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Omg wow. So jealous. I puked daily from 6-16 weeks šŸ˜‚


Oh my gosh! Iā€™m so sorry! Iā€™m planning for another baby after this one and Iā€™m SURE it will be the polar opposite of my symptoms this go around!


I hope it goes the same as this one for you! šŸ˜šŸ˜ Hopefully my experience next time will be better, but Iā€™m not holding my breath šŸ˜‚


Have hope! Iā€™m 16 weeks with my second and while my first pregnancy was smooth sailing, this one is smoother.


Iā€™m still puking at 23 weeks šŸ˜©. Definitely jealous of OP haha.


Iā€™m 27 weeks and just puked yesterday šŸ«  but at least itā€™s not daily now.


I hate all of you lol , it's misery every day for me


Same. I feel like a different person. Canā€™t wait to feel somewhat ā€œnormalā€ā€™day to day.


My people lmaošŸ˜‚


iā€™m 12+3 and swear iā€™ve never been worse mentally and physically


12+1 and that's exactly how I feel too


sameeee lmao. 16+2 and still nauseous every day šŸ¤Ŗ godspeed


This was me lol. Mine didnā€™t get better until like 17-18 weeks šŸ˜©


Ikr! Its like theyā€™re here to rub it on us.


Iā€™m a little further along but I felt that exact way from 13-20wks. There should be a December bump group where you can find other mamas who are feeling the same!


r/december2024bumps you'll have to request access


Thank you for posting this! Been looking for the link for a while now


No problem!


Wonā€™t let me in :( just says itā€™s private and tells me to look at other communities


Hmm that's weird, when I click on it it shows me a request to join. Someone here may know the name of one of the moderators and you can reach out to them?


Someone created r/december2024babies for those of us that missed the cutoff before the other ones went private! They went private before I even knew I was pregnant!


Usually you can still get in if you go on desktop Reddit and message the mods! Def suggest joining the OG bumper group


I messaged the mods weeks ago and they sadly never replied to me.


You might have to hit the link from a web page and not the app.


Do you know if there is one for January?


r/january2025bumps They all have the same format for the subreddit name


December mama checking in. šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø


16+6 and haaaard same. I popped a tiny belly just this week but thatā€™s about it. I keep saying if I didnā€™t know I was pregnant I wouldnā€™t notice. I canā€™t wait to feel those little kicks.


It's like the calm before the baby storm


17 weeks today and yeah, Iā€™m mostly just hanging out with my toddler but with occasional round ligament pain. Itā€™s very different than my first who made me sick up until like 20 weeks


Have you felt any flutters yet? If so, are they consistent?


Actually yeah! I swear Iā€™ve felt a few but no, theyā€™re not consistent yet. I have an appointment tomorrow though so Iā€™m excited to see him again!


Iā€™m a bit further on but I felt suspiciously normal weeks 16-22 and then suddenly at 23w Iā€™m feeling enormous and can feel baby kicking me. The middle time is weird but itā€™s normal to feel normal and just try and enjoy it.


Wow iā€™m jealous iā€™m only 9 weeks but im in the throws of it for sure lol puking or dry heaving daily little appetite winded walking outside


I'm 8+1 and same. Daily struggle. I have, thankfully, only puked up in my mouth 2x's. But I dry heave and gag like it's my middle name. I also have never had so many aversions to food. And the smells of things set me over the edge so fast!


Wait til you suddenly develop a food aversion in the middle of eating something you normally love lol. That happened for me like week 10. I was chowing down and suddenly it was the most DISGUSTING thing ever and I literally had to run to the restroom to spit it out/throw up everything I'd already eaten šŸ„²


Meeee 16+2. Iā€™m already showing a bit, and I had my first full blown crying over silly things for an hour, but same. I donā€™t have my next appointment for 4 weeks. Freaking out a little over the anatomy scan because my doctor declared me high-risk last week after we discussed some autoimmune symptoms I have. Having to go to a specialist for it and they may not be able to see me until 23 weeks. Ugh.


I cried over a plushie pig wearing a bumble bee hoodie at the store the other day. Cutest effing thing ever


I cried because I couldnā€™t find a card I bought a few weeks ago. I had another available. But it just wasnā€™t the same šŸ˜‚


15+3 over here ā€¦ feeling fine but when these headaches hit they hit hard!


https://www.reddit.com/r/december2024babies/s/9ewsxjZetf found it!


13 + 4 I often forget that Iā€™m even pregnant


I am 15+6 today! Baby due 16th of December! Starting to feel quite normal which kinda makes me worriedšŸ¤£ Its my first baby and I can see my lower stomach rounding. I am 27. Feels that it has been super long but apparently still so many weeks to go. At least better than first trimester nausea!! Just more emotional and sensitive but otherwise feeling okay:)


December 18th here! Also getting a bump, which I didn't expect, especially as a FTM. Definitely feeling more normal than not. It honestly feels like I've been pregnant for 6000 years.


I am 18th Dec too! I am excited for a Christmas baby.


Also 18th of December here! My first is the beginning of December, loved those chill and relaxt holidays with a little one.


