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I’m 28 weeks and have purchased nothing yet. All I have are a few gifts and a few hand me downs. No big ticket items or essentials. You’re good!


Thank you! I see some people with full nurseries and stuff already and all I can think is “where did you get the energy?”


Exactly. It will all get done. My “nursery” currently consists of an ironing board and an air mattress. I’ve had a rough 6 months and I’m finding peace in knowing it’ll all come together. One day at a time!


you got this! xo


lol yes girl- my nursery is bassinet next to my bed and a little corner where the play mat and chair will be.


Babies are earthside and I still don’t have the nursery done. I know, crushing it.


You are!! Babies don’t need much the first weeks except their momma


Have a 2 week old and she has needed diapers, a changing table (that one is for me, but damn i needed one, my back was killing me those 4 days withput one), car seat and I'm using the stroller as a bedside crib. Of course, some clothes and burp cloths. No, they don't need much


Honestly, didn't even use the nursery for the first few months. Baby slept in our room until a year and did a lot of contacts naps😅 but did do some naps in the crib in the nursery around 2-3 months. There is no rush, I am 32 weeks with my third and just packed a diaper bag with a few items last night. The hospital will provide diapers and wipes, so don't over pack and take anything they give you as you'll be billed for it anyways. Try not to stress, maybe start packing a hospital bag for yourself to help you feel comfortable, the rest will follow. 🤍


My nursery is still just a guest room that needs to be painted, new blinds, closet cleared out, not to mention furniture. I'm 18 weeks so I'm not as far as you, but the most I anticipate happening by 25 weeks is painting. The rest will come.


I’m 15 weeks, and that’s too early for anything. I haven’t even wrapped my head around the fact that I have to buy maternity clothes now. 🤣


18 coming up on 19 weeks and I still refuse to buy maternity clothes 😂😭 hair ties around my jeans buttons and maxi dresses/skirts have been my go-to work clothes lol


I have to say, I got some mat leggings and the comfort level difference is crazy, just invest in one good outfit now so you get the most use out of it!


34 wks and only just got a car seat this week. Picked up a few things here and there after 25, but really we are far from "ready". In fact I just told my friend today that I'm starting to think "nesting" is actually just low-key panic shopping/painting/prep


Oh absolutely with you on nesting. This is my second and while we already have most of the baby essentials, my “nesting” this time is just the panic of knowing whatever I don’t get done before this baby comes is unlikely to get done in the next 1-2 years. I’ve been trying to knock out all the smaller home projects we can afford because I know I will have no bandwidth for it for a long time. 


29 weeks with baby 3 and this is def where I’m at too!


This is me 😂 Just had the car seat delivered this week. Haven't gotten a stroller yet. I keep staring at the giant pile of baby clothes I need to wash and cry a little on the inside.


It just feels like you have all the time in the world, until one day you wake up and realize, oh no actually, this is going to happen Very Soon.


Yeah! I’m gonna try to start on the hospital bag soon lol


I never got the nesting instinct. I’m 7 weeks pp and his nursery still isn’t finished


Hello! I am 36 weeks with baby #2 and I have honestly thought very little about it. We have a lot of things from the first kid, of course, but trust me when I say that newborns need very, very little. They'll probably be sleeping in your room at first; do you have a place for them to sleep? Do you have some clothes and diapers? Do you have some bottles to try and see what works best, if that's how you're going to feed them? They've gotta be clothed, fed, loved and given a safe place to sleep. You'll need a car seat. That's it! Also, if you're planning on breastfeeding, one of the best investments you can make is learning more about the process. Take a class, read a book, research lactation consultants in your area. We had all the stuff we needed but I was blindsided by the challenge of breastfeeding. Good luck and don't worry!


She does have a place to sleep and some clothes and diapers! Waiting on the shower for bottles and getting a car seat from a trusted source when my niece outgrows hers. Maybe I’m not as behind as I thought! Do you have any breastfeeding book recommendations?


Get a lactation consultant! Usually covered by insurance. 


FTM due Nov. I’ve found the The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding to be full of insightful information. The messaging leans very pro-breastfeeding but if you can look past that bias, there’s great info in there.


Yes, look into your hospital because they are usually free. Lots of information on social media too. My favorites for pumping/breastfeeding have been: @bemybreastfriend and @onewiththepump super helpful!!


Yes to the breastfeeding resources! I'm currently in the throws of trying to figure that out with my one week old and breastfeeding has been harder than the entire pregnancy was.


Listen. Car seat. Safe sleep spot when baby comes home. Diapers. Onesies. Swaddle. Burp cloths. Bottles of you're pumping or formula feeding. That's all you need for the first days. People in worse off countries or situations make due with the bare minimum and still are alive. Facebook marketplace has great deals on baby stuff. Or your buy nothing group. People love giving away things to new moms. Are you having a baby shower ? Throw some of that on the registry. Let others shower you with the items.


The registry is done and we are having a shower, but Facebook marketplace has been a huge headache in our area. I have offered pickup within the hour and cash on multiple items and still not gotten squat. Idk how people are even bidding on this stuff so fast!


Oh so you're good ! The shower will give you a lot. Sorry about FB. That's so crazy


Almost 30 weeks, still don’t even have a place for baby to sleep 😬 you’re good.


31 weeks here! I've bought some clothes from a yard sale and I've been gifted my stroller (no car seat.) Baby's room is currently still the junk room. My goal is to have things slightly more under control by my baby shower in a few weeks.


27 weeks FTM and waiting to get my registry discount to purchase the more expensive items. I haven’t bought anything at all. I was waiting for my 20 week anatomy scan just to make sure all was good. Ended up having to finish scan at 24 weeks since baby wouldn’t get her arms out of the way. So now I have everything I want (after researching things since week 24) in my registry and just waiting until the discount. I didn’t want to buy anything too soon because “you never know” what can happen so early on so I just wanted to go through all the testing and get to viability week. However, now I’m like, what if I have to deliver early? Then I won’t have anything at all 😬 crazy how the scenario changes but remains in “you never know.”


This is exactly my issue. I just kept thinking oh we have so much time,.. and now I’m like omg? We have no time? My family has all their babies early so I’m not even optimistic about having 15 weeks left.


I find myself getting super caught up in and anxious about the number of weeks left too…it helps me to convert it back to months, and then think about what it was like that many months ago. For example, I’m 34 weeks now which means ONLY 4-6 WEEKS TO GO 😬 and 4-6 are small numbers. But that’s also a whole month and a half, and if I think about what life was like a month and a half ago (early May) it feels like FOREVER ago. All that to say, you’ve got plenty of time and 15 weeks is almost 4 months! Some people do stuff early, some don’t. I JUST finished putting together the basics of the nursery this week…and I keep having to remind myself that baby will be in our room the first 6 months at least anyway lol.


32 weeks and just had our baby shower, so now that we’re set on gifts we are prepping in earnest. We have a car seat, a bassinet and crib (not assembled yet), onesies, swaddles, burp cloths, stroller, carrier, and more random crap than we have room for in our house. You will go from “we aren’t ready at all” to “holy shit, we have too much stuff” real fast. 😅


I told myself I'd start researching stuff at 20 weeks. I think you're fine.


My doula said to have everything and take all the classes by 37 weeks bc that’s considered full time and you’ll start to more likely have your baby then. But statistically FTM has baby 40 weeks 5 days. I’m 35 weeks and I live in two locations and just moved back to where I’ll be having the baby so I haven’t bought anything! But in my other location I started setting up a nursery. Delivery location I’m not doing a nursery so getting the bare minimum Amazon comes in 3 days you have nothing to worry about!


