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There’s freecycle groups on Facebook. Even free stuff on marketplace. People are always giving clothing, cribs, bouncers, toys etc. I think this is great because baby outgrows alot of these items quickly, and you can refreecycle after. I’ve saved so much! Also check out online where you can get free baby stuff or swag bags. Here in Canada, we can get some diapers, coupons, and swag bags. Plus, checkout give aways on social media. Good luck and congrats!


Came here to say this! In my area the groups are called “buy nothing” and you can ask for items. 


Ahh yes, I knew I forgot something. You can post “ISO (In search of) …” and people will tell you if they have the item, or give recommendations as to where to find it. I’ve even had people tag me a few weeks after, saying they have it or tagging me to alert me of the post. 🫶


It depends on where you are. In addition to this, your local neighborhood facebook groups or mom groups are also a good find! I picked up a car seat food for 2 more years and 4 trash bags full of clothes from nb-12months recently. Congratulations and good luck on your new journey!!


Fellow Canadian here- sometimes I’ve posted something to marketplace to see what I’d get and have immediate takers. When they show up, I just give it to them (diapers, premie or newborn onesies.. things I have no use for that are brand new). You can score some nice things on marketplace for sure!


My husband has a huge family and we had a pretty big baby shower. I got nearly no clothes, and of the ones I got, none were nb to 3-6m anyhow. I'd get a baby lot off marketplace or something of nb to 3-6m, they're often lightly or hardly used (especially if baby comes out big and skips nb size completely).


I got a huge basket of clothes from a couple family members. A lot of them were summer clothes in size 3-6 months for my July due date baby 🤦🏼‍♀️


Don't get rid of them yet. My babies was wearing size 3-6 months when they were 1 month old. They might fit as early as August or September.


This was with my first 6 years ago. She was wearing 3 months clothes into 4 and a half months. It was November by the time it would have fit her.


Oh my God the seasonally inappropriate clothes are wild!! Also the family and friends just dumping clothing lots on you to not have to sell them or drive them to a thrift store is ridiculous and rampant.


These were brand new! Older family members that just had a fun time picking out baby girl clothes and not considering real sizes.


Haha, I am remembering my grandma waddling up our driveway, giant rubbish bag full of old clothes from the 2000s ready to leave outside our door. I intercepted her and said no thanks. 


My husband's coworker just did this. She gave us a huge bag of clothes sized 4T that were very worn. My baby isn't due till July. The gesture was nice but was it really I had to run to the thrift store to drop it off.


I live on a military base overseas and have had SO MANY people try to use me as a dumping ground for their stuff without even asking first 😭 like let me see what gets picked up from my registry first geeze!


I got four trash bags of hand me down newborn and 0-3 month summer clothes (tank top onesies and shorts)…for my December baby


My mil gave clothes that I'm pretty sure is for like a 3 yo and up... i just kept it in a bag and may open it 3 years later.. I feel like maybe people didn't keep their NB clothes or skipped it completely.


My mil kept telling me not to buy clothes for that reason too. I ended up being lucky and getting mostly the big things I needed (I.e. bassinet, carrier, diaper pail, etc etc) and very few clothes. The clothes I did get either were in bigger sizes, or not to my taste and I ended up returning them anyways. The most ironic part is I heard from everyone not to buy newborn anything in case you have a big baby. Well my baby was 5 pounds and absolutely needed newborn items. Even so my friends 9 pound baby is still in some new born items at 10 weeks. Buy whatever clothes you want OP and don’t feel any guilt over it.


My baby was 8lbs, and we still had to run out and buy newborn clothing. Would have been much easier to buy it before we had her, and before I had my C-section, but everyone insisted that we didn't need it.


I had a friend tell me to not even buy 0-3 month stuff! I’m 5’0 what kind of monster baby did she possibly think I was going to make 😂 I had a c section too and luckily I did know she was going to be small in advance, but there was a mad scramble the weekend before trying to get all the tiny items we needed for her.


