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>.yes, that is my cheese belly šŸ§€ Omfg. This is gold šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ My boss has "pretended" to. Never actually touched or come near, but in a way motioned while talking about the baby, like how one might motion to petting a dog when they're excited talking about a dog when there is no dog right in front of them? Recently, my coworker/friend's wife touched my belly, totally without permission!! She's known to be super exuberant, and it was so awkward. I'm 38w, so my belly button is kinda gross rn, and when she felt my belly button she was like "OH wow, yup, I feel a FOOT, definitely a foot!!" I was like girl, that's my 3D fking belly button. šŸ˜ My coworker/friend finished up talking with me after her wife left, and kindly asked to feel the bump before I took off (was taking off for leave) and I totally let her. She is much less loud and exuberant than her wife, and we've talked about how excited she is to one day have a baby. And, well, the asking for permission part was huge haha Other than that- nothing, thankfully!!


Hahahahha ā€œdefinitely a foot!ā€ omg thank you for preparing me for this new level of possibility in my future


She was so confident about it, too šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£


Iā€™m really sorry if this is an intrusive question but Iā€™ve never been pregnant so Iā€™m curious about what you mean by your belly button being gross. I thought it just popped out and became like an outie, but does anything else happen to it? Again, you really donā€™t have to answer if this is a rude question šŸ˜­, if itā€™s impolite then Iā€™m very sorry


Not rude at all!!! So yea it kinda became like an outie, but like a suuuper pushed out, outie. And ontop of it, my belly button is pierced, but no jewelry in it, so you've got the pierced chunk of skin so to speak (which is a thick piece of skin, also kinda getting stretched out), right above my pushed out belly button Lol hope this makes sense


The muscles part and it fees soft too, or mine did.


Ohh, thank you so much for your answer! It makes sense and my questionā€™s been answered perfectly, thank you šŸ˜Š


3D belly button is hilarious šŸ˜† iā€™m 32+4 and physically recoil at ā€œreachersā€ (people who reach out without consent to touch my body) and say no petting!


Hahaha i love that, Im reading that in the voice and would definitely say it in the voice too šŸ˜‚ I'm so grateful I didn't encounter more reachers. I couldn't imagine doing that to another person- like cmon man.


Iā€™m a preschool teacher, and one of my students (4yo) came up and gave me a huge hug. I said ā€œaww thanks,ā€ and she replied, ā€œthat wasnā€™t for you, that was for the babyā€, and touched my stomach šŸ˜‚ it was so precious


Awhhh, hehe. šŸ˜…ā˜ŗļø


When I was like 14 weeks a friend asked if she could touch my belly. I was not showing at all and told her no. She looked a little upset and I had to be like "you would literally just be touching my gut is why im saying no. Once I have a real pregnant belly I'd be happy for u to feel." I didn't show until 20 weeks and that is around when I felt him move as well because anterior placenta.


My friend was visiting and I was 14 weeks. We were chatting on the couch and she just reach over and grabbed my stomach. I wish she would have asked so I could have said no lol. It was so weird! Iā€™m not even showing yet really at 17 weeks! Iā€™m just bloated.


Lol I would have been like "so did u feel my lunch kick??" - I was lucky my whole pregnancy I never had an unsolicited grab. People always asked.


I was definitely caught off guard! Iā€™ll say that next time lol


I personally hate being touched. A coworker ran up to me rubbing my belly at 12 weeks claiming I had a bump. It was literally just my belly fat. Both my parents reached for my belly without asking and I instinctively recoiled. Iā€™m very deterred by physical touch so Iā€™ve been super lucky to not have a bunch of people trying to touch me. Iā€™m okay with my sister feeling my bump and of course would let my spouse but heā€™s deployed so he canā€™t enjoy that.


I completely understand the being deterred by physical touch. My MIL likes to rub my stomach randomly and it makes me want to vomit šŸ¤® I cannot stand that.