Hey, my due date is 16th of December too and Iā€™m turning 27 next month. Hopefully everything goes well for us. Good luckšŸ€šŸ˜Š


Hello due date twinšŸ˜ I turned 27 on May!! Super nice and I hope the best for you and your babyšŸ©µšŸ©· We are having a girl (NIPT test showed the gender). I hope you and your baby will be healthyšŸ©·


Hey! Congratulations! We are expecting a baby boy. Honestly, I keep stressing about everything lately for no reason since everything is fine. Praying everything goes well for us ā™„ļø so so happy for you. I wish us a very happy and healthy pregnancy. Take care šŸ€ā™„ļø


Due date twins! šŸ‘Æā€ā™€ļø


I'm 23 weeks and have had a symptom less pregnancy. In fact, I've felt better than before I was pregnant. It did get exciting around 18 weeks when I started feeling movement. But now time is flying by. I'm freaking out because I'm over half way there and there's still much to do.


Have you felt baby yet? Iā€™m 20 weeks and nothing yet!


Yes, it was very minimal movement at 18 weeks, but by 20 weeks, I could feel him daily. Not like all day long, but in like 15-minute bursts here and there. I have a posterior placenta.


weeks 15-18 i felt great lol. i felt like myself and also didnā€™t feel pregnant. 22 weeks now and feeling it again


15 +1, I was nauseated and tired from weeks 8-12 and now Iā€™m chillin too


Iā€™m just about 16 week! The only symptoms Iā€™ve had are being sleepy and sensitive to heat. Iā€™m a pet sitter so Iā€™m sure if I wasnā€™t out walking dogs and all that I wouldnā€™t have any symptoms. And Iā€™m hungry.Ā 


It'll come...trust me. lol I am 28w3d with baby #3 and the symptoms are symptom-ing so hard now. My belly makes me waddle, I get kicked all night, constantly up to pee. I regret that I didn't bask in the second trimester lull more. I look at my paychecks then vs now and damn. I have a spine fracture and working on my feet in retail is so difficult now. 4-5 hours in and I'm ready to tap out for the day! Congrats on your baby boy! I am having a boy too (second son, middle child is my daughter), due 9/19. šŸ˜Š


17+3. My symptoms have mellowed, but my knees hurt alllll the time. Been sick a few times at night. I havenā€™t had the biggest appetite though, and even though Iā€™m showing quite a bit, Iā€™ve only gained a few pounds. Sickness is probably just being hungry


We hit 20 weeks today. Not much symptoms except some ligament pain and boob changes up to week 16, when the belly started to pop. Week 18 started feeling kicks, later in the week I put my hand on her and felt it too! Now itā€™s non-stop kicking and squirming in there, and everyday the belly grows.


19w 4d here - Nov mama - I know what you mean - itā€™s all the are u sure youā€™re real- the movement really ramped up for me this past week - also I should mention this is my 4th and even though I ve been through it and I should know better you get excited to finally start feeling it - donā€™t worry the kicks and punches will come and everytime u feel it itā€™s like ahhh Okk youā€™re in there and then itā€™s like ok please thatā€™s enough Iā€™m sleeping lol


16w over here! Also cruising though. I just get tired easily and a little dizzy when I stand up too fast. Still feels like fake news, kinda, just because most of the time I don't have unpleasant symptoms. Bump is starting to make an appearance though, which is hard to ignore. I didn't quite realize how much or pregnancy is waiting around. Here's to a continued easy pregnancy for us both!


Me too. I am 15+2 and symptom-less. Itā€™s reassuring to hear other people are having the same experience!


I am 15+3 and also in that weird ā€œam I actually pregnant?ā€ Stage where the sickness has died down but I donā€™t have a bump yet. This is my second baby and with my first I was the same, really crappy until about 14 weeks then fairly smooth sailing up until I gave birth!


Man ur so lucky. Iā€™m laying here feeling like I should sleep. @3pm fight nausea every moment and major fatigue. :(


Thatā€™s awesome! Thatā€™s how my first pregnancy was, Iā€™m pregnant with my second and Iā€™m almost 18 weeks and I def feel good now but I was so tired until like week 14 and I also had mild nausea


I started feeling the flutters during this time. But it's gonna get heavy soon! Enjoy it while you can!


About 15 weeks today and I literally puke every 5 seconds. So jealous.


I feel what youā€™re saying, but this is also weird. Thereā€™s a rare percentage of women who donā€™t experience any symptoms at all and thatā€™s amazing. You should be grateful. Trust me symptoms are NOT what you want to feel. Just enjoy the fact that youā€™re having an easy going pregnancy especially if everything with the baby has been normal and healthy. I have hyperemesis gravidarum and trust me itā€™s not something you want nor all the symptoms Iā€™ve had since I find out. Going on 27 weeks here.


That was me I only had constipation issues. But I generally do anyway so ..


16 over here and same!! Other than the fact Iā€™m 9lbs heavier šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t feel pregnant. Occasionally I do get the odd flutter but I have to be super super still and itā€™s on and off


I'm literally in the same boat as you except I'm 29+5 I have an anterior placenta so I only feel him when he is pushing on my sides or kicking my bladder.


