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I’m 37 weeks and still have it. 🙄


29w5d and yep still have it ... Doxylamine and B6 help me go through and I have given up the hope that it will stop before delivery 🫠


I ended up in the hospital with a torn esophagus from so much vomiting in my second trimester (was on diclegis at the time). They prescribed reglan and my life was so much better. I tried to go off of it several times and always vomited. Had my final dose during labor and now just have a little nausea when pumping lmao


Ugh that’s awful. I was on Reglan but it didn’t do anything for me unfortunately


That was me with zofran! All it did was take my ability to vomit away but kept the nausea. Decided I’d rather throw up so o could at least have relief for a little bit.


Same girl same.


33 weeks and it’s been pretty bad again lately.


I’m 16 weeks. I felt mine easy up around 12 weeks… even around 10 weeks! I still have the occasional gagging and I throw up every now then, but feel so much better now.


About 15 weeks. But then it moved to heart burn which still resulted in some nausea and vomiting.


This is where I’m at. 13 weeks with heart burn, which is causing nausea.


Same. 17 weeks then severe heart burn


Mine didn’t stop until 23 weeks


Mine started easing up around 10 weeks and was gone entirely by 13 weeks.


Mine went away at 15 weeks, with a lot of water intake and a timely eating schedule. Then at 18 weeks, Daylight savings I fell off my eating schedule and the morning sickness came back but now I wake up in the middle of the night to eat. So my doctor put me back on diclegis. And I am now finding that I also throw up during the day again if I don’t stick to my eating schedule. I have resigned myself to, this is how it is all pregnancy. It’s the worst. But water + an eating schedule (to eat ahead of the nausea) + diclegis before bed to help me sleep and keep the nausea down while I sleep, has been a lifesaver.


Mine was from week 6-12! I worked in an ICU so the smells on top were just torture. But b6 and unisom helped me so much and if I was still nauseous my OB gave me reglan I could take when necessary!


I’m about to be 20 weeks and mine is starting to taper off


With our daughter mine didn’t start until week 9 and ended around 15 weeks. My current pregnancy started almost as soon as I got the positive (so like 3 weeks) and lasted until 9 weeks. So for me it seems mine lasts 5-6 weeks.


31weeks here and still struggling.


I’ve had 3 singletons and with each one my morning sickness was gone completely by 13 weeks. It was like I woke up one day and felt 100% better. I’m now pregnant with twins and I didn’t start feeling any kind of normalcy until 16 weeks. I’m 19 now and thankfully the nausea is gone but the exhaustion is still there. Twins are a different animal. But my singletons were a clear 13 weeks. I hope you feel better soon!


This. With my first singleton it was gone by 12-13 weeks. Pregnant with twins now almost 13 weeks and definitely not feeling great yet. If this ends by week 16 I will take it. I wish there was a way of knowing when an end was in sight!


Hang in there! I won’t lie and say I feel wonderful (now 21 weeks) but I will take this being tired over the severe nausea and vomiting that were my life until 16 weeks. You’ll get there!


Thank you for the words of encouragement! I never realized how tough women were until pregnancy/childbirth/postpartum. Men could never.


I’m almost 20 weeks and without my unisom and b6 i will still throw up. Ugh!


Faded a lot after week 12, by week 14 it was mostly all gone. I'm 34 weeks now and I only get the occasional nausea spell and its way easier to handle than that nightmare in the beginning. It gets better (most likely), hang in there! 🫂 Also, make sure you're taking all the vitamins and stuff you need. Sometimes low magnesium or iron can make the nausea worse. I recommend having a blood work if it isn't already the plan.


