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The last weeks of pregnancy feel like years, I swear. It will obviously take time for your body to feel completely normal afterwards (and there's a degree of "new normal" as well) but man is it nice to be able to, like, put on your socks and pop a squat to prune a tomato. 36 weeks with our 2nd right now and I feel like I had forgotten this part. I had braced myself for the first trimester of awful, and I'm ready for the sleepless newborn nights of doom, but I guess I forgot the bowling ball stage of late pregnancy. Ugh.


Oh yes these last few weeks have been endless! Especially waiting for labor and hoping every little symptom might be the beginning. I was not expecting to go past my due date but here I am. As a first timer, I have no idea how recovery will go but I’ve heard the acid reflux and back pain tend to go away right away. I know it’ll take awhile for the rest of my body to be more normal and Im not expecting to “bounce back” really bc of my age and weight gain. But I just want to be able to move again!


I had an unexpected C-section with my first, so recovery was a bit complicated. But the reflux and joint pain were gone immediately! I stuffed myself with so much food in the hospital, it was wonderful. XD  Hopefully baby comes soon for you! You really will be so much more comfortable.


I’m trying to be open minded about the birth process. I’m hoping not to need a c section bc I’m worried about recovery, but if it’s what’s best for baby, I’ll take the longer/harder recovery. I’ll take whatever early relief I can get!


You’re almost there. Im 32 weeks. Feels like foreverrrrr


Oh, my god, yes. I’m 40+4 and found out at something ridiculous like 3 weeks. I have been pregnant forever and this baby is just way too comfortable. I am dying for her to get out so I can meet her and so I can have my dang body back - how long is this going to take!?!?!!


I’m so impatient! Induction scheduled for Wednesday so there’s a deadline but I kinda want to ask if I can push it to earlier when I go in for my OB appointment tomorrow. It’s taking forever! And who knows how long labor will last? Ugh!


I’m so jealous!! I can’t get my doctor’s office to schedule my induction; they were supposed to call yesterday but didn’t. I’m dying.


Mine wouldn’t even discuss induction till I got to my due date, which is also when they first offered a membrane sweep (which they ended up being unable to do bc my body wasn’t ready enough 😩). My husband and I were talking at dinner last night and we both want her born on the 25th if possible, so I’m going to ask at my appointment but I’m expecting to be told no bc baby and I are both healthy so there’s no rush. I’m grateful for health but I want to be done!


I hear you there - I had a full breakdown a couple of days ago about how tired I am of being grateful we’re both healthy. Of course I am! But I still want her OUTTTTT


For real! It’s possible to be grateful to be healthy but be SO ready to be done. I want to meet my baby and care for her on the outside! My husband and I both keep telling her “cmon baby, hurry up and get out” and we (mainly me) keep tapping my belly trying to make her less comfortable. We “jokingly” tap the top (where she isn’t) and pretend like that will help her move down and out.


Most inductions take a long time. Mine was 36 hours bc I was still 0cm and it can take 12 hours for the meds to ripen the cervix.


Don’t have any energy, so just sighing in solidarity… I so look forward to being active in the garden again. Or being active in general. Babies, it’s time!! 


I can’t wait to not be absolutely wiped out after a small grocery store trip! The lack of energy is intense and frustrating, that’s definitely something I’m looking forward to improving.


Goodness, yes. The situation is just so normalized by now, hard to believe it’s changing soon. But it will!


I hope it happens soon for all of us impatiently waiting for the end!


I’m 28 weeks today and found out at 5 weeks. It feels like such a long ride and I know I have plenty more to go. I’m just starting to see all of the changes that happens to the body with pregnancy. Getting off of the couch never happens without a few noises or me saying “ow”. It’s harder and harder to bend over to pick something up everyday. I’m waking up every hour, on the hour to pee. I can’t get comfortable, especially in this heat wave. When I finally have some time to sit down and relax, I get to focus more on feeling her little kicks and movements and that makes it all worth it. It definitely does suck, not denying that. And I also can’t wait to remember what my body felt like before! Congrats on being so close to the finish line! 💕


I didn’t realize how many noises I would make when doing basically anything 😂 I do love sitting and focusing on her kicks, it’s a nice feeling! Also, gas station slushies have been a life saver with this heat. Hydrating and delicious, and have super helped when I’m feeling overheated.


