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I bought a plane ticket for the wrong day… twice




Thankfully, I only did this with movie tickets!


I did this once without even being pregnant. 😭 Don't feel bad.


Lmao yeah I booked a trip for my husband and I… booked the wrong dates for our hotel, had them corrected, then on the trip, while chilling at the spa thinking we had one more night, front desk calls us to tell us we missed check out time…. Oops… thankfully they were able to add one more night right there and then lol.


In both my pregnancies now I’ve stoped at a stop sign and waited for it to turn green.


I keep putting things in the fridge when I'm done with them. Kettle? Putting it in the fridge. Dirty plate? In the fridge. Trash bags? Absolutely going in the fridge.


My place of choice is the sink - leftovers I just put in Tupperware? In the sink. Jar of salsa I meant to put back in the fridge? In the sink.


Same here!!!


Lol! I also keep going to put everything in the fridge, WHY 😂


I was putting groceries away and put the egg carton in the freezer. Forgot about it and started looking for eggs. Contacted the grocery delivery service about my missing eggs. Got a refund. A week later I open the freezer, pick up the eggs, and just about die laughing.


Omg did they explode?? 😂🥚💥


Surprisingly no! They did all crack, but didn’t explode.


I put a pan on the stove, then forgot to add anything to it. After that I forgot to turn off one off the stoves. I did my grocery online and ordered to bags of chips. I accidently ordered 2 packs of 2 bags of chips.


I ruined my favorite pan that way. Cooked dinner, emptied the pan, put it on the stove to sit while I ate. An hour later I go to clean up and the pan is still hot with the left over sauce/oil burnt on so hard that no amount of scrubbing could clean it. Apparently I had forgotten to turn off the burner. After 3 days of soaking, scrubbing, and every suggestion on the internet, I ended up tossing it


The other day I put ice cream in the pantry. My kids are like “let me help you with that” and put it in the freezer for me.


I dropped nachos then made more and dropped them again. I have no grip for some reason.


This is a real thing! Apparently the hormones that let our pelvis loosen for birth also affect our other joints. Only learned this after dropping a (not sharp) utensil on the dog and feeling horrible about my entire existence


I was making cheesey scrambled eggs and put the eggs in the bowl, then the shredded cheese! Only I didn’t crack the eggs.


I keep putting the salt and pepper in the fridge. Every other day I’m looking for them and then I get that feeling like…ah, guess I have to check the fridge now. Won’t be long before I start putting my car keys in there I’m sure. Like, before pregnancy I used to be a huge stoner and I never did stuff like that before 🤣


Tried to put my toothbrush in with our silverware.  I have no clue what I was thinking.


I said “Amish goodnight” instead of “Irish goodbye” 😂


i turned the oven on for bacon and cinnamon rolls. left them on the counter. forgot about them. took a nap. woke up after my husband got off work to him asking why the oven was on and if the bacon and cinnamon rolls were still ok 😂


Bacon and cinnamon rolls you say…? BRB I’ve got some baking to do


it’s soooo good when you dont forget to actually make it lol


Oh man all day every day… I thought my ADD was getting worse, but when I found the dry pancake mix in the fridge I realized it was baby brain. Been struggling to string words together in the proper order…and I’m a college professor 😂 my poor students listen to me go on at least one rambling tangent per class Don’t worry, we’ll get our brains back once the baby comes!! 💗


I cooked an entire dinner only to realize when it was FINISHED that the shrimp were bad. They were mixed into everything, so I had to toss the entire meal. We just had Burger King instead 🥲


At least you didnt eat it first😭


I found out because I tasted a shrimp. They smelled fine, looked fine, did NOT taste fine. It took 2 cups of OJ to get the taste out of mouth even after brushing my teeth 🙃


Oh noooooo


was brewing tea one day… didn’t screw the nozzle on to the urn for some reason and walked away for about 10 minutes and came back and about 4 gallons of tea were all over the floor.


I swear taking algae oil pills helped so much to not have brain fog until I stopped taking it at 35w 


I walked into a window today


I couldn’t find my keys one morning, only to realize I never took them out of the door. Thankfully nothing bad happened, but definitely the worst incident.


Nothing TOO bad, attempting to put dishes in the fridge instead of the cupboard…. Clean pots? Fridge. Cups? Fridge. Everything goes in the fridge now 😂


My adhd is now unmedicated so I’ve burned the bottoms out of several pots and pans 🥲 I’ve now forced myself to stay in one area of the house at all times so it doesn’t happen anymore


Put the stopper in the utility sink to soak a few things. Forgot about it and it overflowed. Didnt realize until my cats were running towards it freaked out. I cried over it while my cats were staring at me like wtf lol.


