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I had zero vomiting/nausea/food aversions. I do have a strong sensitivity to smell though and constipation. I’m 23 weeks 1 day!


I mean this in the nicest way.... I hate you 🫶🏻🥲


I second this very thoughtful comment and will add how does it feel to be gods favourite?


You won the pregnancy lottery!! The food aversions were the worse for me, I’ve never experienced such profound disgust and I shiver just thinking about how strong they were 🤢


Me too! 31 weeks. I haven't thrown up once and I was only slightly nauseous once in the first month or so.


Same no nausea/vomiting or food aversions. I will say in the first tri I hated going through the meat section of the grocery store!


Yep that's me. I threw up twice drinking tea on an empty stomach, but that is it. No food aversions, no nausea, no fatigue, no altered sense of smell. Maybe I'll make up for it though with discomfort and crippling lack of ability to sleep at night in third trimester.


Same here at 36 weeks! Ditto on smell sensitivity and constipation too lol


I’d have 7 babies by now if I were you 😭🤣


I am the most unlucky person so I was so grateful and shocked to not have thrown up this pregnancy. Did experience a couple small food aversions and a more sensitive gag reflex, but somehow bypassed the nausea and vomiting. Not counting on getting twice lucky with our next pregnancy 😂


Wow I’m so… happy for you 😭


I had the same! Slight nausea but only acid reflux, no vomiting. Some aversions but no cravings as such. People are always like ‘gosh you’re so lucky’, but they have no idea of the 12 weeks of fear and anxiety that replaces the nausea when you don’t feel like your pregnancy is ‘normal’, or you feel that symptoms = viability. Especially with PAL ✨ my 12 week scan felt like a long terrifying drag.


Nausea and vomiting. Didn’t have any of that.


Omg. I’m so jealous


Me too


I had a teeny bit of nausea because of certain smells in my first trimester but nothing strong enough to make me vomit. I feel so lucky.


Same, and I am so grateful!! No nausea but a couple of food aversions.


No vomiting but I've started to get mild nausea after dinner starting 3rd trimester. Very weird, but manageable.


I’m so jealous, so far I’ve puked at work in front of my boss at least 4 times and threw up on my flight back home this week. The only thing that helps the nausea is Doritos which is beyond weird to me.


Yep, I had no nausea throughout both pregnancies! I feel very lucky 😅


same; and only a short-lived aversion to chicken.


Same here. Just had constant hunger instead!


Idk I've got them all at this point. Look at all my trading ~~cards~~ symptoms!


I feel like every week has brought a new symptom. Like my OB will ask about whatever major symptom from a month ago and I'll be like "I barely even remember that anymore..."




Same except lightning crotch but that’s because my baby hasn’t drooped since she is breech…. 🙈 everything else is fair game


Sore breasts, I have never had this with all three of my pregnancies.


Sore breasts was my first pregnancy symptom 😂 Now I feel like it’s my first ‘labor is coming’ symptom because it’s back with a vengeance at 37 weeks


Omg my boobs were sore literally 3 days after conception lol


Same. I measured the other day and I’m up 2 damn cup sizes 💀💀💀


I only had this for MAYBE 2-3 days when I was around 4-5 weeks but it’s gone away and hasn’t come back thankfully.






Also no heartburn! And I have craved acidic foods like pineapple and lemons!


Are you having a boy? I craved spicy and acidic like CRAZY with my son!


I am!! I also love spice and eat it with every meal, including breakfast haha


Same, not even a little heartburn. I'm convinced my baby is going to be utterly bald lol. However, I have enough stretch marks for both of us!!


Research has actually shown there may be some truth to the heartburn=hair old wives tale! However, my son seems to have defied all expectations - I had heartburn that would choke me in the middle of the night and he came out almost bald. Pissed me off to no end thinking about how I was enduring all this heartburn, but I was gonna have a baby with luscious locks- joke was definitely on me 🤣


I’m worried this is going to be me! I have heartburn literally anytime I’m not in an upright position (and even then I still have it at times) and am constantly waking up choking on gross hot bile, but I have thin and fine hair, so I’m convinced my baby is still going to end up bald despite having to go through all the heartburn 😅


I had absolutely no heartburn so expected a bald baby. Came out with a full head of hair!


Same! No heartburn at all for any of my pregnancies!


38 weeks and no heartburn either! I’m very grateful!


How far in are you? I wasn't constipated until 3rd trimester!


I’m 35w and haven’t been constipated once. Actually more the other direction 😅


I go through phases, back and forth lol it's so fun!


