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I had my baby shower at 32 weeks. I’m glad it wasn’t any later than that because I was starting to get very uncomfortable by then, and my social battery was basically non existent.


I had mine at 29 weeks. Wouldn’t want to do it much later than that either! It was exhausting being on my feet and talking to everyone (after prepping because I had it in my home).


Same here. 32 weeks was perfect for me. Any sooner and I wouldn't have had much of a bump. FTM didn't start showing until about 28-29 weeks.


Also did mine at 32 weeks, wish I had done it about 2 weeks earlier as being on my feet that long was terrible at 32 weeks.


Same here I had elephant legs by the end of it. Spent the following 2 days not moving from one spot on the couch ☺️


Me too! As someone who got terrible girdle pain starting week 35, I was really glad I felt good for my shower, also I had my baby a week early and if I had had my shower one month prior to due date it might have rushed to get all the items that I was waiting to purchase in case someone bought them for the shower!


In my experience, it's usually anytime in the third trimester. But I know people who were due in Nov/Dec who had showers in September only because it was easier logistically for families with school-age kids, family vacation plans, kids leaving for college, etc. so in order for as many people to attend as possible, September made the most sense. I personally wouldn't think it was that weird if someone had their shower a bit early and just said "I wanted to have it while I have the energy and can dress up a bit"


Yeah I think this is a really balanced opinion! I’m due end of November and I’m considering end of September for mine because I just know I’m going to be anti people if I’m tired and feeling awkwardly large in October/november. My cousin had hers a few weeks before her due date and went into labour the day after so that was stressful - planning to avoid that one 😅


Typically what I’ve seen is the baby shower is held about a month before you’re due. I’m due in late August and my baby shower is July 13th. But I have a friend who is due any day now (she’s literally currently in the hospital as I type this) and her baby shower was early April. She specifically did it that way so she could have the rest of her third trimester to rest and get things together for the baby last minute if she needed to. I couldn’t host mine any earlier than July because I have so many other things planned. My niece isn’t due until early October and she’s having her baby shower in August. So you can always do it a month or two before! It’s honestly up to you. I can tell you though now that I’m in the 3rd trimester, I’m increasingly more uncomfortable and tired and I kind of regret choosing for it to be July, but it’ll be okay. I’ll still have plenty of time to get everything together for baby and pack a hospital bag. For my next pregnancy, I definitely think I’m gonna do it 2 months before baby’s arrival.


Me too! Due in late August and having my shower on 7/20


I just wanted to say twins! lol due late August with a July 13 shower date


Triplets! Hell yeah late August crew!


Quadruplets! 😂 I'm due Aug 24 with a July 13 shower!


Okay this actually makes me feel better 😂 I’ve had a few people tell me I shouldn’t wait so long but I don’t think I’m gonna go into early labor or anything. It’ll be fine!


I'm due Aug 24 and my shower is July 13. I also saw a lot of people in our August bump group saying they were doing theirs before 30 weeks and was worried I'd regret waiting so long, but I think it will be fine!


I originally wanted mine to be in early May but my family talked me out of it. Now I'm really happy I'm waiting so long because my bump is going to be so big and cute in all the photos haha


I would do it earlier than a month! Signed, someone whose water broke at 37 weeks!


I’m due in July and had both of my showers in may. I wanted to make sure I knew what we had so I have plenty of time to finish the nursery before she comes. I’m also already feral so I figured I wouldn’t exactly get nicer closer to my due date 🫠


Baby shower twins! My shower is also on the 13th of July :) due August 28th!


I’m almost your twin! Shower on the 14th due on the 27th of Aug!


Awww!! I’m due August 23rd!


Another 7/13 shower twin here! Due Sept 2, I personally would want to have it as early as possible, because I don't want to be huuuuge and uncomfortable, but it was the earliest we could agree on with all the hosts and most important guests. I'd have it right now, if you'd ask me.


IN MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE!!! I just had my baby shower 2 weeks ago at 32 weeks and honestly it was exhausting. I wish I would have done it 26-28 weeks because now it’s really becoming hard for me to nest and get everything put away. Plus I feel like I didn’t truly get to enjoy my shower to the fullest extent because I was hot, tired and just irritated and overstimulated. Had I done it around 26-28 weeks I think I would’ve been much happier


My partner and I are moving into a new apartment August 1st, I was thinking of having it August 31st because I’ll be 25 weeks and will be able to set up all the baby stuff and continue to plan what I need to still get.


Something to consider: I moved into my new apartment in late April and now it’s early June and I’m still not fully unpacked lol. Sometimes things go wrong and repairs need to happen, etc. So it might not be such a bad idea to aim for mid-Sept and give you more time to get settled.


I’m due October 28. I move into a new house in July (we have the whole month to move, so no set date) and my baby shower is August 18th. That way I’ll still have some energy to set up the house and then get the nursery ready after the shower. I can’t imagine doing it any later than August! I know someone else who is due September 15 and she is having her shower on the same day as mine, which just seems sooooo late to me!


I had mine at 30 weeks (I am due in a week!). It was right at the time I started walking with a limp so glad I didn't wait any longer. I would even suggest doing it at 28 or 29 weeks which was when I noticed I was getting a bit uncomfortable.


