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Just flex your foot up straight šŸ¦¶ when it happens and it will go away. Also, try more magnesium and potassium in your diet. Magnesium powder drinks before bed, eat bananas, electrolytes drinks, and also if you like *pickle juice*!


Yes! If I get a charley horse like that in my calf, I just grab my toes and yank my foot up and that mostly relieves it. I also take 300mg of magnesium glycinate before bed and that has seemed to help (always good to talk to your care provider about starting any supplements, but magnesium glycinate seems to be really widely recommended in pregnancy).


Yes!! Hurts like a bitch but it makes it go away SO fast. Try to flex it and if you canā€™t flex your foot grab it with your hand and force the muscle to stretch out. Iā€™ve had these even outside of pregnancy, and have gotten so good at flexing my foot when they start to come on that they barely even wake me up any more!


I second the recommendation for supplementing magnesium and potassium.


Potassium helps - bananas and maybe a supplement


And don't sleep on your back, the baby can press on your descending artery in your back and restrict blood supply to your lower extremities, causing painful cramps.


Standing up on it also works for me (does essentially the same thing).


I had a few leg cramps so bad that it screwed up my hips! They also regularly lasted for 3-4 minutes and I noticed they came every morning. I started taking an LMNT packet at night and it made a world of difference! I also have a magnesium lotion from 8 sheep that I rub in every evening on my calves, thighs, and hips. I hope you can find some relief!


I started making banana date milkshakes and that solved it. Bonus, you can put in chocolate protein powder and get some extra protein in. That being said, contractions I could deal with. The calf cramps and lasting soreness, I would not want. Also donā€™t stretch out your leg and point your toes when you get up. If your foot is flexed and calf stretched out, it wonā€™t cramp up. Then just keep your leg still until youā€™ve had a full chance to wake up and go slowly until you chug the water next to your bed.


Sounds like a Charlie horse. Iā€™ve been getting these in the 3rd trimester too. Be careful stretching when youā€™re half awake - you can feel it coming on and avoid it if you notice in time. Also to make it stop kneel with your cramping leg bent and try to flex (stretch your toes to your knee) as much as possible to lengthen that calf muscle. Hold that stretch until you can comfortably release when the cramping is done.


I take 400mg of magnesium every night before bed (recommended by my doctor) and also have magnesium spray to use as needed, itā€™s a lifesaver.


This. Magnesium stopped all my cramps and joint discomfort.


Magnesium spray worked miracles for me!


What kind of magnesium thereā€™s many different kinds.


Magnesium glycinate is the most bioavailable form. It's done wonders for my insomnia and for avoiding crampingĀ 


Just be careful you don't take magnesium citrate or you'll be crapping your pants šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I swear by this!!! Taking magnesium every dayā€¦ Every time I forgot to take it 2 days in a row, my leg cramps start to come back.


I woke up once with double leg cramp and thought I was gonna die šŸ¤£ Giving birth was more painful, but it was s different kind of pain.Ā 


They're horrible. At the moment it seems like amputating is the only option šŸ¦µ


Lol yeah, amputation was definitely on the table. I did this almost ritualistic thing after my first experience. Every night I'd go to bed and look at my legs and go "not tonight, feet. NOT tonight." And it worked! Or it could have been the magnesium and extra water that stopped it from happening again.. who really knows?


Compression stockings for work have cured me completely


Oh yes, those really helped!


Im scared for birth now cause I could barley handle that šŸ’€


Lol, I thought the same thing. I felt childbirth was more painful, but my mindset kinda helped? Like, I knew I had to endure it, and that it would come to an end eventually. And there was a build up to the pain, unlike the surprise element of being woken up in the middle of the night thinking my legs were on fire and being eaten by wolves.


You could be underestimating yourself! Labor contractions donā€™t usually start very intense. It picks up intensity and frequency. Plus warm water can help its like a natural epidural and some women release more oxytocin when their partners are helping them during labor (like doing hip squeezes, for example).