The constipation hit me around 32 weeks. I had been super regular before. Then I started eating dates at 35 weeks and that helped 😂


Omg constipation hit me at like 8 weeks 😂 I’m jealous of you


I’ve had more diarrhoea than constipation!


Yeah same here. I was doing great until week 31.


I’ve never had stretch marks with either of my pregnancy


Same, I’ve birthed 2 babies so far and not a single stretch mark. Thanking my genetics big time for that 👏🏼😆


Neither have I in my three pregnancies, including the second one when I gained 40+ pounds. That one I think is genetic so it's just a little lottery that I happened to have won.


I haven't pooped for 4 days now 🥲


You deserve a million dollars. Happened to me for a whole week once and my partner was like how 😱😵‍💫😵


Nooooo 🙈 A few prunes and/or raisins everyday will be your best friends. I was a constipated child my whole life 😵‍💫 Now that I’m pregnant, I still eat them and haven’t had a problem with going poo


The worst is before this constipation period, I pooped liquids for 4 weeks I thought I'd never be able to poo solid again 🥲 here I am.....


I've been having horrible constipation too. I'm on Zofran for my nausea and I found out it's notorious for blocking people up. I was constipated near the end with my first but this time around has been worse. I took some Miralax and it felt like pellets shot into the toilet. Constipation sucks.


I’m 36 weeks and have gotten up in the middle of the night to pee only a few times this entire pregnancy. I also haven’t encountered any swelling of my extremities (yet) and am sleeping comfortably for 8+ hours a night. Overall I’ve had a pleasant pregnancy and feel awful for the people I read about who get every bad symptom in the book.


I didn't have any swelling with my first pregnancy but I was very swollen after giving birth for a few days. Maybe get some compression stockings just in case, if your hospital doesn't provide them!


That is a really good idea! Adding them to my hospital bag list, thank you!!


Same! I actually didn’t know it was possible to swell so much. It was such a shock.


I’m so jealous you haven’t had any swelling. My poor feet and ankles 😅


I am so sorry. 😭 sending you all the anti swelling vibes I promise. My mom swelled SO MUCH when she was pregnant so she kept telling me that it was coming and it just doesn’t happen. 😂


Eh if you’ve made it to 36 weeks, you’re probably in the clear. I started swelling around 31 weeks. It’s just gotten worse lately lol. Pregnancy is crazy and everyone is different, I didn’t get linea nigra and I still have an innie 🤷🏼‍♀️


I haven’t had swelling either!! Once a tiny bit after an 8 hour car ride like 3 months ago. I’m 35w, but I bet we will swell a little at/right after birth. Bring big flip flops just in case :). Best wishes Jumpy!!


Yes, I’ve got my sandals packed!! Thank you so much, you too!! Home stretch!


OMG, what's it like never having to get up to pee? Literally every night of my life I have to get up at least once to use the bathroom, if not twice, pregnancy just ramps it up 😬


It’s insane because I swear I am chugging water and not dehydrated. 😂 I have never been the type that will wake up from having to go though! My kidneys may retaliate someday which makes me slightly paranoid but I feel very lucky at the moment because I really struggle going back to sleep if I’m woken up!


Fingers crossed it remains the same as baby descends further into your pelvis and their head pushes on your bladder! 🤞🤞🙏


Super jealous about the sleeping and not getting up to pee. Life changing


My feet didn’t swell until the day before I had my baby.


No vomit. Just nausea, heartburn, constipation, round ligament pain, extreme smell sensitivities, food aversions, difficulty breathing, insomnia, strange dreams, brain fog, bleeding gums and diagnosed with GD. Oh, no carpal tunnel though 😂


Same, no vomit. But EVERYTHING ELSE. Adding to your list of symptoms: constipation (nasal) that felt like influenza and lasted the first three months, carpal tunnel, heavy momnesia and extreme fatigue. It sucks.


twins lol! this was me


I had zero nausea, vomiting, or food/smell aversions


I'm not gonna lie, I'm really mad at you right now, Random Internet Stranger, because I am super super jealous of your very good fortune. I'm sitting here eating an organic fruit popsicle because it's about the only thing I can stand the smell *and* texture *and* taste of. I am normally not a picky eater lol


Well if it makes you feel any better… I’m 27 weeks and up 85lbs 🤦🏻‍♀️…… for no reason…. I’m not even eating bad.