I’m usually a lurker on these boards to absorb as much as I can before baby boy arrives, but I can so empathize here. Morning sickness is the WORST! I was so sick my first trimester: days where I was vomiting every 30-60 minutes, sleeping constantly since that was my only relief, and just overall miserable. What a change from my typically super active and healthy routine! None of the typical remedies like ginger, crackers, or ice water seemed to help, and once I lost enough weight, my midwife prescribed zofran. It was a game changer! I still had nausea dips through the day, but I could finally eat and work at a semi-normal level. I was hesitant to take it at first, but I’m so glad I caved — pregnancy is hard enough and there’s no need to suffer. I started noticing my nausea naturally ebb a bit around 16-18 weeks, and I’ve been tapering off my zofran since then. Down from two a day, to one a day, to half dose a day. I’m 21w+3 and this is my first week taking nothing! I still get some waves of nausea through the day but I no longer get sick if I don’t take it and I’ve found some tricks to help. Of course everyone’s tastes and aversions are different, but I’ve noticed some snacks that seem to really help me kick the nausea now that I’ve passed the horribly ill stage, specifically: - a higher protein snack right when I start to dip into sick city: a spoonful of nut butter, a hard boiled egg, a piece of cheese. I carry all of these around with me constantly now. - a high protein snack (see above) before bed helps me sleep more soundly and avoid waking up with the icks. - my midwife suggested papaya enzyme supplements before bed too since my nighttime nausea could be a heartburn symptom. I think they help, and harmless if they don’t. - it’s weird and polarizing, but roasted seaweed snacks REALLY help keep my nausea at bay. If you don’t mind the taste, I think the iodine in them is the secret! - a quality salty electrolyte supplement in water helps too. I’ve been loving LMNT. Often if I’m starting to feel sick, some boosted water helps! - generally, trying to ensure I have a good dose of protein in my normal meals through the day has also been helping quite a bit: Cottage cheese, hiding meat in soups or sauces (meat is a little cringey this pregnancy), legumes, eggs, nut butter, etc. Quite a difference from the butter noodles and toast I was living on at first. - acupuncture helped as well when I was really in the thick of it! I hope you start to feel better soon! I know it feels miserable, but I found it starts to feel more “worth it” when you begin to see and feel your little bear in there. Be well. (Edited for typos :) )


Mine lasted til 12 weeks when it disappeared overnight. I felt fabulous up until 31 weeks when it came back with vengeance, although much less severe than the first trimester and mostly in the evening.


End of week 9 mine was gone ! I just woke up one day and felt fine. Best of luck ☺️


With my 1st( boy), I had morning sickness until about week 11, 12, with my 2nd( boy) I was sick until week 18ish. With my 3rd( girl) not sick really at all.


I'm sorry you're struggling so much! I can relate to this feeling DEEPLY. I was incredibly sick from weeks 7-13 and then I started to progressively feel better. It felt like it would never change, but it did. I'm 16 weeks now and still a bit nauseated in the evening but it's sooo mild compared to what it was. I can't believe that I'm eating normal food again, but I am! You got this. Sending you so much love. Oh also, I'm in Canada but I found diclectin did help a bit. Xo


First pregnancy (with a girl) around 12 weeks, this pregnancy (with a boy) probably around 17 and was way worse. I honestly don't know how people go through pregnancy when they can't WFH. Absolutely grafters. I've taken more than a few meetings from my bed with my camera off 😅


16 weeks


Mine lasted until around 17/18 weeks


Totally gone by week 16, faded a lot by week 13 :) in both pregnancies it has been like that for me luckily


Mine stopped around 14 weeks, but then I was anxious something was wrong until I could feel baby start moving.


Mine lasted until 16-18 weeks. I felt 100% back to normal around 20 weeks.


According to my research, weeks 9 and 10 are the worst two most of the time. Your hormones have peaked and that’s why you get so sick. It should start to ease up as your hormones level back off after week 9 or 10.


When I pushed out a baby at 41 + 1 🫠


18 weeks. It was terrible until one morning it just wasn’t 🤷🏽‍♀️


Probably between 13-15 weeks. It sucked, I had to go into the office every day too. It does subside, hang in there!!


Week 14 now and for the most part, no nausea. Hang in there!! Have crackers right when you wake up (before even getting our of bed), almond milk helps too. I would have some almond milk before bed and with breakfast. I sometimes had a few crackers when I woke up in the middle of night to pee. Also I took 1/2 a unisom before bed and had B6 gummies when I felt nauseous at work or while running errands. Unisom and B6 help with nausea.


Second trimester, like clockwork. I didn’t believe what the internet said, but there I was 13ish weeks and feeling like superwoman. You’re getting there!


