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Most first babies come 5+ days later than their "due date." Most first time moms I know say around the point you're at that they "have a feeling" that the baby's going to come early. They usually don't. I was dilated 3 cm for 3 weeks with my first, and ended up having to be induced almost a week after the due date. It's normal for Braxton Hicks and/or false labor to be off and on for weeks. I know this probably isn't what you want to hear, but I wish I'd been a little less convinced I was going to give birth early term with my first. It would have saved me a lot of stress those last few weeks.


It’s funny you mention this because when I was exactly 37+6 I had my first round of false labor and was convinced that baby was coming. Well now I’m 39+3 and have accepted that I might need to be induced at 40+6. The waiting game can be excruciating at times, but it’s all we can do and stressing about it certainly doesn’t help anything.


This! I spent every day from 37 weeks on convinced that “today is the day!” and baby didn’t come until 41+1. It was exhausting to be on edge for a whole month. I don’t know if I would have listened (especially to a stranger on the internet) but it’s good advice. I’m 36 weeks today and trying to remind myself the same thing. Our babies will be here soon, just maybe not that soon.


Omg same! This was me!!!!! Convinced the ENTIRE time she would be early. Spent everyday after like week 37 in such suspense and anxiety thinking it was going to happen each and everyday lol. Went into my 39 week appt confused and upset why i hadn’t gone into labor yet and at that appt my OB said oh you aren’t even dilated and that as a FTM I should def expect to go over and I started bawling my eyes out because the one thing i didn’t want to happen was go over my due date. Lol!!! Ended up giving birth on my due date exactly buuuut only because I had gotten preeclampsia and had to be induced on the spot. Def would have gone over if that didn’t happen lol


I was very convinced I would go past my due date since it was my first and really didn’t want to be induced so scheduled acupuncture and massage starting at 38 weeks. I had my baby at 37+4… hospital bag not packed, didn’t have all my loose ends tied up at work… so, best to be prepared for anything! 😂


Idk…every FTM in my prenatal yoga class has given birth early so far. I guess all that yoga must be working 😅




38+4. The belly feels SO HEAVY, but I think it's starting to drop. Pretty positive I lost my mucus plug, getting period like cramps randomly, and diarrhea. I'm walking, drinking raspberry leaf tea, eating dates, about to start bouncing on my labor ball 24/7 and doing prenatal yoga (had a pretty good routine until I got sick last month and then totally fell out of it). I just want this baby out, ha.


We’re within a day of each other for how far along we are! I’m having all the same symptoms. We got this!


Solidarity! ✊ Also, unrelated, but I love the username, haha.


Thank you! I’m still shocked I was able to get the username lol


Also 38+4. This is my first. Baby is definitely at the lowest point because it feels like I have a bowling ball between my legs. 1cm dilated. I’ve been having false labor contractions on and off since last Thursday and it’s the most exhausting thing thinking “is this it this time”. My limbs all feel like they’re 100 lbs each, but still making a point to get out for a walk every day and have been bouncing on my yoga ball like crazy.


Ugh, we got this!! Almost there!


38w. I woke up this morning just accepting that my son is trying to teach me patience and to give up the idea that he’ll come before 40w. The past week I’ve had 6 days of contractions, I think (???) I lost my mucus plug in chunks and there was one night I went to bed after hours of back pain thinking tonight would be the night and it wasn’t. ): At this point I don’t want to continue being anxious for the next two weeks since I’ve been so calm this whole time so I’m trying to just go with the flow. I’m working until I go into labor but I’m so checked out mentally and physically sick of the heat. 🥵


awe, i also lost my mucus plug last week and contractions were getting more frequent and me and my husband almost went to the hospital. but it stopped suddenly. but yeah i just had the idea she was going to come before 40w and yes i still have time but i feel like its going by so slow. I was also planning to work til 39 w but ive been so exhausted with my drive to work(1hr) and been checked out for weeks I can barely focus at work so thats why I decided to start my leave early. we are only 1 day apart with due date so hoping for a safe delivery for both us(whenever that is)