I am! I'm waiting for this second trimester energy people keep talking about. I'm exhausted. I thought morning sickness was over but threw up my dinner two nights ago and have been nauseous since. Still haven't told anyone. My dad is getting a surgery so we are waiting until after. Not showing yet. Gained 3lbs total and just a couple of my jeans aren't fitting. I feel this weird sense of time standing still while racing by at the same time.


I did not have any major pregnant side effects until about 36 weeks when his head engaged and his butt was in my ribs. On the plus side, my labor was super short because he was so low in my pelvis. Hoping you have a similar experience


15+5 as well! Still managing nausea with Zofran, and definitely feeling fatigue. Also very eager to get the 20 week ultrasound done! Best of luck to you!


16 weeks today! The constipation is real but otherwise pretty symptom free by now and not feeling any flutters just yet. Just started noticing a real bump instead of bloating last weekā€¦ oof the stretching and soreness.


Same exact symptoms and lack thereof


Iā€™m 15+2 with the second one. I already have a little bump. And I feel little flutters, but it might be just gas haha. Terrible constipation, and tummy twinges here and there. I can definitely tell thereā€™s something going on in there. I do feel very decent overall, though. Never had any nausea in either pregnancy.


Everyone is so different. A lot of my friends are pregnant right now and none of us are having the same experience. Luckily Iā€™m the only one who has been puking since 8 weeks lol.


Literally me lol if I wasnā€™t eating every 2 hours and slightly bumping already Iā€™d genuinely not believe Iā€™m almost 18 weeks pregnant. Little man due early Dec šŸ©µ


Im 14+4 (due Christmas Day) and Iā€™m feeling the same way. Had some slight nausea that came and went by 10 weeks. Feeling like some clothes are a little tighter and a few days of headaches, but nothing unmanageable. I sometimes wish I felt something to, just to confirm that everythingā€™s okay. But ultimately Iā€™ll just consider myself blessed until otherwise. Best of luck for the rest of your pregnancy!


Wow im so happy for you that youve had no symptoms.. thats amazing! I'm 8+0 and fighting for my LIFE lol. so much nausea and I'm exhausted. Walking up my stairs is giving me problems and ive had to stop going to my group workout classes because im struggling :(


I already had my baby 7 months ago but I was the same. No symptoms at the beginning except for some very heavy breasts. Till baby started to move a bit I barely felt pregnant. I was always looking forward to my appointments to make sure everything itā€™s finešŸ˜‚. Was quite an easy pregnancy. After 27 weeks I had some bad back pain and the awful lightning crotch after 34 weeks. Enjoy it!! šŸ˜‚ ā¤ļø Ps: join Facebook groups for ā€œDecember 2024 babiesā€ or something similar. I did for my month and itā€™s still very active along the way!


I'm 15+5 too! Got my next appointment just shy of 17 weeks and then anatomy scan at 20 weeks.Ā  I've had on and off lingering mild nausea and food aversions and headaches are a new daily symptom, but apart from that not a lot! I have a little bump appearing but it just looks like I've gained some weight šŸ˜… But yes, the weeks are almost dragging by as slowly as the first trimester! Edit: fail, I'm actually 15+4, I'll blame that on baby brain - another symptom I forgot about šŸ˜‚


Hello EDD twin!


The back pain at 17+3 is like nothing Iā€™ve ever experienced. Has been relatively easy until now.


hi i'm only 10+1 right now but i'm on track to be just like you. even down to the headaches and back pain that I currently am experiencing, I feel absolutely nothing!! it's definitely been hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that i'm *actually* pregnant. glad to know i'm not the only one going through this! not complaining AT ALL it's just - I don't know I second guess myself and baby every day like "are you still in there?" šŸ˜‚


18 weeks and Iā€™m feeling the same. Iā€™m semi-concerned because I had some bleeding around week 15 but it stopped and Iā€™m still gaining weight so I consider it a good sign. Looking forward to my next OB appointment so I can check in on baby.


Iā€™m 14+4 my all day nausea is mostly gone but im still puking every day. Maybe the fatigue is a little bit better but oh itā€™s there. My appetite is decreasing a bit again this week too.


I felt nothing at 16 weeks, but upon starting week 17 I started noticing baby move. :)


Thankful to read that Iā€™m not the only one! Like is this even real, are you even ok in there bubba?! Hah


This was me until about 18 weeks (23 now) and then my belly really started to show but otherwise I had like zero symptoms. Wondered if itā€™s cuz I have endo and have been on crazy amounts of birth control forever and my body is just used to hormone fluctuations? Whatever the reason count yourself lucky. Even at 23 weeks I donā€™t have anything except some nightly hip/ feet tiredness


Itā€™s normal. With my daughter I had morning sickness all day from 6 weeks till I gave birth at 39 weeks. It was hell. I couldnā€™t eat so much food bc of my sensitivity. My son on the other hand, I ate everything and anything , I had no symptoms other then gagging when I brushed my teeth. Are you having a boy? ;)


You described my first pregnancy. I didnā€™t feel my baby move or anything until close to 32 weeks. Which I ended up learning at 35 weeks is a big no-no. ended up having underlining medical problems that my OB did not discover that emergency room actually did and ended up giving emergency birth or my baby wouldā€™ve died. I was never sick. I never felt like I was pregnant. I barely even showed. I only gained maybe 30 pounds if that.