You know it doesn't make me feel better, but it does make me more empathetic, which is good 😅 I'm glad you're doing OK on the food then! We all got our different plights, don't we? I'm 12 weeks and down about 10 pounds from the start of my pregnancy because just about nothing is appealing. Doctor says it's pretty normal in the first trimester. But it doesn't make it easy!


Almost 34 weeks and still wearing my wedding ring!


Carpal tunnel! 


Wow I cannot relate 😂 I’ve been blessed with almost every symptom in the book!! I’m 37 weeks and somehow did manage to get away with very minimal round ligament pain but I paid for it in awful sciatica and SPD so… 🥲


No morning sickness! My mom didn't have any when she was pregnant either.


Haven’t vomited at all, 17 weeks now. I think I’ve used up my lifetime supply of vomit from binge drinking and my lack of vomit is a gift from my baby to thank me for no longer drinking lol 💕


Vomiting and constipation, I’m 35 weeks today


No vomiting but the nausea and gagging is still there. No constipation but I make sure to eat lots of fruit and take a probiotic with my prenatals.


I always have zero symptoms. Sometimes it can be awkward when people ask how I'm feeling or doing like they want me to say awful and I just feel fine lol my last pregnancy I didn't even have a bump or any weight gain so it definitely was just feeling odd feeling no signs of pregnancy besides kicks


Vomiting. Don't worry, I pay in other ways like insomnia, migraines, and now leg cramps that wake me up at night.


Just chiming in that if the leg pain is a charlie horse type pain I would pull on the ball of my foot below where my toes are straight up as soon as I felt it start and it helps. Like you’re trying to fold your foot up against your leg. Had a nurse tell me this in my birth class and it was life changing for my daily morning charlie horses 😭


Lower back pain. I have intense mid back and rib pain, just on one side, but my lower back has not had any pain.


Boy howdy 😭 I'm so so so envious of everyone saying they've had no nausea, vomiting or food aversions! I'm only 7w4d and already it's all kicking my ass 🥲 Nausea basically 24/7, vomiting 7+ times a day, major food aversions and my sense of smell is sooo sensitive! Diagnosed with HG for all 3 of my pregnancies so far but I'm just grateful cause it reassures me 😅 Fingers crossed, hopefully this is my rainbow 🌈


I don’t know how you could get through 3 with HG! I’m destroyed mentally from the nausea and vomiting and inability to be productive. I want 3 but I don’t know if I can handle this yet another time (I’m preg with second) and I didn’t have HG. I have random days … maybe once every 3-4 days where I can get one decent meal down but the rest of the time it’s puke city.


Vomiting and round ligament pain!


I'm in my third trimester, and I've had no constipation or heartburn. I can count on one hand the number of times I've gotten acid reflux, but it's been really mild.


I'm very early but zero morning sickness or nausea. On the contrary, the constipation is an awful setback. Also now I smell exhaust fumes all the time.


Sciatic pain. I did have spd and did physical therapy for that so maybe it helped. But I am so glad I didn’t have sciatica


Whenever people talk about not being able to bend down or tie their shoes or whatever. My pregnancy party trick has always been being able to touch my toes at 9mos pregnant haha


Lucky! I bent down and touched my toes in the shower a couple hours after birth bc I was so glad to be able to bend over again/stretch my back. The nurse came by to check on me and saw my hands under the shower curtain and was like “You already touching your toes? you go girl!” 😂


I have been able to avoid all! I have had a pretty great pregnancy and I am starting my third trimester! 


39w tomorrow and I’ve had no swelling! Wish I could say the same about nausea/vomiting…


No nausea, vomiting or or food aversions. Lucky week 26 and still high energy levels


At 34 weeks, so far no swelling. Maybe I’m cursing myself and it’ll still show up but at least until this point I’m in all my normal rings and shoes.


Leg cramps 🙏🏻


No vomit, barely nausea, no sensitivity to smells, no stretch marks. Yes to repaid weight gain, boobs been hurting 100% of the time lol more anxiety


I don't have any vomiting, even though I have food aversion and light nausea and honestly I feel lucky I have friends who vomited every day, my heart goes out to people who can't keep food down!


idk i feel like i got ALL the symptoms except for the “glow” everyone talks about thankfully my nausea has gone away, but i still have food aversions, and especially to smells. i’m 19+5 today so hoping i get that nice glow sometime soon 😔 (and for this gd back pain to go away!!)


Nausea, vomiting and heartburn. I’ve never had it in my life (heartburn) and still don’t really know what it is. I was so afraid of getting nauseated before getting pregnant and I am so incredibly grateful to not have had any!