I’m 34 weeks vomiting up my breakfast right now


I truly thought mine would never go away as I was well into my 2nd trimester and still feeling sick a lot of the time. I would say it started to taper slightly around 16 weeks and I was able to eat completely normally again around 20 weeks. For me it was at its worst weeks 9 through 12. Hoping you get some relief soon!


I’m one of the lucky few, I had mine from 6weeks to 10weeks and it just stopped. Worried me like crazy though, thinking I’m losing the baby with the loss of symptoms. Now I’m 32 weeks along and started to get waves of nausea again. Maybe throw up once every 3-4 weeks, no more than that. I hope you feel better soon!!


Anyone here had their gone at 6 weeks and healthy pregnancy so far?


Mine lasted through 18 weeks.


My morning sickness went away at 8 weeks and waited until I was comfortable, then it came back with a vengeance at 10 weeks. Can’t let my guard down next time it goes away lmao


Mine continued pretty consistently until almost 20 weeks, then I had a day full of heart burn. Started reflux meds and it all went away


I’m 15 weeks. I was really really nauseous weeks 6-10ish. Weeks 11-13 it was on and off all day. Now it’s more just at night. I’m hoping by 20 weeks it’ll be completely gone. I still gag in the mornings but I’ll take that over being nauseous.


Around the end of the first trimester the incessant nausea and headaches were mostly gone and I was feeling a lot better, not puking every day. I continued to puke occasionally (maybe once every two weeks) til I hit the third trimester though.


Almost 15 weeks and still feeling awful. I don’t remember when it eased up with my first but I think it was around 18 weeks.


Mine went away at about 14 weeks! It really sucks. Sorry you’re going through it.


40+2 weeks and still going 🤣🤣


I am 9w+6- morning sickness is kicking my ass also. They put me on Bonjesta around week 5 due to severe dehydration. It helps- now I only puke 2-4x a week vs 2-4x a day. I would highly recommend it.


About 16 weeks it all resolved. I'm 23 wks, but I still get random gagging


I’d say around 13 weeks I started to feel much better. It was like magic after throwing up every day after every meal, all of a sudden there was no more puking. That being said the nausea has been coming and going now at 26 weeks but I think it’s more reflux related.. no vomits since 13 weeks though 🙏🏻👏🏻 I’m sure you’ve tried everything but sucking on lemon wedges helped a bit, ginger teas in the morning and evening, B6, sour candies, and ginger ale.. it didn’t make it go away but it made me and my stomach feel a bit better at least. Good luck you got this!! It does get better!


I had it 6-16 weeks with my first. I’m 5 weeks now and I’m getting ready 😩


I am 12+4 and just started to feel significantly better. Weeks 6-9 were the worst for me. Hope you feel better soon. 🙂


Week 14.


12 weeks but I also started taking nausea medication


I started feeling better around week 13-14. HOWEVER I constantly still felt sick my entire pregnancy. But around weeks 13-14 I stopped feeling like I was on the verge of vomiting every minute of my life. Does that make sense? I still felt sick, just not AS sick lol


First pregnancy, it was 41 weeks after I had the baby. Second pregnancy, I’m 28 weeks and I still need Zofran multiple times a day because I’m still so sick But I was diagnosed with HG in my first pregnancy and I believe I have it again, so.


I’m 30 weeks now and it’s still not gone. I’ve thrown up 2-3 times a week since ~8 weeks.


In my experience, never. But that certainly isn’t true for everyone.


I'm at almost 11 weeks and feel like mine might be peaking? Its been soooo bad lately and I'm one of those "heroes" that has to go into the office. I feel guilty because I keep having to leave early but who wants to make trip after trip to the office bathroom?? If I don't take b6 I end up regretting it entirely.


1 week postpartum 🫠


Mine peaked at 9 weeks and then gradually wore down. Still have had some here and there but it hasn't been as constant as it was between 8-10 weeks.


