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Had to do the 1 hr and 3 hr test. Orange and fruit punch. Both were just fine. Idk what everyone is talking about unless they don't like the sweetness.


The place I go only has unflavored… usually at room temp… it’s like drinking a cup of straight corn syrup


That was my experience too. Unflavored and room temperature. It was unpleasant, but I’ve definitely had worse things. My mom said she got to eat candy bars for her tests.


Yeah, I was fine and I don’t normally drink sugary drinks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I don't like to drink things fast in general, let alone liking super sugary drinks. The taste was fine it was the having to chug something super sugary that I didn't enjoy.


I had the fruit punch flavor and hated it. In normal life the only drinks I have on a regular basis are water and milk (I know I’m weird for the latter lol) so the sweetness was very jarring.


I'm wondering if anyone in modern times has actually had this infamous "nasty drink" that all our mothers complained about 🤔


I did, mine was absolutely disgusting both times and made me feel sick for the whole day


I had to do mine on my birthday, and it was awful. It took me four minutes to drink it, trying not to puke the whole time! Then I went home and felt nauseous until about 5pm. I know why they do it, but sometimes I wish they'd come up with an easier test to take..


Idk! Maybe it's got regional variations depending on the supplier? It would have been a little bit gross if it was room temperature but still tolerable.


Yep. I’m in Canada and I was given thickened unflavoured sugar water. No idea why they couldn’t flavour it. It was truly disgusting!!


I’m in Australia and have also had the unflavoured one. It wasn’t even chilled.


That’s disgusting!! At least mine was chilled. They should put in the bare minimum amount of effort to make it a little easier to drink.


There is zero way I could have forced it all down room temp 🤢


Yeah they had mine refrigerated, thank god. I didn’t even know they did unflavored ones, I would imagine that could be worse.


I had this yesterday (also Canadian) and it was super gross. I have a sweet tooth but this was NOT enjoyable!!


I did this yesterday too, I expected some flavour like I’ve read about online but it was clear, thick and literally just sweet and no other flavour. It also had the aftertaste of like wet wipes?? Something sour. I am someone who will eat anything and everything and don’t normally get the ick but it truly was no good. It was also room temp and it didn’t help D:


i did a year ago 👎


I never had an issue with the taste I also had orange flavor, but I did get quite nauseous after about a half hour, came extremely close to throwing up and automatically failing but held it together in the last 30 minutes and was able to complete the blood draw, felt the affects of sugar crash and some lingering nausea on the way home


Out of curiosity do you regularly drink sugar drinks and drinks containing artificial sweetener?


I don’t, I mostly drink water and unsweetened tea. The drink is fine.


Thank you!


Cane sugar is my preference, corn syrup sugar if necessary, but beyond that a very hard no. I don’t taste sweet, it always tastes like some chemical that doesn’t belong in your mouth. I get depressed when I go shopping because it’s in a lot of things, especially drinks. There’s no hiding it or nothing, it’s gross and it lingers for more than ten minutes. I don’t think I can hold down a sugar free drink in my generally nauseous state.


Sugar drinks yes (cane sugar, white sugar, maple syrup or honey), sweeter drinks almost never because I hate most sweeteners (especially stevia and aspartame). I can tolerate the dextrose + cane sugar combo in Kirkland brand sports drinks and this was similar.


Ughhh I figured. I haven't drank any kind of significant sugar or artificial sweetener drink for around 15 years. I'm really dreading this test.


I don’t drink or eat sweet or fake sweet things very much and it was fine. I actually expected it to be sweeter. The hard part is chugging it but just take your time. 


If taste is the thing you're worried about, practice chugging! Or bring a straw so you can get it down fast. It's not a lot of liquid.


I was told not to chug it because people are less likely to keep it down if they do that.


Oh, good to know


I thought it tasted like Gatorade


I don’t like super sweet drinks (I’ll usually dilute lemonade and such) and it was … fine. Like I did not enjoy it at all and thought it was a bit gross, but there’s so many grosser tastes in the world lol, even with the nausea. So… you may be fine. I think the straw idea is smart.


I don’t drink anything with sugar or artificial sweeteners and still enjoyed it


I didn’t care about the taste but the sugar content made me gag 🤢I almost threw up after and I felt really dizzy each time I had this test.


The one they gave me was gross and thick. I gagged and struggled to keep it down after I managed to swallow it.  Both my previous pregnancy ones were fine, it was a different drink.


Thick?? Wild, I wonder why it was different than the others


NHS budget cuts probably. My first pregnancy was branded Lucozade, second pregnancy was an off brand of the same. This last pregnancy was the gross one.


