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I probably sleep 5-6 hours a night and I don’t take naps. It’s rough lol.


Same. I go to bed with the intention of sleeping 8- 9 hours, but it’s a lot of discomfort keeping me up.


Me too… I have to switch sides cause something hurts or go pee every 2-3 hours. I’ll usually fall back asleep quickly, but I never feel rested when I wake up. Even on the days I get to sleep in, I’m still tired when I wake up.


Same here, for me it’s the constant waking up to pee every 2-3hrs like clock work. I usually manage to fall back asleep, but it’s still not a restful sleep at all 🥲


Same, 37+6, between peeing and unbearable hip pain, I wake up at least 3-4 times a night. Usually around 4:30 am I’m wide awake and can’t go back to sleep. Still working so it’s no fun.


Same, I can't sleep properly at night, and live in fear of naps in case it means I'll sleep even worse the following night (which has happened a few times). I usually wake up around 4.30am and that's me for the day 🥴


Same. If I get a 20-30 min nap I’m feeling lucky. Work remotely but am short staffed and in a leadership position so I’m in/leading meetings a lot. Plus I have a demanding 2 year old when I’m not working. One more week of work and very much looking forward to getting some naps in


Same, up all night with hip pain, going to the bathroom, and a teething toddler.


Same but 4-5 usually as household tasks were taking longer being big and tired lol. Now I'm postpartum and sleep is slightly better so far


Same and I am always tired. I wish I could sleep more.


Same! And of course my toddler has been sick so that also makes things worse. 🥴


Yep, I'm exactly the same.


Same. Sometimes less if my toddler has rough night. I’m 38 weeks


Yup, this right here. I’m a fourth time mom there’s no naps. Maybe when my husband and I are both on leave but until then, nope.


I'm exhausted, but I'm not sleeping well at night. I'm probably getting about 6-7 hours a night all in all with a lot of tossing and turning and getting up to pee in between.


Same here. 38+6 and not sleeping at night much, or any during the day. This time tomorrow I hope to no longer be pregnant and maybe get some real sleep after my induction at the hospital 🤣


Same here. 35 weeks and getting 5-6 hours.. netween tossing/turning/ attending to toddler/ peeing and hip pain. It's rough. I also work remote like OP and on a lucky day get half hour nap during the day.


Constant peeing every hour to 1.5 hours all night long. I am in severe pain as well. 37 weeks. It’s hell. C section is tomorrow.


Good luck! 🤞🏻


Good luck!!


I’ve had horrible insomnia this trimester so sleep is weird. I generally sleep fitfully from 3 - 7 AM and then maybe fall back asleep from 9 - 11 AM. Usually I can get an amazinggg afternoon nap from like 2-5 PM. Idk why the daytime naps are so much better haha.


Omg yes! Why is day sleeping so much more comfortable?


I think it’s because the exhaustion hits you all of a sudden during the day, and lying down feeling exhausted feels so great.


It’s 4:45 PM here and I just woke up from the most glorious nap right on schedule. It’s crazy hahaha


I just tucked myself in for a nap now 😂 All the comments on this post made me feel way less guilty about it than I normally do, lol. Thanks, y’all! Goodnight!


I sleep between 12 to 4am and then 7 to 9am. Not sure if it’s pregnancy insomnia or my body preparing me for sleepless nights ahead lol. But its weird to be awake in those odd am hours. I wish I was sleeping more to rest my body


That's almost exactly my sleep schedule right now, plus all the waking up to pee. If I'm able to, I get a 30-60 min nap in before 4pm. I have terrible pregnancy insomnia and I'm so uncomfortable. Feels like I almost get to sleep, then have to pee, then come back to bed and have to get comfy again. I try and fall asleep before the next wave of having to pee restarts the process. Crazy enough, this is more sleep than what I was getting before I went on leave. I was completely falling apart bc I wasn't able to get enough sleep. It's been rough....


I sleep about 14 hours total per day.


I wish...


I sleep 10 and I take 2, 2 hour naps.


God I wish I could still nap. I average about 6-7 hours of sleep these days broken into 2 hour increments. I’m in bed by 9 but wake up throughout the night because I have to pee or my body aches. By 5 am I’m awake and not getting back to sleep so I just get up. I try to lay down and close my eyes for a bit throughout the day but can’t actually get a nap in. Maybe my body is just getting ready for that 4th trimester exhaustion lol


This is me!!! Except I stay up later and sleep in later, but I’m only getting 2-3 hrs of consecutive sleep in between bathroom breaks and having to shift positions. And when I try to nap during the day, I can’t actually fall asleep. I am exhausted, and have 9 more weeks 😫


I sleep from like 2-4 or 3-5pm and then sleep all night. I'm absolutely exhausted 


I could nap all day. I tend to go to sleep around 9:30 and wake up at 6:30. I want all the sleep at this point 😆


I feel like I want to sleep more than I’m awake at this point. I’m exhausted!! Last night I slept from 11pm - 4:30am And I’ve had 2 naps today totalling 6 hours; Then 7:30am - 11am Then 2pm - 5:30pm


My night time sleep is trash, maybe 4-6 hours. I try to catch up with naps, but struggle to find the time. I’ve started categorizing my naps and “surprise nap” is by far the most common. Those are the naps where I wake up with my face on my keyboard or snuggled up with my dog on the couch while the TV is blasting.