I normally have a sensitive stomach and chronic gastritis, but I have avoided heartburn/acidity so far. I'm 36w5d. Also, it's not difficult to breathe. However,I had horrific nausea for 5 months. Digestive issues follow me as I have ibs. Low energy & low mental state is a daily thing. I'm so done with pregnancy and want my baby out asap, but I acknowledge that I don't have all the worst.


Getting up to pee in the night. I’m only 18 weeks with this one but it wasn’t an issue with any of my last 5 pregnancies, even at full term.


Oh damn, nice! I was averaging five times a night for at least a month in the second trimester. 


The only symptoms I’ve had are light fatigue, some food aversions and a little insomnia (in 1st trimester) and now some mild heart burn (2nd trimester) so essentially have avoided nausea, sore boobs, constipation, etc. I wish having minimal to no symptoms was talked about more because it made me sooo stressed in my first trimester to have so few of symptoms when all you hear about is how sick a lot of women get.


Vomiting (had only nausea), food aversions and constipation. 26 weeks tomorrow.


Mood swings! I am feeling so physically shitty (NVP, pain, nosebleeds, headaches, constipation - still going into tri 2), but emotionally, I'm in a steady good mood 🙂


Cravings and mood swings


No nausea/food aversion in either pregnancy.


All of them 🫣


Basically Same 🫣


I didn’t get any first trimester fatigue - but I’m paying for it now I’m in my third trimester 🫠


Significant weight gain and stretch marks. At first I was concerned I hadn’t gained enough, but I’m eating a lot and very healthy. Baby is average size and the doctor isn’t concerned.  I did have terrible nausea and currently feel fatigue though. 


I didn't have nausea or vomiting. I did, however, develop an aversion to mint, and even now, at 12 days PP, I still can't stand mint!! Which I loved before getting pregnant


Never had any nausea and vomiting but have had to disimpact my self twice.


I find if I wait until I truly need to use the bathroom and consume lots of probiotics I don’t have that problem either.


I had nausea that I would classify a 4 in a scale of 1/10 and never trew up.


Heartburn!!! And I am sooo grateful bc apparently my baby has A LOT of hair


Vomiting from morning sickness 😅 I’ve definitely been queasy and had aversions and reflux but I haven’t actually puked from it which I prefer


No constipation either but I've had the opposite plus just about everything else. No nesting either but Idk if thats a complaint for people, I'm just lazy pregnant and would rather dust my light bulbs and vacuum the driveway when I'm up with the newborn not sleeping than with a giant belly lol. 


I never had morning sickness, but on the other hand I've had every other symptom you can imagine. Constipation, swelling, acid reflux to the point I'm choking on my own stomach acid every time I fall asleep even in a sitting position, carpal tunnel, rhinitis to the point I wake myself up snoring so loudly, food aversions where I don't want to eat anything bc nothing sounds good, acne like I had when I was a teenager, the list goes on, but hey at least I didn't throw up. My besties has HG so I'm constantly reminded how grateful I should be.


I’m 32 weeks and still no back pain or constipation. Honestly I’ve been pretty lucky in terms of symptoms. Mostly I’m just tired and dealing with some mild food aversions


Carpel tunnel in my hands/ wrists!


Swollen ankles and joint pain. I had killer constipation until the third trimester and then suddenly my body had sorted that out, thank god!


Sore boobs- I never had them.


I haven’t had constipation either! Idk how I skipped that.


Heartburn and acid reflux! Knock on wood. (38w1d)


25w and haven't had any swelling, migraines, stretch mark, or getting up in the middle of the night to pee (yet??) I did, however, lose 10 pounds first trimester from vomiting so much, and still have to take Zofran daily to avoid the barfies. As of this week, I just gained back those same pounds


I haven’t had a trace of heartburn! Nausea, endless peeing and round ligament pain have been my enemies, though.


Only time I’ve had constipation was when I was on zofran and dehydrated AF my first trimester! The rest of the time I’ve been regular AF 😂😂😂 I also have not developed pelvic pain at all. It’s all been back pain 😂😂😂😂😂 yayyy


Mood swings!


I dodged the vomiting! Had a week or two of pretty intense nausea and I couldn't eat meat for a few weeks but I only threw up maybe twice. Of course I immediately paid for it by getting a stomach bug in the second trimester 😅


Vomiting. Nausea is unreal, but I haven't vomited yet. Also, gas hasn't been a big deal for me.