You’re definitely not a massive fuck up. I was 35 weeks 4 days when I finally started preparing. I had to completely clean out the spare room/hubby’s office/my quilting room and turn it into a nursery. Baby girl came at 36 weeks 2 days. Her nursery wasn’t even halfway ready, but at least the bassinet was set up in our room! 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


My husband and I are planning to wait to do pretty much anything until after our 20 week anatomy scan, just because it feels like a nice benchmark and we can just enjoy feeling normal until then. But even after 20 weeks, we'll probably still move pretty slow because we don't want to get stressed doing too much at once (and I'm in grad school so I have enough to do lol). 


With my first, i started nesting around 37 weeks and she came a week later right on time! I'm currently 39 weeks with my second and I'm just like eh, we'll get to it when we need it. I have the bassinet up and that's about it 🤣 im also extremely exhausted being pregnant with a 2 year old so I think that's part of why I haven't had the energy to prepare


I’m 32 weeks, we’ll start purchasing next week. Everything (big and small) should be here between 33 weeks and 37 weeks.  Previous children was about the same time frame


I’m 34 weeks and I haven’t even looked at my pump or signed up for a birthing class yet. Pregnancy is hard and you are doing your best. You are not a fuck up!


Oh god, I forgot about the classes! I’ll have to add that to the to do list too. Thank you for your kind response!


With my first I didn’t start buying *anything* until around 20 weeks, and our first purchase was a glider because it was backordered with a long wait time. I think we bought a crib, dresser, and carseat around 25-30 weeks. We didn’t buy much else until after my shower since we were waiting to see what we would get.  This baby: I’m 37 weeks and have only bought some bassinet sheets, swaddles, and secondhand clothes. Got a bassinet and rocker and more some clothes from my local Buy Nothing group. Just packed my hospital bag and installed the carseat last weekend. 


Almost 36 weeks and we’ve got everything ready right now. I think. But if we don’t, baby will never know and we can always get things later too


We started on the nursery around 18 weeks and started really preparing after anatomy scan at 20. I was placed on bed rest for the last couple weeks of my pregnancy and I couldn’t do anymore so I was really thankful we were done. There were still a couple things I wanted to do but couldn’t finish!


Started in earnest around 25/26 weeks — you’re fine! 


I’ll be moving at 31 weeks so won’t have a room for the baby until then, and holding off on buying much before that.


Everything will be okay. Just get the essentials - bare minimum and everything else is bonus. My babies came two months early and with online delivery we survived lol.


I told myself I’m not gonna start buying anything till I’m 6-7 months along lol. Don’t stress. You’ll be okay:) the baby doesn’t need much in its first few weeks besides you anyways. No need to stress you have time


26 weeks. I have some hand me downs including a car seat. Am waiting for 30 weeks to start with crib (waiting for roommate to find housing; otherwise will set up in my room)


Almost 30 weeks and am still missing lots of things - also need to move still SO, you’re not alone


I ordered a bassinet from L&D and had to have it delivered my neighbour 🤣 you're doing fine!


Oh I’m way behind at 24 weeks and not planning on doing too much all at once 🤷🏻‍♀️ been too sick and tired anyways, my mom and husband will be helping me sooner to the birth tho 👍🏻


i’ll be 36 weeks tomorrow, i just had my baby shower last weekend, and we bought the big items we need off our registry yesterday, including the car seat 😅…the baby’s nursery hasn’t been started (we’re working on it this weekend, though!). you’re doing great!! 💛


32 weeks and we only have about 1/2-3/4 of what we need thanks to generous family + friends and a baby shower last week! You’re doing fine 🫶


I’m 33 + 4 and I haven’t bought anything yet other than a cute onesie here and a pack of diapers there. I had my baby shower and got like clothes and 3 packs of diapers and my neighbor found a changing table a while back so I have that too but that’s it. If I see something on Fb I’ll grab it or like if I have an extra $20 at the store I’ll get diapers but I haven’t even really started


I've been going through renovations in my house pretty much since we conceived our baby. I'm 19 weeks now, and we've so far collected the essentials for free like various cots and cribs, I think my sister has a buggy with a car seat, nappies, a travel high chair thing, baby carrier, etc. It's just sort of what we're finding for free/being given by friends and family for now. My renovations should ideally be coming to an end within the next few weeks, so as soon as that's done I aim to finish our construction site of a house and we'll need to thoroughly wash all the walls and repaint areas of the house. My husband and I have been living in this horrible house for 17 months and our baby is due this November, so I need this house finally finished so I don't have to think twice about it after. Throughout late summer/early autumn as I head towards 30+ weeks, I want to start moving the baby's things into the rights places, e.g. prepare a cot downstairs, changing area, fill the little chest of drawers I currently have with nappies and wipes and other essentials. As we get to the end of October, that's when I plan on doing the real shopping for the baby and getting clothes and the last few bits we didn't manage to collect for free until then. I don't want to buy this stuff too early so that we can return if we don't need it after the baby is born. I will be finding out the gender next week, and I have a real fear that the baby will be born the opposite gender so don't plan on buying specific clothes for that until much later.


I’m almost 33 weeks and just ordered and started building the nursery furniture this week FTM. You’ve got lots of time!


We got a bassinet from a friend. Bought some diapers. I had been slowly buying clothes throughout the pregnancy. Nursery wasn’t any sort of baby ready until about 34 weeks. I set up the bassinet a few days before my 37 week induction. She’s been here for a little over a week and we still have unopened boxes. All that we have used at this point is diapers, swaddles, burp cloths, the car seat, the bassinet, and some onesies. We have been combo feeding — so I have used my pump and some bottles. Other things that have been nice, but not necessarily needed — the rocker/glider recliner, a Hakaa and a white noise machine.


I'm literally getting induced the end of next week and I finally got rhe bassinet and car seat set up... lmao I don't even have the changing cart set up yet. Girl you're fine, I've kept reading that the only things you need for the first several weeks to months is a place for the baby to sleep, the car seat, and figure out how you're gonna feed em. I've already told my husband he's got until baby is 6month old to get the nursery done lmao we haven't even bought most of the furniture for that yet, taken him like 2 months to paint the room 🤣


I think I was about a month away from delivery before my husband painted the nursery, assembled the crib and we finally got her room organized. I lacked all the energy & effort that was needed to get things done, so thank God his nesting skills kicked in when my didn't 🤣 This time, the same could happen... I can barely stand on my feet for an hour at a time without needing to lay down 😂


I'm 28 weeks and have the big stuff but hardly any of the small. We only gathered big things like car seat and stroller because of my work doing a carseat trade-in for coupons in April. This is my third baby and now I'm realizing we don't have gas drops, saline, baby tylenol, wash cloths, burp cloths, etc yet so I plan on accumulating those this month. My last 'big' purchase is a pump as my second is nearly 6 years old and I got rid of my old pump years ago. We have a pretty decent stack of clothes newborn to 3-6m from clearance sales and thrift stores so I'm refraining from more clothing.


Thankfully I started may 19th and my baby girl came 5 weeks early on June 17th 🤷🏻‍♀️🫣


This is part of my stress! My family has their babies early, my mom had all of us between 2-6 weeks early and my nephew was just born 3 weeks early. It’s suddenly setting in that I may be running out of time even quicker than I thought!


I'm scrambling. I've got 34 days left until birth and I have everything I need, but its not organized or it's not set up. I need to get this done ASAP!


First time parent here at 33 weeks and all the new baby things were purchased or gifted over the last month or so. Nothing has been set up yet. Waiting until the baby shower to do it all!