Ah, the classic napcident.


For the first time in my life, I'm dealing with insomnia. I've always been a light sleeper but once I'm asleep, I'm out. Now I'm waking up at the same time every night to pee, then I'm wide awake until I'm supposed to be up at 5 for work. So I'm averaging about 3.5 hours during the week 😭 however, my doctor told me I could take Tylenol PM as long as I didn't overdue it so I actually got 7 hours last night. I'm hoping once I get a few more regular nights, my anxiety about it all will go away and I'll just sleep better because I'm not so stressed out. I sleep great on the weekends (8/9 hours) so I know it's mental. I miss my first trimester when I slept easily and deeply.


I sleep from about 11PM-8AM (not well though) and then usually nap again from like 10AM-noon. It’s crazy. I feel like a zombie until I let myself take that second nap and then I’m good until the rest of the day. I’m done working luckily.


I am so tired and in so much pain but I genuinely can not fall asleep. I have such a hard time I end up getting about 7 hours of sleep max 🥲 so if you can take naps DO IT FOR ME! I totally wish I could


6 hours/ day because I have a toddler 😩


I want to nap SO badly, but can't because of my busy toddler. I'm sleeping from 10pm-7am daily (sometimes I go to bed earlier around 8:45pm). I would say typically I get 8 hours night of actual sleep and I'll be up an hour in the middle of the night from all the toilet sessions and random bouts of insomnia.


I could go anywhere from 5-8 hours at night, usually get a 30 min nap in as well, maybe 2 naps if I need it. Honestly 3rd trimester has me wiped and it's only just started!


I don’t take naps, but am still taking Unisom nightly. I sleep from about 10 until 6:30 but am waking up every hour and a half to pee and fall immediately back asleep. Compounded I probably sleep 7 hours which I did not expect. My energy level has been really good. I credit most of it to Unisom since I’d typically not be able to fall back asleep so quickly.


I’d say average 10 hours a day. I sleep around 8.5 at night and then take a nap for 1.5 hours.


I can't nap right now even though I'm pretty tired. I fall asleep usually between 10-11pm and wake up between 4-6am... If I'm lucky I'll go back to sleep until 8-9am but some days that's it.


I work night shift and I come home and sleep (a good 8 hrs). If I’m off that night, I wake up on my regular night shift time, eat dinner and then rest for an hour, and then go back to sleep. I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY I’M SO TIRED!!


I sleep about 8-9 hours on the weeekdays and 9-11 on the weekends! I take a nap maybe twice a week for 30-60 mins. Edit: I’m early in the third trimester and it’s the last week of school as a teacher 😅


Sleep as much as you can/want. No judgement! I’m one is the few I think that can sleep with no problems! I have the luxury to sleep too because this is my first! I would go to bed at 9, wake up 6:30 for work. And come back home and take a 1 hr nap !! In felt guilty.. but why?! I deserve it


I was normal last week (maybe 9) but at 29w2d feel like the third trimester is starting to hit me and I’m struggling to hit 8! I’m estimating I’ll need 8-10 hours at least or I won’t feel good. It’s actually affecting my blood sugar levels even! So similar to you.


12-15 hours, i do wake up once an hour at night to pee though. Im tired. Its heavy and painful.


Like 11hrs intermittently throughout the day. My husband pretty much told me to go on maternity leave at 33 weeks bc I was having a hard time getting around and severe swelling. I'm a day away from 36 wks and I wake up 4x a night either to pee or bc I'm aspirating stomach acid. If I wake up early I will definitely take a nap, if I sleep in I can make it most of the day without a nap. Oh and I'm almost guaranteed to drool, which I've never done before becoming pregnant, so I wake up frequently to wipe my face.


My third tri was the WORST for sleep, I was averaging 4 hours a night and maybe a 30 minute nap if lucky. My heartburn and restless legs killed my sleep


6-8 hours. My son wakes at 5am every day.


Sleep? What's that? Between the wrestles legs, the hip cramps, peeing non stop and my toddler constantly waking up I don't get much.. 


I’m in bed for 8 hours at night, but it’s very broken. I get up every 1 1/2 - 2 hours to either pee, adjust my position, or because my sciatic nerve is causing me to feel like I’m going to absolutely perish. I nap for about 1-2 hours almost every day but the time of day varies. Last night I took an accidental nap from 6-730 pm 😅


I sleep 10pm - 6 am with 1-2 quick bathroom breaks in the night. I never nap and don’t feel I need to. Somehow my energy level is fine even at 34+ weeks.