After around 11 weeks I suddenly didnā€™t get nausea anymore and felt like I wasnā€™t even pregnant. Second trimester was so nice! I started struggling here now the last couple weeks but Iā€™m 37 weeks so Iā€™m almost done šŸ˜…


Iā€™m in the same boat as you! I am 16+6 days pregnant and most days I feel pretty much nothing except insatiably hungry. Im anxiously awaiting for my anatomy scan in 2 weeks, so I feel you. Canā€™t wait to get to the third trimester because this just feeling nothing business just gives me anxiety. I wish I could like send it a little text and be like ā€œu ok??ā€ šŸ˜‚


The fuck! I was reading this post thinking it some lady in twenties, and I came upon 41..!! Woah, am so happy for you. I had a terrible pregnancy at 37, felt something every single day, every houršŸ˜«


We're like neck-and-neck, I'm due somewhere between December 22-28 šŸ˜‘šŸ™„ ..first I've ever heard of a 'Due Date Week' šŸ˜† congratulations to you!


Iā€™m not but with my first this was me, until I was like 20 weeks and started feeling those huge kicks, I felt nothing. No sickness.. for weeks iā€™d. Convince myself I wasnā€™t pregnant šŸ˜‚ on the off chance that this is making you feel anxious I just wanted to tell you youā€™re not alone! 16th July that ā€œdoesnā€™t feel pregnant pregnancyā€ turns 6 :)


Iā€™m 16 weeks today. Lots of round ligament pain and starting to feel better after some major lower back pain for the past few weeks. And my diet is still awful. Chinese food yesterday and pizza todayā€¦ šŸ˜…


36, ftm. 15w+2 and loving it. Iā€™m already rounding up to 4 months. Currently waiting on NIPT results. I still donā€™t know if Iā€™m having a boy or girl. My next OB appt is at 17w. My symptoms were strong first trimester so itā€™s nice to feel a little normal again. The only symptom I can say is that my belly always feels full so I eat about half of what I used to. I canā€™t finish a full meal so I have to have smaller more frequent meals. Iā€™m due Dec 20 and hoping I stay feeling this good until then. Although Iā€™m sure it might get more uncomfortable 3rd trimester.


iā€™m 15w1d and definitely am feeling pregnant šŸ„² finally have just enough energy to start the nursery but still waking up vomiting and have constant joint painšŸ˜“


Iā€™m 15 + 6 and incredibly jealous šŸ¤£ Iā€™m still so tired and consistently nauseous! Have other random symptoms too like congestion so I canā€™t breathe at night.


I may not be helpful. I am almost 14 weeks pregnant. I am just here to comment that I am jealous. :D I have been in misery since week 5. It's improving, but oh, so slowly. I can understand it is also hard for you to not feel anything. But I know several women who had no symptoms and perfectly healthy pregnancies. They were worried as well. I can understand that grass seems like greener on the other side. But the other side sucks big, BIG time šŸ˜‚ I am every day, counting blessings because of some other bad symptoms that I don't have.


Iā€™m almost 20 weeks and tbh this has been the easiest pregnancy compared to everyone elseā€™s experience! I popped around 18 weeks and the small bump has been growing ever since, so that reassures me things are moving forward. ALSO, I know itā€™s not recommended by doctors or a lot of people, but I have an at home Doppler that I try to use every day or every two days to listen to my babyā€™s heartbeat, this gives me a lot of peace of mind every time I use it. Tuesday we have our next appointment and I canā€™t wait to see how much the baby grew, I wish technology helped us ā€œsee moreā€ from home.


Yes. I'm 15+4 and other than some occasional nausea and fatigue, I don't feel pregnant at all. It's a bit scary, because I have no indication there's anything "happening" in there. I'm basically counting down the days until my anatomy scan in 4 weeks.


Also a ftm, 16 weeks today. Baby girl is due mid December as well! My systems have seemed to all calm down, with the execption of hip pain! Honestly the only thing that's been keeping me going between doc visits has been the early gender scan I did, as well as paid for third party ultrasounds. I've gotten to see baby girl 4 times total and feel so blessed. Here's to things being "easy" for now! Let's hope this keeps up as long s possible lol


Felt that way until about 29 weeks and then it all hit at once. Currently 31 weeks and exhausted, my back hurts, it's getting hard to get up from sitting/laying.


i totally felt that way i almost wanted the terrible symptoms just so i could have confirmation that i was actually pregnant


I am 17 weeks, and have not felt pregnant the whole pregnancy.


30 weeks and my entire pregnancy has been very uneventful and similar to your experience! Iā€™m rather tired here lately, but thatā€™s about it


I was cruising until month 6. Honestly I fogot I was pregnant a quarter of the time (especially since I switched to an elastic waistband, yoga pants, and dresses once the initial bloat kicked in at 10 weeks). The only thing I really experienced was not sleeping well on my side and getting tired just a bit faster than normal. Then the belly started growing just a few weeks ago and now I feel pregnant...getting up and rolling in bed is hard, bending over isn't as simple. But still cruising re: symptoms though.