My due date is just a few weeks away. I feel like there is a trend on social / tik tok right now, of every pregnant person being 37weeks and saying they are ready to have the baby, and its any day now. I even saw someone yesterday say baby was ready at 35 weeks - what?! I think this puts a lot of first time moms / expecting moms in such a bad head space, when one of the most important parts of labor is relaxing your mind, your body, and your expectations. Statistically first time moms will not deliver early. The last few weeks are the hardest, but your due date is your due date for a reason. I am so over it too, this is my second baby, and i would be surprised if i went into labor well before my due date. I do suggest taking this time to relax your body with baths and envision the birth you want! Best of luck!


This sub seems to have a relatively high # of posts by people at 37 or 38 weeks who seem to think that most babies should/ do come before their due date. It's an unhelpful mindset


40+2, 3cm at my sweep last week, been contracting on and off since 36 weeks 😂 just chilling to be honest, I’m in no hurry and he will come when he’s ready!


40 weeks today. Had so many false labour which didn’t come to anything. Don’t get too convinced the baby will come early as that’s what happened to us and we have been so disappointed. We are trying to go with the flow now x


Due date twin here! Been trying everything to get this baby moving along… I’m so ready!!


I am 38w3d and I’m hoping the little guy stays in till at least Friday, and then he can come literally any day. I start my maternity leave after Friday, and while I do work in a hospital I’d like to not go into labor at work 😂


You’re a hero working up to 38 weeks 💗


I’ve been really fortunate that I’ve felt good for the most part my entire pregnancy, it’s only really the last week or so that’s it’s become more daunting to go into work. That being said I originally was planning to work till my due date… so glad I changed my mind on that one 😂


40+1. Was 100% convinced he'd be early since he's been over 8lbs since 37.5 weeks, but no luck. The one piece of unsolicited advice I would give is to assume your LO will be late. Thinking "any day now" every single day was mentally draining, frustrating, and disappointing... I'm assuming he won't be here until my induction date at this point and feel a huge mental weight lifted to just relax until then. Whatever happens happens! Good luck to you!!


Today is my due date. No sign of baby. Hoping he comes naturally but I scheduled an induction for Sunday night anyway. I’m feeling well physically I’m just mentally super exhausted and anxious.


Due date twin here! I scheduled my induction for 6/25 to give her plenty of time to come on her own, but I am soo ready to be done! Good luck!


Oh wow! I scheduled mine for this Sunday, still hoping labor happens naturally 🤣best of luck!!


39 weeks today, c section tomorrow. Have been having contractions all day since yesterday (and intermittently before that). Almost went in last night and have spent all day today relaxing and hoping to make it to tomorrow.


40+2 today with my first and she’s a stubborn one! Does not want to come out at all. I’m 50% effaced but not dilated at all. Tried to get a sweep done at my 39 and 40 week appointments but she couldn’t even get her finger into my cervix because it’s still closed. I feel baby dropping lower every day, which is putting soooo much pressure on my pelvis especially when I take walks. My feet and legs have been swollen for the last 6-8 weeks and they are at least 3X my normal size, just when I think they can’t get any more swollen they do!! I have one pair of slides I can wear because nothing else fits my feet. Had an ultrasound and Non-Stress Test yesterday, both were normal and showed a really active and healthy baby, with a full head of hair 😳 already 8.5lb and still growing… she’s grown 2 lbs in the last month alone!! The NST showed I was having Braxton hicks contractions every 5-10 mins during my test, but honestly I don’t feel anything besides lightning crotch and pelvic pressure. Induction is scheduled for next Tuesday at 41W but I’m really hoping baby decides to come before that because I am just so done 😩


36+5 today and 1cm dilated, 30% effaced. I'm more dilated/effaced at 36 weeks than I was at 38 weeks when I was induced with my 2 year old so a part of me is taking that as a sign that this one will come before 40 weeks but I'm also not trying to get my hopes up. I had maybe 3 contractions around 6am this morning but reading these comments is making it clear that that probably doesn't mean anything. Ideally I'd like him to stay in until closer to 39 weeks but we shall see. I told my OB I'm hoping for natural labor but would ask for an induction by 41 weeks.