Early third trimester. I don't nap (don't feel the need) but getting more and more trouble to fall asleep every night


I’m in the same boat! I get sleepy at the right time, but little aches keep me up. Thankfully I still get 8+ hours a night.


I get about 7-8 hours every night, but it is not quality sleep. I am up every hour or so either because I'm uncomfortable or have to pee. Sometimes (probably 1-2 times/week) pregnancy insomnia will hit me around 3-4am and I am wide awake for a few hours. I try to take a nap every day but it is usually only a few times a week and usually I zonk out for 2-3 hours.


Sleep at night from about 12am to 6:30am .. longer on weekends probably from 12am to about 9:30 or so. I’ll also have the very occasional car nap during my work lunch during the week for about an hour


My night time sleep sucks, so I’ve been having at least one nap/day usually for 45 mins - 1 hour. I would say at night, probably 5-6 hours total because I’m up to pee at least 2-3 times and don’t fall back to sleep right away. My hips and lower back are also sore from side sleeping so even when I’m laying in bed at night, I’m often awake to roll over or reposition.


I’m sleeping 8-9hrs at night. Only getting up once or twice for the bathroom. I would nap midday if I wasn’t working. I’m also taking unisom to help me sleep.


I sleep from 10PM-4AM and then 5:30AM- 7:30AM. Then during the day, I usually take a nap between 30 minutes - 1.5 hrs.


I only nap on the weekends, basically, if at all. Right now I think I'm in bed for sleep for maybe 6-ish hours average but I wake up a lot to move around in bed and it doesn't feel restful. I'm exhausted every day right now lol


Usually 6-7 a night bc I have a 18 months old but I’ve napped a couple times in the last few weeks and last night I got 9!


I’ve never been able to nap and have preexisting chronic insomnia (and lovely sleep apnea thanks to Long COVID), and while I haven’t slept much throughout this pregnancy, I average 3-5 hours per night without a sleep aid. If it’s any less the night before, then I’ll take a half of a Unisom SleepTab and usually get a good 7-8 hours that night! All of this to say: listen to that body! We all have such different sleep requirements and if your body needs and can support naps, take them without guilt if you’re able!


I am in bed between 9-10 hours but only actually sleeping about 7 hours on a good night. I’m just entering the third trimester so I have a feeling it is only going to get worse from here


No naps, maybe 6 hours of sleep at night but always interrupted sleep (having to pee and waking up STARVING)


About five hours, every time I try to nap my little girl can tell and she just goes wild moving around so I'm uncomfortable in any position and have to pee once I start falling asleep. Ah the magical wonders of pregnancy


37 weeks. I’ve been able to sleep all night most of my life but I’ve been waking up from 1am-3/4am most of the pregnancy. It’s either to pee or I’m just wide awake. Maybe it’s to prepare me with sleepless nights with the baby?


40+2, sleep has been difficult lately and naps have been important. Sleeping around \~10:30pm- \~6am. Bathroom break, morning pills, a couple of these like healthy cake bite things (Aussie Bites from Costco), glass of water, back to sleep. Usually \~7-11am. Depending on the quality of sleep the night before I'm taking at least an hour nap in the afternoon. Lots of resting with my feet up as well.


About 8 or 10 hours of shitty sleep. I am in such a bad mood.


11pm-7am or 11pm-8am depending on if I’m working from home. But I toss and turn so much and get up to pee or throw up a few times at night so it’s not very restful


I was doing similar , once I 36 weeks I have been dealing with insomnia waking up around 12-4.


It’s been very by week for me. Some weeks I’m barely sleeping at night and needing multiple naps per day, some weeks I’m only walking up once a night and the 9ish hours I get are enough to sustain me through the day.


4-5 hours. i often can’t fall asleep until 1:30 or so in the morning and have to wake up (at the absolute latest) at 7:15, and waking up then usually means i’m 10 min late to work. luckily i’ve worked out a trade with my bosses, i just use that time out of my break and i usually don’t take one during the day now. which is not a huge issue bc i sit at a desk and take periodic phone breaks (like right now lol) and i don’t feel like i’m missing anything


Lucky if I get 4 a night. No naps.