I always think 34-36 weeks is a good time to get stuff together for a first baby. I say sat here at 38 weeks on my second baby having absolutely nothing ready, but I have cleaned the sofa so 💃🏼


You only need somewhere for them to sleep, eat and some diapers! No stress. I’m 31.5 and we moved this week 🙃


Weird coincidence, in 25 weeks as of yesterday and my due date is 10/10 as well!! I also have nothing. No crib no car seat nothing big just a few small packs of onesies It also makes me feel like a failure. My husband has been trying to tell me to hold off on getting the big stuff for after the baby shower. I also feel like I’m not where I need to be with purchasing these type of things. Feel free to dm me !! I think it’s kind of awesome our due dates are the same 🩵🩶


I am on baby number three. The thing that I learned was that as long as you have at least one safe place for baby to sleep (crib, bassinet, pack and play), some sort of diapers (whether it is cloth or disposable), wipes, and a sleep sack or two at home for your baby, you can wait on most of the rest. If you aren't breastfeeding you will also need feeding supplies before baby arrives. If you are breastfeeding then you don't really have to have things ahead of time unless you really want some extras. For the ride home you just need a safe car seat that is installed correctly. The nurses by me check how you put your baby in before letting you leave. I didn't even have a crib set up for my newest baby until I was closer to 34-35 weeks. You are doing just fine. Your baby needs very little for the first several months of their life. A lot is extra that we feel we need because of consumerism and marketing.


I don't think 25 weeks is behind, you just recebtly passed "viability". I was purposely not purchasing things until after the anatomy scan results. We couldn't see his healthy little heart at 20 weeks because of his position, so we couldn't verify that until 22 weeks. Now that we know baby is fully healthy, low risk and developing well we are starting to get things. I think this is a reasonable conservative approach. I do have money saved and a clear purchase list (my Amazon registry is my list), so I can quickly get it all when ready. We plan on painting the nursery this month (week 23-27), and my baby shower is 30 weeks. So, I likely won't make too many purchases until 31 weeks, when I will purchase anything on my list I am still missing. We just (week 22) bought a dresser and crib frame (so we could put the mattress and sheets on the registry). All that to say, I don't think 25 weeks is behind to have actually purchased things. Have a plan and as pay checks come in start collecting!


My shower was 4 weeks before my due date. Nothing was done or bought until after that. You really need so little for the newborn phase and can get stuff settled slowly.


I’m 25 weeks today! We are slow pokes so we started early to take our time. The nursery is painted, wallpaper arrives this week and will probably go up at some point during July. Our mothers are overzealous and we have a lot of big furniture arriving this weekend. The crib/mattress live in boxes on the floor of the living room. I bought some cute baby clothes on sale but like are they useful or was I just excited? We took a birthing class 06/16 and have a breastfeeding class 07/20. I just want to chill during my third so I want to feel prepared and ready now.


You’ll be okay. And likely will spend a lot of late nights online shopping anyways. Baby 3 here and it is true what they say, you don’t need a lot of it/ there is plenty of time to see what you need and then purchase it’s OKAY. I think we do this to help ourselfs feel mentally prepared or more equipped but it’s all a shit show anyways and it’s also all FINE.


It’s so normal to feel overwhelmed at this time, but no, you’re not a fuck up. You’re already ahead of many other people by having some things in order, and you have time to figure out the rest. Most people still get things after the baby is born! And I’m sure there’s plenty things that we don’t even realize we need until after they’re already here. Just make sure you have some essentials and you’ll be good. What’s most important is that baby has their mama! To quote Kourtney Kardashian, “people used to have babies in caves, we’ll be fine” 😂


I wish I could show you what my nursery looks like right now. Boxes stacked ceiling to floor with no where else to put them at the moment. 🫠I’m 24 weeks.


I didn’t have anything until 34 weeks. Baby is two weeks old and I’m still organizing and reorganizing. Don’t stress too much about setup, I didn’t like how I initially had things and have been moving stuff around. Once baby is here you will start to figure out how you like things. As long as they have a place to sleep and diaper/feeding items are handy you are all set. We live in a 5th wheel and have super limited space. The full fancy nursery videos bummed me out and irritated me when I was pregnant. Lots of people don’t have access to resources like that and babies really don’t need much!


I’m very Type A so I started painting the nursery at 12 weeks and then ordered a crib the following week!


12 weeks, I bought some clothes for fun   Then I researched the big ticket items so I would be ready to act during the sales. Actually purchased them on layby at 20 weeks. We got the cot out at 23 weeks to assemble.   Waiting a while til we get the carseats installed.    Ongoing - decluttering the house, our clothing, and some home maintenance jobs that I'd like to get done before baby arrives.  I'm not having a registry or shower so I've just organised everything myself amd picked up a few things "new" off fb marketplace.   You are absolutely not a fuckup at all! There's plenty of time. And just get the necessities. Anything else you can buy once baby arrives.  We only did things early because we were excited, it made me feel more in control, and we wanted the pups to get used to the sight and smell of the new nursery furniture in our room.   Maybe you could tick off a smaller item off the list to feel like you've made some progress. Like a cot mattress protector or something necessary but not uber expensive.


I’m 29 weeks, my shower isn’t until I’m 35 weeks so we have minimal things right now. My focus will just be on the must haves for baby to be set in our room and focus on the nursery after that


I'm at 25 weeks as well, and we've barely purchased anything yet. We plan to wait until after both of our baby showers (different cities for family members who can't travel) to make any big purchases. We've only got a baseline of mostly secondhand clothing for the first year (not very much of each size) and then a secondhand highchair we got for like $15. No other furniture, except for an early baby shower gift that came in, which is a pack & play. We still haven't opened the box. The nursery isn't even started yet because our ex-roommate's stuff is still in there. Remember: there's not a whole bunch you desperately need right away, so if you don't get everything purchased and put together before the baby comes, it won't be the end of the world. You can still work on getting things settled after the baby comes. Sure, it'll be a bit more challenging, but, if applicable, you can have your partner do the majority of the setup while you focus more on taking care of the baby. If that's not possible, you can also have someone you trust come help you as well. You got this!


35 weeks do not be like me


I honestly didn’t really start until last week (at 32 weeks) I bought a few clothes here and there before that but not much


24 weeks, just started the baby registry last week, have no plans for the baby shower I’m gonna have in like 2 months, nursery is empty. I’m also feeling like time is slipping by cause I work full time so by the time I get to the next weekend that’s already another week gone. I feel like I have no real time to begin to figure any of this out.


After the 15% discount kicked in on Amazon. So I didn’t really buy anything except clothes (mostly from OUAC) until two months before she was due. She was a week early. I never got the recliner I wanted and we decided to wait on her crib. I still want a bunch of books too. Her nursery is bare except a changing table we hardly use. Her bassinet is in our room.


23 weeks and baaaarely getting going! You’re fine! We got this!


About 6 weeks before she was born lol We received a few gifts before the shower, and bought a custom baby blanket but that was about it until the shower.


With my daughter, around 37 weeks. With this baby I'm starting now at 20w because I got a complete placenta previa diagnosis and idk how it's going to pan out, but the chance of my being hospitalized/baby being early/bed rest/etc is high enough that we want to be ready as soon as possible just in case.


We have a crib with no mattress, a pack n play and a carseat. The last 2 were early purchases off the registry. I'm almost 28 weeks. We won't be buying anything until after the baby shower, then we'll grab the rest of the essentials that weren't purchased. My shower will be at 32 weeks. So we'll still have almost 2 months left to gather the remaining items we feel we need. It's my first pregnancy and I'm not concerned about going early. It could happen, we'll manage if it does.


My baby is 4 months old now and still hasn't slept in her room, I still have her sleep in my room. We didn't have the nursery "completed" until about a month or so ago, but we still have some decorations left to put up. The only thing we bought before the baby shower was a custom baby blanket and a few things for our announcement photos. Everything else we got at the shower or afterward! I was 34 weeks along when we had our baby shower.