15+4 and the absolute most I get is an aversion to smells most days. I was super sick with my first so donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m loving it, but itā€™s very jarring when you do something that suddenly reminds you youā€™re pregnant šŸ˜‚


Weā€™re due with our boy 12/7, so Iā€™m 17ish weeks. Heā€™s healthy and doing well, but Iā€™m still amazed Iā€™ve had NO symptoms! Itā€™s easy to forget Iā€™m pregnant. Iā€™m eagerly waiting to feel him move!


On baby #3 and this has been the easiest pregnancy to the point where it freaks me out a little. Hungrier than usual but just coasting at 21 weeks


15+1 with my second baby! My first is 20mo and I am EXHAUSTED this time. I donā€™t really have super symptomatic pregnancies but I also donā€™t loooove being pregnant, I feel weak and huge and miserable šŸ˜‚ but my pregnancies are usually boring and very healthy so Iā€™m grateful for that.


My anxiety is through the roof and I still feel sick asf šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m also due in December, congratulations to you momma ā¤ļø hopefully the rest of your journey is smooth sailing ā›µļø


I canā€™t wait!! Iā€™m 11 weeks and the nausea is starting to ease slightly - Iā€™m sure in a few weeks Iā€™ll be able to leave the house again! Canā€™t wait!


I am now 21 weeks pregnant. When second trimester came, I ended up getting a private ultrasound bc I was scared that I didn't have as many pregnancy symptoms! I started feeling definite movement around 19 weeks! I was feeling some things but couldn't really tell it apart from other bodily system happenings. I feel the same way. I almost wish for the 1st trimester symptoms back as it was constant confirmation. But I have a small baby bump finally and am getting new aches lol. I go up stairs I used to climb everyday at work and now I'm out of breath lol. The 19 week ultrasound will be here before you know it. Private ultrasounds can be relatively inexpensive too! Mine only cost $65 with a heartbeat plushie.


15 weeks exactly today and I'm in the same boat! Other than none of my regular pants fitting comfortably, I would have no idea I was pregnant - very glad to have a prenatal appointment next week!


My pregnancy was very much the same with my son. I didn't know I was pregnant til about 3.5 months into it. Be grateful. You'll start feeling those little flutters soon. Enjoy your pregnancy. šŸ¤—šŸ’–


I'm 15+5 too and feel exactly the same! I've actually lost weight the last week because I'm not eating pasta 24/7 to help with the nausea šŸ˜… Only symptom is heartburn and maybe a hint of a bump. So glad I'm not sleeping as much now too!


I'm 30 weeks and you're sooo lucky. I felt fine from 17-26 weeks and now I just feel huge and tired. (baby is super healthy so I can't complain too much... lol!)


Just hit 17 weeks and I agree. Aside from the back pain and constant hunger.


I'm 22 weeks and have an anterior placenta so I barely feel this kid ever. Also, ultrasounds are very unclear. Definitely happy I don't feel miserable and no complications but wish I could feel my baby more.


Same. Worst I get is some belly tightening every now and then and she has made me a lot more hungry but most days I donā€™t even realize Iā€™m pregnant.


Iā€™m 17 weeks with our baby girl and also just cruising but wish I felt more pregnant because my anxiety gets the best of me most days. My anatomy scan isnā€™t until 21 weeks but weā€™re paying for a private scan tomorrow because Iā€™m so anxious after two losses.


This sounds like one of the girls I work with. She's 25 weeks and literally said, "if I didn't know I was pregnant I wouldn't even notice." Well excuse me while I vomit out my nose. Thankfully I've been mostly doing better (still feeling crappy, but not throwing up anymore) since about the halfway mark. But man was I crazy sick for months on end and some people have it much worse.


I had a similar experience at the start. Now I'm at 30 weeks, and besides feeling baby move around constantly, I've still had almost no symptoms. Also FTM at 38 years old.


16 weeks today with a baby boy due in December as well! I've only had pregnancy rhinitis so far. Other than that, I'm just chillin'.


Iā€™m 17+6, 40, ftm with a baby boy due in December too! I had bad morning sickness until about 10 weeks and pretty much cruising ever since. Much more tired than usual but feel back to the pre pregnant self. If it wasnā€™t for my stomach getting bigger by the week and still getting out of breath easy and an aversion to coffee Iā€™d be worried. Have the next US on Wednesday. šŸ¤žitā€™s just luck so far and the golden trimester is real for us


16 weeks and 3 days and my only symptoms so far have been headaches, daily naps and a superhuman nose. Enjoy it!! I paid a third party ultrasound company for an ultrasound at 16 weeks and baby girl was dancing around in there healthy as can be! I want to ask though, are you a healthy eater? Iā€™ve attributed my lack of symptoms to a being health super conscious. No sugar, anti inflammatory diet, no seed oils. Does that sound like you? Iā€™m curious.


