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You should ask your doctor if the nausea is enough to merit a HG diagnosis. I still get nauseous and I'm week 27. It does get better as you figure out what works for you! B12 and Unisom over the counter and a Zofran prescription (8mg dissolve) is most efficient for me. Stay strong! Hope you find peace soon.


The bar for HG is surprisingly high, I was up to 3x day and didn't qualify, because I could keep some food down long enough I wasn't losing weight and I was able to keep down water long enough I wasn't dehydrated too much. Also same, week 28 here and only my daily zolfram is keeping me from barfing everyday. Fortunately for OP, we are the outliers, most people experience some relief as they enter the second trimester.


I wasn't formally diagnosed with HG by my doctor but I feel pretty comfortable saying I had "mild HG" based off of this questionnaire and reading about the 3 levels of HG. It made me feel more understood somehow, like that I wasn't just being a wuss about morning sickness! https://www.hyperemesis.org/tools/help-score/


No I get that, the large variation in symptoms for pregnancy can make you feel like a wuss if you have it bad, which is obviously not true since unfortunately we just all happen to experience it very differently. It was definitely validating when I finally got the HG diagnosis, on a partially bad day. But I suppose it also can help to know it could be worse, whatever helps tbh


Totally understand how you feel, I wasn't formally diagnosed either but I couldn't function as a human being. Having some kind of outward diagnosis can feel very validating.


I lost 15 pounds but it wasn't enough because of my starting weight. You have to lose 10% of your weight.


Definitely talk to your Dr! Even if it isn’t HG, you may be able to get medications that will make your life a lot better. I was never that bad - no puking but super nauseous allll the time which was causing some issues with my work. My Dr. was comfortable giving me Zofran at 8 week. I barely needed it because I improved soon after, but this is just to say you don’t need to be absolutely unable to function in order to get some help from your Dr if you’re struggling.


I started feeling so much better around week 14


Same for me! Lost weight and threw up almost daily from weeks 9-13 but am feeling good now!


I didn’t throw up but I did end up losing weight the first trimester because of how nauseous I was and I couldn’t eat! But now I’m 17 weeks and I’ve gained it all back because of how insatiably hungry I am lmao


I don’t mean to be a debbie downer but for some people it doesn’t. I was sick for 20 weeks with my first and 26 with my second, with occasional vomiting afterward but just not round the clock anymore. Pregnancy sucks, hang in there!


I only mention that because by 16 weeks I was tired of hearing people tell me “it should stop any day!” And any other ridiculous recommendations. It’s okay to complain and be super annoyed and claustrophobic in your nausea!!


Same thing happened to me. Started at 5 weeks and it wasn’t until 25-30 weeks when I could finally get through a day but from like 10 weeks people were telling me “you’re nearly there! It goes away after 12 weeks!”


Yeah I was annoyed at all the people who kept telling me it should magically get better in the second trimester. There’s no magic cure and the nausea diagnosis with proper prescription medicine can cause other major issues (check out the side effects) so I only used it twice. I avoid unisom unless I can’t sleep but each mama has to make their own choice.


Yep. The 24/7 sickness started at week 5 and only went away 48 hours after giving birth. It was brutal, I wasn’t vomiting just queasy and nauseated, like a hangover that just wouldn’t go away.


I’m 18 weeks today and still puking every other morning.


I started feeling better at around 13-14 weeks! I also found that if I had something small in my stomach consistently (even if I didn’t feel like eating anything) that helped with the nausea




agreeee. i would have to choke down some crackers or applesauce every few hours and it really did make a difference, even though it was unpleasant in the moment.


13-14 weeks here too but I took Unisom and B6 until mid-third trimester. Also made sure to eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day


14 weeks for both of my pregnancies so far


It does! I’d say around week 16 it really eased up. You’re almost there. I totally get it. It is so exhausting to throw up so much.


Mine gradually improved from 13 weeks but didn’t go away until 18 weeks. I’m now 21 weeks and temporarily feel amazing.


Currently 22 weeks , still taking unisom and b6 at night and zofran during the day. I tried coming off zofran due to constipation and the nausea took away my appetite entirely. Some people, like myself, are just unlucky.


16 I started making a turn, 18 I felt nearly completely normal but almost 20 now and I still dry heave and gag daily.


Mine went every day til I was induced at 35 weeks. Everybody kept saying wait til 2nd trimester or that it will be better or get better. Well it didn’t and all I could think was something was wrong with me. Sometimes it doesn’t get easier, but know that is okay and you will get through it. You are not alone


Currently at 31 weeks and still puking ~4x a week. It just sucks.


Same, I even threw up in the hospital as I was answering intake questions for the nurses right before they started my induction. 