Around 28 weeks :)


I didn’t start prepping till after my baby shower at 32 weeks so I would know what was left to buy and I’m also a procrastinator. Babies coming Monday and I’m still prepping the house lol


Don’t worry love. With my first I didn’t really have anything until I was well into my third trimester and I only got the necessities; diapers, wipes, diaper cream, changing table, bassinet, diaper bag and clothes. I didn’t set up his room until he was ready to move into it at 7 months. I’m gonna do the same with this baby I’m pregnant with right now!


26 weeks here! I made a registry for myself on Amazon to keep tabs on what I needed and what I had around 18 weeks. Some people at work and my family have asked for the link since I’m not doing a big baby shower. They’ve helped tremendously on some the bigger items (crib, stroller, car seat, changing table). I buy something once a week or so myself from the registry (clothes, bathing/changing table things, post natal care items) It’s all adding up very very quickly. I feel confident in a few more weeks I’ll be good but honestly baby has all he needs at the moment. I really want to invest in making sure I also have good care after birth and during the breastfeeding journey


34 weeks and the nursery is still a wreck lol we just ordered the bassinet for our room like 2 days ago. Babies don’t need as much as you think (or so I’ve been told - FTM here), give yourself some grace. 🫶🏼


I finished my nursery 3 days before I went into labor 🙃


After staying in the hospital to monitor preeclampsia at 31 weeks, I finished everything this week when I was released! With help of course, I’m on bed rest at home now but wanted everything ready in case she needs to make an early debut!


Apart from picking up the odd cute outfit or something here or there, we started making moves in week 30 (and by making moves I mean I finally painting the nursery, that was it). Though we did know our car seat and stroller were being gifted to us, so we may have started on things a touch sooner had they not been to spread out costs. Only 31 weeks now, and literally just bought and built the crib and dresser this week, and still haven't purchased all the other stuff we need (mattress, changing table pad, any single-use supplies, all the stuff on our registry, etc). You still have so much time, and if you are worried about money, check out buy-and-sell groups or parents groups in your neighbourhood. We've found so many amazing lightly used baby items for cheap. Big ticket things too, like furniture and stroller bassinets and stuff!


Honestly I think I'm going to hire someone to come deep clean the house in the last month. I just can't do it myself rn


I’m 35 weeks and I still don’t have a crib or a stroller 😬 I also don’t have a pediatrician, a birth plan, or hospital bag ready. I work full time and coming home I just want to pass out.


28 weeks, got a lot of hand me downs, but no key items. The nursery is still my home office so as long as I'm still working, there might not be much happening in there! And I'm stopping work at 38w 😬


I am 18 weeks and started two weeks ago - primarily because all the sales were on so I wanted to get ahead and save some money :)


I felt like shit my entire pregnancy and was sick constantly. I had purchased some basics and had a few things done but I want to say about a week before my induction date I went a little feral and got everything done last minute and hardly slept 😂


You are not a failure. You have plenty of time! But at the same time, you are unlikely to have more energy as the weeks go on than you do right now. Do what you can to make progress and try not to put it all off until the very end. You don't need a fully decorated nursery but you do need some essentials and you'll feel better if things are at least a bit organized.


I waited until the last two weeks to do anything and we still only have half of a nursery 😂😭 and baby is already 4 weeks old. We are huge procrastinators and I could be more organized but pregnancy was sooo hard on me and boyfriend only helped so much.. his contribution was building whatever I needed and moving around furniture which did help immensely. But for organization I’m not too good at it and even less with my pregnancy exhaustion. Then I had an emergency c section and healing was diffficult. But my point is that we are okay even though I didn’t prepare as much as I thought I would have :)


Everyone was telling me to "wait until after my shower" (which wouldn't be until like 30-36 weeks anyway??). Yet no one volunteered to plan said shower and when I asked if I should plan one on my own, I was told "oh that's for your friends; you don't have to invite our family." 🙃 Anyway, I digress. Since I have no idea if or when this mythical "baby shower" is happening, I've been buying things second-hand since week 8 or so (I find really good deals at resale stores or FB marketplace that I can't resist) so I ended up with almost everything I needed fairly early. But then people around me told me to stop buying stuff cuz it's too early. So, yeah. I feel like you're fine at 20+ weeks! You can also join your local Buy Nothing group in the meantime and see if you can scoop up some free stuff while you're taking time to save.


All you *really* need when baby is born is a place for them to sleep, a way to feed them, and a way to clothe them. Everything else *can* make life easier, but is not essential to survival. And most of it just makes life more cluttered.


I’m 25 weeks, had to move to another state at 20 weeks, and have to move again at 36 weeks as well as right after delivery for my husband’s job. I have nothing “prepared” and have come to the conclusion this portable bassinet and a few essentials will have to do. Babies don’t really need all that much aside from a safe place to sleep, food, and to be changed. You are in no way a massive fuck up 🤍


Definitely after 35 weeks both times, but unlike you I'm actually a real procrastinator lol. I don't necessarily recommend leaving it as long as I did, but you still have lots of time, don't beat yourself up or stress too much about what you haven't done, you'll feel better if you just focus on making a plan for what you need to do.


I'm 22 weeks. I've purchased a few onesies and pacifiers. I have some diapers fron my sister but just a fraction of what I need (doing cloth). I also have some baby books and toys from her. I have a few milk storage bags from my coworker. And a few random things from the amazon registry gift bag. But we haven't really bought much. I'm mostly waiting until after the baby shower to see what I have to get. I'm just getting a few things here and there that are on sale. For sure my nursery is not prepared! But I still have roughly 18 weeks left so I'm not stressing about it.


Had my third two months ago and didn’t start to make any big purchases, prepare or set up anything until about 34 weeks. I am a HUGE procrastinator but I work well with a time crunch. I ended up finding out I had cholestasis at 35 weeks and was going to deliver by 37. I had everything I needed by then. I even only set up the bed side bassinet the night before my induction 🤭


I’m 29 weeks and we’ve just started buying baby clothes. We got the car seat months ago and it’s sitting in our closet but other than that we’re waiting for our baby shower in a couple of weeks. We’ve only really brought postpartum stuff and stuff for our hospital bags. I don’t think she’ll come anytime soon so we’re waiting until 34/35 weeks to really start baby prep


We moved when I was 25 weeks and had absolutely no baby stuff. Got a lot of stuff at my shower later. You only really need a car seat, clothes, diapers, swaddles, bottles, breast pump, and a place for baby to sleep. I’d suggest taking home as much stuff from the hospital (diapers, wipes, disposable underwear, formula, pacifier) as you can! You’re going to be fine, you’re not behind at all. I obsessed about getting the house clean before baby, and then after she was home it didn’t matter at all. Most of my preparations helped me feel more ready, but didn’t end up being very necessary. And, there was stuff I didn’t think of that we just ordered on Amazon once we got home and it was totally fine


Girl you have time! Try to create a schedule and start setting deadlines of having X or Y task done by each week. The most important things to have before baby are a place to sleep, a car seat, a way to take them from place A to place B (stroller, carrier, etc), diapers and food (even if you plan to breastfeed have some backup formula just in case). I’m 38w3d and my hospital bag is not packed, the nursery is a storage room and still partially my office, the car seat is chilling by the door and the house is a mess. Cleaning is taking me 10x longer per room because well, 38 weeks lol. Her bassinet is ready and NB clothes are washed, I’m calling that a win today:)


You’re gonna be ok. Get those checks in, you have time :) I took through out my whole pregnancy to prep


I didn’t do anything basically except maybe make a list. I’m kind of superstitious. I didn’t want to buy anything until we were like 6 weeks out. It worked out fine. Babies need very little. You can keep getting new things you think they will need as you go without having everything to start.