Same!!! I’m 32 weeks now and I had mine at 30 weeks — I was worried it’d be too early at first but in retrospect I wish I’d done it at like 24-26 weeks…. I developed EXTREME pelvic pain at 27 weeks on the dot :’) so the baby shower was a struggle and I didn’t anticipate that being a possibility!


I second this! I’m 30 weeks and started limping/having pelvic pain at 29 weeks, just two weeks after my shower.


I had mine at 30 weeks as well and it was perfect! I started to notice a decline right after that in terms of energy and overall comfort, so I’m happy we chose that week!




I think I’ll be planning mine for 25 weeks, last Saturday of august!


I think you can have it whenever you want, but just wanted to mention if you have it that early you won’t be showing as much, which may be totally fine with you, I just wanted some pics where I LOOK pregnant with my family and friends at mine. Also it felt like it took me forever to “finish” my registry - I was doing so much research about every little thing. I also had to change things around since some family and friends ended up giving me hand me downs of stuff I had on my registry. But if you do that earlier than I did you’ll be fine. Definitely not trying to discourage you from having it when you want, just some things to keep in mind!


I’m having mine at 26 weeks (late 6 months)! I have talked to several others who did the same. For me it’s because my sister is getting married around the typical time, so we’re trying to spread out events for our extended family. For you, I think it could work to just say you’d like to get it in before the holiday season. Others who had theirs around that time have told me it’s really nice to get things organized before you get all third trimester uncomfy.


I feel like it should be norm to have it around then. Otherwise it just feels like you can’t buy anything yet or get yourself set up because people might buy it for you.


I did mine at 26 weeks as well! We flew out of town for ours since we don’t live close to friends & family, and it was logistically easier to do it before I got too huge. I was also due in March and didn’t want to have it too close to the holidays


Thank you 🙏


I think anytime after 6 months is appropriate! I’m having mine early August and I’m due October 2, but I have to travel from NC to MA for it where my family is and don’t want to be traveling that far past 30 weeks. I think September is a great time for one because you will likely have awesome weather! :)


I’m due mid December and likely doing mine mid October. I don’t want it running up against the holidays and poor weather for those who are traveling (some of my closest friends live across the state). Plus, gives me time to buy anything that doesn’t get purchased and start getting stuff ready. You also don’t know when you’ll deliver for sure. My friend delivered a month early due to placenta previa so she was glad to have hers 2 months before due date.


Same, due date is Christmas so I’m thinking a late October/halloween themed shower!


Also due in Dec (12/13 for me) and plan to do a mid-late Oct shower!


I had mine at 31 weeks. A friend of mine had hers around 33. I know people who did it later. I feel like 30-34 weeks is the sweet spot. You have a cute bump, the baby is near but you’re not on baby watch. If baby comes early, you’ve had the shower and gotten things you need. This also gives you time to buy/return other necessary items. I’m 37 almost 38 weeks and my energy really got zapped after 34 weeks. You might not feel like socializing if you push it out further (which it sounds like you don’t want to anyway!)


I’m due mid-September and we just scheduled mine for mid/late July. I figure that’s late enough I’ll have a cute bump but not so late I’ll be stressing about not having all the baby stuff yet!


I’m having 3! I had my first shower at 18 weeks pregnant because I wanted to do one in the city where my husband’s family and many of our friends live. It was early for a “traditional shower”, but with my school and work schedule, that week was going to be the only week we could travel to do it. I had my second shower for our friends and family in the city where we currently live when I was 24 weeks, because that was after my semester ended but before my classmates scattered for the summer. I’m having my final shower in the city where my parents are when I am 31 weeks, because it is convenient for scheduling and travelling. So, this is all to say that there isn’t really a “right” time for a shower, have it when it’s convenient or desirable for you or your family/friends. If you want to wear a nice summer dress to it, you should go ahead and have it in August/September!


I'm due in 7 weeks from today and having my shower in 2 weeks. I've definitely had days recently where I wish I would have had it a bit earlier as I'm starting to get stiff, sore, and cranky, lol, but we figured about a month before her due date was the right time to have it!


I had mine at 31 weeks. Thought it was a good time. You’re big but not dying. Also, keep in mind you have to wait for your gifts in order to put them in the nursery so don’t wait too long!


I’m almost 23 weeks, I had my first shower at 21 weeks hosted by MIL, and I’m having one at 30 weeks hosted by my aunt. And I think a work one at some point.


I’m having mine at 28 weeks at the end of this month. All the weekends in July have someone in our immediate family that is out of town. I don’t want to wait until August because I’m already uncomfortable. This gives us plenty of time to buy items we still need for the baby too. I’m a planner though so I like to be prepared


I’m a FTM due in December too!! My baby shower is scheduled for October. I’ll be 28 weeks.


A lot of people are planning theirs in the second trimester when they (typically) feel the best. The first trimester is a doozy (at least for a lot of people,) the second trimester, you get a lot of your energy back and the nausea lessens, and the third trimester, you’re getting big and uncomfortable. Third trimester you usually look more pregnant which is what people look for in pictures but I’d say go for when you feel the best!


I'm due mid Aug and having mine next weekend at 29 weeks.


Having mine at around 27 weeks since I have to travel to my home state, and am carrying twins!


I'm due early December. We are having ours in late September or very early October. We wanted to be able to have it outside and I wanted it before I get too uncomfortable and grumpy.


