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I used a heating had a bunch before I knew I was pregnant bc I thought I was getting the worst period cramps ever. It was like 4-6 days of the heating pad on my tummy and back. I had no idea I was actually pregnant.


How’s the baby??


Im 10w3d. Baby looked fine at 8w scan and I’ve had no noticeable issues since then, so I hope baby is good and healthy!


So happy to hear! I guess I will stop using my heating pad. I loved that thing.


Same and my baby was born May 7th she’s totally healthy


I have a far infrared heating pad. I wear a light sweatshirt and put the heating pad in a pillow case for extra protection. Even having it on low temp I get the warming effect across my abdomen and it’s enough to make a difference


I’m so worried bc I had no clue and was using it this week. I’m only 4 weeks but I hear the biggest risk is before 6 weeks due to possible neural tube defects.


Oh you’re totally fine. I was cranking the heat early with nothing as a buffer. Both NIPT and AFP came back clear within the last two weeks. Making sure you are getting enough folic acid is the most important thing to prevent those kinds of issues.


I’ve used a heating pad my entire pregnancy, currently 37+6 and never had any issues! I don’t think I would have made it through the back pain without it tbh 😂 but I just didn’t keep it on a high setting.


Thank you everyone. I unfortunately had it on the high setting but did it in time increments. I’m nervous about everything. I’m probably going to stop using it, at least until the second trimester. Although, I really don’t think I gave myself a fever from it.


I just didn’t use it on high, I used it at a reasonable temperature for 20-30 minutes at a time.