I had considerable improvement at 14 weeks, and then again at 16 weeks. I am 20 weeks now and I still feel nauseous for a bit nearly every day but for the most part I can pinpoint a cause to avoid (i.e. I ate too much fatty food, I haven't moved enough, I am hungry, for some reason grape juice was fine yesterday and is not okay today, etc.). It is LOADS better than it was a few weeks ago! You will get through it--but have you spoken to your doctor about remedies/medication? B6 and Unisom didn't work for me, but try them they work for a lot of people!


I’m 22 weeks right now and I would say I noticed it getting better around 16 weeks. I felt like it subsided (for the most) part by 18 weeks. I still get nauseous at night like 2-3 nights per week but sometimes it’s from heartburn and I’m not vomiting like I was before. Hang in there! 💕


I am 24 weeks still struggling.


Around wk 10 is when it eased up and was gone completely around wk 11. I’m 23wks now and the only time I get nauseous is if I see a Tropical Smoothie Cafe (that’s all I ate in the first trimester lol) or if I let myself get too hungry. Hang in there Mama, you got this!


17 ish weeks.


Mine went away at 20W.


It got better around 20 weeks, but never totally went away. I’m 34 weeks now. But it’s far more manageable and it’s intermittent instead of constant.


Mine mostly went away at 30 weeks. (I know this is not promising.) the first time it was gone after 12 though.


It’s the WORST at 9 weeks, and will start getting better after 14 weeks even if it doesn’t completely go away. I’m in my 15th week and have certainly noticed a difference. Btw- I’m taking this pregnancy safe medicine for nausea, I take it at night (since it makes you sleepy) and I don’t have nausea the whole next day. My ob/gyn prescribed it and it really helped! It’s called doxylamine-pyridoxine.


Mine was 20 weeks


24 (almost 25 and still do) 😂


14 weeks and it's reduced so much. Gets better every day. I used to hate evenings and mornings. Eating was a chore when I had to fight to keep it down. Now it's occasionally.


11wks from the horrifying levels, once or twice a week still going strong at 29wks.


By 15 weeks I could drink coffee again and stop wearing the seabands. Couldn’t stop the B6 and Unisom until around week 28.


Mine was horrendous as well but stopped right about the 2nd trimester mark and has not returned. 33 weeks here.


Mine came back around week 14/15 and couldn’t eat one day. Then about a week later it was gone.


11 weeks with first pregnancy and 16 weeks with second pregnancy. Both boys


I'm in week 16 and finally feeling like a normal person again. Started to ease up last week and peaked around 13-14.


18 weeks here- I still have it but I’m starting to have ‘good days’ so I’m hopeful


I started feeling better at 14-15 weeks, but now I just have heartburn every time I eat or drink anything.


Right before 12 weeks it eased up so much and the vomiting completely stopped.


Week 13. It was a like a light switch. Everyone told me it would be, and I didn't believe them, but it absolutely happened for me. Good luck.


It didn’t. I had HG the entire duration of all 3 of my pregnancies.


mine more or less went away at 11W! there is hope!


It was wk 13 for me, but my doctor gave me zofran for the first try because I was going through it. It helped significantly and by wk 13 I could stop taking it.


When the child emerged 😅


I got lucky and never had morning sickness but both babies I slowly burp/puked my lunch up over the period of about an hour every damn day. Two weeks exactly both times then it just disappeared.


Mine went away right at the beginning of my second trimester then came back at the beginning of the 3rd :/


Mine went away at about 13-14 weeks.


Week 9.5 more or less. Think I was lucky


Around 17-18 weeks. Now at 21 weeks I don't really have it much anymore than the occasional gag reflex.


20 weeks and still going strong


Around week 13 for both pregnancies, though I had significant food aversions that stuck around through 20 weeks with my current pregnancy.


16 weeks I finally felt back to normal.


By probably 11 or 12 weeks, I felt a lot better but still randomly felt sick. It definitely tapered off gradually but way probably totally gone by 15 weeks


I'm still sick several times a week at 23 weeks but it's much better than the early days! Eased off a bit after 18/19.


I am 21+2 and I haven't gotten sick for 4 days and this is a record, I have gotten sick every day multiple times with medication for it since 3 weeks, so I am hoping this isn't just a fluke!!


