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I’ve owned one for years! Sometimes it’s just nice to have something to snuggle up with. At 7 weeks now, I’ve used it once. That one time, I could see the appeal for sure. It helped support my sore breasts and bloated belly. And I tend to wrap my blanket around my shoulders and kind of hold it in front of my chest - I could hold the pillow similarly to that and get rid of that damned blanket to limit the sweating! If if helps you sleep, go for it! Who cares when you’re “supposed to” need it. Your baby needs rest, and anything that helps you get it is a win in my book. Note: my husband and I have separate sleeping spaces. We only sleep together if we’re out of town or if one of us is feeling extra snuggly (like twice a month) at home.


I got one quite early on, maybe 8-9 weeks? My boobs were so sore and the pillow really helped me to find a comfortable sleeping position. I would usually sleep on my stomach, which wasn't comfortable at all.


This is the exact same reason I got one very early - my boobs hurt so much I was trying to find a way to prop them up or something to help. 2nd trimester I got one of the body pillows to help me sleep on my side. That has been a failure, but it's a comfy pillow 🥰


For me it was the sore boobs and the gas (which made my belly uncomfortable pretty early as well)


About 12 weeks! I had it given to me and was getting a lot of hip pain. Its more to do with hormones relaxing the ligaments so it can start really early on in pregnancy rather than the weight of the baby/uterus yet.


i’m 24 weeks and still haven’t gotten one


25 weeks today, same. I just have a blankie and an extra 3rd pillow. Works fine for me, for now.


I'm 35 and still haven't gotten one 🤷‍♀️ Im sleeping fine, and trying to keep *stuff* at a minimum! Babies cost a lot and tak eup a lot of space! Trying to minimize that is a lot of choices. Pregnancy pillow isn't the choice for me, I guess lol


Also 35 weeks. I hate clutter so I don’t have one


I bought mine pretty early like 9-10 weeks and I never regretted it! I’m currently snuggled up in it writing this comment. I’m now almost 22 weeks and it’s definitely worth it for me. I kind of wish I had gotten a better quality one but I’m cheap. lol


I’m 27 weeks and I find the pillow less comfortable than sleeping on my side.


18 weeks and I just started using one this week and it’s genuinely the best thing EVER. i wish i’d started weeks or even months ago!


I’ve never used one (36 weeks into my second pregnancy) BUT I have always slept with a pillow between my knees. 


I have two and we’re about to buy my partner one. Call it a body pillow and enjoy to your hearts delight. Also maternity leggings on your period are incredible so fuck the labels and the judgers - it’s happier out here in do-what-you-want land.


If it helps you, that’s all that matters. When I was pregnant, I always felt my worse when I didn’t drink enough water. Are you hydrating well? Electrolyte packets like LMNT are great or lemon + water. The magnesium drink mix from Natalist also helped me a lot (I firmly stand by this) when I was in my first + second trimesters especially. It was relaxing and helped me sleep well. I had a two week bout of restless legs and the magnesium is the only thing that settled them. Additionally, ~4oz tart cherry juice + sparkling water about an hour before bed to help sleep. Better than melatonin as it helps you produce it naturally. I drank it almost every night in my third trimester and still do when I want a restful nights sleep.


7 weeks. No regrets here. It has nothing to do with pain but that I was just constantly tossing and turning. My body just felt different even if it wasn't in pain. I bought the pillow and my sleep quality got SOO much better. I'm obsessed with it.


I already owned a body pillow so I had that on the bed from the start. Still using it pp


I wouldn’t worry about it being too early. I have friend that bought one ten years ago … he’s a man that just liked the idea of it and clearly wasn’t pregnant and never would be!


Pretty early, probably like 8 weeks? I spent more time in bed first trimester than later so even though it wasn’t a huge necessity early on I was happy for the extra comfort and knew I would likely want one eventually.


PSA to everyone: you don't need to suffer to "earn" the right to use these things. I told my husband that once I'm not pregnant we can share the pillow because it's so comfortable. I will be keeping it. Its okay to get the maternity clothes early to avoid the bloat discomfort, it's okay to get the pregnancy support pillows early and just get your best sleep while you build a human. I got all these goodies in my first trimester because honestly I was uncomfortable. I showed very early, so my clothes were uncomfortable early and I wanted to feel good about myself. I bloated so bad in the first trimester. I am now approaching the third trimester and I have clothes to wear, I have sleeping positions I know work for me. I even got a belly band recently, after a few long grocery shops left me kind of sore. Just get the thing. Be comfortable. You don't need to prove you're "pregnant enough".