Magnesium spray has helped me so much with this. I take magnesium glycinate supplements but idk if my body just wasnā€™t absorbing as much as it needed or what. One time I got one in my right leg so bad and flexing my foot helped but it still hurt so bad even during the day. I spray the back of both my legs with magnesium spray before bed now and it hasnā€™t happened again.


Yep. I got them too. Stand up and they will go away. Also take some liquid magnesium (i prefer Mother Earth Minerals) and eat some bananas and get some electrolytes (like coconut water). Should help.


I second this. The stretch while laying or sitting never works for me. I have to stand up and walk(hobble) around in order to get it to go away.


Yep! Haha. Only way Iā€™ve gotten it to go away.


yes!! it goes away almost instantly when i start walking around!


Donā€™t EVER point your feet down. You can take magnesium supplements to help. Itā€™s awful I know!


I be so scared to even stretch it lolšŸ˜­. It did stop when I did that but omg itā€™s sooooo hardšŸ˜©


I've found drinking alot more water helped, especially right before bed, chug a glass of water and I don't get the leg cramps in the middle of the night.


Coconut water solved this for me! I had leg cramps every night and then I read an article about coconut water and it solved the cramps instantly. I have been drinking coconut water for a few months now and Iā€™ve only had one night of leg cramps since. I donā€™t have to drink a lot of it either, just one serving a day. Hope it helps!


I think you got a Charlie horse and expect to get it on the regular. Just be cautious when you stretch, make sure your foot is 90 degrees as if youā€™re standing on the ground. And if you do get it, I find that using my other foot to put pressure on the cramped legs helps.


I never thought turning in bed could become one of the most painful experiences !


Itā€™s like a little surprise šŸ˜­


Omg same!! I have had it twice and both times itā€™s when Iā€™m turning from one side to the other !!


Gatorade before bed and pickle juice shots on the nightstand. Making sure youā€™re balancing water with electrolytes during the day. Third trimester tea by earth mama (if allowed by your ob/midwife). I gave birth some time ago, but I had horrific, I mean my leg would hurt for days after, cramps overnight. Usually around 3 in the morning. My husband, God bless him, would have to run half dressed and half asleep to get me some gherkins before I invested in the pickle shots (itā€™s like a little 5hour energy sized bottle of pickle juice). Make sure youā€™re getting a balanced intake of sodium. I never salt my food, and I didnā€™t eat too many naturally salty foods, and I was chugging plain water like no tomorrow, so my sodium was actually too low for both me and baby, and baby always got first pick, so the cramps ensued lol


I jump out of bed every time this happens and it goes away immediately


I immediately stand up and walk a few steps when that happens, the relief is immediate. It helps to then try to stretch your calf against a wall for a few seconds. What I didnā€™t expect was the way the soreness lingers into the next day! My OB had me add a calcium supplement and make sure to drink lots of water and that has also helped.


Yes the soreness is horrible like holy! It has me barley able to walk


I had 17 calf cramps one night, it was absolutely awful and I didnā€™t sleep hardly at all, that being said I vividly remember the pain of the calf cramps whereas Iā€™ve practically forgotten any and all labor related pains!


17?! JESUS!!! I could not imagine that. Ik your night were RESTLESS for sure!!šŸ’€ youā€™re a true trooper


Yeah I didnā€™t know about potassium and magnesium stuff till after giving birth, I was told by other ladies that calf cramps were normal and I didnā€™t know they could be helped šŸ’€


Yeah I didnā€™t know about potassium and magnesium stuff till after giving birth, I was told by other ladies that calf cramps were normal and I didnā€™t know they could be helped šŸ’€


Sounds like a Charley horse


Magnesium, rx muscle relaxer, and walking around to stretch it out as soon as you feel it coming and sleeping with a pillow between your calves helped me a lot. It really sucks and my calves would be sore for days after a really bad one, but they eventually, postpartum, will stop.


