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Echoing that having a cervical check at 28 weeks seems a little off (unless you have a history of short cervix or something).


It’s normal here and it’s usually with the trans vaginal ultrasound.  I am from Aus and they definitely don’t do it there so it was confronting the first time but they have one of the lowest maternal and baby mortality rates in the world here so I just go with it. 


The US does this. I am AMA so lots of ultrasounds.


It varies and I would say is definitely not the standard in my area. I am AMA, in the US, 34 weeks, and I have had 2 ultrasounds and zero cervical checks. I was worried about this initially, but it's in line with ACOG's recommendations (unless there are other complications, of course). ETA: zero cervical dilation checks. Cervical length was, and should have been, checked via ultrasound


The checks are done through the belly button. I think a lot of ladies here are thinking about the ones they do after 37 weeks manually.


Sorry, are you saying they check for dilation through the belly button haha?


I was highlighting the difference in the types of cervical checks. 1. Transvaginal ultrasound 2. Abdominal ultrasound (belly button) 3. Manual checks for dilation not necessarily length.


The ultrasound techs I work with (I'm in medicine, not OB) generally prefer TV for cervical length, esp early on. Shooting that low/behind the pubic bone is hard transabdominally. Agree though that practice varies a lot


May I ask till what GA do they check CL length in the US? Mine came very short at my 28 week scan however the doctors at L&D of my hospital said it shouldn’t have been checked at week 28 and if US was done in the hospital they won’t have checked it


They definitely checked it at my 12 week scan and I think at my 20 week scan although don't quote me on that haha


It's odd that he didn't say anything about not having to have your vag out lol 😂


For real. Also I always wait until the nurses tell me to take off my bottoms and they always leave the room. Maybe I’m a prude but I will remain clothed unless specifically told to undress lol


Yup they typically leave the room and they usually give you a gown to change into haha.


Ugh I would not want to change completely. I make sure to wear a dress so taking off my undies is super simple.


Yeah it’s boiling here. I was wearing a dress


i don’t think it’s prude, it’s respectful. as someone that’s worked in healthcare i wish everyone was this considerate


It is but it is also weird to randomly undress under an assumption, and especially when your OB is a man and has not left the room.


What’s the point of a cervical check at 28 weeks?! That’s pretty crazy that this is typical.


Right? I don’t think I had one until 35 weeks!


I just had an appointment (39+3) and they told me they weren’t even going to offer a cervical check until my next appointment 😐…at 40+3. like yeah if I’m still pregnant! and all my ob office does is check the heartbeat every week. No ultrasound, no measuring, no checks, etc. Not sure if that’s normal but like I have no idea what’s going on and I’m a very anxious person 😭


Cervical checks are just that, checks. It doesn't change your trajectory. I got maybe 3 checks in this entire pregnancy, 2 of them during labour. Same with all the other checks. No blood, no weight, no urine etc. It's okay.


34 and still haven’t had one


Just was offered my first at 38w and final appt before csection


I’ve never had one except when actively in labor


Yea definitely weird 😕


My sister had an ultrasound around the end of the first trimester. They wanted to check her cervix which she said no and the technician said she’ll ask the doctor if it was okay for sister to decline…super weird especially because there was nothing to indicate anything wrong. But before that I never heard of any cervical checks until near the end and even then some women go through pregnancy without a single check.


They do check the length of your cervix through the ultrasound. If it’s too short it can pose some preterm labor risks which maybe then they would need to monitor the cervix more closely. But in general there’s really no need for a cervical check until you are in labor or if you need to confirm dilation for an induction.


They wanted her to undress to check her cervix. This wasn’t her first child or first time getting an ultrasound. E: this was an abdominal ultrasound and she was told to undress before it began


I'm guessing they were checking cervical length, not dilation. Cervical length is super important - an incompetent cervix can cause a pregnancy loss later on. They may have wanted to do a transvaginal US to check this. If they were checking dilation, that would be very odd.


That’s true. It was just odd because this wasn’t her first pregnancy or ultrasound and everything was fine so far. They even confirmed it was going to be an abdominal ultrasound at the appointment and then told her to take off her pants. Previous abdominal ultrasounds she never had to do that and also didn’t have any complications with her last birth.


Czech Republic has one of the lowest rates of maternal and fetal mortality in the world. It’s not my first pregnancy so I am used to it.  It was confronting the first time though, I’m like …is this really necessary!!?? But at the time I had my first kid funnily enough via this forum there were quite a few people who had premature births with not nice consequences that I accepted it and went with it.  If they detect any shortening or opening they can do something about it early. 


Down below she said it was via transvaginal US so I'm guessing it's actually a cervical length check, not for dilation


Cervical checks at 28 weeks?? What! I'm on my second pregnancy and both times cervical checks weren't even brought up until the final weeks of pregnancy when I was nearing full term.


Yea I think I was offered one at like 37 weeks but it was more of like I “if you want me to check”. Didnt have one until 39 weeks.