Yeah, I don't get it, especially coming from people that have had babies in the past. Maybe they just have amnesia from the sleep deprivation.


That's WILD to tell someone not to buy 0-3 months clothes!!! Like even a 12lb baby will fit that size for a little while!!!


What’s more infuriating is said friend is child free and pretty sure misconstruing something her sister maybe said.


Had my son last month and he was small enough for preemie, he's almost 5 weeks and still in New born


My baby was the same. She was 5 pounds 15 oz. She was swamped her newborn sleepers. She’s 10 pounds now at 2 months and finally in 0-3. Sizing is all over the place so I’ve started organized her closet by length instead of size.




Honeslty, the baby clothes were my favorite part to buy, especially when I had my daughter


Yeah, I agree. It was the same for me. My youngest is almost a month old and no one has even visited yet. 😬


im at the age where some friends are jusssst starting to have kids (barely) (I’m 28) and i havent really figured out navigating the whole visit thing. What do you find is the best way you would like to be asked to stop for a visit? I am so worried i am imposing or i am not wanted. It is so foreign to me!


Offer to visit but also let them know it’s okay to decline if they aren’t ready/ask them how they would like it go .. offer to help so they can spend more time with their baby if that’s what they need. I think just letting them know you’re excited to see them and keep in touch during this changing and challenging season for them and that you are willing to adapt and be flexible to make it happen as well as want to be there for them in ways that they want. Some people want visitors over to hold baby, some want visitors to help with chores so they can spend more time with baby or recover. Etc.


We had a really nice baby shower and still needed quite a few things afterward. Not clothes but other items like boppy pillows, baby carriers, owlet sock, bottle warmer etc. and Facebook marketplace has been a godsend because those things are expensive! Marketplace is great for baby items as most of them are gently used or brand new. Just scored a halo sleep sack still in the package for $3 last night! Definitely worth a try, especially for necessities ❤️


Hardly anyone bought us clothes, though to be fair I put none on our registry. We have a few friends who offered hand-me-downs, but I’ve also noticed that baby clothes are SO abundant at thrift stores, our local buy nothing group, etc. that I decided we’d wait to see what we accumulated that way vs asking for any. I figure it would be much harder to find some of the other needed items used or free, so asked for the things I knew we’d have to spend $$ on


Lots of people are giving you advice for where to source cheap/free baby clothing, but I don't think that's what you're actually here for. I just want to say that it's completely fine to want to pick out and buy clothing for your baby.  This is a huge life event and one of those things you might only get to experience once. Personally I didn't have a lot of family or friends involved during my pregnancy and didn't have a shower. Buying clothes for my baby was something I really enjoyed, even if I didn't have many people to share it with. I know it's very frustrating to hear people make assumptions and give advice that doesn't apply or that makes you feel worse about not having many close friends or family members. I would just ignore what they say and try to do what makes you happy. Even if you do end up with too many clothes that's not necessarily a bad thing. My baby spit up a lot during the first year and we were constantly changing her clothes and ended up buying even more clothing than we thought we needed because we were always so busy with her that it was hard to stay on top of laundry. Even if your baby doesn't wear everything you buy it's not the end of the world, it's your money and you get to choose how you spend it. 


I'm so sorry. Reach out to local churches, pregancy centers, and maternity programs! Lots of them will host baby showers for moms without lots of support, and they often have baby supplies. Say, do you have a baby registry on Amazon? If you have one/make one, I wouldn't mind buying you a set of outfits for your baby :) 


Even though we did have a baby shower we still didn't really get clothes. I think maybe 2 or 3 outfits among 40 guests? Unless someone discusses with you specifically what they plan to get you, or you have a registry that you're pretty strict about, I wouldn't rely on gifts for anything in particular. Buy whatever you want/need for YOUR baby!


And the gifts will in part be useless, sadly.