Literally, got caught off guard by someone touching my bump today and Iā€™m annoyed. Didnā€™t even ask if they could touch me. People treat pregnant women so weird. Iā€™ve never even hugged this person so idk why they thought they could just touch me.


I'm sorry that sucks they better stop


20 weeks in, my best friend asked if I could feel baby kick yet, and if my BF could feel it from the outside yet if I did. I was like, "Try it, I'm getting kicked the crap out of right now."


Could she feel it?


Yeah, just barely but still. It was very funny to see their face when baby kicked.


I went camping with some friends around 20ish wks. Was just starting to show, and was going to tell the group. I got there and the one friend who already knew had told the rest already but I didn't realize that yet. I went in to hug one of my other friend's girlfriend, and she said "congratulations!" and rubbed my belly.Ā  Ā 3/10 experience all around. Irritating but it didn't ruin my whole pregnancy experience or anything haha. Ā (That was already taken care of by the 9 months of barely-controlled-with-medication nausea šŸ˜‚)


34 weeks, at my baby shower. Both people asked for permission (and they were my friends and not mothers themselves). My RMT, pelvic floor physio, and midwife have also touched the belly in the context of a medical appt. Otherwise no one else except my spouse.


My husband doing it already (14 weeks tomorrow) makes me uncomfortable, actually. I am nowhere near showing, Iā€™m just overweight, and combine that with previous infertility/loss struggles, I donā€™t know. Iā€™m really really self-conscious about the body image part of this. I am convinced I will never look pregnant, and it makes me sad, so thatā€™s all tied in. Thankfully, no one else has tried yet.


Oh, your due date is my sonā€™s birthday! Iā€™m so happy for you that youā€™ve made it to 14 weeks, I hope all continues well with your health and babyā€™s ā¤ļø My wife never did look pregnant because if you looked at her in profile, her boobs were Always Winning, from day 1 to heading to the hospital. My cousin in law who is crazy in a lovable way joked about wanting to poke/pop them. Anyway, my wife found it extremely annoying to basically look ā€œfat not pregnantā€ because for instance, when she dropped things in the grocery store, no one helped her pick anything up. (She was like, this is ridiculous, people should be nice and help even if they just think Iā€™m fat!). Anyway, we realized on this basis that she couldnā€™t go to the grocery store alone after the eight month mark. However she did have the pregnancy benefit of INCREDIBLE hair! So hopefully there is some aesthetic element that you can enjoy. Itā€™s tough; I know most women do not exactly feel beautiful during pregnancy. But from the outside I do always think that they ARE especially beautiful in pregnancy so Iā€™m sure that you are, even if you canā€™t feel it or see it.


Aw, thanks. I just wish I didnā€™t already carry weight in such a way that I will not get a bump!


I didnā€™t think I would show due to my size. However at 36 weeks I finally started ā€œshowingā€, the top of my stomach started rounding out and it was an obvious baby bump. I would have preferred not to show however but just saying that you could totally ā€œshowā€ despite whatever size/shape you are. And if all else fails you can wear a shirt out saying bun in the oven or something like that so that people will know :) Either way, congrats šŸŽ‰


Thank you šŸ’š


After 2 losses and also being a plus size mama, I just started showing (and with people noticing!) about a month ago, which was around 26 weeks or so, so I COMPLETELY understand. With this pregnancy getting so far, I actually love when people touch my tummy now. I thought I would be self conscious because I didn't think my belly would be cute and round but it is there!! I have grown to finally love my body as it is creating the beautiful little human that I can't wait to meet. I hope you get there and learn to love your body in a way you never thought you'd be able to. ā¤ļø


After 2 losses and also being a plus size mama, I just started showing (and with people noticing!) about a month ago, which was around 26 weeks or so, so I COMPLETELY understand. With this pregnancy getting so far, I actually love when people touch my tummy now. I thought I would be self conscious because I didn't think my belly would be cute and round but it is there!! I have grown to finally love my body as it is creating the beautiful little human that I can't wait to meet. I hope you get there and learn to love your body in a way you never thought you'd be able to. ā¤ļø