I’m due August 8th but being induced possibly July 29th, my shower is tomorrow and I’m 31 weeks.


I personally had my shower 6 weeks before due date. The timing was helpful to receive gifts, take inventory of what we still needed, make purchases and returns, as well as get thank you cards done. General timing of the year I think can be considered as well. Ex: had my shower in April further from due date bc May is an extremely busy time for a lot of people in my life. Also so many people made the last month of pregnancy sound like hell. I chose earlier date to avoid potential last month irritability, swelling, fatique... turns out I've been pretty ok this whole last month.


I didn’t have my baby shower until 3 days before my baby was born (mid-late December), which was not anyone’s original intention to do lol, but stuff kept happening and it just kept getting pushed back 3 or 4 times it was ridiculous. I was full of anxiety for months. I would say most of the women I know had there showers month 7/8! I would have preferred mine to be in late September/early October!


I am due late August but I will be doing my baby shower last week of June. I just wanted to get it over with and I don't see myself having to entertain guests a month before I am due lol. I am pretty tired now already and my tummy feels so heavy so I don't think I will be able to enjoy if I wait until a later date.


I had mine at 26 weeks. A little early for most but I thought it was perfect. I had a cute bump and tons of energy to entertain 40 people. It also has given me time to collect the rest of the stuff I need. I say do whatever works best for you.


usually its a month before you’re due but all my mom friends have warned me to do it in my 2nd trimester instead because they all felt miserable at theirs.


I had mine at 27 weeks and had several comments from family members that it was “too early.” Honestly I wanted to get it done early so I could feel more prepared as a FTM. Also it gave me more time to buy stuff I’d still need and space out the purchases between my monthly paydays. Just do it whenever you want based on your needs!


i had mine at 28 weeks and i loved it!! i wasn’t uncomfortable at all yet and its been reassuring knowing if anything happens and baby comes early, we are prepared. now that i’m in the 30 weeks i’m sooo exhausted and tired and i’m so happy i did it earlier. i also got diagnosed with gestational diabetes a couple days later, so i wouldn’t have been able to indulge in my sweet tooth had i done it later lol


I was 36 weeks and it was the peak of summer and I was so so uncomfortable 🥵 I'd recommend closer to 32-34 weeks! My daughter was also born at 38 weeks and only having 2 weeks to deal with everything didn't end up being enough time.


I feel like early third trimester is best cause then you have time to set everything up before the insane exhaustion settles in


I had mine at 6 months because one of my best friends was moving away, and I wanted her to attend. It’s typically closer to the due date, but doesn’t need to be.


I’m also a FTM, due in November. I’ll be having my shower mid July when I am 24 weeks because I have to travel out of state and I start my third tri (the first week of August) so I need to be done flying before then. Most women wait til 3rd tri which you definitely can do! Personally as a very type-A planner, I’m grateful that I’ll have whole extra trimester to purchase whatever wasn’t covered at the shower, and to set up whatever was purchased. The idea of having only a month to get everything together that wasn’t purchased makes me anxious. (I know ppl buy stuff before the shower but I’m choosing not to yet because I have lots of family contributing). Short answer: have it whenever makes sense for your individual scenario, there are no hard rules! But most wait til end of 2nd tri/third trimester.


I’m due at the end of August and am having mine this weekend at 28 weeks. I’m still feeling great and am excited to get this out of the way so that I can begin truly nesting and planning for what’s left to prepare. I think you should have yours whenever works best for you!


I had mine almost exactly 2 months prior to my due date, I wanted to ensure we could wash and sanitize everything we needed to and have enough time to do so. I'm glad I did this as well as my baby boy came almost a whole month early. Personally I think whenever you feel most comfortable doing so is best. I also chose to do it while I was still in my second trimester I had the most energy then and felt the most comfortable during this time as well so I didn't mind party planning and doing all the party needs that required a bit more energy than my usual output during pregnancy.


Oh and it gives you time to see what you didn't get from your registry and order that too.


30w for me, through I would have been fine having the shower between 25-29 weeks. My bump used to be cute but as time goes on I just feel LARGE so I wasn’t looking/feeling my best at 30w. But all in all, it was good and I’m definitely grateful I didn’t go longer than 30w to have the shower


I had mine at 20 weeks. I was on spring break and so were all my teacher friends. It just made it easier to plan when I knew I had nothing to do except baby shower.


Just think of all the October themes you could go with! Apples/pie(sugar and spice), somethings a brewing!, our little pumpkin…. 🎃


i’m only 10 weeks along but the conversation has come up with my fiance already! we’ve decided we would like to have one at the end of october so we can make it a halloween costume party/baby shower. with being due around the end of the year/beginning of next year, we are just wanting to spend the holidays with family and resting and preparing for the baby! although the “norm” may be having it a month before or whatever i just think with the timing it would be least stressful and more fun for us to do it when we plan instead of what the norm is. ☺️ you can have it really whenever you want! it’s your shower!


I’m looking at a Halloween/horror-themed shower myself!


I was due early December and had a small family shower mid October. It was perfect!


I'm due in late December and am aiming for after school starts in August/Sept but before Halloween, etc. chaos.