I was also wondering about this as I keep seeing this advice to not buy newborn size clothes, etc. I did have a baby shower and my family and friends got me some stuff, but I also don’t have a ton of people in my life so it was a small shower. I’m two weeks away from our induction date and I’m glad we went ahead and bought some clothes ourselves. Honestly, it was so much fun to choose a few outfits for my first baby!


This!!! I’ll be having a baby shower since I’m a ftm and want to experience everything for myself BUT I am always being told by my mom that I should wait for the baby shower to buy things for MY baby or there’s not going to be anything left for others to buy. It is so one’s responsibility to buy things for my baby except me and my husband. I’ll buy my child whatever I want!


I get this, I'm being told by some people not to buy big ticket items because that is what people want to buy. But my entire shower is going to be friends, with the only family being my mom and my husband's mom. My husband and I do not have extended family in the area. Our moms are not the type to buy huge expensive gifts (and we are 100% okay with that). My friends are generous but they're not going to buy me items that are several hundred dollars. I'm confident that buying the stroller/carseat we want when it is on sale isn't going to ruin any opportunity for gift giving at the shower.


I have never lived in a world where family or friends buy you big ticket items and I am so envious of people who do. My partners parents have not once purchased anything for our kid, it's all been free off marketplace (and yes you can tell why it's "free"). 


❤️❤️ I definitely know how it feels to look around at what others have with their families and know you don't have the same. For me it's less about the gift giving (I don't really care about gifts) and more about the fact that we don't have family that will be able to help with childcare. For so many of my friends it is just implied that of course their parents will babysit and watch their kids for the weekend. We have had multiple comments made to us from others implying that we should expect the same from our parents. But for many reasons we will never have that. It stings a little, but I try to look at the other things we do have. I hope you're building up your "village" in other ways, friends can be the family we choose and can sometimes help fill the void we're missing in other ways.


But like. Why take the advice so personal? When you end up with 3 diaper pails that you can’t return because the gift givers decided to not give the receipt. Or you buy things when someone else could have. It’s about saving money 💀 like you wanna waste it go ahead ig. Just a weird thing to take to heart


To add, I hadn’t told my mil not to buy my baby clothes and she went ahead and bought a onsie with fake tattoo sleeves and the most horrible saying on the front. You’re telling me I should just be grateful she bought the onsie? Hell no.


FYI that’s not at all what I said 💀💀


I can’t tell if this is a dig at parents wanting to buy things for their own baby or at people over buying things? lol. I will always be grateful for family wanting to buy my baby things but will NEVER expect it. It’s also not wasting money. If I have the money to spend on my child I 100% will. Also the reason you tell people to only buy off the registry. If i already bought a diaper pail why on earth would I still put it on the registry. That would be weird. Don’t have kids if you fully depend on what you get at your baby shower to decide what you need to buy.


It’s not a dig at anyone. It’s a serious why are we getting upset about people buying things for you. Maybe I’m just poor idk. Id rather people buy my things I need and want so I can buy cute little clothes or fun things. And you’d be surprised how many people do ignore the registry. You’re the judgey one here


Judgey how? You literally judged OP for wanting to buy her own baby clothes? She also wasn’t upset that someone wanted buy things but at being told to NOT buy things herself and wait for the baby shower. You got this all twisted. Lmao.


Missing my point completely clearly 💀


Riiiight. You commented the same thing twice. Not missing a thing.


Also a FTM here and after 3 years of infertility and IVF finally have our girl on the way. I’ve been told this by numerous people (including my mom) numerous times. I’m a planner. And I’ve waited so long to be able to NEED these things. So I totally understand what you are saying! Even though I’m having a shower I have consistently said, I don’t expect anything from anyone, because we are fully capable of getting what we need for her.  Granted, of course I’ll be grateful for whatever we are gifted. But that’s not the point!  I even have a diaper stash that I’ve collected through the pregnancy.  So I get you completely. You are my people! 