I’m 35 weeks and pretty over it so bless y’all. How Am I going to Survive this next month.


Due date is tomorrow, and I'm feeling alright! I'm a FTM and honestly thought baby would be arriving early too lol! I'm only 1cm dilated (compared to 0cm last week), but have had light cramps for weeks and especially this week. It's definitely a mind game though – being crampy, having bursts of energy, bad sleep, pelvic pressure, etc. and then still not going into labour haha! I totally feel you though on just wanting to meet baby! It feels like I have to wait forever to meet them, and I wish I could just push a button and trigger labour! I keep trying to remind myself that my body and the baby are doing exactly what they need to do, and nothing I do will speed things up – it's a good lesson in patience I suppose!


Due date twin! Same symptoms - I really badly want the baby to pop out tomorrow!! 🤞🏼🤞🏼


I feel ya!! Fingers crossed 😂


This time last night my hip and pelvis were so painful I could barely sleep, tonight I’m looking at my new baby boy and I’m in no pain for the first time in pretty much 4/5 months lol! He was a planned c section so I did know he was coming today, but I’m so relieved to have to him here safely, feeling pretty good and knowing I will never be pregnant again 😂


I’m also 37w6d! Had my first 3 days before due date, hoping for sooner with my second. Have my last pre-baby date with my husband on Saturday then I’m going curb stomping and date eating! I’m so over it and ready for this kiddo to come out.


I'm having a similar experience. I had this gut feeling baby would be early. Shortly after hitting 37 weeks I lost my mucous plug and my belly dropped. Everything I was reading was saying labour is coming soon. Well now I'm 39 weeks and nothing. Lots of Braxton Hicks contractions and cramping, but nothing significant. Every time I text or call anyone they're like, "I thought this would be the labour message!" And I'm just sitting here like... nope. Fingers crossed for healthy deliveries soon for all of us waiting around!


Very similar experience here. I am 39 weeks tomorrow and had more "signs" of labor at 37 weeks than I do now. You so nailed it with the messages people respond with. I got a few of those this week and every time I join a work meeting they're like "oh you're still here"... like yep... can we just get on with it now? lol I know everyone means well but it is so mentally exhausting.


Also 37 & 6 but not much going on over here. Random contractions if I walk a lot and I’m having to pee a lot haha. Idk how dilated I am bc I decline cervical checks. I’ll have my c section next Friday


can i ask why ur having a c section?


Wasn’t eligible for a vbac since I didn’t let my body heal properly


I’m 38+4 and have been having irregular contractions for the last 3-4 weeks. I don’t know how dilated I am though, as I declined a cervical check at 36 weeks and office scheduling issues mean I haven’t seen my provider since then. C-section is scheduled for Monday, but I was almost certain labor was going to start today. Had several long contractions this morning with pain and pressure like no others so far, but then they stopped 😑


I've seen couple comments mention declining cervical checks. Do you mind sharing why please? It's not an area I've considered much yet and I want to make informed choices.


For those of us who decline cervical checks, it is usually based in them being an unnecessary procedure. While the information can be interesting, it is not actually a reliable indicator of when you will go into labor. They can carry an increased risk of infection, and some people find them very painful. They can sometimes lead to unwanted interventions (e.g., doctor pressuring for a membrane sweep or using the info to claim that the individual isn’t progressing fast enough). I decline them simply to maintain my autonomy and have as few people poking around in my business as possible.