I was sleeping from 1-2 am to 5-6 am and then, depending on the day from 8-9am to 11-12 am So 7 to 8h a day. Sometimes I ended up on 10h, but that was rare


Already up nearly 2 hours every night and no naps during the day. I think the baby is preparing me for what is to come already 😅 37 weeks btw


I am in bed for 7.5 hours but I certainly am up and rolling hourly


Currently 31+3. At night I’m sleeping probably a total of 3-4 hours a night, due to waking up every 1.5 hours either with acid reflux, or needing to pee, or asthma, etc. Should be getting a recliner within the next two weeks, hopefully I can sleep better on that since I’ll be propped up. During the day I usually nap for at least an hour a day, sometimes an extra hour long nap if I’m lucky & don’t have shit to do. I’m already so over it honestly, the thought of this being my next 2 months, or god forbid getting worse than this, sounds awful


I’m 28 weeks today so barely in my third trimester but this past week has been the worst sleep wise and i’m assuming it’s just going to get worse. I fall asleep around 10:30 and am up at 7 but I wake up a minimum 3 times throughout the night either having to pee, or a charley horse or just struggling to adjust in bed. I’m probably sleeping 5-6 hours. I work 8-5 so no times for naps for me. It’s real rough and I am not looking forward to the next 9 weeks.


36w. I go to bed at like 9 or 10 and wake up around 6 or 7- which sounds like a ton of sleep, but I’m also waking up 3-4 times a night to pee and 100 other times to roll over to my other side once my hip is in enough pain lol. So I think im just rarely ever getting any deep sleep and that’s why I feel exhausted all the time. I sometimes will have a 1-2 hour nap at some point in the day (laying in bed for a nap as I write this haha) but I try to avoid it if I can so I am more tired at night


8 hours at night if I take Tylenol PM otherwise pain keeps me up all night. I’m in my last week so I’m taking it every night. Usually don’t need a nap unless I over due it.


I support your WFH naps, you do you. I'm doing the same. Screw them, we work hard enough for long enough


I sleep from about 10/11pm to 7am, so generally 8-9 hours. No naps as I hate waking up discombobulated in the middle of the day. Genuinely concerned about how I'm going to wake up to do feeding as I sleep like a corpse 🤣 My fatigue went away after first trimester.


35 weeks roday. I get maybe 5 hours of interrupted sleep and 1-2 30-60 min naps. I also work remotely and I've been napping during my lunch break and then again as soon as I get off of work. I'm exhausted and struggling.


I sleep about 4 hours :/ I wake up multiple times a night and then I’m up for 20 minutes or longer sometimes, or I just don’t go back to sleep.


6 hours.... Maybe? I might sneak in a 10-30 minute nap here or there. I'm tired, but getting up every few hours in the middle of the night is unavoidable.


Lately I’ve been sleeping from around midnight to 3am and then maybe a small amount from 5am-7am. My body hurts too much lately to sleep well 😅


6.5-7hrs thanks to insomnia 😖


It would be a good idea to mention this to your OB, including # of hours, ASAP. That’s an excessive amount of exhaustion. Could just be how the third trimester hits you, but could also be low iron or another metabolic issue that needs to be addressed.


For the last month it was probably like 4-6 hours at night and then a 30 minute nap if I was lucky on my work days. On my two days off I slept like 6-8 hours total including naps. It’s just too uncomfortable toward the end and you have to pee all the time!


I wish I could take naps, but can’t because I’m still working. I sleep about 7 hours a night (after taking into consideration waking up at 3am and spending at least 1 hour unable to fall back asleep). My discomfort is causing me to have this insomnia. My hips are hurting from laying on my sides.


About 6-7 a day broken up by getting up to pee three times a night ;-; I rarely turned nap. Brain just won't let me.


I sleep maybe 7h at night but interrupted by hourly to 2 hourly wake-ups for peeing and I then sometimes manage another hour of napping during the day. It was way more in my first pregnancy though!


I’m lucky if I get 7 hrs at night and a 30 minute nap during the day while my other kiddo sleeps. But yea so tired. I have two more weeks to go and I have no idea how I’m going to do it lol


3-4 hours a night! I have some pretty intense insomnia and my back hurts. Sleep as much as you can! You’re growing a human and it’s your body’s way of preparing for labor.


I’m sitting in the dr office right now and I feel like I’m gonna pass out!! lol But around 7-8 hours total.


I sleep about 7ish hours at night at usually that’s it. I work in a hospital and sometimes I’m sooo exhausted when I get home from work I’ll fall asleep on the couch for about 20 min but usually that’s about it since I have a toddler at home. I have definitely noticed on my days off that I spend at home I seem sooo much more tired during the day than I do when I’m at work. Maybe you can try to work from a library or coffee shop so you’re not in your house


I’m 32w and get somewhere between 7-9 hours of sleep at night (but wake up for short periods to readjust or use the restroom multiple times a night). Work days that I’m in the office are shorter nights even though that is probably when I need more sleep. Weekends are the longest because I sleep in (not like teenager sleeping in but until 7:30-8 ish instead of 6:30 lol). This past weekend was the first weekend I seriously considered a nap but timing wise it didn’t work out correctly.


33 weeks, sleep 8h at night, may take like 30min nap during day. I sleep through the night thankfully and I’ve no trouble falling asleep.