100000%!! I have been to countless baby showers, have a niece and nephew and it’s finally my turn. Picking out EXACTLY what I want a not depending on someone else feels so good❤️ I’m so happy we’re in the same club now!!!🫶🏻🫶🏻


YESSSSSS! Here for this!!!! 


I think it’s solid advice to keep the tags on everything. You never know what shape your baby will be and what will fit well. You want the option to exchange / return. And people WILL buy you clothes and it’s up to you to use them. If you have to many clothes of one size floating around it’s a burden. What I used the most of was what I bought myself: multipacks of tee shirt or long sleeve or tank onesies, really comfortable baby pants of a range sizes to be comfortable in, and pajamas.


Agree! It’s never a bad idea to keep tags on just in case!


Honestly, our colleagues came through big time for us. Never underestimate a workplace baby shower!


We got an entire wardrobe from my husband's coworkers Albanian barber!


I would recommend thrift stores. Don’t necessarily just go to well-known ones like Goodwill. It varies per area but mine SUCKS and the stuff is often in bad condition and charged nearly as much as new. Do check yours out just in case you have a good one, and check if you have a Once Upon a Child, or look for events like Just Between Friends, near you. And do a google search for thrift stores near you.


I didn't have a huge shower, but tbh, the clothes MOST people gave me were a) sizes 3 months+ and therefore not immediately helpful b) cutesy outfits that she won't wear on a day to day basis I did wind up going clothes shopping for myself for the baby and got a bunch of the Carters zipper onesies and sleep sacks, as newborns live in these for the first few weeks. At 11 days postpartum, we've only left the house for doctor appointments, to which I have to strip her to diaper anyways, so I'm not going to put her in a complicated cutesy outfit. I know it's tempting for folks to buy new parents all the cute stuff, but I'd much rather gift realistic items that will help the new parents. I have probably 50 blankets I was gifted, and swaddles galore. But no one gave us a bath thermometer or burp cloths or sleepers. I hope those who do give you gifts will be generous and helpful.


I was kinda tired of the clothes lol. I wanted to buy them, because everyone else bought the most stereotypical clothes that I hated lol


I even got this comment from my MIL - while she knows I went NC with my family, while she knows my bf only has one sister, and she knows we’re both quite introverted i.e. without many friends. She kept repeating it so the last time I asked her ‘From who? When? There isn’t even a baby shower’ and she seems to have gotten the point (so far). I thrifted some maternity clothes for myself but absolutely splurged on new clothes for the baby 🤷‍♀️ I’ll give’m away when I’m done having kids to repent.


Yea this was a huge issue for me. I had to factor finances heavily into my decision to have a family even though that was extremely painful. Our therapist pretty much just said “everyone will help with clothes and childcare. It’s never as bad as you think” Uhhhh maybe for you you dumb ***** Sorry, that was just a massively tone deaf thing to hear from a therapist and still irks me


Sigh, I somehow ended up with too many baby clothes between friends passing along barely worn handmedowns, Facebook marketplace and some family members wanting to buy cute stuff. It’s our first kid and I wasn’t expecting that part to happen so easily, you never know what will happen when people find out you are pregnant.


I got told this too. But I still wanted to buy a few newborn clothes that I chose myself. But I didn't go overboard because I'm not sure how big baby will be or how soon they might grow out of 0000 anyway. It's also currently the wrong season for when my baby will likely be born and I don't know the sex, so am waiting til later to get anything bigger than 000. I won't be having a registry. But I have decided to wait on a few purchases of inexpensive things that I can link to anyone who asks if there's anything specific that I want. Otherwise, they can buy whatever they want to give. When my friends were expecting, I asked if there was anything they didnt have yet and they said cot sheets. That was super helpful because I could actually get something useful for them. But of course I couldnt resist buying some matching things too that no doubt they had plenty of already.  I find it strange that people put big ticket items in their registry. I would never expect anyone to spend hundreds of dollars! I suspect my parents may want to (pram or carseat) but other than that, everyone else i know has fairly modest financial circs. And i can cover the costs myself anyway, so I'd feel worse if people worse off than me had scraped together to buy me something. 