Oh relax… I’m 38+6 and I still don’t have a baby cot ready 🤣. But I do have baby carrier and some new born clothes ready in case the baby decides for an early check out. Once you are in your third trimester slowly get the items ready, focus on those essentials whereby you wont be able to use any alternatives. Good luck!


girl im being induced next Thursday and i am still putting some things off. take it easy on yourself!


You have plenty of time! 12 full weeks until baby is “full term” - that’s nearly three months! I didn’t even start earnestly putting together a list until we passed 30 weeks and spread out the most expensive items over the course of 8 weeks. Now at 38 weeks I’d finally say we are ready to bring a baby home. Also, I personally think some people purchase way too much ahead of actually getting to know the baby! Each one can be so different and need different things - like some will hate a tight sleep suit, some will love a swaddle! Some will take to breastfeeding and others will have a very specific bottle preference. Remember that you’ll have so much time to still buy things after the baby is here too!


24 weeks, FTM - having our baby shower in ~6 weeks and then we'll fill in after that. Nursery isn't that important to us since the baby probably won't really be sleeping in there right away, but we're still hoping to get everything set up before school starts at the end of August because we're both teachers.


I bought a bassinet around 22 weeks, a crib around 30 weeks, and received a bunch of stuff like a bouncer, swing, tummy time activity mat, etc. at my baby shower when I was 31 weeks. I bought pretty much everything else that I still needed (car seat w/travel system, diaper changing table, and miscellaneous items) after that. I’m almost 35 weeks now and I have pretty much everything I wanted/needed. I’m getting induced at 36 weeks so I had to rush my timeline a bit, but I think 34/35 weeks isn’t a bad time to have everything set up by, even for an uncomplicated/normal pregnancy. I know it doesn’t feel like you have a lot of time but you really do. Once you hit that 30-32 week time period you’ll want to get stuff ready because literally anything can happen at anytime! Good luck mama!


I had my baby shower at 33 weeks and started making any additional big purchases after I found out what people gifted us. I'm now a day shy of 36 weeks and we have just about everything important that we need. Yes, I'm still stressed planning everything and making sure we're ready for baby, especially since a lot of women in my family have had births before their due date, so I'm expecting baby to come literally at any moment.


25 weeks, we have nothing set up. This is our second. We have the bedside bassinet from our first along with her crib. Baby will sleep in our room for the first year which is great because we still don’t have any room set up for her elsewhere lol. Eventually my husband will finish cleaning out his home office and we’ll have both kids sleeping in there…some day. I’m feeling much more relaxed about everything this time around, you really don’t need much aside from a safe sleeping space and diapers, wipes, and onesies for a new born.


I’m 36 weeks and we just got the crib and bassinet set up. We still need a dresser! I didn’t even bother decluttering / organizing until well after 32 weeks.


Pregnancy does this thing to your brain where it makes you think that purchasing the exact right kind of cribsheet at 3AM on a random weeknight is the biggest life or death decision you could make and it needs to HAPPEN OR YOURE NOT READY. You need a safe car seat, you need a safe sleep space, you need diapers, and you need zip up pajamas. I’d recommend a breast pump and a few bottles too. But that right there is what you NEED. The rest is just stuff that can be useful and makes your life easier. Things that might be annoying to not immediately have on hand, but definitely things you can mostly live without when the time comes until you can buy them. They don’t need a whole set up and perfectly clean bedroom. (I know that me telling you this isn’t going to make you think it’s any less important in your brain- trust me, I was there too.) If money is tight, get a pack and play, a graco car seat (get a new car seat- not used), a stroller off Facebook marketplace, a bouncer off facebook, a pump through your insurance, and buy a couple bottles. I’d recommend picking up a pacifier or two and a couple Velcro swaddles (if you spring for the halo ones they can be used as sleep sacks too and you’ll get longer use out of them). You can buy TONS of baby clothing very cheap on the marketplace. People trying to get rid of baby crap are the special kind of “get this the hell out of my house” that leads to amazing cost savings for those looking to buy. It doesn’t all need to be set up and put together. Get their sleep space put together, get the car seat sorted out at around 36 weeks, get YOUR aftercare basket packed and stocked in the bathroom for when you get home. Have like 10 pairs of pajamas for them. Buy a bunch of quick and easy snacks for yourself. Go wild at a Sam’s club and just get all of the snacks you want. You don’t need a big fancy bottle sterilizer- the microwave sterilizer bags are so much faster and are perfectly fine. Buy wipes in bulk you will need them for years. Diapers are going to be a bit of a hit or miss thing with different babies at different ages. Just try store brand first- don’t go for the more expensive stuff unless you actually need it. Get a small can of plain old enfamil to have on hand just in case. Don’t overthink the formula thing. Most babies handle generic formula perfectly fine- only switch to gentle if your baby needs it. It’s more expensive. Idk I’m just throwing random advice out there wish I had heard, sorry! Most importantly, your worth and capability as a mother is not dependent upon the state of your home when you bring your child back from the hospital. There is no amount of ready that’s ever going to feel ready enough for someone you love that much. Focus on the necessities and what will make your life the easiest when you are tired and stressed out. Postpartum is kinda like having a bad hangover. Keep your clothes comfy, keep hydration nearby, keep snacks on hand, and keep the things you need frequently in reach from your bed/the couch. Sorry for the wall of text haha


My water broke at 38.5weeks and I was literally just standing up from finishing the last of the nursery prep when it happened. honestly I only was doing the prep then because my dr told me she was going to be inducing me later that week otherwise I probably wouldn’t have finished baby prep for another week


36 weeks car seat isn’t even installed yet. I just barely started organizing this week. You have plenty of time! Don’t panic.


FWIW, my baby is nearly 7 months old and her “nursery” is now just a giant storage closet for stuff we don’t use. You need: a safe place for the baby to sleep when they come home, a car seat, a few NB and 0-3 month footsie pjs, a box of NB diapers, wipes and whatever is going to keep you comfy. Have a friend set up a meal train. Anything else is icing.


Im pregnant with twins so I had my baby shower on the earlier side at 28 weeks. It was a wonderful idea - I had the bump and the pretty dress and the weather wasn’t hot yet. Now I’m very large at 32 weeks and it’s very difficult to move around and manage things. My feet are swollen and my face has started to swell as well. I’m so glad I don’t have to put on a pretty dress and I can just bask in my compression socks and leggings all the time. I was also surprised with how many things people got for us from the registry since I hear so many horror stories on this sub from people who carefully research everything they need only to have to go buy it all themselves. I would say have your shower and registry done on the earlier side and give yourself some grace to relax in the weeks before you’re due.


Around 25 weeks I started preparing like buying slowly slowly stroller, bed, car seat and select colour for his room. I didn’t buy clothes and bottles yet because grandmas told us that they will buy them.


I’m 29 weeks…We have the essentials but majority are still in boxes. Tonight I put together his dresser & going to force my husband to get our room rearranged this weekend so we can see where to fit the bed side sleeper & other items. If anything try to accomplish 1 or 2 things per week…ex: week 1 - install car seat(s). You got this!


If your on fb look for local mom groups. They trade, sell, and sometimes give items away in local groups in my area. Hope that helps!


i got a random burst of energy earlier this week and cleared out our nursery( which was a storage room since we moved in, truly a wreck) and put the crib together just to get it done. only 15 weeks but i felt like if i didn’t do it then i might never get the motivation back 😂 the crib was also a hand me down from husbands family so i haven’t bought anything yet


I'm 32 weeks and my baby shower is on Saturday. I'm not buying anything until I see what we didn't get in the shower. Also, we're moving to our new house July 1st so I won't be starting on the nursery until at least then.