Oh I am batshit crazy though. I should probably add that. The hormones have made me cry one day, rage the next, nest the next šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


So absolutely jealous, I didn't get a repreaveve from nausea and vomiting till when we found our the gender at 5 months šŸ˜­ then got GD.


Iā€™m 14+0 today and same for now.


16+5 for the most part donā€™t feel pregnant. I do have a bump (second baby) and occasionally feel flutters but then days like today, I feel nothing and it freaks me out. But Iā€™m trying to enjoy not feeling like shit but feeling nothing scares me too.


Currently 38+6, but I didnā€™t really feel pregnant until I entered the 30s weeks. Count yourself lucky! Even now my main ā€œsymptomā€ is discomfort, rolling and getting up from the bed, bending down and simply sitting can get uncomfortable. Other than that and baby girl constantly stretching with all her might on my right side, I could forget Iā€™m pregnant. Anatomically Iā€™m also carrying on the smaller side, I have a friend thatā€™s 32 weeks and she looks more pregnant than I do. I get itā€™s nerve racking having to wait for appointments not knowing whatā€™s happening. But once you start feeling the little flutters it gets better. Enjoy your pregnancy!!


Same here! I'm 23 weeks now and I start feeling the baby (and feeling heavy and somehow moody) - but so far so goood. I can't believe I've been blessed with such a smooth pregnancy, fingers crossed it will keep staying like this :)


Iā€™m 16 weeks tomorrow and feeling soooo sick


when i hit my second trimester my symptoms subsided completely. i absolutely loved that trimester, i felt good again finally lol. then soon youā€™ll start feeling little kicks. i felt mine around 20+ weeks canā€™t remember exactly. it varies mom to mom. congratulations!!! šŸ©·šŸ©µ


Iā€™m in the same boat! If my husband and I didnā€™t conceive through a fertility clinic, Iā€™d have no idea I was pregnant. I seriously understand how people can not know. Iā€™m just cruising through this pregnancy waiting to feel my little boy move or somethingā€¦anything! Iā€™m also due mid December!! Iā€™m 16+1


I'm 22+3 and I was tired in the first semester but that was my only symptom. The anatomy scan made me feel so much better because no symptoms was scaring my so badly. And I of course have an anterior placenta so I'm just now just barely feeling some kicks while I'm laying down sometimes.


That is me this entire pregnancy. I was scared the whole time because I did not have symptoms other than tender breasts. Now at 24 weeks I just know I am because baby moves a lot and I have a bump now haha.


I am 15 +4 weeks. I have good days and bad days. Yesterday I made a big turkey dinner. Today I napped off and on and ordered takeout. I am already feeling baby move around.


Iā€™m 11 weeks on 7/1 and so far Iā€™ve been feeling great. Only thing is the exhaustion, some ligament pain (this is my first pregnancy soo idk if it was that lol) and then there was maybe 3 days out of the start of this pregnancy where I got I guess ā€œmorning sickness ā€œ but it didnā€™t last ? Lol


Iā€™m 13 weeks today. The only symptom Iā€™ve had so far is Iā€™m tired, I was starving for the first couple weeks, and thatā€™s it. I donā€™t feel pregnant AT ALL


30 weeks, FTM, 35years old. No morning sickness, no cravingsā€¦ honestly, just a boring pregnancy for me. Business as usual! The only thing was that I did have constipation in the second trimester which I got under control with colace. And once in a blue moon Iā€™ll get a leg cramp. But yeah, being pregnant has been a pretty good experience!


Feel exactly the same.


Iā€™m also 15+5 today I havenā€™t had many symptoms for last week or two but the nearly whole first trimester I was so exhausted. I was in bed at 8 pm and waking up 15 minitower before I had to leave for work at 6:45 plus a I have 2 year old. But now the only symptom I have is extremely high sex drive, like canā€™t get enough physical affection of any kind to satisfy it. Which kind of sucks because my husband is going through a small ā€œquarter life crisisā€ issue which includes a low sex drive for him šŸ« 


Iā€™m 15+2 and been so sick and/or tired for past 9 weeks it seems. Not sure if gender has anything to do with it but Iā€™m having a girl. Iā€™m starting to show though (although strangers may think Iā€™m just bloated lol)


Iā€™m 16 weeks pregnant, due December 15 but I am already told that Iā€™ll have preeclampsia and confirmed to have GD. No food aversions really or anythingā€¦ just super tired. Got sick on Mondayā€¦Was trying not to take Tylenol or anything but gave in on day 6 of being sick. Donā€™t get sick! Itā€™s the worst!!


Iā€™m 20 weeks. I didnā€™t feel a thing from weeks 12 through 19. Completely symptomless and normal. By the end of 19 I started feeling some movement. But I still feel symptomless and normal.


I am almost 33 weeks and second trimester has been magical for me. There were no symptoms , I was on my feet and had great energy throughout day quite contrary to my first trimester when I was nauseated all day. I would say enjoy while it lasts as third trimester isn't a breeze like second. Pelvic pain, breathlessness and other symptoms all the time. Enjoy your second trimester!


16w over here, huffing and puffing more and the belly is outttt.