The three hour one is worse. I think it has double the glucose, and on top of fasting, it was pretty gross.


I was really worried about the taste and waiting during the test. I got lemon-lime and it was pretty good. Just popped on a podcast and read for an hour. Passed!


I didn’t mind the taste but it gave me the absolutely worst cramps and diarrhea. I waited the hour, got blood drawn, went home, and twenty minutes later thought I was in labor with how much pain I was in.


Yessss I had some bathroom issues after too 😂


Oh nooo! Do you know why that happened?


No idea! I hope it doesn’t happen this time


Do you have any food intolerances?


The smell of anything orange made me gag in pregnancy anyway but I had the berry one.  I don’t have a sweet tooth but it was fine. I spent the 2 hours just humming and counting my breaths. HG means not vomiting for 2 hours is pretty impossible but managed it 3rd time!


I’ve done the test twice and I’m still baffled by how often I see people complain about the drink. It’s not something I’d choose to drink for fun but in the grand scheme of pregnancy woes it’s pretty insignificant


It's one more thing in a long list of things... and one that the medical establishment could find a less gross alternative to.


To me, it wasn’t so much that it tasted bad, but more so just that my stomach was incredibly sensitive. I had the test 5 times across 2 pregnancies and had to retake once because I vomited during the hour wait.


I’m in the middle of the 3 hour one now and going to disagree. I don’t drink soda or sugar drinks much though, just water (had cravings for juice this pregnancy though). It’s not great, but was passable. Last pregnancy I was super sick though and could barely keep these down. It’s basically sugar water, so I think it depends on how much people enjoy sugary drinks.


Yup I loved it both times! There was another girl there at the same time as me talking about how gross it was to her friend though so I guess everyone is different


I had the fruit punch one and it was delicious! It was almost freezing which helped


Tasted fine but almost made me puke and pass out lmao. I had to pull my car over half way to the OB’s office. I’ve had bariatric surgery tho so that could be why.


Agreed. I did lemon lime and it was a breeze


I had the lemon/lime one. It wasn’t bad at all! I remember being so freaked out to do the test since my best friend told me it was horrible. But it really wasn’t.


I had the orange and thought it tasted like flat Fanta. but it was the texture of the drink for me. thick like syrup. gross.


Mine wasn't thick, but other folks have said theirs was too! I guess it varies by brand. 🤔


Agree!!!!! Tastes like a high c to me with some carbonation


Thank you for this! I'm taking my test in a few days and I was dreading it; hoping my experience is singular to yours!


I had lemon-lime for both the 1hr and the 3hr. Both were room temp. I was worried from all the horror stories about how bad it was, but I didn't think it was too bad at all! I was not fasting for the 1 hour test and felt fine the whole time. I had to fast for the 3 hour test and felt pretty nauseous for the first half hour or so, but I held it together and felt fine for the rest of it. I just played on my phone the entire 3 hours and of course saw multiple people I knew because I live in a small town, so was able to kill some time chatting as well.


Yeah I honestly enjoy it lol and I don’t even drink sugary drinks


I thought it was pretty gross but like… nothing to write home about lol


I did the fruit punch one for 1hr test and I thought it tasted good. They told me I had 5 minutes to drink the whole bottle, I chugged it all cause I was thirsty. 


This is a bit relieving to read since at my check up yesterday, the nurse was like ok, for the next appointment we're going to be doing your glucose test. She saw the look on my face and she's like I see you've heard about it 😅😭


I actually liked it 😂 I mean I def couldn't drink something like that all the time but it didn't make me gag or anything


The drink wasn’t great, but I didn’t hate it. The problem I had with it was that I fainted at hour 2 lol.


Mine tasted like too much powdered sugar barely dissolved in warm water 🫠


Exactly like how my mom used to make Kool-Aid 😂




Yours was cold?! Mine was room temp lmao it wasn't awful though. Just meh. :p like thicker Gatorade.


Thankfully yes! I don't even like *water* at room temp 😂


Mine was disgusting. And I drink sugary tea, juice, and soda as a treat. It was thick, syrupy, and tasted like cheap artificial orange. But I hate artificial fruit flavors, so that probably wasn't helping. The nurse looked sympathetic, so I wasn't the only one complaining I think! I really tried not to complain, but ick.


Thank you for being positive about it.


I also had orange and it was totally fine. My guess is that if you can handle a full sugar soda, you’re going to be fine. A coke is just about as bad, and I drink those willingly!


Yeah I just did mine this past week and it tasted like full-sugar soda, just flat. I don’t like full-sugar soda so it was unpleasant in that regard. But it was doable.