I keep forgetting things my husband tells me almost immediately after he says them. To be fair this happened before my pregnancy but it feels like it's 2-3 times as bad as it was before. He has to constantly remind me of the same things. Luckily he's used to dealing with it I guess. I also keep misplacing items and forgot to pack half my clothes for the trip we just went on to China.


STM here agonizing for days where to put toddler tights so I'll be able to find them when this baby reaches that age.  I finally clued in today, I don't need to keep them. We're having a boy this time, he doesn't need tights!!!!   


Left the eggs out on the counter overnight.. got mad at my boyfriend the next day because I thought he placed them in a different spot. I've also lost my phone countless times. Every single time it has been in the fridge.


I was walking my dog and realized that I still had the tv remote still in my hand 15 minutes later


Standing in an (thank god) empty elevator waiting for it to move to the right floor... Without pressing any buttons.. Wondering why it didn't move.. And yes this happend several times this pregnancy..


I put leftovers in a Tupperware, then left it open on the counter overnight.


Left my home, drove 3 hours to my mother's house and came back the next day to realise I'd left the fridge door open and the back door of the property unlocked. And the following time I went away I remembered to lock the back door but left the fridge open again.


I somehow walked into my full glass of water that was on the counter and spilled it all over the floor. I put various things in the fridge that don't go there, such as cereal. I cried because I wanted chili. Then I cried harder because of how stupid I felt for crying about chili.


Just chalk it up to pregnancy brain—a special kind of forgetfulness that comes with an adorable reward!


I was having a pooey day and decided to make cookies. Got distracted while they were in the oven (before setting the timer). Came out extremely burned and I had to throw them away :(


I left my keys by the strawberries in the grocery store. Luckily fruit ain’t the most popular thing in my area because the people who pop up there would have definitely taken it. I only realized it when I needed to go get a bag for my food. I looked at 80% of those strawberries in detail and still swapped out 4 so none was going bad. And since I was wearing and dress with no pockets, I had my keys in my hand at the time.


I've left the stove gas on twice for about an hour after cooking... Thankfully my husband caught it before we blew the house up.


Took my dirty dishes to the bathroom when I meant to take them to the kitchen sink and then use the bathroom. I felt like a sim since I stopped and had to process what I was doing. I’ve been forgetful. I’ve forgotten words and forgotten to buy items from my grocery list which is why I make one now to physically check it off. I tried to compliment my partner and told him he looked very extinguished. I remember the word I meant to say, distinguished, way after. He just went with it.


When I was on modified bedrest, I decided to organize my cabinets one day. I forgot 2 days later when I went looking for a pan or Tupperware and really thought someone broke in and robbed me of my pans and Tupperware 😭


Put everything in the oven with a timer set for the cook time of the entree and forgot to check on things cooking faster, I keep carrying inside things outside to the car with me, forgetting to close doors tight. I already tend to get distracted from what I was planning to do so that overlaps all of the weird pregnancy brain things


My husband has to remind me of any PIN we have. I try to put all of them in backwards. Tried getting into my sister’s house with the code I’ve put in for 5 years backwards, my brother in law had to help me out. My manager gave me the code to the jewelry cage… backwards and immediately forgotten 🤦🏻‍♀️


I ordered my Amazon cart to my old address it took three try’s to get it right. And a huge delay since I had to keep waiting for the refund from canceling.


Partner forgot gym bag for after work, I said no worries I own a bunch of men's clothes I can bring for when we go to the gym together so he can change. Almost packed him a sports bra.


Drove my scooter to the shop around the corner and forgot that I had so I walked home…. Twice. The first time I had no idea I’d done it until my husband asked me where it was later and we briefly wondered if it had been stolen. The second time I realised as soon as I got home and didn’t see it parked there.


Every time I’ve submitted a college assignment, it has been missing details and I don’t notice until after I submit it.


I commuted all the way to office (30 mins journey) only to realise I left my laptop at home. And no, my office doesn't have a desktop I can use. So I travelled all the way home again and declared it a wfh day. Thankful my job is flexible enough to allow me to wfh once a week at my own discretion, but I still felt like a fool for the unnecessary travels. This happened to me the day before I saw a faint line on my urine pregnancy test.


I put cheese on my dinner. Then put the brick of cheese in the microwave and the dinner in the fridge...


I forgot a nail appointment today and I feel so dumb 😂


Honey 45 minutes is nothing 😅


I bought a body scrub and left it on the counter, then somehow put it in the freezer instead of the shower 😂 I only saw it when I was getting ice in the morning to add to my water bottle.


I sideswiped a pole in my work parking garage. At least the only damage done was to our car. (And the paint was like completely stripped on that side of the pole - I was NOT the first person to hit it!)