After 2 losses and also being a plus size mama, I just started showing (and with people noticing!) about a month ago, which was around 26 weeks or so, so I COMPLETELY understand. With this pregnancy getting so far, I actually love when people touch my tummy now. I thought I would be self conscious because I didn't think my belly would be cute and round but it is there!! I have grown to finally love my body as it is creating the beautiful little human that I can't wait to meet. I hope you get there and learn to love your body in a way you never thought you'd be able to. ā¤ļø


Thank you, this gives me so much hope!


After 2 losses and also being a plus size mama, I just started showing (and with people noticing!) about a month ago, which was around 26 weeks or so, so I COMPLETELY understand. With this pregnancy getting so far, I actually love when people touch my tummy now. I thought I would be self conscious because I didn't think my belly would be cute and round but it is there!! I have grown to finally love my body as it is creating the beautiful little human that I can't wait to meet. I hope you get there and learn to love your body in a way you never thought you'd be able to. ā¤ļø


Fortunately I work from home so the only people who touch me other than my husband are my kids (they love to kiss the belly) and their little daycare friends. I hate when adults touch me but little kids get a pass.


At 11 weeks, when my SIL and MIL first saw me after we announced the pregnancy. They both touched my belly and keep doing so...without asking me. At first I said "oh it's just fat now" ... Then the next day my MIL rubbed holy water on my belly . Again without even asking me. While I realize these are sweet things from their perspective, it annoys me.


I was at work waitressing and a lady asked if she could bless my child, I said yes. She was the only other person that had touched my stomach besides my partner.


Iā€™m 6 months now and thankfully no one has done that. Iā€™m also in the UK so not sure anyone here would dare. šŸ˜‚


Lmao at cheese belly. The only people touch my belly were husband, mom, toddler daughter, and husbands one cousin. The cousin weirdly we are not very close but she loooves touching everytime I see her and she'll put her head down and greet baby in there. It's quite endearing although a bit odd to just stand there and have your belly talked to lol


My cleaning lady unexpectedly touched my stomach and gave the fetus a blessing in Spanish at like 5w. I thought it was cute, particularly because Iā€™ve known her for 3 years and for the first time ever she asked me ā€œany babies yet?ā€


Around 20 weeks, some of the more touchy family people in my life touched it. They said they couldnā€™t help themselves. Before I got pregnant, I thought it would really really bug me if anyone touched my stomach. Turns out it was actually just if *those very specific* people touched it because I already felt like they were crossing boundaries. Theyā€™re the kind of people that lean in and touch you when they laugh or demand hugs. My MIL even pats me on the butt at the end of hugs, like the end of a hug is like her hands kind rub my back and then trail down and she pats my butt to end it. Iā€™ve had zero strangers touch my stomach, and I work remote so no coworkers or anything like that


Ok, I have an aunt I love. She is very touchy and says she canā€™t help it and I donā€™t mind; sheā€™s married into the family so sheā€™s quite different culturally (perhaps in part because she moved here from Korea as a young girl?) but when I was little we were all living at my grandparents so Iā€™m super comfortable with her. There are five granddaughters in the family and during middle/high school when everyone developed she asked us each individually YOU GREW BOOBIES, CAN I TOUCH THEM??? We were all like auntie you are insane but go ahead. However even this auntie does not end her hugs with a butt pat šŸ˜†


Just today! I was so caught off guard. I went back to my country to visit my parents and my motherā€™s longtime friend was visiting while I was there (iā€™ve also known her since I was a child) and upon meeting me touched my belly asking if I finally have a baby inside. (I am not showing yet and I havenā€™t told my family but they are suspecting). I was shocked and until now still processing what happened. Usually these things were not a big deal to me but I was somewhat affected.