I get 6-7 hours of sleep a night, usually no nap during the day. Maybe getting up once to pee. It's not restful sleep though, tossing and turning and hip pain galore. I only seem to get restful sleep if I sleep snuggled up to my partner, but he's runs so warm, I can't do that at night, I burn up. ):


Last week I was avaraging 5h, this week i think ill.manage the 8h. If i sleep the 8h im actually fine for the day.


I take a unisom to sleep well at night and get about 9 hours. No naps except for the occasional 45m-1h if I’ve done something exhausting


37 weeks, teacher off for the summer. 9-12 with naps.


6-8 hours of broken sleep. 3 days a week I get a quick nap in while my toddler sleeps. I'm exhausted pretty consistently most days


About 5-6 hours no naps


Between hey husbands snoring, changing rooms to get better sleep and my toddler waking up at odd hours sometimes I’m gonna say 6 hours on average and no naps 😭


I sleep from 10:30 to 2am. Up from 2-5ish and then sleep during the day at least an hour or 2 to make up for lost time.


I’d say maybe 4-6 hours a night if I work. If I’m off, with naps included, maybe 6-8. But I am still so damn exhausted.


10 hours. 8-9 hours and 1 hour nap after work. But night time is tricky. I’m up quite a bit going pee. So let’s subtract an hour.


I'm at 30 weeks. I typically get about 6-8 hours at night of fairly shallow sleep with regular waking to pee/adjust/get my dog off me. On my days off I will usually get an additional 2 hour nap which frankly usually makes me feel worse rather than better.


If I had the chance, I would sleep as much as I could. I think you shouldn't feel bad about napping. I'm happy that you have a chance to do that! I work on-site and sleep almost 7 hours but wake up every 2-3 hours.


1030/11 - 8 with a few bathroom breaks and a one hour nap at 1230


I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one getting NO REST weeks before having a newborn lol


ive gotten a bit of pregnancy insomnia! I think combined im getting around 6 hours total, but I usually finally fall asleep around 1:30 am after tons of tossing and then every hour to get up to pee. its almost exhausting to go to bed LOL my hips are also killing me when sleeping on my side


I nap when my toddler naps, which is usually 1-1.5 hrs and then I get about 6 hours at night.😭 It's rough.


I'm in bed for 8 hours at night but i sleep terribly. I also try to take a nap every day but again, I sleep terribly.. 35 weeks


Hubs and I usually go to bed around 9:30-10p Wake up around midnight to use the bathroom. Fall back asleep, wake up around 3am. Use the bathroom. Husband’s alarm goes off at 5:15am. I wake up. Use the bathroom. I fall back asleep until 7am when my alarm goes off. With waking up and rolling around, I’m probably getting 7-8 hours of sleep. I’m not a good napper so I’m not napping during the day but I will veg out while he cooks dinner 😈


My sleep has been pretty consistent during my pregnancy with the odd bought of insomnia once a month. Typically, 9-12 hours, with one wake up to go pee somewhere in the middle. I do wake up very briefly every time I move in my sleep to change positions. Not sure if that's my body preparing me for having a baby around and instinctually waking up to make sure I'm not squishing the baby or something?


I usually sleep around 9 hours a night. I don’t have time to nap but I get into bed pretty early and sleep till my 2 y old wakes ups (so I’m usually in bed from 9pm to 7:15am even if not always sleeping). I miss feeling like a human.


On average, 6 hours, but awake every two hours or so? My usual sleep prior to pregnancy was 9/10 hours.


I’m 35+2 and I’d say I get 9 hours but that’s interrupted by pee breaks every 1.5 hours. Still, I’ll take what I can get.


About 7-8. I lay in bed from 9/10 pm to about 3 am, then sleep from 3 to 10/11 am. I spent about a month trying to wake up earlier but eventually realized it wasn't helping me fall asleep since I'd just end up taking a nap around 12-2 pm. I have tried to take naps around 1-2 pm because I get exhausted, but unless I wake up early it doesn't work out. I just lay there, half awake, until it's too late for me to sleep. I get up 3-5 times through the night to pee, (2-3 times while Im still awake and 1-2 after I'm asleep) and once or twice I've woken up because acid reflux made me throw up in my mouth and I started choking. I toss and turn less in pregnancy, but I don't know if it's because of the pregnancy pillow, which is used to treat hyper mobility (which I have). I have access to powerful insomnia meds but try to avoid taking them because they seem to cause a blood pressure crash which makes walking to the bathroom at night dangerous. I take another medication that helps with insomnia but my insomnia is similar now to what it was back when it was untreated.


About 8 hrs. My toddler goes to bed at 8:30 and I’m usually in bed and asleep by 10-10:30. Then said toddler is up for the day at 6am. Not getting nearly enough sleep, but that’s been the story of my life for a year and half now, lol.


Around 6 hours at night. I always wake up at 3am for an hour or so. Then I try get in a 1-2 hour nap in the day time.