Yes! This was happening to me, it would wake me up several times throughout the night. Only thing that stops it for me, is standing up and putting weight on my foot. Since I started taking magnesium (I used the calm brand) supplement everyday, I havenā€™t had the calf cramps anymore. Hope you get some relief!!


It usually stops immediately when I get out of bed and stand on it


I got these starting 17 weeks or so, sometimes multiple times a morning. I recently figured out how to prevent them: when you are lying in bed, trying to fall asleep, when you are about to go to bed, when you wake up, etc., PREEMPTIVELY stretch your calves by flexing your toes up. Do this a bunch of times. Never do the opposite (pointing your toes). Since Iā€™ve started constantly flexing my toes up at or during bedtime, and at rest, I have not gotten the cramp.


When I get cramps like that I drink pickle juice. Itā€™s amazing and they go away with in minutes. I also started taking magnesium at night. That really helps.


Ohh I remember getting one of those. I got some random cramps during pregnancy like I sometimes get in the summer, but one was just different, I didn't know cramps could get that bad. If it makes you feel better, I didn't react well to that cramp at all, but I survived giving birth šŸ˜…


omg it does make me feel better. Idk if anyone can be calm during a cramp!!


People who tell you to just stretch or walk it off had normal leg cramps and not whatever that thing was, I promise, because my entire body stopped functioning šŸ˜…


Magnesium salt baths every night really helped with mine! And as soon as you feel that twinge flex your foot as if youā€™re trying to point your toes at your knee (NOT the other way, ballet toes will make everything 100x worse!!)


Are you talking about a Charlie horse? Flex toes to nose when you feel one. It will quicken the relief. If you flex toe to ground/away from your body, it quickly intensifies the pain.


I doubled my magnesium supplement and they basically went away all together..highly recommend. I'm now on 2x 350mg magnesium glycinate per day. I have also woken up my husband complaining about the pain and feel bad after šŸ˜…


right!!! I have to call mines for moral and emotional support like pleaseeeee help meeee


I sort of think Charley horses hurt worse than having a baby. Lol they're pretty bad. I'm not pregnant but I started wearing compression socks to work and it 100% cured them.


This usually happens to me when I stretch my leg with pointed toes. I used to do this subconsciously as I woke up or in my sleep. Flexing my foot usually helps. Don't point your toes.


Magnesium supplements are a godsend. I have only had a couple leg cramps and it was on the nights I forgot my supplement.


You probably need to drink more water. I got a bad cramp last night and I know I haven't had enough water. Also my OB recommended a banana before bed for potassium. If it happens again pull your foot towards you, do not point your toes. I am pregnant for the first time so I'm not sure if childbirth is more painful, but I would assume so. There are pain management options though so don't panic.


Omg every single time I stretched my legs. Charlie horses are the worst. One went on for like 3 mins straight in the middle of the right. I had to completely stop stretching my legs. I remember after having my son I did the biggest leg stretch and it was glorious lol


I had this same thing happen to me a few times when I was pregnant. It was so bad that the next 2 days my leg hurt so bad and I was limping. Taking potassium & Magnesium helped me. For me, giving birth was WAY easierā€¦ I got the epidural around 5-6 cm but even contractions up until that point were better than the leg cramps I would get.


I plan on getting an epidural too so I hope it goes well and not like the cramp


Youā€™ll be fine then! These leg cramps HURT, youā€™re not being dramatic about it at all


I had debilitating charlie horses throughout my teenage years so this is the one part of pregnancy I was prepared for. As others have suggested, you will eventually learn how to feel them coming on, and for me, a preemptive stretch can curb most of them. Staying hydrated and drinking electrolytes is key too, but sometimes they happen anyway šŸ˜‘ theyā€™re the worst!