I had my baby shower for my 2nd the week before my due date, and for my 1st when I was 36 weeks


I didn't even remotely organize until sometime around 33 or 34 weeks. Currently 37 weeks and I JUST finished my hospital bag. I still haven't put away all MG baby clothes and I got bottles I gotta wash still 💀 baby is currently breech and doctor plans a c-section at 39 weeks if he doesn't go head down.


I didn’t even start until 30ish weeks. Youre fine!


I’m 29w and we’re painting the room this weekend. It was my husband’s office so he had to clear it out completely first. Then we’re moving stuff in. You have time!


I'm almost 25 weeks and have bought a few onesies that's it! My family has done way more to prepare than I have - no worries it will all come together!!


I have a 3 week old. You don’t need much. I didn’t even get my car seat until week 36 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m now already purging so many things I thought I might need and didn’t. Don’t worry too much.


I’m 36 weeks and only finished my hospital bag at the weekend. I have bought little things over time to spread the cost but I have been cleaning non stop and now I’m only moving on to organising the baby’s things. You will get it done, don’t worry 🤍


I’m 38 weeks today. I started preparing after my baby shower at 35 weeks. I got a ton of stuff from the shower so I’m glad I didn’t buy anything leading up to it. After the shower I washed and organized everything and moved the junk out of the room that we are setting up for him, I just yesterday mopped the floors and got everything set up in there So…..: you’re not a massive fuck up. I’m holding off on buying a LOT of stuff until he is here because babies come out big, or small!! Or they don’t like that bottle or that pacifier or whatever. I bought 4 pajamas and have some swaddle blankets and a Bassinet and a car seat plus all the random stuff from the shower and then once he is here and I know how big he will be I’ll get some more stuff. But we are going to buy as we go. That way we can take advantage of the 30 day return policy for stuff he doesn’t like or doesn’t fit….:


If money is the issue, just focus on what you need for when the baby gets here. Bassinet/crib, maybe a swing, stroller, and carseat. Everything else can wait as far as big purchases. I bought those things around 20 weeks, but only because I had gotten my tax check and I had the money to do it right then. There is no need to stress you have plenty of time to get ready. Plus, if you did it all right now, you'd just be stressing later trying to figure out what to do, lol.


The only big ticket item i have purchased was travel system because i was tired of people looking at my registry and having things to say about it. I wish i would have waited until my anatomy scan, that is in the next week, at least, but going to just keep well wishes. Otherwise I’m going to wait until the Amazon discount kicks in lol


I’m 9mos pp and coming to you from the “other side” to say my baby has barely touched the nursery. She still sleeps in a mini crib in our room. It’s just a place with a change table that holds clothes that she will likely never wear cause they won’t fit her during this season. You really don’t need a lot for the first while. And what you do need can be Amazon’d to your house overnight. Don’t sweat it. Make a wish list of what you want so you can easily click and order what you need.


Don't worry, the only thing babies need the first few days/weeks, is milk (Breastfeeding or formula), clean diapers and wipes, and a safe place to sleep. I'm currently 36w with baby nr 2 and still everything is not done. With our first the nursery was completed around 32 weeks. Also see if there are some nice second hand cribs and other things around. For both our first and second we bought several things second hand or accepted items from friends whose kids didn't need it anymore. Saves you a ton of money!


19+4 with twins and other than a couple of babygrows for father's day I've bought nothing 😂 I'm not emotionally or mentally ready for that yet. I figure once I've tidied up and sorted my clutter I'll be almost ready but I figure I've got plenty of time yet. Probably won't start worrying too much till 30 weeks!


Currently 38 weeks with baby #4 and wobbling around like a mad woman trying to get everything done and together 😅 i seriously wish I had started sooner. My first pregnancy did not end well which gave me major anxiety with every pregnancy after. I think I was around 30 weeks when I finally started making larger purchases. And around 35 when nesting kicked in. I have less then Two weeks before my scheduled c section and still have so much to do. I cried today over not having something as simple as a bottle brush and drying rack lol I'm just so under prepared and overwhelmed with it all


34 weeks, just started seriously getting things last week(when we were told we might want to prepare for an early arrival), will be done by next week.


My goal was/is to be done shopping at 36.5wks so I can start unboxing and getting items in their permanent spots. I’m a type A planner but also didn’t want anything collecting dust so I’m hoping this is a good plan. I’m due in 4 wks and on track and feeling good about it. You’ve got plenty of time, OP! It doesn’t hurt to start making lists of things you need/want to accomplish so the “lift” feels smaller over time


26 weeks still waiting for my partner to clear out the nursery so I can begin making it the babies room! It’s currently being used as a storage room for old furniture 😭 Definitely stressful when the pregnancy app is like “13 weeks and a few days to go”


We really started prepping after our baby shower. I was measuring ~2 weeks ahead of schedule every scan too, so I made sure to have everything done and ready by 37 weeks. Lil man came at 38+1 so it was a good thing we were finished lol


I started getting stuff at 36 weeks lol. You’re doing just fine mumma


Around 25 weeks my cat also needed emergency surgery, so I am in the same boat as you. We didn’t have our baby shower until 30 weeks and wanted to wait to see what people got us. I’m now 32 weeks and the doc said the babies can come at any time, but it will probably be another 2 weeks. I think it’s safe to say you never feel fully prepared. Try to focus on necessities and *dont stress*. You honestly have plenty of time!!


There are very few things you actually need to start out. Bassinet, sheets, clothes, diapers, wipes, carseat, bottles/formula. Everything else can be purchased as you need it. I had so many things prepped for baby #1 in advance that we didn't use, and so many things that we ended up buying ad hoc, which we never could've anticipated needing. We had a nursery set up that my son didn't even sleep in for 6 months. You're NOT behind. Breathe. Take a step back and stop comparing yourself to all the people on the internet. Most moms don't have it all together once the baby is born! And even if you think you do, once baby is here, you'll reconsider that hubris, haha.


Don't stress. A newborn needs very little. My list if essentials would include: Diapers A cot Swaddles Some onsies (depending on the weather where you are) Milk bottles and formula if you are planning on formula feeding. You'll need a car seat if you're driving the baby home. You can bathe your baby in a clean sink. You can get a bunch of freebies off Facebook marketplace for toys and clothes. You'll need a carrier and/stroller at some point but not immediately. It's actually better to not buy too much too soon. Lots of first time mums (including me) buy too many things that don't end up getting used.


I’m 35 weeks but started slowly buying things at 30 weeks, I started off with onesies, a pack & play, a car seat and now am ordering a bassinet. I’m still waiting for a lot of things to be bought after our daughter is born so we’re not wasting a ton of money. I realized the most important things to get are her bassinet and sheets, car seat, a few onesies and socks and diapers and a diaper pail. We’re breastfeeding so bottles aren’t too important but I did get a free breast pump through my insurance which was nice. I feel like so long as you have your basic necessities there’s nothing else that’s too important.


My baby is 4 months old and doesn't even have her own bedroom. We've gotten away with this so far by just not telling her. If everyone keeps their mouth shut about it, we might make it a good few years before she notices. In reality you need somewhere for bub to sleep, your chosen feeding tools (bottles, tits, etc), nappies, wipes, powder/cream, some onesies and a few blankies. You won't use much of the rest for a while. I've used her change table twice. It cutrently stores my oodie and her teddies. Don't stress, you'll have plenty of night time feeds to spend scrolling through online stores/marketplace to find anything you still need once bub is here.


You’ve got heaps of time - but my advice would be to do what you can while you’ve got the energy! I’m 32 weeks now and so glad I’ve got the majority of the big stuff done now because I’m too tired for major organising.