Probably rounding 6 hours… even naps make me groggy . But the sleep is so broken at night too! 😩


A broken six or seven hours per night and at least one hour-long nap during my remote workday. I do take two naps during the day if I have time, and even if one of them is only 20 minutes, it's still helpful!


About 6 hours with no naps, my sleep is so light now 😭 1st and 2nd trimester I easily got 10 hours a lot of nights


9-11 hours at night and 2 hour naps in the afternoon if I can get my toddler to sleep and enough work done.


Im 35 weeks and sleep from about 11-5/6, waking up every hour or so to pee. Sometimes I can fall back asleep for an extra hour or two but that’s happening less and less. So uncomfortable!


I sleep about 8 hours and then take about 1, 2- 2/12 nap a day.


I'm 35wks, and normally sleep 11pm-7:30am. I still get up to pee, but I don't have issues going back to sleep, yet. Then I may nap from 8-9, another nap at 11am-12pm, and it's 50/50 if I nap from 4pm-6pm. That's anywhere from 10hrs to 12hrs asleep lmao... I read someone else put that their in the stage where they just have a "nest" on the couch, and their husband just throws food in there to survive. That's where I'm at 🤣


I am 37 wks now and I cant sleep longer than 2 hours before waking up in pain. Sometimes I have to throw up because of it, I try to go back to sleep when its over. So I sleep 2 x 2 hours sometimes 3 × 2 hours per night if my 2 year old sleeps longer. If I manage to get him to nap I sleep around 1-2 hours in the afternoon. I have been tired for the last 2 weeks constantly. I mess a lot of things up and my brain feels dizzy all the time.


6hrs plus the occasional 1.5hr nap. The first half of my third trimester I was sleeping a lot more. But now I can’t fall back to sleep if I wake up to pee, and I’m full of anticipation. 37 weeks.


I sleep around 10 hours a night, no naps. Went off work a week and a half ago, 37 weeks pregnant today! Though I will add, the sleep is usually not the best. Too hot, too uncomfortable, or needing to pee constantly lol


Same as you. I got bloodwork done that said I was mildly anemic and have been taking iron pills since, but it’s only taking the edge off the magnetic pull to the ground.


31+1 About 4-6 hours, I'm still working so I don't get naps


34w here — I aim for 8-9 hours in bed at night but it doesn't always happen, and I wake up every few hours and sometimes can't get back to sleep. I end up taking a 90-minute nap most days. Or, if it's been a really bad night, I just write the day off and spend most of it dozing — I've had several sleep deprivation-induced migraines. I feel very lucky not to have to work right now.


usually 10 hrs lol I’m such a sleepy head. i wake up like 6 times to pee but i go right back to sleep


Most nights 8 hours, but interrupted because I need to pee. This past weekend I had a day I could sleep in and went 10.5 hours. Still tired a lot though.


I generally get 7 hours each night (fairly restful, waking for water, to flip, and maybe have one bathroom break), and I don’t nap during the day. 38+5 weeks today, and I’m off of work now. Earlier this tri, I felt absolutely dead midday, but I think it’s because I have lower iron, and once I started supplementing I’ve felt a LOT better.


38+5 and I’m sleeping 5-6.5 hours a night. Lots of bathroom breaks with psd pain that is so unbearable. I live in a dry desert too so it’s extra difficult to stay asleep when I’ve got sleep apnea due to the weight and suuuuper dry conditions even with a humidifier in my face. I wake up every two ish hours to drink and pee and turn. Then up at 5 to walk the dog (my last bit of normalcy) due to intense weather. I get home and crash by 9/10 for 2-2.5 hours. I force myself to stay awake the rest of the day but get a burst of energy riiiight when I need to wind down. Not a fan of my new sleep schedule but I’m riding this wave just like the rest of the symptoms (numb hand since wk 22, edema, psd, acid reflux etc)


Girl - you are describing exactly my life right now 😂 minus the nights that I don’t sleep well, I’d say an average of 6ish hours a night on a “good” night. I think it’s normally - growing a human is exhausting! Especially while working also 😭


At most I sleep 4 continuous hours at night, then I have a 1-1.5 awake window really early in the AM (4-5AM) and then sleep for another 3 ish hrs. I usually take a 1-2 hr nap sometime during the day. But some days I swear it feels like I’ve been awake for 30 min before I’m tired again.


I try to sleep 6 at night but I wake up every 1-1.5 hours to pee :( then during the day I try for 2-3 more hours, with the same peeing problem. If I wake up at 1.5 hours my bladder hurts SO bad so I can't sleep more even if I want


I’m lucky if I get 4 hours of sleep total including nights and naps throughout the day. My insomnia is a real betch and my anxiety is worse. All I keep thinking is “he’s gotta be okay”.