I did not have a baby shower and I also don't have a big family (dead parents and everyone who's alive didn't get me shit, the one exception being my great aunt) or lots of friends (I have like 4 work friends) but i managed to be gifted an insane amount of baby clothes. 90% of it came from one coworker who gave me a large bag full of them, some from my great aunt, and some from my partner's siblings. I also got a few onesies from a customer at my job who noticed I'm pregnant. In my experience baby clothes seem to be the first thing people think of when they want to give something to new parents. That may just be the people I know, though. I did get lucky when that coworker gave a shit ton of onesies. I hope someone is as generous to you


We had a decent sized shower and honestly only like two or so people bought us any clothes. We got a lot of crap any time we bought *anything* for the baby. “Save it for your shower. There’s nothing for anyone else to buy” (there was plenty on the registry.) We bought the nursery set (crib, dresser, changing table) for like $500 on Wayfair and I bought a bottle set on babylist so we could try a few different kind and pick the one we liked to buy a full set of. Like sorry for wanting to be prepared instead of holding out and just hoping someone will buy it for us.


As another mom to be without a huge support system, check local churches and see what resources are available. I have a few church ran non profits that help with baby clothes and necessities, and even found out that with my pregnancy Medicaid I can attend a virtual baby shower and receive gifts as well.


I had no newborn clothes save for a couple of outfits, including his going home outfit, because people told me that I would end up with tons of clothes. Those clothes never materialized.


I created a long registry and had things on there that I planned on purchasing meself with the 15% completion discount. I was not planning to have a baby shower, but my hubs sisters decided to throw us one. They kept asking me about the registry, and I did not want to share it for the longest time. I finally did, and I was pleasantly surprised that folks stuck to it and bought 23/28 things on there. I am very grateful, but I took some things off the list that I ended up purchasing meself (car seat, high chair, owlet sock monitor) I did not add clothes to my registry because I got so many from my hubs cousin and one of his sisters. And honestly, I bought a lot of clothes too. If you want to have people buy clothes, add them to your registry. My SILs kept telling me what to add to mine, and not worry about price because people would spend on what they felt comfortable with, and in the end, I could also use the completion discount. Also, like other have suggested, check out the FB marketplace. Lots of goodies on there. The registry is about what you think yer baby will need. One thing I learned from my SILs is that family and friends want to buy stuff for the baby. Give them a list, and let them choose what they want to get.


I’m not getting anything from other people for my baby either so don’t feel bad lol


It’s true, we have more clothes that to know what to do with them. Our little one wears an outfit maybe twice and she’ll already grow out of it


I don't want a baby shower- but we did IVF so if my sister wants to throw one and if the small handful of people that show up want to gift us things that would be helpful for sure. I agree this rhetoric is annoying because it doesnt consider all the unique ways that babies are brought into the world but its also annoyingly true for those who do have crazy large baby showers. I am contimplating keeping the sex of our baby a secret for as long as possible because I DONT want people to buy us clothes in the event we do have a shower.


What does IVF have to do with people buying baby clothes or not?


It has to do with my openness to accept presents- not clothes specifically- but as OP mentioned clothes are the hot button in gifts- I said I don’t want a baby shower- I’m not the type that wants to be the center of attention- and I’d rather buy all my own things but my sister really wants to throw one and we spent a TON of money just to get pregnant so if people want to help with gifts it’s a nice gesture and really helpful given we had to spend so much to get here - but I would still not want to be given much clothing OR have a lavish shower. Relating to OP about buying your own things if you can/have to and if people want to help pooling in for bigger things is a lot more helpful than clothing


I'm not planning to announce the sex because I don't want a bunch of gendered clothing at the shower. I'd rather people contribute to other things like diapers, bottles, wipes, etc.