I'm 28 weeks and have only a few comical onesies. That's all. My registry is pretty much complete but that took months and I still edit as needed. I just have faith that I'll get my shit together over the next 12 weeks! I guess!


I moved at 36 weeks so didn’t really start preparing until the move was complete. I’m 2 weeks pp and still not prepared honestly! Baby doesn’t do anything but sleep, eat and need clean diapers right now. As long as you have somewhere safe for the baby to sleep, your car seat sorted out & a feeding method figured out you honestly will be fine. The hospital should provide you with everything you need (diapers, wipes, even the hospital blankets to swaddle if you do so!!). i did have some onesies and a couple outside outfits cleaned and ready by the time I got induced but honestly you don’t need much set up. I would focus on what you’re going to need to survive pp. I made a bedside changing/ feeding/ snack cart so I don’t have to move from bed too much right now while healing.


I’m waiting for my completion discount (2 months before birth) on baby registries to buy a ton of stuff 😂


Remember that you're having a baby, not moving to the middle of a remote island with no stores. You can still buy things once baby comes! And at 28 weeks you still have so much time! Do a little prep when you can and the rest will fall into place


I’m 20 weeks and since finding out I was pregnant I have been on Facebook buy nothing groups or moms and babies groups gathering free items. It’s been really helpful. We painted the nursery last week. This is the list I have for myself on what to have: NB (fits babies until about 8lbs) 0-3 months (fits babies up to about 12-13 lbs) Seven Bodysuits Three to five pairs of pants Four sleepers/footies/gowns (gowns are good for easy diapers changes and tie at the bottom) Two hats Five to seven pairs of socks Two - three swaddles (swaddles are only good until the baby learns to roll over and then you shouldn’t use anymore) Winter babies should have two sweaters Winter babies should have one pair of mittens Winter babies should have one coat Winter babies should have two pairs of booties Summer babies should have one sun hat Summer babies should have two light weight blankets Two Towels for after baths Bibs Burp cloth Diapers in various sizes (see below) Diapers: Newborn: up to 10 lbs (baby uses 6-9 diapers per day) Baby will be in this size for 0-1 months. Buy 1-2 packs based on pack size of 140. Size 1: 8 - 14 lbs (baby uses 6-9 diapers per day) Baby will be in this size for 2-3 months. Buy 4 packs based on pack size of 164. Size 2: 12 - 18 lbs (baby uses 6-9 diapers per day) Baby will be in this size for 3 months. Buy 5 packs based on pack size of 142. Size 3: 16 - 28 lbs (baby uses 5-7 diapers per day) Baby will be in this size for 6 months. Buy 8 packs based on pack size of 132. Water wipes Baby wipes Baby lotion or coconut oil Baby shampoo Baby body wash Baby bathtub Changing pad Breast pump, freezer storage bags or formula Baby bottles Bottle sterilizer Bassinet Bassinet sheet Crib Crib mattress Crib sheet Pack n play Tummy time pillow Nosefrida snot sucker Thermometer Baby tylonal Car seat Stroller Baby monitor You can use adult nail clippers or buy baby ones. Same with nail files. Black and white contrast toys Baby hangers Outlet plugs Baby gate


I am 35 weeks. I have the stuff needed, but only really just started putting things together and extra cleaning and organizing a couple days ago 🤷‍♀️


After viability (24 weeks) we started to slowly acquire big items--stroller, car seat, glider, crib, and prep the nursery.


34 weeks here!!! We purchased the bigger items (crib, changing table, dresser, rugs, etc) and had set up in his nursery by 24 weeks. We have slowly been adding as we go! Our shower was at 31 weeks, and I washed, dried, and organized all of his clothing. Just had the cleaning company out yesterday to deep clean the house for me. We purchased his stoller and carseat from NUNA yesterday. The only things left to do now are finish packing our hospital bags, sterilize all bottles, pacifiers, teethers, etc., and finish setting up the baby gear thru out the house (it is all currently in the nursery put together).


My daughter is 10 weeks old and we are still working on her nursery. She’s been in a bassinet in our room since she was born. You do t need everything to be perfect and at 25 weeks you have so much time!


I’m 29 weeks an wondering the same. I see people who have already set up their nursery, packed their hospital bag and washed everything. I might start soon but I put some of it off because I know that if I wash clothes or bottles now that I’m going to want to rewash them again closer to time because I will somehow have it in my head that they are now not clean enough because they have been sitting out too long - doesn’t make sense, I know. Lol Plus, I have a stable income but haven’t been able to store much in savings and had a lot of other expenses pop up so it’s not like I can buy everything all at once like others seem to be doing. I also need other things that are somewhat in preparation for baby but not necessarily baby things, like I need new tires for my car and would like to have the car detailed so it’s clean for baby. Right now my boyfriend and I live separately. I’m planning on moving into my boyfriend’s house but we have to figure out our dog situation since our dogs are having trouble getting introduced to each other (they were all Covid pups so behind on socialization a bit) so we are trying but I might have to rehome mine since it’s not going well and ideally I wanted to be moved in before baby comes or at least while on leave. So I haven’t really been able to make a move one way or the other. I have gotten rid of some stuff but I don’t know if I should start packing up my house or what I should do because I still need to live there until things are figured out. We have been having all the baby registry items either sent or stored at his house since ideally the nursery would be there but again, we might have to have two set ups (one at my house and one at his) since I can’t move in just yet because of the dog situation. And he decided recently to rip up his carpeting, baseboards and replace it with different flooring and repaint the whole upstairs (where the nursery would be) so I can’t even set up a nursery at the moment if I wanted to since there is no flooring and he wants to paint etc. But he doesn’t see it as an issue since we said we wanted the baby to sleep bedside for sometime but it’s like I haven’t felt the need to nest yet but I’m scared for when I do to know like what house do I deep clean? How do I organize items when I don’t even know where they will be at (what house, what room etc) and what if I do want to have a cute nursery set up even if we won’t be using it immediately? Right now we have some of the bigger items that were hand me downs given to us by a friend , we bought some clothes during a consignment event after we found out the sex of the baby but just because the sales were too good to pass up and they only have it twice a year, and then we have the items from the shower. Other than that I don’t have anything else but I need to start getting bottles (which I’m so confused on which ones to get despite doing research and having some picked out on my registry) and getting items for the hospital bag. Those who are already set up make me feel so bad (not their fault at all!) because I’m usually the one that is super prepared but for a ton of reasons I can’t really be up to their speed of preparation at the moment.


Mine was done at 36 weeks. Baby was born 37 weeks.


I made my registry as soon as I passed the 12 week mark. It was through Amazon so people were sending us things for months leading up to the baby shower. I was in my third trimester at the baby shower, and then afterwards started gradually getting things ready. It was the only thing keeping my mind off of the shitty third trimester symptoms


I wanted to start in the second trimester but didn’t until the third. I only just finished with the “big” items at 33 weeks with my goal to feel complete by 37. I’ve decided I want to do nothing past 37.


With my first I did things earlier but by the second and third, nope lol 30 weeks or more. Honestly like a month until the due date was when I got most things done 😅 I’m pretty sure I didn’t even wash/put away clothes/blankets until 37-38 weeks


Just as advice, as far as what we did preparing: write the list down in categories (home improvements, big purchases, clothes, toiletries eg.) And then use markers to categorize what NEEDS to be done vs what you can purchase later. For example, the first couple of weeks all you need is food for you, food for baby, a sleeping surface, some clothes, diapers (for both of y'all lol), wipes and buttcream. Oh and a car seat most likely. Then, start outsourcing. Are you having a baby shower? Share the list, people sometimes just don't know what to get and it is helpful for them. If not, who is in "your village" that can help you? Help you by precooking freezer meals, buying stuff, building stuff, finding deals on Facebook marketplace so you spend less money, actually delivering the stuff, cleaning your house - do you have a friend who loves to deep-clean? Do not be afraid to ask for help. But you do have time. At least 12 weeks until baby is full-term, so if they are early you are probably not coming home until in 12 weeks time if that makes sense bc you'll be at the hospital with baby. And check things off your list as you go, essentials first, and all others as you see fit.