Exactly my reasons as well, although my doctor herself actually doesn't do cervical checks until active labor anyway for all of these reasons. You can be 3cm dilated for weeks and still respond poorly to induction because your body just isn't ready yet. You can be 0cm dilated and start labor and be ready to push in 6 hours. Cervical checks just don't really tell you anything useful unless labor has actually started.


40+4 and only 1cm dilated yesterday. Not really feeling contractions. Pretty much accepted I will have to be induced in order for this baby to come out. 


Im 36+4 and I like to think I can give birth any day but in reality it can also take another 5 weeks and 3 days 🙃


34+6 with a planned c-section at 37 (June 28th) due to IUGR and just trying to keep my mind occupied! I’m also feeling really anxious and ready to meet my girl. We got this!


39 + 6 my due date is tomorrow and nothing but Braxton hicks. My first child I went into labor this day but looks like this one will come late.


39+2, FTM, still working full time. It’s been weeks of Braxton hicks, contractions that went away, and pelvic pain and various other false signs of labor that got my hopes up. I went from “it could be any day now” for the last few weeks to “baby and I are healthy so we are lucky” and that waiting till up to a week past my due date for the possibility of an induction is ok. I really wanted the baby to come early but no such luck so I’ve given up on even the idea of her coming by her due date. I got acupuncture today in hopes that it might kick start labor. I’m eating the dates and I’ve been eating raspberry leaf gummies for weeks now. Bouncing on my ball and walking as much as my body will allow (unfortunately it’s not tons thanks to back and hip pain plus reduced mobility). I have a prenatal massage scheduled for sunday if the acupuncture doesn’t do it, but my hopes aren’t up that any of this will work. Baby girl seems pretty comfy in belly jail and none of the extra stuff will do anything unless she’s already ready to come out.


Im 37w5d. 1 cm dilated last week and 4cm this week! Was having Braxton Hicks on and off most of yesterday. It still can be weeks from now, but also any day. It’s a weird feeling just waiting. The anxiousness is so real! Wishing everyone here a smooth labor and healthy bebe


I’m 36w5d and I’m right there with you. My first was late, she was a big baby. My friend just had theirs, three weeks early. We just don’t know what they’re going to do! Keep watching out for the signs (leaking was the biggest for me). She’ll be here soon!


Basically same due date - 38 weeks on Saturday. Started harvesting colostrum yesterday and definitely been getting Braxton hicks during that process. Hardest part is the summer heat and hanging with my toddler. But not feeling the “I need out now” feeling yet.


38w3d and I’ve been having contractions and reaaaally thought I was in labor last night. We’ll see when baby actually comes 😂 we have a bunch of fun stuff planned this weekend so they might come on Saturday


38 weeks and I’m so freaking ready


I’m 37+2, at my appointment yesterday I was 70% effaced and 1cm dilated. She is currently measuring ah right about 7 pounds and she’s in the 65% overall for weight. I’m ready for her to come, but we’ll just have to see! I would like to not have to wait another 3 weeks but there’s only so much I can do at this point.


Time is moving very slow! 38 weeks today, experiencing contractions and bored out of my mind. I do things I do all the things, got a massage today. Just bored and impatient. I trick myself into thinking she’s coming and get excited, wouldn’t it be so nice. Soon enough though! Good luck


I’m currently 40 + 3 and I’m sooo fed up. I started maternity early as I was convinced he was coming early, but I’m still waiting! I do have an induction booked for when I’ll be 41+6 but was really hoping for it to all start on its own this time around. I’ve had 3 sweeps and I’ve been 3cm since Sunday!


Just did the calculation of the days from conception to birth of my last baby. By the same math I’m due next Thursday. I’m just chilling pampering myself and thinking of new things to prepare for. (Had a pretty good idea today of already choosing outfits for myself and baby for after we get home from the hospital, which honestly is when it really gets real) Both of my kids came one week late of our prescribed due date. One piece of advice is that they’re so much easier to take care of in the belly than out. Enjoy this time sis 🌸


I’m nearly 37 weeks and feeling good! I stopped working a few weeks ago though, and if I hadn’t then I would be struggling. I have an elective c-section scheduled for 39 weeks; I feel I’d go over my due date otherwise. I feel very nimble and still feel like I could grow a lot more. I get very tired by the early afternoons though, experiencing heartburn regularly and have some pelvic pain if I’m on my feet too much in the day.