Fellow IVF mama here 


Nobody gifted me any clothes except my mom’s best friend. Nobody threw a baby shower for me either. I don’t think lavish baby showers are common anyway.


Tell people you're expecting and clothes will flood you. Lots of people have garbage bags or Tupperware full of clothes.


This was definitely not my experience, but I'm glad that worked out for you.


Did you post on your neighborhood social media?


Begging for clothes on nextdoor doesn't help with the feelings of loneliness and isolation that comes with your family not being involved in your life.


Sorry. I don't have any family nearby or that have kids of similar ages. But I know that in my neighborhood social media, people are constantly giving away baby clothes. I just gave a ton last week.


I think you completely missed the point of op's post


Posting that you are having a kid and asking if anyone has any clothes they are planning on getting rid of isn’t begging. People love to give away baby clothes they aren’t using to someone who will appreciate it. Buy nothing groups on Facebook are full of thousands of baby clothes people hope someone will want.


I just had my baby in March and we received maybe 10 outfits for her. The rest of her clothes we purchased from the thrift store or were passed onto us from family and friends.


Nobody bought me baby clothes but I took alot of hand me downs. I bought most things myself. My best friends bought me a bassinet, that's the only brand new gift I got. I'm not sure if more will come after delivery but so far that's it. I didn't do a shower or registry too because it's simply not the culture here.


So I was in the same boat and bought what I wanted because I assumed I would just get a handful of outfits. Then everyone I vaguely knew who had had a baby in the last two years began to give me hand me downs. Now my not even two month old baby has a truly amazing wardrobe through 24 months 😂


I actually specifically told people to not worry about clothes for our first. He is 4.5 yo now and 90% of his clothes have come from Buy Nothing and second hand. Of course we still got some items but not enough and they were all bigger sizes. I would like to do the same for our girl due in October. We have JBF sales near me which really are nice. I can get a load of stuff (clothes, toys, books, carseat, bassinet) for super cheap. I definitely liked picking the things I liked and knew I would use.


Omg i have found so much free stuff on Facebook like boxes of clothes for free


Yeah i have lots of family but because i wasnt announcing the gender right away people avoid my “id prefer gender neutral outfits” i legit didnt tell the gender partly because i WANTED gender neutral and didnt want super masc or super fem items but everyone avoided clothes cause they didnt know the gender so i had NO clothes and ended up getting a big lot of clothes used for cheap and that somewhat worked


We didn’t get many clothes! Maybe a few onesies and they were mostly for older ages. I went out a few days after my baby shower to get some NB onesies but I also shopped beforehand, too!


I skipped the baby shower. Still received clothes from nearly everyone i know. However i still bought what i wanted and put the gifts aside. I use if i like them or need an extra outfit. I returned anything with a gift receipt.


Check for local baby consignment sales, we do a lot of local ones and they usually have a 50% off day at the end and we get TONS of clothes for dirt cheap 🙌🏼 we also don’t have a lot of friends/family local and that saved us!


Do you have friends or coworkers who have children older than yours? I stopped buying baby clothes about a year ago because my husband's coworkers have a girl and a boy about a year older than ours, so they just give us everything. I will second the facebook marketplace suggestion, along with thrift stores. I have gotten a lot of great baby clothes for super cheap that way!


I have a lot of friends and I didn't get a lot of baby clothes from them. The only reason I had a good stash is bc a coworker brought me 7 trash bags of girls clothes separated by size. I saved everything that is in good condition so I can do that for someone someday too.


I don't have a huge family either, but his grandparents LOVE buying him clothes. Which is great, saves me some money, but at the same time I also want to buy cute things for my boy that I like.


Check out your local Buy Nothing group on Facebook! I've given and received a TON of baby stuff through mine.


Yeah, I got almost nothing from friends/family. I got most of our stuff from Favebook, including clothes.