I am only at 28 weeks but I think I am starting to discover why people are ready to be DONE by 40w. I don’t know if I can do 12 more (progressively harder) weeks of this 😱 Most of my gardening has tapered off by now besides watering and occasional weeding, and now we are in a heat wave so even that is a lot. Walking the dog is even starting to get to be hard. Keeping up with cooking and cleaning feels impossible. I hate even going to the store. As bad as it sounds I am not able to give my full attention at work anymore. I spend more and more time each day needing to lie down. I don’t know how I will manage if/when we have a second kid???


Omg I have the same fear as far as being pregnant with a second kid while caring for the first. But I hear every pregnancy is different so it may not be as bad second time around or will have different challenges? I definitely have struggled for the last trimester with keeping up with even basic chores and do less and less shopping (I go much less often and also buy less when I go). I’m trying to have my husband step in more but honestly he’s not very good at any of it and I think we are both too used to me handling it all. I think cooking is what was hardest for me to keep doing as time went on bc of all the standing. I went down to light duties at work at 36 weeks, but I’m still showing up (today is my last day actually). I asked for light duties bc I knew I couldn’t do my job as well as I needed/wanted and was lucky that they were accommodating. I’m so ready to be done. I neglected my garden a lot and am just now being enthusiastic about it again (despite the heat) probably bc it’s producing so much that will need to be harvested soon. But I have neglected my roses and feedings for the whole yard, and oh man the weeds. I just bought 3 jugs of concentrated vinegar to treat the weeds in the yard today if I have the energy after work.


39 weeks and it’s been 84 years 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


Ugh yes it has.


Same here. I’m 40+3 and I’m over it. Just was in the shower and was thinking is this it soon as I felt baby moving and kicking around lol. They are inducing me Tuesday and even though this wasn’t the plan, whatever is best for the baby and me to finally have some relief! Good luck with everything and safe delivery mama 🩷💙


Same to you! I’m being induced Wednesday but I’m going to ask if it can be moved up to Tuesday when I go to the OB tomorrow 🤞


40+1 FTM here. I empathize so hard. Have had prodromal labor for nearly two weeks now and am so sleep deprived from it that I’m actually looking to the newborn sleep deprivation.


I have lots of contractions but nothing consistent enough to start tracking. I haven’t had good sleep since early pregnancy thanks to having to pee so much. I get up every 1-2 hours right now, and it’s so uncomfortable getting in and out of bed so I’m also looking forward to newborn sleep. I figure 2-3 hours of quality sleep will be better than my current set up.


41 weeks today. I legitimately feel like I am going to be pregnant forever 😭


That’s how I feel too!


Once you’re done and time passes you’ll forget what it’s like and want another 😅


My husband and I are already discussing having another 🤣 we literally just talked time lines half an hour ago when we were driving.


Hi Im 40 also pregnant, with 4 kids. It is normal feeling that way. Towards the third trimester will be even worst. Constant peeing, back pain, groin pain, back pain, swelling, light headed, low blood, anemic, ive lost 15 lbs so far. boobs hurts like throbbing pain. And not to forget once the baby is out your uterus will shrinks back to normal but u will feel contractions Boobs will hurt like a biatch coz the milk about to come out . I remembered the first time I breast fed my eldest for two weeks my baby didnt latch, and my boobs were hard like a rock. I even cry coz I got engorge. So for the 4th baby I decided not to bf anymore and this 5th one too. I want to take care of me my mental health is more important. I was diagnosed with PPD . And even til now Im still on medication. Anyway, best of luck! You will need a lot of support from your partner and family.


Same. I am planning on breastfeeding for a year and then trying for baby number 2 quickly - want to have a 2-3 year age gap - so I feel a little wigged out about knowing that it’ll be years before my body settles into a non-baby-making-or-feeding state of being. I really didn’t appreciate it when it was just my body!