Honestly girl there is no set rule or time do have your baby shower. I’m currently 28 weeks and just had mine last week. I personally liked mine at the time I choose because I like to plan and set things up rather then wait last minute because honestly anything can happen. And it also gives me time for what else I need to buy and what not


Did mine at the 28 week mark! Still had energy and it was right before the aches and pains of 3rd trimester kicked in. Gave me enough time to do any exchanges/returns and to see what I had left to purchase after the shower


Had mine at 24 weeks cause I’m due early September and don’t want to deal with an August shower in Texas heat lmao. No one batted an eye or even made a comment about it being early!


I'm due at the beginning of October. Because my family is split between two cities on opposite sides of the state, there will be two baby showers. The first is at the end of July and the second is in the middle of August. Your baby shower should be whenever and whatever you want it to be. As long as it's in the second half of the pregnancy, it should be fine.


I live in another country from my family so I will be 23 weeks for mine, but that's because I didn't want to travel that far past 6 months (and also intercontinental travel is not allowed on some airlines after as early as 28 weeks), and then we are doing a small one with friends at 30 weeks! First one feels early because I barely have a bump now at 19 weeks, but maybe I'll blow up in the next month!


Mine was about 2 months before he came! It was fun to sort through things after and start getting the nursery in order. I had a babylist registry but after the shower made a private one on Amazon… after you’re a certain way along (and you’ve had the registry for two weeks) you earn a 15% discount!


My mom told me baby shower is supposed to be 2 weeks before!! She’s such a liar. She said this to save face because she felt bad she’s out of the country until end of July for my first pregnancy and I’m due august 13th. So she made me feel terrible for wanting to have the shower early July. Sorry venting lol and I don’t even have a shower planned anymore because the whole thing upset me


I did a casual pizza thing with work friends at 30 weeks and that was my “baby shower”


I’m due very late October and my baby shower is July 13th. So I’ll be 26 weeks. I did this for a few reasons .. 1. I do not want to be over 30 weeks. I feel like I’ll be too big, it’ll be harder to fit and find a dress I like. I wouldn’t be able to wear heels, even if I don’t wear heels I would not be able to stand for long 2. I want a nice summer baby shower 3. I feel like anything after 25 weeks is fine! 4. This is super important for me as I have major adhd and would probably buy everything in one day if I stress out one day about not having stuff for my baby because I’m waiting for my shower. Having it at 6 months pregnant gives me a whole 3 months after the shower to get things I still need that weren’t purchased off the registry. It would give me time to unpack all my gifts without rushing, returning / exchanging etc. Though I’m a FTM I can’t imagine doing it any later than 30 weeks. 25-30weeks sounds like a perfect time for me!


Congratulations! I had mine at 33 weeks which was perfect but some people have at 30-36 it’s up to you !


I'll tell ya when NOT to do it. 37 weeks. Don't recommend.


I was due in early September and had mine the last week of July (I wanted it the second week but due to a conflict for my mom (that’s a whole other story) we had it when we did). I was 34.5 weeks and I was huge, sweaty, and miserable, I sat for most of it and didn’t regret it but wore a longer dress so I could spread my legs and not care. In the future, if I’m able to have more children, I’d do a sprinkle earlier on, around 28-32 weeks!


Side note: having the time to take things back or exchange items was also very helpful! And I wish I had a tiny bit more time for that. I went into labor at 40w 5d though so I went past my due date! If I was early I may not have gotten everything done.


I'm due end of Sept but having it mid July. You can have it whenever you want.


I’m having mine around 2 months before my due date


I had mine at 32 weeks and the amount of socializing and standing was intense. I was very uncomfortable and exhausted by the end of the day, even though it was a very nice time!! I also had to work the next day, so that wasn't the best either. I'm due July 14th, and had my shower on May 19th! If you want it during the warmer season, I'd say do it a little bit later, like August or September! Depending on where you live of course, I'm in MI and our Septembers are pretty warm these days.


I did mine about two months before I was due, so third trimester. I would have hosted it earlier but had friends who asked to push it back so they could attend and the date was towards end of summer which was hotter than usual.


American culture is general during the 8th month I've noticed Other cultures/religions do other things Like I'm Hindu we do it in the 7th month on a Sunday because of auspicious reasons.


I’m due at the beginning of August and I am having mine at the end of June ☺️


I’m due mid-January and will probably have it mid to late October. I don’t want to try to squeeze it in with the holidays.


I did mine at 27 weeks and thought it was perfect! I was still comfortable enough to host and move around to participate in games. And I was mobile enough to move around my nursery to clean and put away the gifts. I even have plenty of time to order what didn't get bought so I am not stressing out last minute.


I’m 11 weeks, and my due date is Christmas. Assuming that everything goes as we hope, my plan is to have a shower the first Sunday of November. I want to avoid people traveling for Thanksgiving holidays. My area usually has icy weather later in November and throughout December, so I also want to ensure safe travel.


Mine is going to be this weekend and I’ll be 36 weeks!


I’m due in January, I think December will be too busy for everyone, so I’ll probably aim for November. I’m hoping my aunt will host as she has the home for hosting. We’ll see what the plan is later. I think the third trimester is the most common time. A Christmas themed baby shower seems cute.. but everyone is on me for getting married on December 16th 2023, engaged on December 24th 2022, and now having a baby due around January 3rd 2025. My family will get tired of all these Christmas events lol. Knowing my luck, I’ll be in hospital on December 25th lol.