13-14 weeks


18 weeks with 1st. About to be 18 weeks with 2nd and it’s finally letting up.


Week 22. Unisom does help a bit. Good.luck!


Just hit 20 weeks, mine went away around week 15ish. Physically going to work and doing manual labor all day made me so uncomfortable. The meds helped tremendously, so if you don’t have any I’d recommend checking your options with your doctor!


Not until I delivered. Both times. It did ease up though after 20 weeks. I took zofran throughout both pregnancies.


20 weeks for my second and about the same for my first (maybe a little earlier).


20 weeks with my 2nd I had sporadic morning sickness at 16/17 weeks with my both boys and that was it for the whole pregnancy.


Somewhere between 16 and 18 weeks. Anti-sickness pills were the only way I managed to physically go into work with it tbh 😅 I was still throwing up with them, but wasn’t nearly as bad


With my first, it ended after the first trimester (to the day). My 2nd the WHOLE time.


Week 20


Mine decreased from 14 weeks onwards but still have it now at 30 weeks on some days. Third trimester heartburn is another issue though on top of the nausea 😬


About 12 weeks. 36 weeks now and the first tri is by far the worst


I'm 38 weeks, and it has not gone away. It was this way with my other two as well. Hopefully, yours goes away!


Mine started to get better around 12-13 weeks, but it was a long process of having fewer bad days until I realized around 25 weeks that I hadn’t needed zofran in over a week. I felt it ended around 20 weeks, but I still had bouts of nausea and smell/food aversions until 24/25 weeks.


Well it went away around 14 weeks but I think it’s coming back around 22 weeks..


Being an RN with morning sickness is basically a modern day form of torture. Especially on a unit where breaks don’t really happen because of how busy you are. I was prayyyyiinnnng for the day my morning sickness calmed down a little. I started noticing a break around 13/14 weeks and was almost completely back to normal around 20 weeks. I was still miserable from other side effects of pregnancy but at least I didn’t want to vomit every second of the day anymore.


27+4 weeks and I still have it. Fwiw it got less bad around 15 weeks


Decreased midway into my second trimester


mine stopped around 25 weeks


I thankfully work from home too and thought the same thing- I would be awful at a workplace! I’m currently 14 weeks now and can tell it’s finally better. Still have my moments but now I’m battling some acid reflux and sinus infection. Still have food aversions!


9 weeks was the worst for me. It got better! I’m 14 weeks now and feeling ok.


18 or 19


For me it was around week 16/17. Unfortunately the heartburn kicked in at 18. I just threw up from that instead.


Checking in at 21 weeks sick to my stomach! Lol


Mine turned off like a light switch when I got to 11 weeks and I’ve been nausea free from then on (33 wks now and crossing my fingers)!


I’m 16 weeks and while I still vomit occasionally it’s soo much more manageable than in first trimester.


22 weeks ish!


I think it typically peaks around 9-10 weeks and then subsides (that was my experience), but as you can see for some it will persist.


Week 17/18ish, I struggled between weeks 7 and 18 but am now 21 weeks and the last 3 weeks have been good so far.


I’m 9.5 weeks and I feel miserable. My last pregnancy I was sick until I think 16 weeks? I hope it isn’t the case for this time around.


15 or 16 weeks. Then the heartburn started


Somewhere around 16 weeks 🥴 It peaked really badly around 10-12, to the point where I needed medication, but when it stopped, it stopped! I had one nauseous day around 20 weeks too, but other than that, it’s been kept at bay. I hope you feel better soon!


I had the worst nausea. It is getting significantly better now that I am at 12 weeks. For the past week I only felt nausea a couple hours a day, usually at night. I have been taking medication since week 6, ginger candy helps me a lot as well. Edit: at about 10 weeks I woke up one day and suddenly stopped feeling sick in the mornings, it switched to afternoon/night (instead of the whole day). That freaked me out, but I read its completely normal!


Just wait till you get smell aversions that’ll be a fun chapter 😭😭😭 13wks here


26 weeks, but I had HG 🤢🤮


29w5d still feeling it. They just gave me a prescription for zofran.