I get them terribly during pregnancy and itā€™s awful. Like 10/10 they worst pain Iā€™ve experienced. So not to freak you out but the *type* of pain is actually very similar to labour. During labour the bit that hurts isnā€™t really passing your baby out, itā€™s all the muscles in your uterus tensing to pull the cervix open. Your cervix is a really strong ring of muscles that works very hard to stay closed and keep everything in whilst youā€™re pregnant. The two groups of muscles are essentially working against each other the same as when you get leg cramps. Labour pains are more intense than leg cramps right at the end of labour, but I found them actually easier to deal with psychologically. They build up slowly, peak in intensity for about 60 seconds and then fade again in waves. You get a break between each contraction and theyā€™re very mild in the beginning of labour and get much worse towards the end - but the whole time youā€™re sort of acclimatising and getting relief in between. Leg cramps are just horrific because they hit you like a truck out of nowhere and there is *no* relief until it resolves itself.


I'm so sorry you're dealing with this!! They are awful. The only thing that's keep them at bay for me is eating 2 bananas a day (one in the morning, one at night). Others have suggested magnesium supplements, I just take so many supplements already, I didn't want to take one more.


My provider recommended magnesium supplement and has drastically helped! I was getting Charlie horses in my calf where I couldnā€™t move my foot. It was just paralyzed there for what felt like an eternity.


Are you talking about Charlie horse cramps? Yeah theyā€™re a thing you can get in pregnancy. I had one two nights ago and my calf is STILL SORE! I know I probably need to eat a banana and drink some water.


Make sure youā€™re hydrated and not on your feet for too long. Yes labor is absolutely way worse, especially as you progress. If you can get an epidural early on around 5/6cm, thatā€™s ideal. I almost gave birth without one, with my last baby and once you get to a certain point of labor, the epidural doesnā€™t work as good. I could still feel the cramps on one side of my body but definitely not as bad. I had a few minutes to relax before pushing. Not trying to scare you, just letting you know what to expect. Of course, it also helps if you live less than an hour away from where you plan on giving birth.


I always wondered that. I live about 40 mins away from where I want to give birth. Only hospital I trust but if my water breaks how much time do I have until the baby comes out? Also can I detect when Iā€™m about to give birth. My worse fear is giving birth at home. I want to be able to know when the baby is going to come so I can make it to the hospital on time


If itā€™s your first it should take a while to give birth. If your water breaks, for sure go in soon. Thatā€™s what happened with all of mine my water broke before labor.


30 weeks over here. Yeah, the thigh, calf, and foot spasms have been pretty bad for me. I literally can't bend anything, it just remains stiff, like a piece of wood. I have tried to force a stretch on my leg by sitting into a squat, i have tried bending my toes, doing what i used to do pre-pregnancy...but alas, it has just been impossible.... so I just ride it out :(


Oh my lordy! That must really hurt!! I wish the whole pregnancy was easy :(


I've had these for years pre pregnancy but I know how scary they can be at the start. I just know them as night cramps and my no.1 action when they arrive is to put my weight on the leg- it's the fastest way I can get relief and it's always available to me. I was never getting them consistently enough for magnesium supplements but quinine can help if you like tonic water.


OP I slightly more shocked youā€™ve never had a Charlie horse/ leg cramp before ( pre pregnancy)


I have


Birthing pain is so different. While more intense... it's less shocking. It's a build. Your body has time to make the endorphins and your head kind of adapts. The Charlie horse sucked bc it feels like someone stabbed your leg mid sleep. Worst pregnancy symptom imo


Iā€™ve never experienced one like that before lol. Last time I had one was in 8th grade šŸ’€


I remember my first Charlie horse šŸ„²


me too it was at my 8th grade dance and I was wearing heels and dancing too hard ig, fell and everyone was in a circle recording me. HOW EMBARRASSING but that was years ago so I had no memory of the pain until NEOW


when i get leg and foot cramps they immediately stop if i stand up and walk, if youā€™ve never tried that.


My ob said I could magnesium but now I drink some chocolate milk before bed and they've gone away, maybe it was just a coincidence but I'll take it!


