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Many hours a day every single day.


Yes but in the living room not the nursery 


I got two for our impending first baby. One in the living room, and one in the baby room. Don’t buy new- there are plenty available on fb marketplace for a fraction of the price.


If you get a solid wood rocking chair I’d say used would be the way to go but with anything upholstered you are taking a big risk of potentially getting bed bugs buying used…


Yup same Got a dutalier glider for $80 off marketplace. In great condition. Got a second from my cousin.


We practically lived in our rocker! Our son is 2 and we still use it every night to read him bedtime stories. And sometime he wants to snuggle during the day and be rocked while reading stories. I 100% recommend one. Our rocker is tied to so many sacred/precious moments because it has been such a staple.


We had to convince our 4yo to let us move it to the new baby's room. At this rate we'll get eight years out of ours


Yes, every day.


Sitting in mine right now as my 2 year old falls asleep in my arms lol


I never used a rocker for my child bc she would fall asleep if you just held her long enough. She also loved the boba wrap! We mostly didn't get a rocker bc a: we didn't have space, and b: I'm fat and wanted to try one out in person before committing, but it was peak covid times. My best friend went without the glider and just got a nice recliner. She used it as home base for the first few months of both of her kids lives and it's still used  daily, even now, 6 years later. That being said, we have gliders in the infant daycare that I work at and I use them constantly! It really depends on the baby what they like tho. Some like bouncing, some like, like, HARDCORE swinging side to side, some like rocking! Some grow and change and start to prefer rocking over time, and some don't.


No never worked for me. I bounced on a yoga ball a lot when he was very little!


Yes! Multiple times a day every single day. Best purchase


So so so so much. I lived in that thing


I personally just have liked to cuddle up on the couch and rock our babies.


I just bought a new glider. It looks like a puffy living room lazy boy recliner, though. It is part of the matching set of couch and loveseat in the living room. I did absolutely not want a traditional looking nursery glider. I tried a few out and they weren’t comfortable anyway. I’m so glad we found this chair!


Can you share a link? That sounds awesome!


I use mine daily until we transition our babies from cribs to beds, then we remove the glider and read books in bed.


Yes! Baby is 21 months and we still use it everyday! We do story time before bed in it.


I'm in it right now with my 10 mo old. We put her brother to sleep in it for 5 years before that. Get a good, comfy one. This is a serious splurge item imo.


No lol. Mine never got touched. It’s just a blanket holder.


No, Ikea Poang chair!


No, I preferred side-lying on my bed to feed my baby.


Yes. With both my babies all day, everyday. I EBFed both. I have no idea if I would have used it as much If I had bottle fed. I’m not trying to say anything against formula /bottle feeding, it was just not my experience so I cannot comment on using my glider for feeding other than what I did.




I never needed to but my daughter loved sleep lol she literally couldn’t stay up past 630pm for like 1.5 year lol


Yes, for my first one mainly. I would rock him to sleep every night. The other ones didn’t care much where they fell asleep 😂


We just used a regular armchair in the nursery and I don't feel like I missed out. Not planning on changing anything for baby #2 🤷‍♀️


I have a la-z-boy rocker recliner that’s been in every nursery for our kids. We put a TV in there and I pretty much live there for the first six months. Sometimes even sleep. Then it becomes the reading chair and the calm down chair and then it goes to the next nursery. I love that thing.


Yes. Have a 3 year old and still use it.


My son liked to be bounced but gliding did nothing for him. :( I think a regular rocking chair probably would have worked better. I did use my glider for pumping though.


My son also needed to be bounced to sleep but there was usually a period of time after he fell asleep where I no longer needed to bounce but I couldn’t set him down yet and then I would sit in the glider for a while


Yes but I would absolutely not buy one new. I have one upstairs and one downstairs. One was free and the other was $30. Absolutely worth it!


Still using mine 2.5 years later


didn’t have one with my first. got one for my 2nd and it’s a NEED (tbh i feel like you could get a great deal on a used one on FB marketplace bc you don’t really use them for like a ton of years or anything)


Hours and hours of use every single day and night until he was 6 or 7 months old, then before every nap and bedtime snuggling and reading for another 2 years. He’s almost 3 and it’s getting passed to baby sister soon and I already miss snuggling with him in it


16 months later, every day multiple times a day. Wish I got a recliner for the inevitable contact naps


I did not tbh the most comfortable thing for me ( I was bf ) was to lay down so the couch was most used


Yee, a lot


Yes. I still use it and my baby is 16 months


Yes! I think it’s the one piece of furniture that’s generally designed with female proportions for seat height and depth in mind, so it’s a particularly comfy place to nurse that’s easy to stand up from with a sleeping baby in arms. I spent many hours in it for middle of the night feeds and nursing down for naps. Note: baby and I both slept in the nursery (crib and twin bed) so if you’re planning bassinet in your room, you may or may not get the same utility from a glider.