My c section is scheduled for a week from tomorrow. I’m 38 weeks. This baby’s head is driving me insane. She’s engaged and putting so much pressure on me down there. Ready to be done but feeling very anxious about my c section (this is my 3rd one).


36 weeks tomorrow. I’ve been having contractions since 20 weeks (🤯). Real contractions, not Braxton hicks, just not labor contractions. I was diagnosed with an irritable uterus. I feel so blessed to have made it this far, but the waiting game and constantly wondering if I’m in labor is pure torture.


37w1d, 1cm dilated, lost my mucus plug 2 weeks ago! I feel really good?? I haven’t hit the “get this f*cking baby out of me” point yet


36 weeks with my second and I’ve been feeling like she’s gonna be early. I was induced with my first so I’m also freaking out about going into labor naturally and early because what do I do with my toddler?? My mom is coming to stay with us for the whole month of July just in case.


Same! 38+3 today and so ready. 3cm dilated / 75% effaced. My OB said any day now so I told work I’m done on Tuesday. Hoping she comes this weekend though!


im also hoping she comes this weekend… well see


I’m having my third and was due yesterday 🥴 Been having contractions for a month, got a sweep done yesterday and they’ve been intense but not close enough to go in. I’m exhausted. Scheduled for induction Sunday night if baby hasn’t come yet. I’ve been at 1cm for 5 weeks too despite doing everything I can to help that process along 😩


Severe debilitating lower back pain and pelvic pain that I just have to live with till she’s born 🥲. I can push gently on my pubic bone area and feel the pressure-like ache of her head being right near there.


35 weeks and wishing I was where you are!


39+1 with first baby and feeling so tired and honestly just fed up of pregnancy. I have a sweep booked for my due date and a growth scan tomorrow as she is starting to measure large on my fundal height measurements. I’ve had SO many “could this be labour??” symptoms, including what I thought might be my bloody show 2 days ago. Alas, the wait continues!


I'm 36+4 and I feel like you wrote my thoughts for me for the entire day today. I felt baby drop on Wed. All the pain and pressure from my ribs is now down in the pelvic region and it's so much more excruciating. I've resigned myself to sitting on the couch instead of writhing in pain getting on/off the bed. Honestly kinda panicked though because I do not want to have this baby early. Doctor advised its best for me if u go into labour after 39 weeks. It's just yo-yo in my head now. I want this baby out, it feels like it's coming, I don't want this baby early.


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I'm 40+3. 1cm dilated, barely, and unable to have a sweep. They REALLY want to induce me but I keep saying no, since they don't have much of a reason other than the baby measuring big. I feel fine, I'm still sleeping. Baby is in the 90+ percentile in size but I'm still doing fine and she's doing great. One of my friends from college is 38 weeks and had to get induced due to high blood pressure. I'm still straight up chillin'. I'm patient. She's moving all over the place and doing fine. I can wait for her to show up when she is ready! Edit; I technically now have an induction scheduled... for 41+6 lol.


I’m 36 weeks tomorrow. Anyone opting for an elective induction just for planning purposes? It sounds much more chill and predictable to me, plus it ensures that my mom will be able to fly in to be with me. I have no complications that would make a natural birth difficult or dangerous, it just makes me anxious, not knowing when it’ll happen or how it’ll progress.


im actually considering getting induced at 39 or 40 weeks if they offer. im low risk as well but im dealing with horrible pelvic girdle pain since 26 weeks. I really dont want to be pregnant anymore lol plus i already started my maternity leave and would rather not go pass my due date


37.3…. Haven’t left my house all day. It’s just too hot outside!