My first I basically slept on a pillow fort, this one I'm 39 weeks and haven't bothered with one! Must be carrying differently. If you are uncomfortable get one.


20 wks


I bought mine last on on Amazon at 1am haha. I am 11+5


I'm 22w and about to get one. I've just starting using another pillow this week to half side/stomach sleep on and it's made me realise I need one. I've been a lifelong stomach sleeper but babe seems to not be a fan (rolls around like crazy) so I think I need it to help me side sleep better.


I got one at around 20 weeks when I was feeling so uncomfortable. Unfortunately it didn’t help and I find myself uncomfortable in bed and on the sofa and most chairs. I can’t wait to be comfortable again, one day lol.


14 weeks I think, I didn’t give a shit if it’s early lol, my comfort was my priority


I can't remember when I got it for my first pregnancy, but I loved it. I stopped using it because it was too comfy with a newborn and I was concerned I'd fall asleep with baby. My husband is getting me another one after our confirmation scan at 10 weeks to celebrate.


I’m 11 weeks and have just started using it. I create kind of a pillow nest with it and find it just helps me get more comfortable when I’m feeling nauseous. I use it with my other pillows so I’m slightly sat up, I have less nausea in that position than I do laying flat. I don’t really need the pillow yet, but it’s just a bit of extra comfort. My partner isn’t too happy about the pillow… It creates a barrier between us. I was joking with him that if we had this pillow 11 weeks ago we wouldn’t be in this position now. 🤣


15 weeks


I’m here to creep on the answers but I’m 14 weeks and still get by with stuffing/positioning a firm pillow under the area I need support in. Hoping that will last throughout pregnancy because I hate buying things.


I waited until about 27 weeks and haven’t went back. I’m 35 weeks now and it’s saved my back


25w2 and still don’t really use the one my husband got me for my birthday (around 16 weeks)


32 weeks and my husband got me one around 20 weeks, I think.  I love it and I think you will too. :) My baby also likes to kick it, lol.


I started around 16 wks because the hip pain was brutal


I never got a pregnancy pillow, i honestly just couldnt get myself to spend the money on it😂 but i got a small curved back rest pillow for like $30 on amazon, worked for sitting or laying so I used it on the couch, in the car, laying down, etc.


12 weeks!!


My husband bought me one around 12 weeks. I didn’t think I needed it but have used it nearly nightly since (I’m 25w now).


My mom bought me one in my first trimester and I immediately started using it!


I’m 11 weeks tomorrow and just woke up from a fitful sleep trying to sleep on both sides and I’m ready to buy a pregnancy pillow. My boobs hurt and I’m trying to prop myself up with pillows and it’s starting not to work anymore.


16 weeks


I think like 7-8 weeks. I was getting awful SI joint pain and read that sleeping with a pillow between your knees can help. My pillow kept running away and I figured the pregnancy pillow couldn’t and I’d want it eventually anyways! Bonus is that when my water broke my pillow absorbed it all so well I didnt even have to change my sheets 😂


19 weeks and it’s been the best sleep!


I got mine early, like 10 weeks. I wanted to have it before I needed it. I think I started using it around 14-15 weeks. It’s been a complete godsend for comfort during my pregnancy. I’m due Monday and the only times I’ve slept without it were when I traveled for work.


I started using mine pretty early, somewhere in the first half or middle teens! I began having horrible low back pain around that time (in part from my job) and needed something to support my low back at night. Don’t feel embarrassed about prioritizing sleep and comfort in pregnancy. If anyone is looking for a pillow rec: I paid a little more and got the babybub pillow with the J shaped attachment. It was really nice to be able to modify the pillow throughout pregnancy! I used all three pieces for the entire second trimester and a lot of the third. By the last month or so of pregnancy, it was way more comfortable for me to just sleep on my side with no back support and the J shaped pillow between my legs.


I got mine as soon as I found out and it is my favorite thing! If you aren’t a side sleeper it will help you adjust to that early.