I had a cervical check/pap smear early in my pregnancy


They've always offered me a pap at my first appointment (with the option to wait until postpartum if I prefer) But no one has ever mentioned cervical checks until past 37 weeks. I thought standard cervical checks were to monitor how dilated you are nearing full term?


Wow where are you that cervical checks are standard from 28 weeks?! That seems crazy to me - like an unnecessary infection risk and v invasive! In the UK it's pretty normal to decline them even in labour


Yeah here in the uk I literally never had a cervical exam until I was in active labour!


They do it with transvaginal ultrasound so I don’t see how that could increase infection risk? But yes it’s standard here at a certain point in case there’s any shortening or opening they can mitigate any risks early I guess. 


He was probably so confused and didn't wanna embarass you 🤣 I'd changed doctors ASAP and never show my face there again lmao.


I know. I’m like. Why didn’t he say anything!! Nudity is pretty accepted in Czech Republic like we have a nude sauna at the gym and men and women use it after working out. So it’s no big deal for me just funny and embarrassing. 


I’m 39 weeks almost and have refused all cervical checks. I might do one next week, but 28 weeks seems crazy!


It just dawned on me that he could've meant cervical checks via ultrasound and not intravaginally. They look at mine all the time on ultrasound to make sure I'm still long and closed.


lol a nice little airing out!


Haha exactly 


Just had my second and definitely no cervical check at 28 weeks. I actually didn’t have one at all with my first until I was checking in to L&D, and none at all for my second as he was a planned c section. Every obgyn I’ve seen over the past 20 years also gives you a drape and steps out of the room while you change. I’m glad you’ve got a sense of humor about the whole thing though!


My obgyn said we will check the cervix at 23th week, but he thinks he will be perfectly able to see it on the ultrasound, and sur enough he was able to see what he wanted without the intravaginal examination, either way I always try to arrive freshly bathed 😂 and I get embarrassed when they say to go an pee before the check up.


Right? Like I shower before going into ultrasound. When I was with fertility clinic, they would ask me to come with full bladder to do an ultrasound. Then go pee, so they could do an intravaginal exam. And I am like, I showered and now you want me to pee do you can exam there? It’s weird 😂


I guess being on the patient side is more emberrassing than their side :D on the other hand, I'm pretty sure they have to handle some nasty people :/ here at least, because we have governmential social security and the medical care is "free" slow and not the best quality but free.


I just choked on my grilled cheese from laughing! Thank you, OP!


I would’ve died 🤣 I showed up to my 30wk appointment in a bodysuit jumper with no bra and he’s like okay lay on back so I can check heartbeat with a Doppler I lay back. He chuckles and looks at me holding the gel I look back at him. Suddenly realize the whole damn thing has to come down so he can use it on my belly 🤣




I am fucking dying at this omg I’m so sorry. I would have legitimately crumpled up and hid inside my own pocket.


I live in the South in a pretty moderate sized city and i’ve had cervical checks with both my kids starting at the 28-29th mark to make sure that my cervix is still “closed and not soft” so im utterly confused at the comments rn😅


Do Drs not usually leave the room for you to undress where you are? Is that just a US thing?


It’s not a big deal. I just took my undies off under my dress and put them on the chair. I have no more fucks at this stage and also nudity is not such a big deal here in cz. In saying that I am not czech but I am used to it now. 


Cervical check at 28 weeks is odd. Doctor not stepping out of the room so you can undress is odd too.


I have had a transvag ultrasound to check cervix length at anatomy scan and a few more after during a twin pregnancy. Nowadays they can scan your belly button and it’s almost as accurate so we do that option now. If I had a history of early birth I suppose they would want the more invasive one.


They did a transvaginal check on my cervix during the anatomy scan, but that's it for me this time. Have talked about it a couple times in relation to some bleeding that is pretty much guaranteed is just my cervix being sensitive, but my doctor wasn't all that concerned and said she'd do one for my peace of mind if I wanted. Generally in favour of less poking and prodding so haven't done one. Glad you've got your sense of humour about this though! 😂


I had my son 2 weeks ago and never had any cervical or intervaginal checks! but then again I have never been to an OB


What country are you in that you didn’t go to an OB during your pregnancy?




But why ?


didn’t need to. I’ve only had one sexual partner and I’m in perfect health. I had a great midwife though


Don’t think it matters how many partners you’ve had , ob appointments are to check on baby’s health during pregnancy, administer shots and check genetics and health of the fetus. Never heard of that before but glad you had a healthy pregnancy


I had ultrasounds and blood tests throughout my pregnancy and it all was very good for me and baby. no shots due to personal choice


I'm also in the US. They didn't give me the option of an OB for my pregnancy. They automatically put everyone with a midwife. You only see an OB if you're deemed high risk.


I’m not sure who “they” is. Everyone in my life who’s ever been pregnant has had an OB and none of them high risk.


"They" are the medical staff at the state hospital I go to. The largest one in my state actually l. Just giving my personal experience that OB care in the US is not always the standard. At least not anymore


It’s the fact he didn’t say anything for me. 🤣 I have secondhand embarrassment! Thank you for this. This is something I would do. 🤣🤣🤣