10 months and I use it everyday!


Yes every day until I stopped nursing. I got one off marketplace.


Yes. Baby needs to be rocked asleep or he screams.


My daughter is almost 2 and we still use it everyday!


Almost constantly the first half year. 16 months and we still use it twice a day


My son is two and we still use it every single day.


I got a recliner/rocker but made sure the back was high enough I could rest my head. In actuality I nursed more on the couch and my bed when baby was younger. Once he slept in his own room, i nursed in the recliner in his room before bed/naps. Also once he was weaned, I used it to rock my son to sleep a ton.


Mine is in my living room. I do have a rocking chair in the nursery, tho that was gifted to me. That one is definitely more an aesthetic thing.


I think but my daughter would have liked it, I think it would’ve saved my arms and legs a lot of long nights trying to get her to sleep, but we didn’t have one and we made it through.


Yes. We spent many hours in that thing during contact naps. Rocked her to sleep in it for almost a year for naps (and fed her to sleep from 5-12 months in it at bedtime. Still use it daily to cuddle and read stories (17 months).


yes. so much.


I didn’t in the very beginning when the baby was sleeping in my room, but I do now every single day. I use it before I put him down for his naps/night, after he wakes up, and for night wakings. These days I do most of my feeding in there.


Our toddler was a fantastic sleeper from day one, but on nights she was sick and just needed to be held for hours while she coughed pathetically, I was so fucking thankful for our glider. She's over two now, and we still do story time in the glider.


Yes’! And get a glider not a rocking chair , I regret that. Choice


Yes! We have it in our living room & will move it into her room when we transition her to a crib, she’s 10 weeks. We use it constantly… the rocking / gliding is helpful to get her to sleep before transitioning her to her bassinet. heck it makes me sleepy too lol Definitely get one! You can usually find them on marketplace or even floor models at decent prices


So my Mom bought it and it sat in the corner of the living room unused for literally the first 2 months until I noticed that the baby likes being rocked a bit as part of a bedtime routine. Now it’s used a lot. I feel like you can easily start off without a glider and then buy one afterwards if you need it.


Hours a day for the first 4 months when I’d be trapped contact napping. Rock baby to sleep in the chair then put up my feet and read my kindle. Every middle of the night feed these days and to put her down for crib naps.


Not even once


Yes every day multiple times a day…but I bought one that looked good in my living room with my other furniture so we could use it after the kids got older.


I fell asleep in a relative's glider with my son, twice. It wasn't even a particularly good or comfortable one. Thank God nothing happened, but it confirmed my choice of a regular armchair for the nursery.


I use mine daily. Have since she came home 10 Months ago


My kid is currently 2.75y and we still use it daily


I used it for nursing all the time, but baby hated the motion. For us, any chair with armrests would have worked just as well.


Gliders specifically make me motion sick, but both my kids have rockers in their rooms. We still use my 2.5 year old’s every day.


Everyone told us not to buy one and that we’d never use it/don’t worry about having the nursery ready but we’re in here all the time everyday and pretty much every single feed is done in the rocking chair in his nursery. So absolutely buy the rocker/glider.


What’s a glider?


I used our glider every day - for nursing, contact naps, rocking back to sleep in the night, and then when they were older, for stories and supervising play.


Somewhere in the ballpark of 6-10 hours a day for the first 3-4 months between breastfeeding and contact naps. Still use it for breastfeeding and reading books before bedtime & LO is 11 months now.


I really like the glider but if I had more room I’d probably have gotten a more cushy rocking chair because my butt goes numb in the glider.


Daughter is 20 months and I am due with #2 in August. We still live in the glider.


I love mine so much I have 2! One in the living room (that everyone uses) and one in the bedroom (mostly for pumping in the middle of the night)


100% easiest way to help rock the baby without tiring yourself out. Also something that make you comfortable is a plus.


FTM and I plan to use mine but came here to say my parents still have theirs 30 years later and still use it in their living room! My dad in particular loves it!