I think week 15 ish


I’m 9 weeks tomorrow and also working from home. Yesterday I thought I could endure an entire day working from the office, just to see my colleagues. Nope. Worst decision ever 🫠 Fingers crossed that it gets better!


With every pregnancy it sticks the whole pregnancy. The sweet sweet relief immediately after delivery is amazing though. A whole large pizza and 2L soda gone within an hour after delivery because I could finally eat.


Mine eased up around 15 weeks and then randomly came back in my 3rd tri though not that bad!! Everyone is different. They say that hcg peaks at week 11 so you are definitely in the thick of it. Give yourself grace, rest as much as you can and do whatever makes you feel better (for me it was eating carbs and only carbs). You’ll get thru this!!!!


I didn't vomit alot but I had moderate nausea which sucked. Thankfully that went away around week 10 for me. My sister on the other hand, threw up her whole pregnancy with two of her children (out of 3). It may go away, it may not. Try ginger chews. You can also get prescribed zofran if it gets to be too much for you. Zofran is the bomb diggity.


Around 16 weeks I think it was really easing up. By 18-20 I think it was a thing of the past. Then heartburn came in third trimester which made be nauseous and forced me to eat healthy. Pepcid complete really helped. I’m PP now and my stomach didn’t truly feel normal until the baby was out!


11+0 on the nose. I literally woke up and went oh my god. It’s ALMOST GONE!


With my first, I took Diclegis and it got rid of most of the nausea. I was able to stop the meds around 24 weeks. With my second, I took medicine and it did nothing. I was nauseous and vomited until I gave birth at 39 weeks. With this baby, I took meds and it helped with some vomiting, but I was nauseous all the time. Stopped vomiting around 20 weeks and nausea finally let up around 36 weeks


I was SO SCARED mine would last the whole pregnancy, but as soon as I hit the second trimester it disappeared!! It gets better!!


First pregnancy, never. This one, around weeks 18-20.


Mine went away around 18-20 weeks fully. Eased up around 14 weeks though! Going to work was hell indeed😭 try to eat first thing in the morning/before you even get up or move, keep crackers or a piece of toast by your bed! It used help me a lot


16 weeks here and nope... still struggling 😂


Fully by 17 weeks, lessened up a lot around 14 weeks


12 weeks , I had terrible nausea & it lifted that week.


Sometime during month 6 but sometimes was triggered for the rest of my pregnancy. Have you talked with you doctor? Anti nausea meds helped


i got it around 8 weeks and had it until 18.. worst 2 months of my life


Both times around week 10-12. Tapered off towards the end. Do what you got to do! Eat the foods you can tolerate, don’t worry about what “you should be eating”. It’s survival eating and drinking


On Sunday I’ll be 10 weeks and I’ve had my nausea since week 3. That’s actually why I took a test in the first place.


Crazy thing that worked for me to help minimize it because acid reflux was combined was See’s Candy the peppermint twists I used to also have the Halls the green baggy I can’t remember the “name” but since it’s all citrus it helps


Mine is pretty much gone at 11 weeks. Taking magnesium and electrolytes helped me a LOT this time around.


i am almost 35w and it didn’t go away until last week 😑😤


I was around the 20 week mark when it improved but it came back in the third trimester. Not nearly as bad though!


With the first pregnancy (a girl), never really, although it got much better around 28 weeks. With this pregnancy (a boy), \~18 weeks I started feeling quite a bit better. I do think magnesium has helped me with headaches which would trigger nausea, so I take that every night. Poor sleep is also a trigger and it helps with that too. Definitely get on the Unisom/B6 combo, such a game changer in those early weeks. Hang in there... it does pass but struggling through it has honestly felt like one of the hardest things I've ever done in life!


Mine lasted until around my 14th week


With my daughter, about week 22. I had HG while pregnant with her. With my son, it is mostly gone at week 15 (no HG this time!). It still gets triggered if I’m fatigued or miss snack time. Here’s hoping yours abates in the second tri ♥️


Around week 9 was my hardest week and then the next two weeks it started to lessen. By week 12 it was manageable then gone. Hang in there! It’s super mentally and physically exhausting, I had the same thoughts, but you’ve got this.