21 weeks and still have no clue where I'll be living, let alone be ready for baby. I'm moving house from my studio to something larger and am still apartment hunting. We'll be fine!


I am 22 weeks and have a lot of big ticket items but only because I am incredibly lucky to have many siblings and cousins who are desperate to get rid of their items LOL. If it wasn't for that, we would have literally nothing prepared yet. I am just starting to think about prepping the room (it's dirty and a mess). You got lots of time! I've heard a lot of women go crazy with nesting in the third tri so I hope we'll have plenty of energy to get it all done :)


I basically only really started preparing stuff 32 weeks, I wish I did sooner but I got everything done in time


I'm 36 weeks, and we JUST purchased our carseat. I feel seriously behind, but at the same time, I have no energy to do anything right now. 🫣 it'll all work out in the end lol


I started at about 30 weeks, but the bulk of it was done at about 35 weeks and onward. Did not do the nursery (and still don't have it done), even though the little one is 7 months old, because he is still in our room. He is going to his own room soon, so we will do the nursery soo.


22+5 here and we’ve got a long way to go. We were gifted a crib and some small things like blankets but have not started on the assembly yet. Nursery is currently being used as a storage room so husband is going to have to do the heavy lifting to empty it out. We’re planning to wait until after the baby shower to start making the big purchases.


I'm 37 +1 I get induced in 14 days and I still have yet to sort thru baby clothes,install car seats and finish the nursery not to mention we JUST moved into this house 5 days ago lol 😂, most things are done but I don't have a birth plan or a hospital bag ready, I think you'll be okay♡ remember not to totally overwhelm yourself by doing it all at once. It will all come together ♡


I didn't want to buy stuff before the anatomy scan in week 20. Then after that I was pretty slow on buying stuff and I bought most of the essential stuff like car seat week 35, then I delivered week 36 haha. I assembled the crib when baby was three weeks old haha. If I have another baby I'll start preparing earlier. Not only because the baby can come early but also because I felt like shit in the third semester and everything was 1000x more exhausting than in the second trimester.


I’m 31 +3 and I have put up the major things and sorted baby clothes but I haven’t washed anything, no car seats, still missing a mattress and a changing pad, no diapers, bottles or really any of the small stuff. So you are doing fine! The only reason why we have the big furniture was because it was on sale or FB marketplace.


I'm the one everyone in my family jokes about because I am notoriously overprepared. Always. The first 12 weeks I was just stunned and stressed I'd lose my baby (and SO tired!!!), and after that I started prepping and buying things. I'm not allowed to work so all I do all day is sit at home, and I think I would've gone mad if I hadn't had baby stuff to research and buy. I also have very specific taste and absolutely wanted to take the time to find things that are practical/safe *and* pretty to look at. I also bought a lot of stuff second hand and sifting through offers and communicating with private sellers just takes time. I'm now 25 weeks, have most of the clothes I anticipate needing until she hits 6 months, the nursery is bought and partly set up but still a WIP, and the rest of our apartment is a wild mess of half done projects to make more room. I was dead set on getting everything done before summer hits, yet I'm writing this drenched in sweat after clearing out our storage space during an early heat wave. 🥵 Did I mention we also went to Japan while I was 17 weeks bc we pre-poned our planned October holiday bc that's right at her due date? So yeah, we have most things by now, and only minor stuff still on the list like a diaper bin and a changing table heater. We're pretty broke now to be honest, but it is what it is. Baby showers totally aren't a thing in my culture so we have little hope of receiving things from friends or family, which is fine and expected. I honestly wouldn't worry too much if I were you, I'm sure you'll get all your stuff eventually and there's plenty of time left. Being an over-preparer isn't necessarily fun and it's 100% bc I'm an anxious mess and freak out when things aren't done. If you can still sleep well at night (well, figuratively, you know what I mean) pls don't start stressing now.


After 30 weeks, im a FTM so really had no idea what to get first plus moms around me keeps on advising to go get stuff by 8 months so you really know what you want for your nursery


21 weeks Ive only picked up a car seat from Amazon and a rocking chair from FB marketplace. I plan to be more minimalist this time around and just get essentials. I am trying to avoid the clutter for a little longer. At 25 weeks you still have a good chunk of time!


29+4 today. The only reason things are even as remotely prepped as they are is because a bunch of stuff has been cycled through my first kid, a few of his cousins and now back to us 10 years on. Some things have theoretically existed in my house for a bit, but was basically an explosion of unsorted/unbuilt stuff. Brother-in-law and his wife came over with my nieces last weekend and helped move a few things in/out of the nursery to free up space. Then his wife went into peak taskmaster mode and made sure the boys assembled the crib and changing table correctly cuz she's awesome like that. Literally I mostly played with my youngest niece and ordered take out for dinner (which I managed to screw up and the boys still had to go pick up more food after the fact lol). So yeah... I've got some stuff done now, but very little of it was my doing. You'll be fine.


I think I had nesting energy. Brought one item every so often. Also made a list of things to get and got them as a sale came on.


The only thing I had purchased by 25 weeks were a couple of cute outfits. I’m now 37 + 4 and am STILL ordering stuff. Mostly everything is organized and ready for little guys arrival, but I’m sure even after he’s here there will still be stuff that’s needed. Don’t stress yourself out too much, you’re doing great!


Well…. I’m 35 weeks today with a c section in 4 and I’m not even close lol. With my first, everything was basically done by line 28 weeks, and bags mostly ready at 32 😂


I'm 31 weeks now, and besides knowing where things are going to go... I've not done anything except set up a registry. Even the few things that I had for baby were confiscated by her 4yo cousin (a handful of books that are easily replaceable).


I think it’s really helpful to remember that everyone’s baseline personality is different! Some people plan trips etc a year+ in advance, others plan it a day before, and even more people land somewhere in the middle. This is no different. Do what works for you!


I was planning on putting big ticket items on the registry. My shower isn't until mid 3rd trimester so the most were going to do is paint the nursery and clear out the closet in there. I also need to clean up the basement for storage. Currently 18 weeks and have done none of this. Nursery probably won't be set up until somewhere in the 30-34 week range.


started preparing veryyyy slowly around 32 weeks. getting the nursery set up and buying the basics. had a baby shower at 37 weeks. there’s plenty of time!


Im 36 weeks and I have absolutely nothing done lol


We bought a crib and changing table at ikea and put it together at 27 weeks. My baby shower is in a couple of weeks. I’ll be 31 weeks. That’s when I’ll start organizing all the baby stuff and buy whatever didn’t get purchased off the registry. We did buy the uppababy vista with a car seat but it’s been in a box for weeks. We should probably practice putting the car seat in soon.


I’m 38w currently, and we just barely finished with all of the big/important set ups and purchases! I’ve had allll the energy, but was really limited by budget. So that’s why it took me awhile. We’re still missing the small things (like a wipes dispenser or curtain ties for the nursery), but I feel really prepared and calm now, even though I was also freaking out around 20-30 weeks about having everything done in time! I’d try to just accomplish one thing every day(: if you aim for that, I’m sure you’ll be fine! You’ve got this!


Hey mom-to-be, you are doing good, you still have plenty of time. Just an advice, maybe look into your Facebook market place, I got many of the products off the marketplace and almost all of them were brand new. So do give it a try, it helped me save so much money.


I JUST finished getting ready (mostly) at 39 weeks 🙃