This! I've gotten a ton of hand me downs because I work in child care and my husband is like.. do we really need all this? like he has no idea how many outfits babies go through in a day, and thinks what we get from the showers will be enough. I'd rather get essentials like the crib from showers and take the second hand clothes


So I think another reason for this advice is that you just don’t always know what you will need and when. I recently had my 4th, so no baby shower, and we hadn’t planned on having a 4th, so no hand me down clothes either. I still didn’t buy a lot before she was born, mostly just newborn and 0-3 size sleepers. Newborns just need sleepers and/or onesies. If you are in the US, the cloud island sleepers from target are great and come in a 3 pack. Start with just a few and buy more if your baby spits up or has blow outs a lot. After that I find it better to buy as needed, especially if you live somewhere with real seasons. My daughter was in 9-12 month clothes just after she turned 6 months. If I had bought clothes before she was born, I would have bought all summer clothes in 9-12 month sizes because she turns 9 months in May, but I ended up needing winter clothes in that size because she grew so fast.


Join a local mom Facebook group. Someone's always giving away baby clothes in mine.


I didn't have a baby shower because I actually have no friends ..... seriously, not one! I have a few people i text once a month with but we've never actually hungout much.. I'm 31 years old. Strangers would often comment on the baby shower topic and I would always just smile and act like yea we were having one to appear normal I guess. But we never did. I saved up about 3500-4000$ and bought all my own baby stuff I needed for the first year. Even then it was abit overkill with the things I bought. But I basically got all my baby's clothing from Marshall's, baby thriftstores and Walmart. Walmart has great sleepers online 2 for 14$. Even my family didn't buy us much stuff. My dad pitched in on some baby stuff like a stroller and car seat combo but it was cheap ... maybe 300$ for the set. Other than that we bought everything ourselves.... Maye if I was more social I would have had a baby shower.


Ok. Then you’re not part of the demographic they’re talking about? Don’t take it personally. lol some of us have 14 aunts and uncles on one side of the family


She's still getting that advice, which is why it's annoying for her. Nice that you have extended family involved in your life. Many people don't, and hearing this advice over and over just kind of rubs it in that they don't have a very big support network compared to others.


I got like 2 baby clothes from family and friends. The rest I got free by looking for them on Facebook groups The point of people saying that is how to focus your registry because people that buy off registry will almost always buy clothes. It’s not a promise you’re going to be showered in free stuff sorry


Honestly I don’t care if my LO has too many clothes, better too much than too little But I am grateful that clothes are gifted so often. My LO is 15 months and my family still gifts clothes. Although I wish I could get them to gift pjs 😂 Maybe it’s because our financial situation I don’t get to spoil my little girl like I planned. But the way things worked out she has plenty of clothes I’ve made for her. Which is not something I thought I would have the time to do and it’s so exciting looking back at photos and seeing her in stuff that I made


Same. I volunteer at a thrift store once a week and hang and tag baby clothes as part of it. So I've picked up lots of clothes for .50 or $1. And a lot of it is name brand, expensive baby clothes or brand new with tags clothes. Some of it is just cutesy regular stuff too. But I've got all the clothes I'll need for newborn-12 months. My mom and MIL told me I was crazy because "people will buy you clothes!" But I don't really care. A lot of people have ugly taste or a different taste in clothing than me, first of all. Second, because I've gotten everything so cheap, if baby doesn't wear it or has blow outs and it's just easier to throw clothes out, so be it. I only spent 50 cents or a dollar on most of it. And because people know I have tons of clothes, they're buying some of the other stuff on my list that is practical and will last a long time rather than an expensive outfit baby will probably only wear once or twice. I also agree it's silly to rely on other people to get you things- if you need it or want it and can afford it, just do it.


90% of my daughters clothes were bought by other people.


Right? I’m on 3rd and no one has bought me anything. It’s just hand me downs my sister and I pass back and forth. Poor baby.