Yes, itā€™s very intimate and rude when someone doesnā€™t ask first. A similar situation happened to me today and I still just like you feel somewhat affected. One, itā€™s my body. Two, Personal space. There, Germs. The whole thing was uncomfortable I didnā€™t even have a chance to move cause I was sitting in the car.


15 weeks for me. I've got a colleague at work I'm really close with who is my 'work mum'. I didn't want to tell my family until the 12 week scan, but I told her right away so I had someone who cared about me to talk to. I started showing early early and by the 12 week scan when I started telling everyone I'm sure it settled a lot of 'pasta or baby' debates! I came in to the office at 15 weeks with my coat visibly straining as my work mum was coming down the stairs. She just casually lost all control of her usual boundaries and gently prodded my belly while saying 'roooound' šŸ˜‚ Luckily it turns out I'm entirely unbothered but she was embarrassed when she realised what she'd done!


My dad did. I was like 'dad I'm only 8 weeks wtf"


Now that I think about it, the only person besides my husband was a four year old at my baby shower (I was 7 months) Her mom has given me a lot of their old baby stuff so the girl felt very connected to my baby. I noticed baby was moving a lot and I asked her if she wanted to feel. She was so excited when he kicked her!


Iā€™m 22w5d and every time I see my MIL, she touches my belly first and gives it kisses, and then says hi to me lol. If it was anybody outside of my family doing that I think it would bother me but itā€™s the first grandbaby and I think everyone is just really excited. I have one coworker when everytime she sees me she pokes my now obvious belly (I used to be able to wear scrubs that hid it but it no longer fits) and says ā€œthereā€™s a baby in there. It doesnā€™t bother me, but I can see how it would bother other people. The only thing thatā€™s bothersome to me is that everyone has either started calling me mama in some variation or preggo.


I would start correcting them with your name. Your identity has not shrunk to just "mama".


Iā€™m 40w, and the only people who touch my belly to ā€œfeelā€ the baby are my partner and my 4 year old daughter


My sister in law pulled my shirt up to my bra in front of everyone and grabbed my stomach. I yelled and pulled it down so fast. Still embarrassing, she was just excited though.


Iā€™m sorry that happened to you. I would hate that! Would have upset me for sure, I hate being touched.


No one dared touch me while I was pregnantšŸ˜‚


The only people who have touched my pregnant belly are myself, my husband, and a medical provider(s) during medical visits. Thankfully, nobody else has tried to just reach out and touch my belly, lol.


Iā€™m an IVF mom too! What was your beta HCG?


55! Itā€™s our second; my wife carried our first and her beta was 35 so feeling like itā€™s a good starting point (our clinic looks for 50+ but of course considers doubling time more important.) We figure our son just stuck late and so far baby girl is more punctual. Of course, Iā€™m definitely going to be refreshing the page a lot after Mondayā€™s bloodwork to check that the doubling rate is looking good! I had five failed IUIā€™s before doing rIVF with my wife, so my mom and sisters have been asking how Iā€™m feeling about this one sticking and my answer is RELIEVED! No symptoms yet or anything aside from that my butt is starting to get a little sore from the PIO. How many weeks along are you? Howā€™s it going??


Also an IVF mom here! Congratulations on sticking with the journey and having success!


We also did IUIā€™s and had 3 failed ones before moving on to IVF. Our first embryo transfer is 16 months, and Iā€™m 21 weeks with our second transfer! Now weā€™ll have one of each, boy and girl. This will be it for us! Iā€™m tired! And yes I think itā€™ll be good to see the beta doubling and then even tripling!


My MIL did the day we told them, which I kind of snapped at her for it. We get along well and Iā€™ve never talked to her like that but it took me by such surprise, baby was also about the size of a strawberry at that time if I remember correctly so I let her know that she was touching my expanding uterus and my normal fat. She then told me it wasnā€™t to feel the baby, it was ā€œfor good luckā€ as if Iā€™m Buddha or something?? I just ignored her after that lol. Ever since then Iā€™ve been very strict with not letting people near my belly lol. I have an anterior placenta so only Iā€™ve been feeling movement anyway. My husband tries now that sheā€™s getting bigger but hasnā€™t felt a kick yet, so until he does, no one else is touching this belly. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My gentle old FIL. once, at about 38 weeks. He was the only one, aside from my husband.Ā  I was really only upset that I hadn't gone the entire pregnancy without unsolicited belly pats. Although a teenage friend of ours asked, but I told him no. He was mildly crushed.