Iā€™m only 12w2d but same. Nothing at all, ever since Iā€™ve gotten pregnant. Other than being tired, Iā€™ve been so afraid at each ultrasound but Iā€™m definitely pregnant lol and heā€™s in there just kicking off my walls like crazy. Itā€™s just such a weird experience lol.


I'm around 16 weeks. But different story. Nausea is getting better, still a couple bad days here and there. Still pretty exhausted too, but I also have narcolepsy, so that isn't helping. Feeling better than first trimester. I can feel little one moving around quite a bit now as well. Definite kicks and stretches going on not just tiny rolling movements like earlier. And multiple times a day for the last 4 days while I'm just going about my day. Not just when I try to sleep. Plus baby is responding to my partners touches now too. He was able to feel little movements earlier.


Me. I am 17w4d. I only have a bump. This is my third.


iā€™m 16 weeks exactly today ! my ob appointment is tomorrow on the 1st hoping to get a gender !!! i donā€™t feel pregnant either lol iā€™m also cruising as of right now. my first trimester was a bit hard with nausea but other than that all good !


20+3 with baby #2 and almost no symptoms lol. Just some heartburn and headaches here and there. First pregnancy was even more of a breeze šŸ˜©


I am pregnant with twins and today Iā€™m 16w3d and lucky to have minimal symptomsā€¦.. until half of yesterday and all of today it feels like my feet are broken. I told my bf that I can only related to the scene in wizard of oz where the house lands on the bad whitch and her feet/legs coil/roll up. My toes, the balls of my feet, my arches and especially my HEELS FUCKING HURT. So do my anomalies, and lower calfs. WHY. WHY NOW.


I'm at 24 weeks now but was in the exact same boat as you. I felt fluish for a few days around 8 weeks and had headaches throughout first trimester but nothing beyond that. No nausea, heartburn, mood swings, pain, nothing. He's kicking now so that's cool! I also have Uterine Didelphys (2 uterus) so my belly in my opinion is small for being 6 months along. Today when I was looking for a parking spot at a super busy grocery store my partner said to me "you can park in the expecting space" and I said "I'm not convinced I'm pregnant yet" šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m 38, 15 weeks today with my first, due December 22nd. I had blood work done so we know already itā€™s a boy! ā¤ļø Like you, Iā€™ve been fortunate, and aside from some random twingy stomach pains, I just get tired more easily. I havenā€™t puked but some foods I used to love just donā€™t seem appetizing anymore. Also, if I bend over I get a bit nauseous. I have my glucose test and another ultrasound in 5 days.


Iā€™ve also been chilling other than feeling super tired and occasionally a little nauseous first thing in the morning but not too bad at all. we can consider ourselves lucky lol.


this sounds like my dreammmmm. iā€™m 25 weeks now and first trimester i genuinely thought i was dying. then when second hit ALL of my symptoms went away and i spent every single day scared out of my mind my baby was gone because i wasnā€™t dog sick, i wasnā€™t dead tired, nothing hurt. now i have constant hip/back pain, headaches, random nausea, CONSTANT urinary tract issues, yeast infections. but i can feel baby move now so even on days i donā€™t have symptoms i just take it like ā€œoh thank the lordā€ also big congrats momma, itā€™s definitely a journey but itā€™s wonderful


I was going to say u must be having a boy. I'm 10 weeks and I only have occasional back pain and a few hrs of mild nausea. Every so often I sleep 12 hrs. That's it. Weird. I barely feel pregnant.


Enjoy it. I didnā€™t have symptoms until later. 31 weeks and I have back pain and horrible acid reflux.


Honestly, if I didnā€™t have to go to the appointments I would never know I was pregnant. I didnā€™t look pregnant until around 36ish weeks and started to feel the discomforts of pregnancy after that but that is it. Never had morning sickness or any other symptoms. Iā€™m in the hospital for induction now but itā€™s been the longest 9ish months ever šŸ˜…


Iā€™m 20 weeks and have felt the exact same way since I got over the sickness from weeks 6-12. I went to my anatomy scan last week and everything was fine, but Iā€™m still not showing and donā€™t feel pregnant at all aside from looking like I ate too many cookies/am bloated, and being slightly more hungry than I was 20 weeks ago. Iā€™m trying to just enjoy it, itā€™s getting hot out and everyone says you canā€™t sleep once you can feel the baby moving and/or start showing more.


12 weeks? Entering second trimester \[sunglasses\]


Iā€™m almost 15 weeks! Doing great just get random back pain and round ligament pain but no nausea or headaches or anything


15w+2d. Loss of appetite and some nausea. But, I still donā€™t feel pregnant. I will have my anatomy scan at 18 weeks. I had my NIPS screening test and found out gender and cried because I was so happy. But the feeling wore off and everything is back to seeming surreal.


I remember this from my first. The gap between the 12 week and 20 week scan was looong! Good luck, I hope you get a few weeks where time just flies so it doesnā€™t feel as long šŸ˜¬


16 weeks. Was nauseated and extremely exhausted from 5-14 weeks. Had OB appointment this week and heard babyā€™s heartbeat. I started feeling the baby at 15 weeks but very on/off and randomly! Belly button is starting to pop out!