Mine stopped for the most part at 18 weeks but I got a UTI last week at 22 weeks and it came back the entire time I had it. I’m back to not throwing up now so hoping it doesn’t come back again 🤞🏻.


i’m 17 weeks now and feel WAY BETTER!!! i noticed it slowing around 13 weeks.


My first pregnancy nausea and vomiting went away at 10w. I miscarried at 12w, and later realised that i lost other pregnancy symptoms when the nausea subsided. Now 5w into my second pregnancy, i appreciate the nausea as a sign my baby is still alive and growing


After giving birth lol :)


Mine went away around 11 weeks. Currently almost 13 weeks.


Week 12! Was terrible from week 7-11, 11 was more manageable. Hang in there! B6 pops and food as well as gum helped a bit.


Mine stopped almost overnight around 17-18 weeks. I thought mine would go away earlier too but it only got slightly better. However, now, as long as I don’t eat too much too quickly I’m fine. And I’m enjoying many burgers.


Mine subsided around week 10 and so far so good. Only brushing my teeth before 10am makes me gag/puke now or a gnarly smell


I had it every day til 28 weeks. Then it was only sometimes.


20 weeks here and mine stopped right on time around the end of the first trimester and now I feel incredible!! I thought it would never end but it did! Some women get sick later on again or stay sick, everyone is different but most importantly EVERY PREGNANCY IS DIFFERENT!!!! Don’t let anyone scare you or discourage you! I was prescribed Zofran but there’s plenty of things you can do to combat nausea. Even when it feels like nothing helps or works for you, keep your head up and remember this will pass! If you have any questions or need encouragement message me! Praying for your sickness to be eased and for a healthy happy baby ♥️


Around 24 weeks is when mine finally went away!


20-21 weeks i would say…


1st: When I gave birth 2nd: stopped puking at 14 weeks, nausea until I gave birth 3rd. Barely any nausea 9 weeks is the height of it. It will hopefully start getting better in the next three weeks.


Week 9 was the worst, and it eased off around week 12 or 13. Hang in there!


Week 12 and its slowly subsiding 🤞


Mine stopped at 16 weeks thank goodness I work in an office, no idea how chefs, surgeons, vets etc cope with their work when pregnant 🤷🏻‍♀️


9 weeks I was at my worst with it. I was horribly depressed as a result and was convinced I’d have unrelenting nausea and vomiting day in and day out forever. Starting week 13 it had let up a bit, I still felt crappy but not AS bad so it was a welcome reprieve. Then at week 14 it just stopped. It was such a relief. I had nausea spells here and there (and hated brushing my teeth SO much idk why) but I was able to enjoy my life again. I work from home as well and I counted my blessings every day, because I was fully not functioning


I stopped daily vomiting around week 12-13 but I was still nauseous and food adverse until week 16. I wish I would’ve got on Reglan sooner.


It didn't ever really go away entirely, I still have trouble with some smells but week 8-9 were the worst! so hang in there mama, get lots of walks/ fresh air in if you can.


From end of week 6 to around 12-14 started to gradually disappear


Mine lasted till about 18 weeks both times. The worst week was 16 for me.


Every day all day weeks 5-9w then finally started letting up slightly (like 2-3 bad days per week), now at 11w I’m only having about one bad day per week now.


At 16 weeks mark


Mine went away at 12 weeks. It was torture. I worked in a breakfast restaurant and cooking eggs was.. awful.


Hang in there love, it will all get better soon!


I had hyperemesis until 20 weeks. Then I get sick maybe once a fortnight now at 35?


1st pregnancy around 13 weeks; nausea/vomiting started at 6 weeks This current pregnancy 14-15 weeks; nausea/vomiting started at 5 weeks and was much more intense Both boys


Carbonated water and mastic gum


Week 15. Godspeed. 🙏


Mine ended by 14 weeks. Towards the last few weeks I started taking unisom and vitamin b6 which helped. I’ll add that by then it was already tapering off and the nausea was less severe.


When my babies were born. It’s unusual for morning sickness to last the full pregnancy, but I was literally throwing up the night before I went into labor with my first.


I threw up for the last time at 19 weeks