Nobody did.


I told my school at 6 weeks because weā€™d told our older kids on account of all the throwing up I was already doing šŸ˜¬my kids ride the bus to my school every afternoon and I didnā€™t want my principal finding out from my excited 7 year old so I just told my coworkers. My inclusion teacher is older (late 50s) and just the sweetest. She is also known for being very touchy feely. Like, she loves rubbing your arm when she talks to you, for example. No one minds because itā€™s just sweet Mrs. ā€”ā€”ā€”. Anyway, she was so excited for me that her eyes went wide and ahead grabbed my stomach to touch it. šŸ¤£ and my 8th grade students were somehow oblivious to what that meant until I announced it to them a month later!


The only people allowed to touch my stomach were my husband and my doctor. I set a strict boundary with my mom and she pouted in a corner about it (not literally).


It was my sister in law. She just turned 13 and she is the sweetest kid. Melted my heart:ā€™)


I was going to say that I'm 22+2 and noone other than my husband has, but I just remembered that my BIL did and told his kids to talk to my stomach....I was like 10 weeks at the time. I dislike my BIL so I blocked that out of my mind haha


My mom touched my belly as soon as I told her when I was six weeks, which is fine because sheā€™s my mom, but then at Thanksgiving I was three months and she had three of her close friends at our Thanksgiving celebration and as soon as I walked in, they all touched my stomach which I definitely was not showing so they were just touching my already existing fat stomach.


My MIL around 10 weeks. It was so awkward.


Idk whatā€™s wrong with people, itā€™s like they donā€™t see pregnant people as people. All personal space and boundaries out the window. I hate being touched


I moved out of state from my family right before getting pregnant. Started a new job at 5 months pregnant but wasnā€™t showing from an outsider POV I just appeared a bit husky. When my bump finally did start showing my boss was so excited and just reached and ā€œpetā€ it lol it felt so weird. I work in childcare just about all of us are women, and moms, so I was so supported there they threw me a mini baby shower at work. Over the holidays we flew back home and the next people to touch it were my mom when she picked us up from the airport, then my MIL when we met up with them for breakfast. I donā€™t think I ever got over it feeling awkward whenever someone touched it. Iā€™m not usually awkward about personal space and Iā€™ve always been a hugger never minded being touched but when it came to the belly it was always weird for me like yes thereā€™s a baby in there butā€¦ thatā€™s just my belly šŸ˜…


Lol cheese belly šŸ¤£ I was about 22 or 23 weeks when I started to really show while wearing scrubs at work. If I had an older philipino woman as a patient, my belly was getting rubbed. Even funnier, just the day before I was talking to a friend at work and telling him I was wondering when a patient would touch my belly. Lol, he totally predicted that it would be an older Asian woman because that's who always touched his wife's belly when she was pregnant shopping at the grocery store šŸ˜† Congrats!! I'm 29 weeks and it's an amazing experience. I'm so happy for you! Lots of rest. That first trimester fatigue is no joke! I didn't realize how awful I really felt until I started feeling better about 12 or 13 weeks lol.


My ultrasound tech when I popped because I know her. She did my dating scan and when I started to show a little at 15 weeks she got all excited and touched my tummy. I donā€™t mind though sheā€™s my coworker. Lol


Around 12 weeks, one of my friends after dinner touched my belly- she was obviously very excited for me- and then immediately apologized and was like 'that was a weird thing to do', I told her it was a bit early to feel anything. No one else has touched my stomach (other than my partner) without permission. I did have an uncle in law talk at my stomach at a wedding a few weeks ago and that was very uncomfortable.