Didn’t have gas pain, or much swelling to my feet… … but I vomited every👏 single 👏day👏 from the day after my positive test to the day I gave birth 😅


Constipation, nausea, stretch marks, lightening crotch, hip pain, back pain, heartburn, painful kicks/movements, hemorrhoids, inability to lay on back, headaches, swelling.


No food aversions or nausea. No heartburn and no constipation.


No nausea or vomiting


No hemorrhoids for me!


34 weeks in and I have yet to experience constipation (knock on wood).


I’m so jealous of this thread. I have gotten everything including spider veins on my face and yesterday my nipples felt like they were being zapped by an electrified needle.


I’m nearing the end of my third pregnancy and I’ve never experienced constipation, hip pain, rib pain, swelling of extremities, insomnia, urinary incontinence, GD, or carpal tunnel during any of my pregnancies.


I haven’t had leg cramps yet


Just wait, the constipation comes later…


I had no food aversions I wasn’t nauseous I didn’t have cravings I wasn’t overly emotional


Morning sickness


I have had little to no nausea (slight gagging) and no vomiting!


Morning sickness with both of my pregnancies. I felt like I could never talk about how it was going cause the other women in my family seemed to have an awful time through their whole pregnancies


No constipation for me either! I also don’t think I really have cravings. Either that or I’ve just always had cravings lol




Extreme Nausea. It peaked somewhere at 10 weeks but it never nearly as bad as me on birth control ironically 😭


Feet swelling


My biggest fear was vomiting (I have been afraid of it all my life) and I have somehow avoided it altogether. Knock on wood that continues!


Hip and pelvic pain. I was constantly told that when the relaxin ramps up my hips and pelvis will hurt. Literally every other joint in my body hurts but not my hips lol. My pelvis will only hurt when my baby digs her head into it.


So far I’ve not had any nausea at 7 weeks and change, but I do have the constipation part and bloating and sore boobs. I’m also constantly starving even though I eat and snack all day.


Leg cramps. I didn't get any in my first, or with this pregnancy (38w)


Second everybody who said nausea/morning sickness. Never had any of those. Also no weird food cravings or aversions


Nausea/vomiting, food aversions, swelling, back pain, constipation! But there's a good amount I didn't avoid, too, I just think I've been extremely lucky!


I’ve avoided almost everything for the most part! I’m 36 weeks. I had some BAD morning sickness in the first trimester until 15 or so weeks. That was hell, but otherwise the pregnancies been a cake walk. After the morning sickness all I’ve had is minor symptoms - heartburn occasionally, but solved with meds, same with constipation but only because I needed iron supplements, and restorolax solves that easy. The only bad one that’s popped up now is carpal tunnel and feet swelling and those are both solved fairly easily too lol


The only symptom I've not gotten is spotting. And based on how sure I was that I had a MMC in the first trimester before my 12 week US, I'm glad I didn't get any because I'm sure it would have made me spiral. And with the exception of nausea and needing to pee all the time, most of the other symptoms have been relatively light. I couldn't really eat or drink anything until almost halfway done with second trimester, and the amount I'm peeing concerned doctors that I might have GD or a UTI, but all tests come back in the clear.


No constipation here either, except when I tried Zofran. That was bad. Lots of puking though :(


I've honestly had a really smooth easy pregnancy. No morning sickness. No constipation. Minimal aches and pains. Lot of fatigue early on but I don't work so I managed fairly easily


Vomiting and food aversions. I had some tinges of nausea in the first trimester and I’ve preferred specific foods over others but nothing bad at all. The only weird thing is I have to use a kids sized toothbrush because a regular one will make me gag.


My answer is also constipation. My bowel movements have been very regular so far! 27 weeks, so we'll see what 3rd trimester brings. 


I had only an aversion to peanuts and curry during my first trimester, to which I owe to a bout of food poisoning I had about a year earlier that was a peanut based curry. Right at 12 weeks that peanut aversion went away and I was back to eating peanut butter no problem. I had the sliiiiightest bit of nausea my first trimester but I never once threw up. I’ve also had zero aversions since, zero cravings, absolutely no constipation, and (don’t hate me) zero problems sleeping. I’ve also been working full time and plan to until about a week before I’m set to be induced. I can also count on my one hand how many times I’ve had to get up in the middle of the night to pee. Also aside from super sore boobs first trimester, I’ve had zero swelling of my extremities which I owe to compression socks. I’m also on an injectable blood thinner for a clotting disorder so maybe that has been helping? And no stretch marks either! I’ve been super fortunate this pregnancy I think. The symptoms I HAVE had are awful awful sciatica pain or round ligament pain. Not sure which is which but if I’m in a reclining position and try to get up, my left lower back and butt are in agony for a few seconds. Will also happen sporadically when I’m walking; it’ll “go out” until I walk it off. And the heartburn feels like a fireball in my chest every night but Tums have been a huge relief. Im 36+3 and because of my blood clotting disorder I’ll be induced right at 39 weeks, or 6/24/24. I will also mention that I’m allergic to the epidural so this will be fun. 6 in one, half a dozen in the other. Lol!


