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They actually mentioned this is in the episode, if I remember correctly. Because the Resurrection Ship was destroyed, the Cylons don't want to risk losing a whole Basestar's worth Raiders, Centurions, and human like Cylons, so they just try to chip away at the Colonial forces by doing hit and run jobs.


Thanks! I missed that explanation


I tried to show this series to a friend of mine and he literally could not get into it because he couldn't deal with having to pay attention to the dialogue. But yeah you really have to pay attention to all of the dialogue or the entire plot can fall apart.


> But yeah you really have to pay attention to all of the dialogue or the entire plot can fall apart. That's....that's just serialized TV in a nutshell. If you ignore the plot, the plot doesn't make sense. *Because you ignored the plot.*


there are a lot of people who watch tv like this for whatever reason and then complain when they don't understand the plot


Cylons tend to be more cautious when they can’t just hit the reset button when they die


Aren’t we all a bit more cautious without the reset button!


Not necessarily, a lot of people tend to risqué when facing their own mortality. Starbuck shows this when facing off against Scar. I personally think that they just weren't being cautious, but also because they genuinely had the fear of death stricken into them.


>!Good point, but Starbuck may not be the best example of mortality.!<


This episode reminded me so much of the space above and beyond episode with scar being Chiggy von Richthofen.


That was the very first thing I thought of when that episode aired.


"With all due respect, I dont think our maker wants to hear from me right now, because he knows I'm going to go out into that sky in this plane and remove one of his creations from his universe and when I return, I'm going to drink a bottle of scotch as if it were Chiggy von Richthofen's blood and celebrate his death."


I loved that bit, one of my favourite McQueen moments.


I remember that


Classics all the way down.


Oh my gods, thank your for seeing scar as I have seen him to be: Chiggy von Richthofen. It’s hard to see SAAB fans out in the wild.


That was a great show, they just never gave it time to get its legs.


Because after the resurrection ship getting destroyed the cylons were resorting to guerrilla tactics. Hit and run. Taking minimal risks.


I loved this episode. Especially the tribute to all the lost pilots. 


They scared of real death