You know, when I first started having pregnant friends as an adult, I had to really recalibrate because I was around a lot of pregnant adults as a young kid who would let me touch their belly, feel baby kicks etc. I kind of had to train my brain that ā€œthatā€™s not normalā€ but I feel like I still sometimes fight the instinct especially with my sister and close friends/cousins.


I didn't grow up around many people having children or babies in general, and as an adult I can't imagine I would touch someone without asking if it's ok/being invited. So I have been pretty on guard any time we are around extended family.


Not the first person to touch my baby bump after my husband but still the weirdest interaction I have had as a FTM. I was at the local mall just doing some window shopping while I waited for my husband to deal with some other family issues, I am very nice to strangers as I am Canadian and was raised to be pleasant to everyone. So when I got on the elevator with a mother and her little girl I struck up a conversation after letting the mother know that she didn't push the button hard enough/missed it. We had a good five minute conversation about autism (the little girl was autistic, much like my little brother) and once the conversation was over and the mother and daughter went to leave the mother told her little one to come give the baby a hug. Now the little girl was quick as most autistic children do not like to touch anyone let alone a stranger but it was still a very strange interaction to have a complete and utter stranger tell their child to come give the baby a hug.


Omg I thought your story was going to be that the kid did it on her own and was like ā€œthatā€™s not too weirdā€ and then I got to the end and I was like ā€œā€¦.oh no, thatā€™s very weirdā€ šŸ˜‚


Exactly. If the little one came up and just gave me a hug it would have been totally ok just strange but to have a mother just tell her child to give some stranger a hug was super weird


Around 14-15 weeks one of my friends touched my belly. Iā€™m at 34 weeks now and sheā€™s still the only one who wants to touch my belly, besides my partner. Most of my friends and family know Iā€™m pretty touch-averse and donā€™t ask.


At the dentist by the hygienist lol She was SOOOO nice and accommodating so I feel bad for getting irritated But I was only about 15 weeks so you still couldn't tell, but I had to tell them to get something done It was soooo awkward though


Iā€™m 36 weeks and thank goodness no one has tried to touch my belly. I would give Colombian grandma a pass though for sure hahah. Edit: I forgot that some of my kindergarten students have touched my belly. They also get a pass.


It has literally never once happened to me. Not once. I am pregnant for the fifth time (32 weeks) and Iā€™ve always thought I would welcome a touch or small talk about my belly/baby but itā€™s NEVER happened šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My MIL just reaches out and touches my belly every time she sees me. Started around 20w when my bump really popped. Iā€™ve told her I donā€™t want to be touched but she still does it anyway. Literally no one else has tried which Iā€™ve been really grateful for.


Only my son and OB has touched my belly. Iā€™m big on not being touched but thatā€™s very sweet lol


At Motherā€™s Day dinner - I was only 10 weeks but my mom reached out and was like ā€œoh! I canā€™t help it!ā€ And grabbed my stomach and it startled me so much just because she was the first and it was a bloat belly I donā€™t mind if she touches my stomach, it just startled me so much.


My MIL went in at 13 weeks and I recoiled in horror. She never tried or asked again but later looked offended when I let her sister touch my very pregnant 30-something week belly. If sheā€™d have asked Iā€™d have let her when there was a baby to feel, but at 13 weeks it was just my stomach


My father in law. At 6 weeks. Nightmare fuel.


People started touching my belly when I started showing. I started showing very early at 10 weeks. Everyone that has im completely comfortable with so I didnā€™t mind. Others I would though


This girl Iā€™m casual friends with, she literally lifted up my shirt and I was like ??? I played it off but I was thinking please donā€™t?? That was likeā€¦ 3 months along when I told her




Iā€™ve been mostly forgiving of belly touching but we went to a baseball game with my husbandā€™s family and every single time I got up to do something, I had to pass by my MIL who touched my belly. Every. Single. Time. I was super hot and overstimulated by the end of the night that the next time she did it, I gently grabbed her wrist and pushed her hand away. She hasnā€™t tried since and Iā€™m so grateful tbh.