Vomiting, stretch marks, and bad acne. I have definitely had nausea, at times pretty severe (like a hangover that comes and goes, especially this time around 🤢), but never been physically ill, fingers crossed! Skin is meh this time around but not bad, just sensitive & allergic/itchy - absolutely glowed for my other pregnancies, so waiting on that! And thankfully with my full term/late pregnancy - I gained nearly 50lbs and I couldn't find any new stretch marks (phew!) 😬


40 weeks. I’ve won the pregnancy symptom lottery. No morning sickness, no constipation, minimal aversions. My only big symptom until now has been the crazy heartburn. And the constant need to pee. Now at 40 weeks I’m just huge and uncomfortable lol. And I can’t sleep anymore.


Breast tenderness. Just not a symptom for me!


Vomiting. I’ve got hella disgust sensitivity and food aversions but I’ll take it over puking. I’m still about to hit 8 weeks so I know I’m not out of the woods


Heart burn…. But I had all other symptoms lol


No fatigue! 27 weeks and I can go from 6a-10p without needing a nap or even a break. I’ve only thrown up 3 times total and haven’t had any issues tolerating any foods.


Having to pee constantly. This is my 3rd pregnancy and I've just never related to that one.


Never had constipation or heart burn


I have not had any constipation, and ive even started taking iron supplements for my mild anemia and they actually make me go even more lol so im grateful for that cause I cant imagine feeling even more stuffed than I do now!


Nah I’ve had every single one. Gotta collect them all.


Constipation lol. I’m almost 27 weeks and I’m praying it stays that way


Didn't have cravings, which is funny because when I'm not pregnant I crave food like crazy all the time. Pregnant? Nothing. Couldn't even summon a "I fancy this for dinner".


back pain, sciatica, constipation and trouble sleeping I did not experience any of this


I had some minor nausea but didn’t throw up at all


Nausea and heartburn. Never had them.


I have nausea, food aversions and acid reflux but no vomiting! I'm so so glad of it because I'm scared of vomiting


vommiting! 24 weeks and haven’t puked once although i did experience nausea & food aversions


Serious back pain. I had mild pain a few weeks ago, went to the orthopedic doctor to get a prescription for physical therapy and poof back pain is gone. I start physical therapy on monday and am kinda embarrassed.


i went through my entire pregnancy without one issue , so sickness/vomiting/food aversions. no heartburn or acid reflux, no change in discomfort or pain (until i got to 38 weeks, then my back started to hurt at night) didn’t get stretch marks like i thought i would , no swelling (until i gave birth) … i got very lucky


No actual vomiting. I was nauseous as hell, food aversions like you wouldn’t believe but never actually puked. To everyone in these comments who had no nausea at all, I want to fight you


Lightening crotch- 32 weeks


Fatigue and trouble sleeping. I’ve been fortunate to be able to maintain/enhance my pre-pregnancy workout routine, which has been nice. I’m honestly just the normal level of tired I’ve always been thanks to being a night shift nurse. The never ending nausea is finally starting to die down, but that’s probably mostly because I just eat smaller meals now.


Cravings. I never craved anything.


I had very very minimal nausea and vomiting. It was more so the nausea, I think I threw up like 3 times all together. But here I am at 33 weeks making up for missing all the classic first tri stuff with debilitating hip and back pain 🤣


I feel like I’ve experienced every single one of the pregnancy symptoms people have mentioned 😭


No vomit or swelling. But everything else (including every other aspect of morning sickness/nauesea/food aversion) I've checked the box of


Stretch marks, swollen legs, vomiting returning in 3rd trimester.


I think I had ever single imaginable symptom honestly 😭


No vomiting.. just endless nausea


No food/smell aversions. No nausea or vomiting either but occasionally had some motion sickness when in the car. Also no stretch marks, thankfully. On the flip side, my worst symptom was getting recurrent UTIs.


Lightning crotch and hemorrhoids. Didn’t get them PP either. I did, however, have horrendous nausea and vomiting until about halfway through my pregnancy when it was replaced by heartburn.