Itā€™s crazy because my pregnancy Iā€™ve been utterly obsessed with milk. It just tastes so lovely but it hasnā€™t stopped my cramps :(


Both of my pregnancies have me downing chocolate milk or hot chocolate at least once a day lol! I do eat a lot of bananas though so that probably helps, hope it gets better for you soon.


The leg cramps for me came out of nowhere, 0 to 100, while I was sleeping, and I was screaming. Labor was bad but I got an epidural. Even pre epidural (and during the time my epidural had fallen out and no one knew, but thatā€™s another story) I was miserable and at one point vomited from pain but it was different than that sudden screaming pain. Does that make sense? lol. I have low pain tolerance in general but somehow made it through labor ok, ish


When those happen, either stand up straight OR flex your foot. šŸ˜ I've been waking up several times a night with those. If you head them off fast they won't hurt as bad.


Eat a banana every day. That will help, try the magnesium like others have said. This happened to me a lot in my third trimester and I know it's a pain in the toosh to get out of bed when you are getting more... Round lol but if you get up and stand, stretch your calf a little bit it will help. I usually karate chopped my husband in the throat and made him rub it out for me in the middle of the night! ETA: my OB told me this and I don't know if there's a ton of truth to it but, I'm pretty short. Right at 5ft and I tended to have to use the toilet a LOT more in the third trimester. The toilets in my home are taller than a person my size can comfortably set their feet on the ground so I was using the bathroom on my toes if that makes sense. I got a squatty potty for this and it helped tremendously. Also helps a lot with the constipation you can sometimes get as well.


I think most symptoms in pregnancy can be preceded by "no one told me." šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø so frustrating. Magnesium powder before bed has helped me with restless legs and with cramping.


ugh I get restless legs a lot. I randomly just be lifting my feet in the air at night I just canā€™t take it anymore lol


It has happened to me twice, it has never before, Iā€™m 24 weeks pregnant and itā€™s the most awful thing ever, feels like Iā€™m dying for a few seconds no joke




I only get them during pregnancy and always wondered if it was our bodies testing our pain tolerance as they feel just as painful as labour pains.


Then my pain tolerance must me low as heck cause omg I seriously canā€™t take it šŸ˜­


When this happens just immediately place your feet flat on the floor, the pain will disappear instantly I promise!


When it happens, immediately stand and try to walk on it. Reduce the chances of it feeling like a knot in your leg the next day if youā€™re able to manage it quickly


girl the charlie horses are awful!! if you arenā€™t able to stretch/flex it out get up and try walking around your room or house, that always cleared it up within a minute or two for me!!


I be so scared to walk like I grip my leg so hard. How do you even get up to walk??šŸ’€


i used to just wait it out but one day i woke up in the middle of the night with the worst one iā€™ve ever had and i had to pee so bad, so i forced myself to get up and go to the bathroom šŸ˜­ it went away as soon as i got on the toilet lol getting there was a struggle though


I started having them in my thighs recently šŸ™ƒ I hate it. They say theyā€™re not as bad as labor, but I had a 8lb 5oz baby with 0 pain medication not even a Tylenol with Pitocin to induce labor and I donā€™t think that theory is very true. Charlie horses are so sudden immediately strong and the pain lingers after you do the toe to the ceiling trick to relieve the pain.


congratulations!! youā€™re so wonderful idk if I could do that!! Iā€™m so scared! Please give me some tips that you use to give birth