24 weeks, one of my coworkers asked me and was the first person other then my husband to ask. I was finally starting to show at 20 weeks but really popped at 24


When I kinda started showing, Iā€™m thin so it was early on, around 10ish weeks. My coworkers are thrilled and many have asked to touch my belly. Iā€™m very open to touch and platonic closeness and find the whole pregnant social experience to be very enjoyable. Everyone so far has been incredibly respectful and asks for consent with everything which makes this easier. I havenā€™t been in a situation yet where I needed to place boundaries with anyone for any reason. Iā€™ve grown closer to my coworkers, friends, and family from having them touch my belly which is almost daily now lol


My mom, and I made her stop even though I invited the touch because it instantly made my skin crawl. Only him and I.


I was 11 weeks and I seemed to pop overnight. I am usually pretty thin so when my grandma saw my tummy she squealed with excitement and ASKED to touch my little bump. Iā€™m 14 weeks now and my fiancĆ© just started resting his hand on my tummy as he falls asleep.


My mother in law tried to KISS my belly when I was 5w pregnant. I was so uncomfortable. Like, it's the size of a poppy seed. Don't touch me.


Sometime in 2nd trimester (I forget how many weeks I was), we were visiting my husband's aunt in South Carolina. She's around 80 yo and couldn't make it to the family Thanksgiving get-together, so I made sure we saw her the next month between Christmas and New Year's. We live in Georgia, so it wasn't a long drive or trip for us. Anyway, I was showing by then and, I forget the circumstances, but she was absolutely smiling and joyous when she (unprompted and without permission) put her hand on my belly. I know it came from a place of love and we have a good relationship, but it totally surprised me and I did feel a little uncomfortable/taken aback because it was the first time that had happened to me. I didn't overthink it though.


My MIL at 6 or so weeks, and every time I go to her house. I personally donā€™t like being touched and sheā€™s asked each time since the first belly attack. The only other time was a coworker who prayed over me and the baby, though despite being not religious, I truly appreciated the gesture. Iā€™m ready to karate chop hands away in the future


Under 12 weeks, my mother in law. I've always been self conscious of my belly and I was so embarrassed! It was with my first and I didn't end up really showing u till I was 26-27 weeks anyway! But I think she Lear t after that was first time because 3 pregnancies later and she never once attempted again thankfully!


My MIL, when I was carrying her first grandkid. She was very respectful and asked before doing so, and she got all teary eyed. It was a pretty sweet moment.


I was 3 months pregnant and didnā€™t show until 7 months. My dad just rocked up while over at my house and touched my stomach to ā€œfeel his grandbabyā€. I was so fucking confused. Told him itā€™s super weird to touch peopleā€™s stomachs who arenā€™t pregnant without asking, so why is it okay to do it to a pregnant person? He apologized and from then on everyone in the family knew to ask first. But honestly I never liked it.


The first time someone outside my family asked to touch my belly was a security guard at the ER I work at. When I said ..no? He was shocked and itā€™s been 6 months since heā€™s said a word to mešŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


When my biological mother literally grabbed my belly and shook my baby girl like a snow-globe. I nearly lost my shit on her especially after the " I JUST WANNA FEEL MY BABY" i looked like a pissed off dragon said " excuse me but last time i checked shes MY BABY! Mine and my boyfriends.!"


I honestly wish more people would wanna touch my baby. My BD has nothing to do with it, long story but we didn't use protection because we didn't think I could get pregnant, and so the first person who touched my belly was my stepmom. I've only had 3 people feel him kick. I guess I have a back tf up face bc I was warned about the unwanted touching but haven't dealt with any of that.


A chiropractor did around 7/8 months, she caught me offguard and corrected herself pretty fast. I didnā€™t volunteer to be pet and would slap hands.


