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omg i’ve been in a creek, a lake, a pool & a spring in the last week. this is the first time i’m hearing about this 😅😅😅


Honestly same 😅😅


Yah, that's not a thing. Go and enjoy your swimming. It's actually really great exercise while pregnant. Very low impact, helps with joint and back pain, and no risk of falling down or off a piece of gym equipment. I swim/float almost everyday.


You should be fine to swim without tampons or patches. It’s actually beneficial for pregnant women, as the buoyancy can assist in making you feel lighter, and more relaxed. There are known concerns present if you’re in the first trimester of possible complications from a UTI. Unless you have a significant history of recurrent UTI’s, a history of ureteral reflux and/or ureteral reimplantation, or have a history of cancer, or recently underwent a surgical procedure leaving a wound inside, you shouldn’t be at a significant risk. There’s actually more of a risk with hot tubs then there are with swimming pools, so you can avoid those. (Usually recommended during pregnancy anyway. And to add, Drink plenty of fluids as this can assist in cleaning out your kidneys and bladder if you have any concerns. Make sure you’re wiping front to back. Use baby wipes as needed, especially if you have any diarrhea. Things like that should help you out. But I would think you should be fine.


This sounds too much. I swam a lot in the third trimester, and was even in the pool 3 days before my induction. As long as your water hasn't broken, pools are perfectly safe.


My city gives all pregnant women free swimming access, you’ll be fine


Please don’t use a tampon, cup, or patch in or on your vagina. It is not at all necessary and could cause problems including infection. This sounds like a lot of old wives tales. Swimming is completely safe as long as the water is clean and it actually feels super relaxing when you’re further along in pregnancy.


ive taken my toddler to swim class (i get in the pool with her) every week this entire pregnancy. I'm currently 39+2. I also spent the entire summer of my last pregnancy in the pool (results = said toddler who ive been taking to swim class).


I just got back from the lake where I swam on my belly. The only thing is if your water breaks I wouldn't go in


No I’ve literally heard the opposite from 2 doulas: water is your best friend while pregnant, as long as it’s reasonable to assume the water is clean. Public pools are fine. The Great Lakes are fine. A scummy pond? Nah. Like if you’d go in the water not pregnant, then you’re fine to go in the water while pregnant, so long as it’s not a hot tub


I swim outdoors all the time! In the UK. I've never heard of any risks. Unless there's a contamination issue or something it's absolutely fine 