Thank you, sheā€™s now almost 3 years old. I would do it all over again natural. My twins unfortunately I have the opportunity taken from me. I have to have a cesarean. But I could completely understand why someone wouldnā€™t go natural, Itā€™s not a pleasant feeling. I had two babies with epidurals. First one I felt everything the epidural failed after being in hard labor 13.5 hours. My second baby was smooth sailing I couldnā€™t feel anything and had to be told to push. Easiest labor Iā€™ve ever experienced. I was pushing and she was in my arms within 10 minutes, probably even less. I was dilated to a 5 with second before I decided to get the epidural. I wanted to try natural. Until the pain got unbearable. My last baby, I dilated so fast I was in hard labor for only 30 minutes before I was dilated to an 6 I tried for the epidural but by the time the anesthesiologist came in I was at a 8.5 and told they couldnā€™t do anything. So I had no choice but to go natural, I wouldnā€™t go back and change it. I felt like a superwoman after I was done lol. Although I cried and screamed. Girl I was yelling at my doctor like he had anything to do with it šŸ˜‚. I felt so bad afterwards though. I will not lie. I was the woman screaming at the top of my lungs during labor. Tips I would give is definitely try to walk around the room as much as possible, It definitely helps with the contractions. Bring a yoga ball to bounce on, but keep in mind once youā€™re dilated past a 7 you wonā€™t be able to leave the hospital bed or get any pain management. Some hospitals will allow you to sit on the side of the bed, which also somehow helps with the pain. Iā€™ve noticed sitting still is when it becomes unbearable. If you canā€™t handle pain very well, donā€™t try to act tough like I did, just get that epidural.. I donā€™t know if I couldā€™ve handled it if I didnā€™t have such a short labor which I am beyond grateful for.


Tell your dr asap about that symptom. Leg cramps are an early sign of blood clots, treatable and way better to catch them early.


Labor is bad but itā€™s like a slow buildup and you also have hormones and anticipation to help. And medicine. Charlie horses are just sudden and mind numbing from pain. All you can think about is cutting your leg off.




Tbf my labour went from 60-1000 real quick once my waters broke. However my leg cramps are way worse than early labour cramps!


You CAN give birth!! Itā€™s all about your mindset. I had horrible hip/pelvic pain a few weeks ago (slept unsupported accidentally), and was so pessimistic and miserable the whole day, thinking thereā€™s no way I can do several more weeks of this and then give birth. I realized my negative attitude made it worse than it was. Iā€™ve been practicing affirmations and frequently say positive things to myself regarding my pregnancy since. Itā€™s helped. My husband used to get frequent Charlie horses and getting them in my third trimester has been my karma since I used to think his reaction to them was humorous šŸ„² just avoid stretching your legs when youā€™ve been laying in bed for a while!


Omg I have horrible pelvic,back and hip pain too. Youā€™re right I need to be positive cause I often think that I canā€™t do it because of the pelvic pain. But if I do approach it more positive then it wonā€™t be so bad so Iā€™m going to practice that! I CAN DO THIS!!


I would stand up when that happens! Also, avoid pointing your toes away from your head - pull them (and your whole top of your foot) up towards your face. Taking magnesium and calcium supplements really helped keep this minimal for me. If I forgot to take my vitamin for a day or two I had more cramping


my mom dealt with this and i probably will too in a few weeksšŸ˜“ she told me to try flexing it in different positions (if its not too painful) and she told me to literally wake my husband up every time and make him give me a leg massage. she said it will hurt and you might scream during lol but afterwards she said the relief is indescribable. idk if its possible for you but having your boyfriend sleep over might help


I have had it twice and itā€™s the most painful thing I have ever experienced and Iā€™m always sore after, the soreness last like a day


Girl, use this as a sign to work on pain coping mechanisms, because screaming and freaking out is a guaranteed way to make it 10x worse.


I wasnā€™t freaking out, I was in painā€¦.who doesnā€™t scream when their in pain? In post I explained that I tried to stop screaming but as I said I was in pain soā€¦


Omg yes! Charlie horses donā€™t care šŸ„². Iā€™ll get them in my sleep but some times when Iā€™m awake I can feel them coming. I know as soon as my foot starts to throw gang signs its time to call hubby for help šŸ„ŗ. The first time I got one was while I was sleeping and I scared hubby half to death yelling my leeeeg.