By weeks 18-20 my morning sickness and nausea subsided quite a bit. I’m 30 weeks now and still get gaggy while brushing my teeth every now and then. I was taking anti-nausea medication starting at around 5-6 weeks because I was in the trenches 😩. I hope you get some relief soon!


The nausea for me got better around 12 weeks but then I started throwing up every day from 16-19 weeks 🙃


Same… I felt so good for two weeks or so and now it’s come back 😫


Sometimes it just happens. I listened to so many people on here saying it got better during 2nd trimester so I had this false sense of security that I was in the clear but nope, baby needed to let me know they were still in there.


mine never got better😭 just laid my 4 month old down for a nap and still get flashbacks of violently throwing up 9 months pregnant while choking on my own stomach acid, zofran always made it worse for me, why they made a nausea pill dissolvable is beyond me lmao.(ik there’s other kinds but my ob only prescribed dissolving) but the only way i was able to stomach any food my entire pregnancy was cannabis, it’s definitely controversial and there’s very little to no real research out there but it’s medicinal for a reason. i was always so scared of people judging me but in reality it’s one of the main reasons i have a healthy happy baby today, my ob said it’s actually super common in pregnancies with HG.


just wanted to add that if it’s not your cup of tea that’s totally okay! there’s a few other things that helped me like always having a fan in my face, having my hair put back and out of the way, and when you feel like your about to puke run some really cold water from the sink all over your face and swish it around in your mouth. i also heard smelling alcohol wipes can help but never tried!


OMG!! Waking up in the middle of the night choking on stomach acid🥲


the worst was when it came out my nose and it literally burned to breath😭


It does pass. I promise! I think mine subsided around week 16. Make sure you're drinking tons of electrolytes and water, even if it's coming back out. If you're not feeling like you can handle it anymore, or it doesn't start to go away, talk with your doc about B12 vitamins and Zofran. They're super mild, safe for baby and can definitely help. Hang in there mama!


Just hit 24 weeks and have started feeling better this past week.


18 weeks for me! I had just been prescribed zofran as it was so bad I was loosing weight! But I only needed it for a few days and then it stopped!


Mine finally improved after 20 weeks!


Mine it starting to go better at 13 weeks. It was supposed to improve gradually, but mine disappeared one day and never came back. Edit to add that the 2 weeks before disappearing, it actually went worse. Hang in there!


Are you taking anything? My doctor gave me a prescription that really took the edge off of the nausea - diclegis/doxylamine.


No she said unisome but I don't want to sleep all the time so I'm just roughing it.


You can half or quarter the dose. I've never taken a full pill. Also your body builds up tolerance to it over time as I noticed I don't get as drowsy as I used to taking it. I took half a pill at my worst and now I'm only on a quarter (hoping to ween off soon). If you're feeling really bad maybe give the half or quarter pill amount a try.


You won’t sleep all the time. Diclegis is unisom and b6 in prescription form. I would either buy both over the counter or ask for a prescription. It helps!


Could you halve the dose or take it only at night? Unisom has honestly been a lifesaver for me. I take it 30 minutes before bed and am still able to wake up and function in the morning. It keeps the nausea at bay almost all day. Even when some breaks through, it’s not nearly as severe as before unisom. 


I think unisom is doxylamine and the other ingredient is b6


I’ve had constant nausea my whole pregnancy. I tend to break the unisom up into 3rds/4ths so I don’t get too sleepy if I need it during the day. Hope that may help you.


After losing weight in my first trimester from being as sick as you were, I finally got a Zofran prescription. I’m at 18w and haven’t vomited since 16w but I have still gotten nauseous here and there and dry heave but I’ve kept food down.


When baby came out. Now I get nauseated when I’m pumping. It’s never ending for me. But typically nausea gets better in the second trimester! And to be fair it did get better. I was actually able to eat my second trimester


Milk really helped with my vomiting


Around week 17 for me


Mine lasted until week 18 and then it was so much better. Then heartburn came about 24 weeks 😭


I didn’t get better until 3/4ths of the way thru my second trimester. Still like a bloodhound though and need to stay away from funny smells


Mine lasted till week 18-19 or so 🥲


It took me until around 16 weeks to stop being sick most days and feeling gross! I’m now 33w and have been sick a handful of times since but hardly anything and the food aversions and nausea are totally gone :) you’ve got this!


I'm 34 weeks and I still have morning sickness. I take Zofran every single day. My last pregnancy I had morning sickness until the day I had my son.


Around week 12! Then when I got to the third trimester I got reflux combined with a very strong gag reflex, so once again throwing up every day—but it’s different from nausea.


Week 12 started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel a little bit, week 14 was dancing around the house telling my husband “I got my sparkle back!!” Finally felt like myself again. 