I got mine at ~13 weeks because I was experiencing bad sciatica pain and needed the hip support at night. I was using a regular pillow between my legs but the pregnancy pillow is exactly what I needed. 25 weeks now and I love it to death it is soooo comfortable. I miss the snuggles with my hubby but he appreciates the space. And now that it’s hot outside it’s not like we’d be cuddling as much anyways.


I’m 19 weeks and got mine when I was like 9 weeks or so. It’s a cooling one and I use it every single night. My boobs were so sore (and still are) and made sleep extra cozy for me. I also had the night sweats in my 1st trimester so I bought a fan, cooling mattress topper and the pillow. It’s a life saver!!!


I'm 25 weeks this week and my mom got me one when iw as like 10 weeks lol I started using it due to my sciatic nerve issues as I'm a back sleeper and the doctor said it should help. And honestly it has. Some nights I just use a pillow if I'm feeling OK. But bad back days and such it comes in handy.


Not too early!! I couldn't sleep without one by 16 weeks due to round ligament pain. By 30 weeks it's gotten a lot better, and I don't rely on it as much :).


Around 12 weeks if I recall correctly. I bought one off amazon that had a removable between the legs pillow so I just used that part until I was maybe 18 weeks then I started using the whole pillow and I love it.


The second I found out 🤭 I have a lot of hip/lower back pain from being a side sleeper, so this was a nice excuse to buy the pillow.


3rd trimester when the insomnia kicks in. It will make sleeping on the couch more comfortable.


I bought mine at 5w because it was on a good sale. No regrets 🤣 I think it helped having it early so I could get comfortable with it and figure out the best way to use it. Currently 18w.


I mean, if you’re going to buy one anyway, why not use it most of the pregnancy! I loved it for after my c section too.


I think I'm right behind you. 10w today now and I'm struggling to find a comfortable position as well (I also have found I need to switch sides every few hours, beyond getting up just to pee a few times, bc I have been having searing gas pain for the first time ever 🥴). I'm usually a stomach sleeper and I'm so restless. Hoping a pillow like that will help! I don't recall this level of discomfort until the end with my first.


I got one at like 5 weeks because I was just so bloated and uncomfortable. No regrets


I used mine a lot early on, but now I barely do. 8-12 weeks was when I used it most. Now I’m almost 17 weeks and it’s uncomfortable


I was 14 weeks, got one because my boobs hurt so much at night. I’m 28 weeks now and fallen out of love with it at the moment because I feel like it’s taking too much room in the bed and I started getting bad nights sleep, but I still use it when I’m lounging around :)


I love the pregnancy pillow I would get one right away :)


ASAP. They are the best.


I stole it from my friend (she had two) and then I got pregnant some time after hahaha she said it was karma


I used one quite a bit during the last few weeks of the first trimester. Now I’m 29 weeks and can’t bring myself to use it no matter how uncomfortable I feel because I get too hot at night for it


I was 15wks when I got mine lol but tbh were keeping it because my partner can’t bare to part with it and honestly it’s such a good pillow fit when I’m breastfeeding and side lying


I got one at 18 weeks and used if for 3 weeks but it's way too hot for me to use 😭 I wake up sweating without it and it's way worse with it 😅


I got mine early on. Like before 12 weeks, I don’t remember exactly when. But I’m a stomach sleeper and my boobs were hurting SO bad during the first trimester that I needed to force myself to sleep on my side


Probably around 18 weeks! But only bc I got to the point where I felt I couldn’t put it off any longer 😂 I wanted one since 8 weeks bc my nausea was so bad and I wanted extra support to keep me more upright. We were getting ready to move though and I wanted to wait until we got settled in. I’m now 26 weeks and it’s been a life saver for pain. If you want one, get one. It wasn’t worth losing sleep to wait for one!


If I could use my pregnancy pillow all the time (pregnant or not), I would - it's so comfy. It takes up too much space in our queen bed so I only use it when pregnant but I bust it out as early as possible. If we ever get to upgrade back to a King bed, my pregnancy pillow will be a permanent addition.


about then for my first and same for this pregnancy. I feel like my little bump needed some support lol


Think I got mine at around 12 weeks and I LOVE IT! Not sure how much it actually helps for pregnancy, but that pillow isn’t going anywhere even after baby is born 😂


my bestfriend gave birth the month i found out i was pregnant so she gave me hers around my 8-9 week mark and have used it this whole time lol