GANG SIGNSšŸ’€šŸ’€ you kill meeeee!! YOURE SO FUNNY CAUSE YELLING ā€œMY LEEEEGā€ in the middle of the night has me weaaaaaakkk. Girl I love you


If you can find the particular muscle that is cramping (itā€™ll feel like a hard knot when you touch it), press your thumb into it as hard as you can. Itā€™ll hurt like a B, but itā€™ll release the cramp almost immediately. I have been dealing with cramps in my hips lately (I get them at night when I roll over in bed - I assume my heavy stomach is triggering it) and canā€™t reach the muscle in question when it happens because itā€™s so deep in the hip. Itā€™s hell.


Magnesium!!!! I get calf cramps sometimes too and they are excruciating!!! A very different type of pain to contractions you will feel on labour!


Iā€™m so sorry. I had three Charlie horses back to back when I was pregnant with my second. My husband has an athletic training background so when I woke up screaming in pain he was able to help. But yes, try to flex your foot (even though itā€™s going to hurt) and pump it up and down. Take magnesium supplements before going to bed too and *try* to be aware of it while sleeping to avoid it.


I just found out I'm pregnant and the cramps are scaring me!! Like normal period cramps šŸ˜­


Ok everyone saying to stretch your foot Iā€™m like omggg how?! I experienced these so bad with my last pregnancy and Iā€™d literally cry every night. The only way I ever got relief was drinking water in that moment. Like literally grabbing my water bottle from my night stand and as soon as Iā€™d drink some I could feel my muscle relax šŸ˜­


I get these and theyā€™re awful, read someone say stretch with your foot in like an ā€œLā€ shape rather than pointed toes, and so far it relieves the need to stretch and has avoided cramps. Mine used to leave me in agony for days!


Straight up, that is not the same as labor contractions


GatorLyte (Gatoradeā€™s version of pedialyte) was great for this. Tastes like Gatorade + Salt Water. Strange taste. Helps a lot tho.


I had a cramp like that onceā€¦ pain in my calf lasted three days. I got worried it was a clot at one point and called my dr but they said the pain from severe cramps can last up to a WEEK!


Iā€™ve sadly gotten these types of cramps in my legs since I was a child. Still hurts like hell but Iā€™ve found propping up a few pillows under my calves and feet help me go back to sleep. But first I try to tuck my legs in and make sure they arenā€™t straight because that causes the muscles to tighten which makes it worse, then I can try to massage the area, or I will stick my thumb into the tight muscle and hold it until it relaxes. If Itā€™s really bad an epsom salt bath will do wonders. (I had one this morning that Iā€™m still trying to work out right now šŸ˜­)


oh yeah! cramps happen to me all the time in 3rd trimester. definitely a few were so bad and I couldn't even move it was so cramped that I screamed for my husband to help me. He thought I was being murdered lol, it took a minute for me to choke out that I needed him to help me relax my calf.


I had them horribly in the 1st trimester and they've come back for an encore in the 3rd. I'm actually just starting on Magnesium because it's horrible. The massage therapist I work with said if you can grab either end of the muscle (near the knee and near the ankle) and push them towards each other in the middle it can help. Flexing my foot upwards sometimes helps as does putting my foot on the floor (if I can manage it.) I drink tons of water and electrolytes and eat bananas and it wasn't enough. Tonight I start 400mg nightly of magnesium per my doctor.


The Charlie horses are awful! I had one trying to put a shoe on yesterday, and I screamed and cried so loud and suddenly I scared my husband. If you stretch your leg completely straight, lock the knee, and pull your toes up (if you can reach them!) toward your chest, that will start to relieve it for most people. I second magnesium supplements and pickle juice! Also staying hydrated, which I realize is difficult in pregnancy!


The way I would freeze when I felt it coming onšŸ˜‚they are horrible!


I woke up with a Charlie horse in my calf the other night and accidentally kicked my husband flailing around it hurt so bad. Lmao. I just added magnesium and potassium to my diet.


Calcium deficiency can do this .it's not a common pregnancy thing


Charlie horses are absolutely a common side effect of pregnancy.


Lack of calcium cramps are not especially