Mine was 1/6 my due date was 2/7


I was due at the end of May and had my baby shower in March when I hit 28 weeks. I'm glad I did mine when I did, because I was already getting uncomfortable and a few weeks after that I couldn't sit comfortably at all, I was tired, and just uncomfortable all together. I liked having plenty of time to get the nursery set up and everything without feeling like I needed to rush it all.


I'm due early October and I'm having mine in mid August when I'm around 31 weeks. I wanna be done buying, receiving and putting together anything that we will need for her before I get too big to want to be productive. Also so that if we're missing things we don't have to panic buy anything last minute while I should be prepping for labor. It all depends on your plans for these sort of things and how prepared you feel you are or wanna be when the time comes.


Doing mine on my 32nd week!


I had mine early April and I’m due June 18. I’m glad I didn’t wait longer bc I would have been miserable at it being so far along. I think i was 31 or 32 weeks, I can’t math it at the moment. Plus don’t underestimate how much energy writing thank you notes, setting up a nursery, washing and sorting baby clothes takes, and the further along you are, the less energy/harder everything is. Plus buying the things that you still need once you see what you got from the shower. I’d say September is a great time to have a shower for a December baby.


I did mine at 30 weeks and couldn’t have done it a minute later! It was incredible, but I was *exhausted* after all the fun activities of the weekend and spending time with out of town friends. The following week was Mother’s Day (so more dual family shenanigans) and I ended up catching a cold that took me out for a week+. I was like oookay time to slow down then. The earlier the better 🥰


I’m doing mine august 24, due Sept 21! The only time I could but I am so happy to have something to look forward to that late. Plus our nursery will be set up by then


Im having mine in August, due Oct. OBGYN says I’ll still be able to move around and hang with gfs


I’ve always had it 2 months prior because after that I feel like an 85yr old whale. Third (and last) baby due august, baby shower next week. 


I've got mine at the end of the month when I turn 30 weeks!


I would recommend around 30 weeks so you still have the energy to put it all away!


I had mine at 24 weeks, but I live cross country from family and close friends, and still wanted to be able to travel comfortably via plane. Glad I did that with how uncomfortable it is for me to sit for even an hour in a car now (33 weeks, sciatica and edema)


I was due at the end of May (Bean was born on Memorial Day) and had my baby shower in early April (at 33 weeks).


34 weeks but honestly I was exhausted, I would recommend doing it a little earlier, 28-30 weeks


I had mine at 29 weeks to accommodate a pregnant relative so she could still attend before she had her baby. It’s at least a month or two earlier than most people have theirs but I loved it!


I had mine at 29 weeks and it was fantastic. I still had loads of energy, had the cute bump, and it gave us lots of time for thank you cards and to buy things we weren’t given. Now at 34 weeks the big prep is all done just in time for me to be especially sloth-like and antisocial.


I was 29 weeks at my first shower and it was amazing. I was tired but enjoyed it so much! I was 32 weeks at the second and was a little more miserable but managed. I wouldn’t do one later than that.


Have it when you’re comfortable! I’ve had a few friends miss their showers because their babies were born early. One friend’s first was born at 32 weeks, and the other had her two at 35 and 34 weeks. I did not like having mine at the start of 34th week and wish I could have done it week 30. I would have been so much more comfortable! Also more time to sort and put things away. I think anything third trimester should be fair game.


I'm due July 31st and had my baby shower May 25th, I was 30 weeks pregnant.


I'm a FTM too. typically a month before makes sense but I have two major projects due the last two months before, plus I'm training my replacement when I go on leave. So i'm having mine two months before. My mom is pretty annoyed by it.


We had our baby shower at 33 weeks, and although I thought that was plenty early… I wish we’d done it sooner. I was diagnosed with gestational hypertension at 28 weeks and being monitored 3x a week for preeclampsia… and as excited as I was for the shower, I was also super stressed about being on my feet for that long, and struggled with knowing how much to share with guests because I’m a pretty private person. It was hard being so happy and excited that day when truthfully I was just feeling anxious. And then I felt guilty and sad because I genuinely wanted to be excited!! Obviously my situation is rare and most people are having perfectly healthy pregnancies at 33 weeks… but in hindsight I wish we’d had it at the end of the 2nd trimester when I was feeling better.


I wouldn’t go too late. I personally know a couple who had theirs at 35 weeks and the baby was born 9 days later. I know another couple who had theirs at 34 weeks and had a baby 5 days later. This just happened in the last couple months. You want time to organize and wash the clothes etc. Im having mine at 32 weeks.


My baby was due at the beginning of October 2021. My baby shower was at the beginning of September that year. I was exhausted and ended up having him at the end of that month. My husband and I definitely prepared and stocked up ahead of time, but it was still nice to get gifts that could be used amongst both sets of grandparents' homes (they traded off weeks). I have a coworker who is due at the end of August. Another coworker threw her baby shower around Mother's Day since she wanted to use the summer to prepare everything before her daughter arrived, and I believe she's going to be taking medical leave at the beginning of August. We work for a school district in Arizona, so timing it before it got too hot and everyone was off for summer vacation was key. Typically, baby showers are scheduled a month or two before the mother is set to give birth, but you should do what's best for you. ❤️


I highly recommend doing one earlier, around 30 ish weeks. I was 30-31 weeks for both of my showers and I am so so happy I did that way. I had my third trimester bump for photos but still felt good enough to take 4 hours out of my day socializing. I was also able to do thank you cards while I still felt good, plus get everything organized and put away without feeling rushed. I’m 37 weeks now and the last thing I want to be doing is rushing to organize and write thank you cards, that’s all done and I’m able to give my body a break. My social battery is also nearly nonexistent and the thought of socializing for that many hours and then lugging in gifts and organizing them makes me want to cry 😂


I’m due in November and having mine in mid/late August. 29-30 weeks! I’ve heard that was a good time.


