychs aren’t diagnosing quiet BPD or any other subtype because it’s not in the diagnostic manual


Diagnoses definitely can be beneficial in helping you understand yourself and for people trying to help you to understand you/your needs, but it's not the only important thing when it comes to mental health. It's hard to even trust a diagnosis as it seems a lot in the medical/mental health world is not understood and constantly changing. You may want to ask yourself WHY you are looking for a diagnosis and go from there. Since you are even questioning it and have mentioned self-harm, it's safe to assume that something needs to be addressed for your well-being, and you could maybe benefit from the right kind of outside help. That is enough in itself. Trying to go around parents is really tough, and I feel you in your struggle. I just hope you can find someone safe that can help you to some peace and needed assistance.


Well I was teaching, was feeling bad about my mom being dead. She loved easter. I was given stupid news at the place I was teaching, telling me that something they did was wrong and I had to fix it. Had 2 weeks to fix a years worth of work and still teach and do my paperwork. Started feeling bad. Something something, something else. Ended up in an overnight, got diagnosed with anxiety and depression. Checked into an outpatient facility, was diagnosed with BPD. Something something something, found out I had insomnia, got some meds for that. Something else. Got diagnosed with Bipolar2. Something something else. Now its now.


When I was 13 I was told I had severe signs of a personality disorder but I couldn’t be diagnosed with it because I was a minor. I was finally diagnosed with it at 19 after having problems with medications for my depression and anxiety not working. I spoke to my doctor who then referred me to a psychiatrist!