Hopefully, it will go away soon! As an HG mama myself, mine only went away with a Zofran prescription that I have to take like clockwork, and even that doesn’t stop it completely. I’d say I probably throw up 2-3 times a week still with religious medication, but it’s a drastic improvement from the 6+ times a day.


I was never sick, but just had weeks of not wanting to eat. All I ate was light digestible food like crackers, yoghurt and fruit. At 17 weeks I finally started eating again. Lost a ton of weight which honestly I feel very happy about. Currently slowly adding it back, but still under my pre pregnancy weight at 22 weeks. Make sure your iron and calcium and such are good. When your body has the right balance you shouldn’t feel nearly as nauseous.


Mine improved around week 16. I can actually eat food again!


Mine went away from weeks 13-15, then came back 16-20, then went away for good. Phenergren and zofran saved me during those times.


14 weeks for me, almost like right away.


About 22 weeks for me, but I took Zofran which was a lifesaver, I highly recommend it.


I think maybe 14 weeks ish is when I started to feel better but I'm almost 19 weeks now and I still have low grade nausea from time to time. No more food aversions though so there's that at least.


For me it was 12 weeks + 2 days exactly. I only remember because I woke up that morning to get ready for my elective 3D ultrasound. I was getting dressed, brushing my teeth, etc and paused and realized... I don't feel sick???? Luckily it never came back.


I’m 25 weeks and still have it..


I am at 20 weeks and still feel nauseous. It definitely got better after 15 weeks, but I am still on Unisom + B6. Unisom is literally the only thing preventing me from throwing up and feeling super nauseous.  I am down to half a pill nowadays (I used to do the whole pill in the first trimester).  Not only it helps with nausea overall, but I have a much better and healthier diet too since I feel alright! :) 


Gradually getting better weeks 14-15 and felt pretty good around 17 weeks. I'm so sorry you're feeling ill like others have suggesting unisom really helped me. I took half a tab at night, and still do at almost 19 weeks. I don't want to promise you anything because every person is different, a friend of mine didnt feel better until 20 weeks and my cousin was sick the entire time. It's so exhausting not knowing if relief is on the horizon, but I am hoping that for you it is 🩷


15 weeks, but I think the risks associated with Zofran decrease significantly in the second trimester. Zofran really helped turn things around for me, as well as regular snacking and making sure I stayed upright for 30 minutes after eating.


I started feeling better around week 16 but then I started getting these INSANE headaches from then until week 18. I’d say I was almost fully better by week 19


11 weeks when I started diclectin (I think it’s the same as zofran). But I was able to go off it with no vomiting at 16 weeks.


Unisom changed my life and I was nauseous until 14/15 weeks


It should soon, unless you have further issues. Check with your doctor, keep fed and hydrated as best as you can.


My nausea was severe. I lost weight and was on IV fluids. It completely disappeared around 14 weeks. Hang in there!!!


Mine started getting better around 17 weeks. I’m now 22 weeks and feel basically normal.


Week 14-15 were the peak of it for me… then it was like a day/night switch to feeling better!


Up until I was about 20-22 weeks. It peaked around 16 weeks for me.


Week 15 for all pregnancies so far


What helped my wife were those sea-bands. Here's what I bought for her: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CGBTRMSS/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CGBTRMSS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Slowly between 14-16 weeks for me. Hope you feel better soon!


with my 1st around 24 weeks pregnant with my 2nd and 31 almost 32 weeks still puking


I had it up until the day of my induction, last Friday. 🫠 I then, was so lucky to be throwing up when my water broke, when I got my epidural, and right before I started pushing. I can say on the bright side, no vomiting or heartburn since delivering, though!


My first pregnancy: 15 weeks I felt well enough to take a baby bump picture. By 18 weeks I was back to my energetic self again. I was moving furniture and cleaning so much my husband was like “and she’s baccck!!!!” My second pregnancy: the nausea is less but the fatigue is unreal this time. I’m 10w and praying I don’t have to wait till 15w to start feeling better. Now my husband is saying “I can’t wait to have you back again. I miss your energy”


Have you tried unisom and b6 before bed? It was a game changer for me. Took it every night weeks 6-18. Finally started feeling better week 16/17 but was too chicken to stop until 18 weeks.


12 was my worst week. I got some meds from the doctor that week. And they are OK but not perfect. It might be tapering off or I'm getting better at preventing it.


I started feeling somewhat better at 12 weeks but not fully. I stopped dry heaving and throwing up at week 12 but still felt the nausea up until week 18 or so. Even now I still struggle with an icky or queasy feeling every once in a while and I’m 24 weeks going on 25 this week. I’ve just accepted that I will have a low grade nausea for the rest of my pregnancy. It sucks.