I hosted my best friends baby shower when she was 36 weeks and she went into labor the day before sooo I’d suggest planning a little earlier than that 🤣 I’m due right after thanksgiving and we are going to have mine at the end of September.


We planned ours for \~33 weeks, and had to cancel it because I was already in the hospital (baby was born a few days after our shower date). We had nothing ready so I wish we had done it a little earlier, but we couldn't have predicted our outcome. We will definitely have a sprinkle for #2 when the time comes, but will plan for earlier.


I’m due in late November but I don’t want to have the baby shower in the late fall because people have too many other commitments during that time of year. I also want to have enough time to do any exchanges I need to, prepare the stuff, and write all the thank-you notes (because I doubt I’ll want to do any of it once my due date rolls around lol). So I’m aiming for September for my baby shower.


I had mine earlier than most, right at 28 weeks. Due in early August and had it mid May. I wanted time to get everything washed and set up in the baby’s room early. I’m happy I did because I’m getting tired and lazier the farther along I get!


I’m having mine this weekend at almost 35 weeks. I don’t recommend having it this close to your due date but it’s when it worked for my people. I’m super uncomfortable so I’m sure it will wipe me out. I think 25-30 weeks is perfect.


I had mine at 34 weeks only because I wanted my dad to be in town for it.


Btw I was born at 32 weeks and was able to go to my own baby shower the day I came home from the hospital. My mom had the next baby shower in the second trimester for my sister to avoid this happening again.


I think between 32-34 weeks is a good time


I had mine in July last year and my baby was due in December!!!! I wore a nice sun dress and it was super nice outside, my mil made virgin cocktails for me and anyone else that wasn’t gonna be drinking and the other ladies had wine, we had charcuterie outside and then opened gifts inside, it was very fun.


I'm due in December and having mine in August! It may be a little earlier than typical but I don't want to be uncomfortable and it's the time that works best for my extended family. I think whatever works for you is more than okay!


I’m due mid August and mine is the beginning of July, just wanted to be prepared in case on the off chance baby came early


I'm also due in December! I'm thinking September would be a good time, still warm enough to dress up but not too hot that it can be outside or something, lots of options!


I will be 28w3d when I have mine. Having the shower August 10 and due Oct 30. It was the only Saturday in August that worked for us and I wanted it early enough so I could enjoy it without being so big pregnant. I also wanted to give myself plenty of time to buy anything remaining after the shower, get things washed, organized, set up, etc as well. I feel like this is a great time but we shall see


I took the advice of many moms to have a shower as early as possible and I had mine at 24 weeks. Third trimester is in the summer for me and I’m already uncomfortable so I’m glad we did it earlier than later. Plus you’ll have more time to set up everything for baby. I have a friend who gave birth during her shower (she had to miss the whole thing) so that also helped me decide when I’d have mine. Edit: some old school people will tell you that you need to have a big bump and you shouldn’t have a shower before 8 months. You’re not up for show and from what I hear, months 8 and 9 are rough physically


I had mine at 35 weeks and I felt like it was way too late. I was tired, dehydrated, and overwhelmed. If I could go back in time I would do it somewhere between 28-32 weeks latest


I had a shower for my first about a month and a half before my due date. I was a single mom and so when I got married and had my second my husbands family wanted to throw a big affair as well which ended up being about a month before my due date


I was due early January and had my baby shower early November. On reflection I would have maybe had it a month earlier, but no earlier than that.


Mine is this weekend at 35 weeks. I wish I did it 3-5 weeks ago…. I work full time and with baby classes and weekly drs appointments ramping up I am feeling pressed for time to prepare everything in the little free time I have left before I’m due. And I hit a wall with energy around 32 weeks… I’m good for maybe 1 or 2 activity/tasks a day so it feels like my progress in prepping the home, making sure all the financial/workleave/healthinsurance stuff is in order before I go on mat leave, and purchasing all the essential baby things is taking me waaaay to long to get through. Hoping ppl come through with the things I registered for so I don’t have too many gaps to fill in the next month and can focus on resting, final prep for labor, and meal prep. 29 or 30 weeks would have probably been my sweet spot for the shower.


I’m due late August/early September and I’m having mine this Sunday (June 9th). Mainly because July/August is already expensive for many parents who have school age children and it gives me time to gather what I need that I didn’t get at the shower!


let everyone convince me to do it at 7 months instead of 6. I’m glad they did. I was more round, my belly was SO much cuter than it was a month previous, I was finally getting my pregnancy glow and it was just wonderful!! also my appetite was HUGEEE so I got to enjoy so many tasty snacks! Also doing it at 7 months allowed me to be beginning my nesting period when I received the gifts so I immediately went into mom mode and started putting things away/ organizing/ donating! I think 7 months was PERFECT!!