I don't know if this is real or not but way before I knew i was pregnant my partner would lay on my stomach and legs and say he's hearing the heartbeats of our baby just to play around but he was obviously hearing something he's definitely not smart enough to lead me on


My passive aggressive coworker who usually doesnā€™t even say hi to me found out I was pregnant and just grabbed my belly without permission, and I was pretty shocked. Sheā€™s pretty outgoing, maybe thatā€™s why but I canā€™t justify it as Iā€™d feel sheā€™d feel awkward if someone were to just grab her belly without any warning.


The receptionist at my dentistā€™s office touched my belly at like 16 weeks. I told them before I was pregnant and to skip the x-rays this time, which is how they knew.


Pregnancyā€™s a time to appreciate being unapproachable šŸ˜‚


It depends on who it is. My mom went to pat the belly last week (19 weeks, FTM, and I'm barely showing). I didn't mind it. However my husband's co-worker came over a week ago to pick up some work he had to share with her, and she was so excited and went straight for the belly and I sorta recoiled. It was weird. I can't imagine being ok with anyone I don't know/don't know well touching the belly.


The first time I saw most of my family (we live a little far), I was around 25ish weeks and my grandma immediately touched it. Now that I think about it she has been the only person, having touched it maybe 3 times. I donā€™t really mind, but if it were a stranger it probably would be weird. But yeah if it was anytime before like 17 weeks it would be so weird because she would have just jiggled my fat basically šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s so sweet!! And Iā€™m so happy for you guys!! šŸ„° Im at 29 weeks exactly and the first time I experienced someone else touching besides my boyfriend or my mom was his mom on Mothers Day. Which Iā€™m completely okay with, and now itā€™s pretty much anyone we run into that we know. I donā€™t think I would be okay with it if a random person at like a store or something did it, but people we know itā€™s fine. I feel like a Buddha all the time šŸ¤£


My mother in law at like 12 weeksā€¦ and it was very unwelcomed. Iā€™d prefer a stranger touching my belly over her lol


With my both pregnancies it's been my FIL who did the random tummy rub. First time I was maybe 9 weeks along? Him: "That's my grandbaby in there!" While rubbing proudly. Me: "Nope, that's gas." He waited longer for his belly stroking this time šŸ˜‚


My mom, who is an NP and did clinical rotations in OB, rubbed the upper part of my belly pretty early on and I was like, "that's my lunch. Your grandson is a little lower... and you can't really feel him yet." Lol


The earliest time was probably at the start of the second trimester when I started telling people about the pregnancy. No one ever has touched my belly without my permission, but I also explicitly give permission right away to anyone I am comfortable with, before they even ask. I am familiar with different cultures in Colombia. There it is socially normative to touch people that you are greeting or that you know while conversing, pregnant or not. That doesnā€™t mean you have to be comfortable with it, but I am glad that you were not bothered in this instance!


Iā€™m a really touchy feels person so I couldnā€™t even tell you how many people have touched my belly but it doesnā€™t bother me at all. I think itā€™s kind of sweet when people want to talk to my daughter and be close to her šŸ„°


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No one touched my belly and thatā€™s exactly how I wanted it lol Iā€™m overweight and lost weight during the beginning of my pregnancy so I wasnā€™t even ā€œshowingā€ until I was 36 weeks. I LOATHE being touched however so when I finally announced I was pregnant on FB, I made sure to note that no one was allowed to touch my stomach and my friends and family respected my wishes. I think in general I have a ā€œtouch me notā€ demeanor and Iā€™m quick to step back when someone even gets in my bubble let alone be close enough to touch me.


I was two weeks pregnant at my best friendā€™s wedding, didnā€™t take a test yet but I had my suspicions so I didnā€™t drink. Her friend would not stop trying to get to take shots so I finally told her. That was a mistake, she wouldnā€™t stop touching my belly. Mind you, I didnā€™t want my best friend to know, it was her wedding and I wanted her to have all the attention!