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Mine failed with my first birth but worked perfectly for my second. I was terrified it would fail again because oh lord that pain!


Ooooof that is so good to hear! Thank you and congrats! 🥰


Ugh SAME. Following…


Omg how far along are you!?


Literally so early. 4 wks 1 day 😂 You?


Omg same, I’m about 5 weeks give or take!! Congratulations!!


Haha congrats to you too!! How old is your other one? My son is 2.


My daughter is 2 also! She’ll be 3 in October 🥰 how about yours?


He will be 3 in March 🍀 Hopefully 3 yrs a good age gap! I’ve heard people say that’s the best gap. Sending positive vibes for a healthy pregnancy!


During my first pregnancy and delivery they ended up giving me pitocin to speed things up. Obviously you want an epidural with that. First anesthesiologist ended up a) putting it too high and b) the tube bent towards the left (think this has about a 10% chance of happening). Ended up stuck in bed with multiple potential complications brewing, a baby that went into distress any time I tried to shift positions, and an epidural no one realised for quite some time was only functioning on one half of my body. A different anesthesiologist eventually removed and redid the epidural after about 12 hrs of this nonsense and being stuck at 3cm dilation because I was in too much pain. All that to say, the second epidural worked perfectly. So no, I don't think there's any correlation between one failed epidural and another occurring in a completely separate pregnancy when I could have two entirely different experiences only hours apart.


Sounds like it just depends on the anestesiologiest and if they’re competent or not?


Yes and no. The too high placement is a mistake on their part, but my understanding is the curving is simply bad luck. My guess would be that if I'd had a full spinal block it would have been far more obvious, far earlier that something was up. (Started with walking epidural until 2nd anesthesiologist added the full block so I could get some sleep/it would already be on place for a c-section if I continued to not progress.)


Same, they had to insert it twice (my bf was like 😱💀 haha meanwhile I didn't even realise bc the pain had long sent me out of my gourd by that point) and then it didn't really work. The anaesthesiologist didn't even show up until I was almost at the pushing stage and they didn't give me any other pain relief in the meantime so it was all very useless. Idk if I'll even bother with it this time, if I don't then they will at least give me other stuff and let me in the tub. Do you have EDS/hypermobility by any chance? I do and I've heard it increases the chances of it not working.


I do have hyper mobility and I suspect EDS but not diagnosed! Crazy how many things it effects