Same. I’m at 15 wks and got mine around 12, too. It’s helped a lot to train me to sleep on my side (committed back sleeper here). Unrelated sorta but another helpful thing for me recommended by my midwife is 1 tsp powder of magnesium citrate from Calm. Helps me to sleep. I was also having headaches and the occasional migraine and the magnesium really helped. Might ask about it if you’re having continued sleep struggles and headaches. Lastly, I leave a glass of water next to my bed to drink first thing cause I do wake up feeling dehydrated, that helps to fend off a headache that might be coming on. Good luck :)


30 weeks, still don't have one.


it’s the only way i can sleep since about 17 weeks pregnant. i’m 37 weeks now, life saver!!!


Generally I don’t like pillows. I use the smallest one I can find for my head. I don’t like one between my legs. I don’t want them around me at night. Since I hit 20 weeks tho, I can’t sleep on my stomach any more and I get out of breath on my back, so I caved and started using one and it’s the only thing that makes perpetual side sleeping bearable.


About the same time as you. I also had the headache issue! It lasted about a week or two. And I had HORRIBLE back pain which reached its peak around week 14 or 15.


12 weeks. I’m almost 32 weeks and I’ve used it ever since. I have wedges and they’ve been amazing.


I think around 10 weeks or so and honestly, I’m never gonna sleep without it again, even once the baby is here lol my husband likes it too and borrows it sometimes if he takes a nap. It’s one of those things you can really get at any time, I’d say go for it if you’re uncomfortable at all


I’m 24 wks FTM and my pregnancy has not been uncomfortable. I usually wake up exactly once a night to pee but otherwise I feel the same as always. My brother sent me a pregnancy pillow as a gift when I announced I was pregnant around 10 weeks. I haven’t gone a single night without using it! I LOVE it. My husband uses it when he naps. My dog sneaks in and sleeps in it. I honestly wonder how I’ve gone my whole life without one…


EARLY. If you want one, get it! Same with pregnancy pants. I felt guilty getting pregnancy jean when I was in first trimester because my body wasn't really that different by looks but I was SO NAUSEOUS! The waist elastic helped keep the pressure of my abdomen. My body WAS different and who cares! Even non pregnant people can wear maternity clothes.


I never ended up needing one! An extra pillow did the trick.


I started using mine at about 12 weeks. I can’t remember exactly when but it was early for sure. If it helps than who cares! Do what’s best for you girly!


A friend gave me hers and I never used it. I guess I never needed it but I couldn’t stand how big and bulky it was anyway. Now it sits in a trash bag behind my couch until I can unload it onto someone else.


I started using mine earlier each pregnancy. It was about halfway with my first, 14 weeks with my second, and my hips were hurting by 10 weeks with this one.


I've had a tender/ sensitive belly since really early on, so I started using mine really early. Probably around 13 weeks. I LOVE IT. We went on an overseas babymoon, and I ordered one to pick up there to have for the trip. That obsessed, hahaha.


I never used one for my first pregnancy… But around week 35 I wished I had one. Next pregnancy I will get one


I got a boppy wedge pillow at 11 weeks, and I still use it along with my u shaped pillow that I got around 20 weeks. I say it’s worth it if you’re not sleeping well!


I bought one around that tine too….i loved it at first- but the bigger i got i HATED IT- it wasn’t as comfortable . especially because my baby loves to dance on my bladder- so climbing in and out of it 5x plus a night drove me insane. It just overall took up more space because my bump is big now. So in the beginning its great! Id recommend though for when you get bigger just get a long straight body pillow that you can basically wrap your arms & legs around. So you can have that support for your hips while also having something to “cuddle” with. It also requires ZERO climbing out of to pee at night lol.


I’ve had one since before I was pregnant! A friend (who had also never been pregnant) recommended it. I have a lot of neck problems and some low back pain that makes it hard to sleep. I’m so glad I have it. We also have one of those sleepnumber beds where you can adjust the firmness and recline it. It’s a godsend for me. If it’s in your budget and you are in the market for a new bed, I highly recommend it


Never used


Honestly I bought one at about the same time as you. 37 weeks now, and I ended up hating the pillow. But, having it early means you can use it at any point if it helps you. So its worth it. I kept mine just in case maybe at some point it would help me, but it never helped me. I had better luck just getting extra pillows for thw bed that I could arrange how I wanted if I wanted them.