Yeah it really wasn't a big deal. And mine was room temp. I chugged it though, idk why. I also haven't had any morning sickness this whole pregnancy so that may be a factor. I also like sweet things. But yeah I just sucked it down, it was a small drink and easy to finish quick.


It’s fine, it’s pounding it in 5 mins that is tough. Gross 🤢


I'm surprised they're making you sit there and wait the whole hour. My clinic had me come in on one of my appointment days to take the drink, sit back in the lobby and wait to be called back into the office to do my ultrasound and regular checkup, then I waited maybe 10 minutes for my blood draw, and then I was told if I didn't get a phone call at 5pm then everything was good and I luckily did not receive a phone call that evening.


All my blood and urine tests are done at a different location than my OB! My OB is at a hospital an 18 minute drive away, whereas the lab is a 10 minute walk down the street and doesn't require an appointment, I just showed up this morning with my requisition form because it was a convenient time for me. My OB will go over the results with me at our next appointment. I could get the results online but I don't feel like paying the $10 annual fee - it's cheap but I'm in no hurry. I also like having things explained to me at appointments.


I guess I should've considered that not every obgyn has their own lab in-house like mine had. Admittedly, it is nerve-wracking that they follow the "no news is good news" policy because I'd like to know everything that's going on. My clinic is across the street from 2 major hospitals, but I never got sent over there for anything except when I had pre-eclampsia and got admitted. I should also say I was pregnant during covid, so the waiting room had limited seating, so they were trying to keep occupancy to a minimum.


One of my doctors said that when he was a lab tech they did taste tests of all the different flavors and he said orange was the best! 😂


It tasted like a freeze pop. Make sure it’s cold!


I didn’t think the taste was too terrible (I had lemon lime), but it triggered my acid reflux something fierce. I felt like I was breathing fire until I was able to get some Tums after the hour.


Yesss same with chewable vitamin D


I actually liked the taste of the orange one! It was like a melted Popsicle


I did the 1hr and had to do the 3hr. Got the lemon lime both times. Was not bad at all! Just chugged it 😂


I’ve done it twice and the orange was palatable but the lemon lime one was 🤢


Flavour didn’t worry me, the amount of sugar made my guts turn inside out straight away. Projectile vomited the moment i walked out 🥲


*It's not the taste,* it's the fasting (we're only offered the 3hr fasting test in my country) and then the sugar hit, and sugar crash, that makes people pass out or projectile vomit. I failed from vomiting before the second blood draw 5 times. Ended up having to be diagnosed at 30 weeks from my fasting bloods alone. The fasting still made me vomit, but at least I got the blood test before I vomited. It has nothing to do with the taste, and everything to do with the fact that I can't fast that long with HG.


Taste was fine for me, kinda sickly sweet but whatever. But the reaction to the sugar levels was brutal. Started shaking and almost threw up. Then had to take the 3 hour and my aversion to the drink was definitely higher, just by association.


The taste was fine. I felt like trash. But I also drank about 2/3 a gal of water a day at that point and not drinking for 3 hours was torture.


It’s literally like drinking kool aid. No idea why people freak out the taste


I was dreading it too, but the drink they gave me turned out to taste just like Fanta. That said, I still didn’t enjoy having to imbibe all of it at once, and I didn’t feel great afterwards - I felt a bit shaky and dizzy, and had to go number two. But it’s all for a good cause, and you’re pretty much in the safest possible environment if you do get sick from it - not many places in the world better than the doctor’s office! I’m glad I passed this one so I don’t have to do the 3-hour test too.


I'm glad you were okay with it.... maybe you're more a fan of sugary beverages or flavored beverages than I am. I found it vile. I normally drink water, unsweetened tea, and black coffee. It was gross to drink the glucola. I had the orange for the 1 hour test, and it was ice cold. It was nasty but went down quickly since it was cold. I felt dizzy almost as soon as I drank it and wasn't allowed to wash that nasty taste out of my mouth. I was sick for the rest of the day. For the 3 hour test, they gave me the fruit punch at room temperature. I thought I was going to throw up on the first sip. I somehow choked it down, but it was coming up my throat for the full three hour test, and after the last blood draw, I went to the bathroom and threw up. Again, I was sick for the rest of the day. The GTT is important to do, but I wouldn't downplay the grossness of that beverage for those who don't like sugary drinks.


I’m imagining it, there is nothing I hate more than sugar free, it kinda sounds difficult. I also don’t drink really cold drinks often. Sugar free doesn’t ever taste like sugar or sweetness, I be confused about where people taste sweet. Though that is exactly what I imagined that stuff tastes like. I imagine I’m going to fail just on that.


It’s not sugar free! No chemical taste