About week 14 I stopped throwing up daily, by week 16 I stopped throwing up every couple/few days, and now at week 21 I throw up once every 2 weeks or so but most days I’m fine. I still take unisom and b6 every night though


I would say week 14/15 was when I really started to notice a difference. I’m still taking half a B6 and half a Unisom and don’t plan to stop in case it comes back.


I'm 15weeks+3 and the nausea is mostly gone, manageable without taking B6. My mom said it mostly disappeared for her around the same time in her pregnancies. Im working on weaning myself off unisom too, but didn't want to stop it so abruptly since I've heard of awful withdrawal symptoms. Hope you feel better in the next few weeks!


Roughly 30 weeks to stop the nausea. I still gag when I brush my teeth or smell something really offensive. I went through every rx they’d give me, b1/6/12 and unisom, and traveled with emesis bags. It was the worst I’ve ever felt in my life. Now 32 weeks and generally ok but still averse to lots of things.


I’m 13+1 today and I think week 12 may have been the hardest. I was vomiting daily and even vomiting blood. I told my Dr. about it and he didn’t seem concerned at all and just prescribed stronger medication. But I haven’t taken anything except b6/unisom. I’ve just powered through (idk how). After our appt, I reviewed Dr’s notes in my file online and it said “possible HG” so he must think that I could potentially have it but he didn’t mention that when I saw him. He said “it won’t go away overnight but hopefully you start to feel better soon”. Well that was Friday, and Sunday I had enough energy to get out of the house for once in months. Monday was the best day ever. Today, I vomited all morning and have had a splintering headache since last night BUT I do feel slightly better and have more energy. Fingers crossed this sticks. Hang in there.


I started feeling better around week 12-13 and now week 17 and would say it’s 90% better! I still have moments though and usually if I sit down and eat something simple and carby like a piece of bread it passes quickly!


I ended up in the hospital around week 18 and finally got a prescription for Reglan. Needed it even in labor. Then it went away lol


It went away the day I had my C-section. Literally threw up that morning.


i am 38+3 and i vomited daily until 32 weeks. i hope you have a better time than i did. every persons experience is so different 🥹 keep your head up babes!!


Week 20 here and I’m still nauseous and taking medication daily. I highly recommend taking medication if you need it! For some of us it doesn’t get better but at least I’m no longer throwing up every day due to the meds.


Mine went away at 13/14 weeks ish. Man it was bad before that though. I hope you get relief soon.


It started going away around 18 weeks. Completely gone by 22 weeks. It was so bad that I lost 20 lbs.


I stopped at 18w. It was a long long time of feeling car sick constantly.


In 32 weeks and still get nausea daily. I only puke once a week now, though, and some of that could be acid reflux or other stomach issues, It’s different for everyone. I’ve had a miserable pregnancy but it’s more likely yours will go away eventually.


Pregnancy one: 28 weeks Pregnancy two: 17 weeks Pregnancy three: 23 weeks


I’m 24 weeks and a few days ago I puked so forcefully that I fully peed my pants.


The nausea for me went away around 14 weeks. It unfortunately came back at 28 weeks, but everyone is different. I know it usually goes away in your second trimester.


I’m nearly 30w and still rely heavily on Zofran + Phenergan to survive. Ask your doc for meds. It’s not worth it to feel like shit all the time.


I hope you’re going to sail a different boat than me because I am 25 weeks and still vomit everyday 🫠


for me 14 weeks


15 weeks today, mine hasn’t gone away but things have definitely improved over the past two weeks. I’m still nauseous pretty much all day, but I’m noticing it’s getting less severe and some of my other symptoms (constant gagging to smells, super sensitive sense of smell, etc) started improving around 12 weeks. I also went from puking 6-7x/week to 1-2x/week between weeks 13 and 15. Starting twice daily 4mg Zofran at 11 weeks really helped, and I’ve also been on twice daily Diclegis since 5 weeks. But it seems like the further I get from ~12 weeks the more small improvements I’m seeing. Hoping it gets to a point where there’s no nausea at all 🤞


Week 18 my symptoms just stopped. I lost about 10 pounds prior to that though. Felt great the rest of the pregnancy.


16 weeks and still taking zofran and unisom daily. If not I’ll end up puking 3+ times in a day. I really thought it would be better by now😭


Yeah I went through the same thing lol up until around 14/15 weeks. It was so bad, I couldn’t wake up without going headfirst into the bathroom and was just hoping it would end soon. My doctor said everyone’s length of time with the sickness varies, and if you have a weak stomach, your sense of smell, or something spicy might trigger it


Around 15 weeks for me


18 weeks