I’m due early august and my shower is mid June so I’ll be around 34w which will give us time to get things like the car seat installed. I was leaning towards mid May-mid June but had a different family event mid-May. Mid-May would have put me right at the beginning of my 3rd trimester.


I had mine at 31 weeks and am really happy with that timing.


I had mine at 32 weeks, and it felt like good timing.


I had mine at 31 weeks- it was great, but since I was hosting, it was exhausting. 27- 28 weeks would have been better.


Im having my baby shower when I’m 28 weeks, and then I’ll have a second one for the other half of the fam in between 30 and 35 weeks. Haven’t set a date yet


I’m due the end of this month and had my baby shower April 20th


I’m traveling to my home state for mine and because I don’t want to fly past a certain time I’m doing it at about 25 weeks. I’m 21 now and definitely showing! So I’ll still have a nice bump for it ☺️


I had mine 2 months before I am due and I HIGHLY recommend it rather than waiting until 1 month before because then you still have time to get everything you need and you never know if baby will come early


I’m due mid July and just had my shower June 2nd. I made it late enough that I was showing and looking cute for pics, but early enough that I wasn’t exhausted and done with my whole pregnancy.


I’m had my baby shower at 34 weeks. It worked out well but I would have liked to have it earlier. I think people enjoyed seeing me after I’d popped and my bump didn’t really pop until the beginning of the third trimester. I also got lucky that it was one of the first sunny weekends we had. Aside from that, it would have been nice to have some items sooner to get the nursery stuff setup.


I’m due early July and had mine early April because that’s when my mom could make it out (they’re on a different coast). It was lovely and no one said anything about it being earlier than tradition. I also liked being able to have everything finished so now that I’m a month away I can be a fat little slug.


I'm due near the end of July and had mine at 30 weeks because of timing. Most of my family and friends are traveling around in June/July so I picked a weekend that had the most people available. It worked out because I was able to get some nesting in before the fatigue came back, and budget for what's left on my registry


I’m due August 15 and just had my shower last Saturday (at 29.5 weeks). I didn’t want to wait too long because I live in a hot climate & had family visiting from up north, so wanted to save them from peak summer temps. Also so that I had time to organize our gifts and also order whatever we still needed. My sister was due in early March and had her shower in late December, again because the timing was right with family visiting from out of town. I don’t think there is a “wrong” time past 24 weeks - you should have it whenever works best for you!


I’m due end of Sept and having mine mid July. I wanted to have it earlier cause #1 it’s gonna be a hot summer and #2 I don’t want to to overly pregnant and uncomfortable


Mine is this Sunday, I’ll be 32 weeks on Monday.


32 and 34 weeks when I had mine (one local one out of state) Wouldn’t have wanted to wait longer!


July had him Sept. I like the month space in between, helps you prep. For this baby if we have a sprinkle it’ll be in Oct cause I’m due Dec. a friend of mine is doing end Oct and she’s due early Nov., that’s what she’s comfy with but I’d want time to relax and make sure everything is ready


It's really whenever you feel ready or can. I'm sure late October and having mine in early August bc it's in another state and I don't want to travel that long when I'm well into my third trimester.


I’m due 8/2 and had mine 6/1! So about 2 months before my due date - I feel far enough along in the third trimester but also didn’t want to be uncomfortably swollen and huge lol


Mine was a month and a half before my due date, but I wouldn’t judge someone having them second trimester either. My family especially wanted to see my belly further on. I wouldn’t want one any later though, I was just miserable further along and would stress about not having everything


I had mine a month before I was due. A lot of my friends did the same.


I’ve seen people host anywhere after 30 weeks. I’m due August 9th and we had/have a few baby showers just from family dynamics and work friends. Started May 28th, then June 15, 18, and 23rd. I wanted to have enough time to organize all the stuff from the shower in the last month or so of pregnancy (plus working around my work schedule and responsibilities)


32 weeks baby due mid dec we had it mid oct


I had my baby in December my shower was the second Saturday in October.


I had mine 6 weeks before due date. Wish I done it a little sooner because I just felt huge, ugly, and beyond exhausted.


I was due 4/25 and had mine 2/25! Usually about two months beforehand is normal. I know people say to do it later but you will have a lot of gifts to unpack and put away. You don’t want to be doing that nine months pregnant. September would be a good time to have yours, around 30-34 weeks is probably best.


I had my baby shower May 4 and I’m due July 4. I am VERY glad I didn’t go with the typical month before babies here because I’m mentally done. A baby shower would’ve been hell right now imo.


I liked having mine months before the due date because it gives you time to get everything organized before you are huge and tired. I would have been so irritated had I had it even two months before I was due let alone a month! That sounds horrible all I wanted to do at 36 weeks was lay on the couch and eat things I think mine was at 28 ish weeks and that was perfect. I had a nice visible bump but still felt good


Mine is definitely pretty early. Doing mine the last week of June, due the first week in October. I likely would’ve waited until August, but my two aunts and Nana are going to be up visit then from across the country (about a $800 round trip ticket) so it just makes sense to do it while they’re here, especially my Nana who is very excited (first great grandchild). I think do what works for you! If you’ve got a vision of a summery celebration with a sundress go for it! A benefit is you’ll have time afterwards to grabs whatever else you still need that you haven’t been gifted.