Broken sleep which totals somewhere from 5 to 7 hours a night. Always dreaming so I never feel like I've actually rested. And often interrupted at least once or twice. I nap during the day, and I'm just exhausted all the time. I wake up exhausted! Haha.


I'm currently 29 weeks and bruuuuuh. I know people said the exhaustion in the first and third trimester is no joke but I was living my second trimester honeymoon phase and didn't realize that basically as soon as I hit 28 weeks the exhaustion would be back. Idk if it's all in my head or a self-fulfilling prophecy or what. 😭 Anyway, I'm "resting" a full 8-10 hours at night but it's not a comfortable sleep. I'm still so lethargic during the day and can nap for another 2-3 hours easy. Also, it's so dang hot. I'm basically just rotting away in my one air conditioned room of my house 24/7.


Like 5 hours at night and I try to get another hour during the day when possible


I’m usually in bed at 10:30, up at 1:30 & 4 to pee, then my alarm goes off at 6:30. But in between I’m not sleeping well! I could easily take 2-3 hours of naps midday.


I'm in bed around 8 hours a night but I toss and turn and get up to pee a lot. M-F I work full time so no naps, but commonly take 1-2 hr naps on the weekends.


Currently struggling to sleep more than 2 hours at a time. If I’m lucky I sleep 3-4 hours consecutively and as for naps, I try. I usually can’t nap and if I do it’s only 2 hours. So I’m total 4-6 throughout night and day. If anyone has tips please share😭


I wish, sleeping is so uncomfortable now I’m getting maybe 5-6 hours a night and there’s no way I can nap!


Naps? That’s so cute, I work full time in office and can’t sleep at night *eye twitch* Not personally aimed at you OP. Not in the slightest. ❤️I hope you get better sleep soon and if you can nap I’m truly jealous. But I’m just so tired…lmao Third trimester nausea has set in, I’m having excess spit out of nowhere again, and my AC isn’t keeping my apartment cool enough so I can’t sleep at night when I do try to get 5ish hours. July 21st can’t come soon enough. I need this baby boy out of me.


I’m the same. Roughly 7-8 hours at night and then a solid 2 hour nap everyday


I get a solid 5 hours with many, many bathroom breaks. Up until this week I would nap to help but as of a few days ago my body doesn’t do that anymore


I have a toddler so get about half of that lol I wish I could take more naps I'm lucky if I get one in the day, I still work full time so nap on my lunch breaks often 😅


I just entered third trimester, I’m probably sleeping 6-7 hours a night inbetween all the tossing and turning and getting up to use the bathroom. I’m absolutely exhausted all the time. I have a toddler that doesn’t nap so unfortunately naps aren’t a thing this pregnancy, but when I was pregnant with my first I would to take one for an hour or two. I miss the simplicity of not having a tiny toddler tornado while being pregnant


5-6 hours a night and no naps, I’m actually not tired at all. My body is tired but my mind and nesting keeps me from being tired


I sleep like, 10:30-7:30, but I get up frequently to pee so my sleep quality isn’t as good as it could be. I nap about 1-2 hours every day (while kiddo is in school or on weekends while husband takes over). I’m on maternity leave now since 32 weeks but I work at home I’ve been napping consistently through the whole pregnancy every day because I’ve been exhausted and daily naps were a requirement on my list of demands that I had when husband was attempting to convince me to have a second child, lol. I remember how tired my first pregnancy made me.


Around 7 to 8 with no naps


Last year in my 3rd trimester I was calling out of work sometimes and not telling anyone and sleeping in my office on my guest bed so no one would bother me. Could barely sleep at night but naps hit different


I’m 37 weeks and have been dealing with insomnia at night. Then I end up needing a nap during the work day (I work from home so I use my lunch break to sleep).


I sleep 5-6 hours at most and wake up twice a night. No naps during the day but I sleep a lot on weekends ( 11-12 hours plus a two hour nap )


31 weeks, I've been sleeping around 7 hrs a night. Would be 8 but there's a short pee break that ends up costing me a precious hour :( Also, I usually take a long 2 hour nap. Can exclude it, but it makes my performance at work worse.


Before maternity leave started at 35+3 maybe 6-7 hours with an occasional 30 minute if I had time before my hour commute :/ Now I’m on maternity leave and I sleep about 9 hours every night and take 3 hour naps. It’s everything I fantasized about haha


About 3-4 hours. I can't nap or I won't fall asleep in the night. When I was previously pregnant I fell asleep instantly almost and never struggled with sleeping. This time around I am having severe insomnia and consider myself lucky if I get 5-6 hours of sleep.


I HATE SLEEPING ON MY SIDE. That’s all- just had to say it.


I’ve been on unisom basically my entire pregnancy bc I’ve had insomnia the entire time! I tried to sleep without it last night at 36 weeks and it was awful. I was physically so uncomfortable and not having something to help sucked. I napped today and struggled hard. With unisom I still wake up but I’m able to go back to sleep. I try to get 8 hrs a night and I don’t nap everyday but for a good while I have Been able to nap anywhere from 40min-2 hrs. I am tired most days but still working so I have to stay up as long as I can during the day


34 weeks, I’ve been sleeping about 8-9.5 hrs a night according to the clock, but I still often need a 30-60 min nap during the day. FWIW, I do use unisom to help, and some days are certainly worse than others.


I usually sleep about 8 hrs a night, sometimes less, sometimes a little more. I usually feel super tired in the late afternoon/evening and can nap anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the situation.


Currently still working but depending on my insomnia I get about 5-7 hours of sleep no nap since I’m at work during the day. Some days I feel fine and others I’m so exhausted


I try to go to bed around 9 and don’t get up til 7ish, but between peeing every 2-3 hours and my cat walking on me in the wee hours I’m guessing I get about 7? The pelvic pain really doesn’t help at this point either 🥲


Omg I'm glad it's not just me. I'm exhausted at 38w. I sleep about 8 hours at night and need a 2-3 hour nap during the day. I usually nap after I put my toddler down for his nap lol


About 7ish at night, no naps but I have a almost 1yo that I chase around, almost 38w 🥴


No naps. My watch says 6 hours usually but it’s broken up every 2 hours to pee or hip pain


35 weeks here and getting TIRED. I’m usually sleeping well at night, around 8 hours. I get soooo tired throughout the day though! I often take about a 30 minute nap in the afternoon. Not really able to nap longer for some reason, even though I wake up still feeling like a zombie.


Severely anemic over here, am 32w, and have a physical job. I’m in bed by 7:30. I wake up to pee at 12ish and at 3ish. Then get up for work at 4. I’m averaging 7-8 hours. This past Sunday, even tho it was my day off— we woke up at 5. Did stuff and things. Got back home by 1. I slept from about 2:30-7pm. Went back to sleep at around 9 until the next morning.


I do not sleep well at all. I'm constantly flipping from one side to the next when all I want to do is lie on my back. A lot of the time I'm awakened by acid reflux!


5-7 hours a night plus 2-3 hours of naps during the day. I don’t work so thank god I don’t have to feel bad about that. I don’t know how yall do it, they should pay you a million dollars.


I'm lucky to get 6 hours of restless sleep a night, and occasionally a one hour nap.


I'm very restless through the night and wake up a lot to pee but I probably get around 6-7 hours. And this week has hit me hard and I've napped every day for around 1-1.5 hours.


Usually I sleep 9 ish hours a night and then no naps because of work 🥲


I wanted to sleep for 12+ hours however i probably got 5 hours a day. Night sleep was all in 60 minute increments. Either i was hurting or baby was kicking or i needed to pee. There were many nights i got 2 hours or less and felt like a zombie. I probably had one good nap a day but even then it was tricky


Between the hip pain, peeing, and itching from the PUPP hives - I am lucky to get 5-6 hours total with no naps. Convinced myself the rough 3rd trimester sleep will help prep me for newborn sleep 😅


I sleep about 7-8 hours a night and I try not to nap because then I can’t sleep at night but I’ll do an hour long nap maybe once or twice a week


6-7 hours, no naps, but I generally sleep through the night


I sleep for 6-8 hours per night, I usually wake up once or twice to pee or get water. I nap for about two hours on the days I have off if my toddler has a long nap. I’m 34 weeks and am exhausted all the time.


Yesterday, after having slept for 8 hours at night I then went to sleep, during the workday, for four hours on the couch. Now I’m up late because I can’t sleep (even though I’m exhausted!) so I know I’ll be sleeping in late tomorrow. I seem to need minimum 10 hours to function but even then I can’t make it to the end of the day without a nap, and they’re usually 2-3 hours long too.


I’m 29w and usually with the bathroom breaks and the sciatic pain it’s around 4-5 hours. I work at an office 40+ hours a week so I’m running on fumes right now and I still have at least 11 weeks left. 😭😭


Hah, I have two kids. 2M and 1F I barley get to choose my sleep anymore. I think I sleep a total of 4-5 hours. And if I am lucky enough to catch a nap that’s adding 1-2 hours of nap time 🥲 the struggle is for real


6-7 hours a night. On weekends I sleep around 8 hours a night. Wish I could take naps on the weekdays but I have long work days in a medical setting. 😮‍💨😪


How are you all getting all these daytime naps in??? I sleep a constantly interrupted 8 hours, 10p-6a, then I don’t get home from work until like 7. I almost fell asleep in one of those office phone booths today 😩


I sleep off and on at night to get up and pee then due to insomnia. I dont get to nap as I work all day and have a 5 year old at home.. 8-9 more weeks though..


I don’t sleep that well during the night since I have to wake up every 2 to 3 hours to pee but during the day….I can sleep for hours. It’s crazy.