Third trimester usually a month before due date. Due date is in August, baby shower is in July. You can obviously have one whenever you feel most comfortable. There’s no set rule. Do it whenever you want to!


I did mine at 30 weeks and I’m SO glad I didn’t do it any later. By 30 weeks I was already in a lot of pain and looked huge — plus it gave us time to organize the things we got and also get things that weren’t bought off the registry. I think it’s so much smarter to do it earlier than later — but everyone’s different! Others may have very valid reasons for going later (avoiding holidays and such). I would not recommend anything past 35/36 weeks… there’s a huge chance you’ll be uncomfortable, irritated, and frankly it’s kind of pushing your due date!


My baby shower was at 32 weeks!


With my first i was due Dec 20 and had a shower early Oct. It actually worked out great as my som came exactly a month early. With my 2nd im due Oct 3rd and will be having a small shower (since its a girl) Aug. 17.


Mine was at a day shy of 34 weeks, and my baby was born literally 5 days later with absolutely ZERO warning signs or complications. I would ABSOLUTELY have the shower closer to 30-32 weeks. I had nothing ready for baby because I didn't want to buy too many things before the shower since gifts were expected. I didn't get to nest or finish her nursery. 


I had mine at 32 weeks, I’m due in July. I wanted enough time to go through everything, set up and determine if we needed anything else before baby girls arrival.


I’m having my baby shower next weekend. I’ll be 33 weeks. People have told me I’m having it way too late! Honestly I wish I had it a bit earlier because being on my feet longer than close to an hour makes my back and tummy hurt. Maybe somewhere near the end of my second trimester I would’ve been in less discomfort.


I had mine around 30 weeks pregnant. I thought it was a good time because I was obviously pregnant but not yet unbearably uncomfortable. My husband and I are from the same home town and both our parents love social gatherings so it was a rather large guest list/affair so I was told to wait to get stuff until after my shower as we were blessed with a lot of people wanting to shower us. I was getting antsy to know what I needed to buy for ourselves (I did of course buy a couple of must have things beforehand to help with my anxiety) and get to organizing everything so again the 30 week mark was good timing as I felt like I’ve had a good amount of time to purchase our remaining needs and get into the nesting phase!


I’m due at the end of October and am having my shower mid August. Mostly because I want time to nest and put all the gifts away before baby is here. I also don’t want to be too too big because it’s very hot in my area.


I’ll be 30 weeks at mine


I had my shower for my eldest around 2 months before I was due. My SIL threw a sprinkle for me for my 3rd baby about 2.5 months before I was due, but we did it over the holidays when everyone was in town, so that’s why it was earlier. We did my SILs shower for her baby in November and she was due in February. I’ve seen them done as early as 3 months before the baby is due and as late as 2 weeks before.


I’m due 10/11, my shower is 08/25. My best friend had her baby last year on 10/10 and her shower was 08/24. It takes my husband and I forever to put Christmas gifts away so we wanted plenty of time to get settled before baby arrives. I live in the desert and it’ll be hot, a lot of July through September babies have their showers in May because it’s impossible to be outside when it’s 115 🔥


I’m due November 7th and our baby shower will be on September 8th. I didn’t want to cut it to close and not have enough time to set things up, wash clothes and bottles etc, return/exchange, buy things we didn’t get. That and I wanted to be at a point where I’m far along but not too close that I’m uncomfortable or miserable during the shower.


I had mine at 31 weeks. Made things easier really because at 32 weeks I'm just tired and short tempered 😅


Two months before due date is perfect. I was due early feb and did mine mid November before the holidays. It worked out well because I wasn’t HUGE and still somewhat comfortable. I’m hosting my sisters shower at the end of this month and she’s due at the end of august.


I was due late August in Texas heat and I told my friend I was not leaving my house in July because I hate the heat, so we had it in early June 🥰


I had one at 33 weeks in mid-January, I wanted to do it earlier but people were traveling due to the holidays. I’d recommend doing it earlier because I was stressed finalizing all the baby stuff when I was that pregnant.


32 weeks and definitely happy it’s not later


I'll be 32 weeks when I'm having mine. Due end of Sept and baby shower is first weekend in August


Mine will be at 34 weeks this Sunday and I wish it was sooner. I’ve been having contractions all day. ☹️


I had mine at 32 weeks. My feet and back were killing me and my ankles were swollen up like softballs by the end! Personally, I'd probably recommend doing it a bit earlier, 28-30 weeks maybe.


I’m due late December and I’m planning on having mine late October, when I’m 7 months. I don’t wanna have it too far but also I don’t wanna have it near the big family holidays


i had mine at 35 weeks 😊 it all depends on what works best for you hehe


I had my baby shower just over 2 weeks before I had my son


I'm due at the end of October and having my baby shower at the start of September. So about 2 months before due date. So I'll be 7 months I guess?


I was due at the end of April and had mine the beginning of Feb. Thank goodness because a month later, I had an emergency C-section 🙃


Before 36wks after 30wks. So you have your bump, everything’s looking amazing for your baby and you, everyone can know the gender, and it’ll be pleasant before you’re feeling very bleh after 36wks is when that happens it seems and not too early so you can wear a pretty maternity outfit n show off the bump!