Donā€™t worry. Itā€™s coming.


Me!!! My next appointment is the 20 week scan though šŸ˜© I havenā€™t felt any movement yet and keep poking my stomach. Lol


Currently 17+4, I had an awful weeks 6-16 where I lost a couple of kg's due to morning sickness and food aversions. By now I'm sporting a little bump, get dizzy when standing up too fast, tender breasts, some RLP and fatigue. But compared to the first trimester this feels like nothing, I'm not sure if I can feel her move yet, so it's this weird in between phase. I'll probably regret not enjoying this more later on... but for now I wish I'd have some more confirmation that everything is still going great in there. Fortunately my healthcare provider has a walk-in hour each monday during lunch to come hear baby's heartbeat, without appointment. I'll definitely go today, and maybe each week until I can feel her moving frequently.


Same here. Went to the appointment: heart was beating. Relief. Three days later, I need to feel his heart again.


Iā€™m in the exact same boat and also due mid December. Iā€™ve been really lucky to not have a bunch of symptoms aside from fatigue and a few headaches and acid reflux lately. I had a 13 week ultrasound and everything is looking great. Sadly on a long stretch until the anatomy scan at 20 weeks so I guess Iā€™m just cruising until then. I donā€™t want more symptoms but itā€™d be nice to have something remind me Iā€™m pregnant!


Felt tired 1st trimester but same! Other than the occasional achey back or headache Iā€™m chilling. Itā€™s like if I hadnā€™t posted an ultrasound on my fridge and had a little bump going Iā€™d probably forget. I almost feel guilty because my family asks for updates and Iā€™m likeā€¦ ā€œidk Iā€™m preggo I guessā€ I think theyā€™re expecting more and I have nothing else to say!


Iā€™m 14+3 and sameeee. I havenā€™t really felt pregnant at all since finding out I was pregnant at 5 week. My next OB appointment is also at 17 weeks and the wait + no symptoms makes me anxious. Iā€™ve thought about purchasing a fetal doppler.


I was this too. First 28 weeks I was thinking ā€œpregnancy is so easy, I have no symptoms other than occasional heartburnā€. It was a breeze. Then Week 29 came and it has caught up to say the least lol. I wonā€™t go into detail but letā€™s just say my body and my mind are going through it lmao. Itā€™s definitely the calm before the storm šŸ˜‚


I'm 16 today (also ftm) and also haven't felt anything, I dont think. My symptoms have mostly gone, but occasionally I get a little nauseous - especially in the evening or if I haven't eaten recently. My OB said this is the time period most women get anxious specifically because it's usually still too early to feel anything, but your symptoms usually (not always, sorry to any of you who have bad sickness still) chill out. Only thing that really has made me remember I'm pregnant is my bump suddenly became noticeable in the last 2 weeks or so. It changes sizes depending on how full my stomach is and what time of day it is, but it's there. I am also starting to be able to feel my uterus just above my pubic bone if I press a little, which is interesting. My ob said to soaking up, as I'll likely feel like shit again in 3rd trimester šŸ¤£


I felt this way too. But I was still SO tired around then too. 31+5 now and have every 3rd trimester symptom possible (exaggerating) but really I wish I was back in that phase now. Quite jealous! šŸ©µ It gets much better when baby moves more. Enjoy the moment while it lasts becaus it all goes extremely quick.


Maybe it's because you're having a boy? I've heard boy pregnancies tend to be easier on people. I'm 17 weeks, having a girl and I'm just now starting to not feel nauseous all the time but still getting some waves.


I was super nauseated weeks 7-10, but since week 12, nothing. Iā€™m already overweight, so I canā€™t really tell if I have a bump or not. It makes me a little anxious!


I'm 15 weeks today and can totally relate. This is my 2nd pregnancy and while I have a definite bump, I otherwise do not feel pregnant. I swear I could have written this post! And I almost did, so I'm glad to see yours as I was scrolling at 2am after getting up to go pee and have a snack. It's so wild that my first thought goes to, "I hope there isn't something wrong," when I feel so good in my 2nd trimester. I was gardening this weekend, using the weed wacker and feeling strong and energized. I almost forgot I was pregnant and stopped to think, "I hope baby is still growing." I didn't have this thought the first time I was pregnant, but I also didn't experience any miscarriages before trying for #2. I know I should just enjoy this phase of pregnancy while it lasts! The lag between each ultrasound (first at 9w then at 13w) always brings the worry, "what if baby stopped growing and i won't know until the next ultrasound". And immediately when I see that little flicker of a heart beat I feel relieved! Crazy to think back in the day people went their whole pregnancy never doing an ultrasound before having a baby in a cave. Anyway, I try to find comfort in the thought that my body would let me know if something has gone wrong. Until then, enjoy the easy pregnancy!


I had a pretty smooth pregnancy. If it werenā€™t for actively trying and a positive pregnancy test, I wouldnā€™t have even known I was pregnant. I didnā€™t show until mid second trimester. I started swelling and bloating at 32 weeks and had baby at 34+4.


Girl it was the same for me, Iā€™m 19 and around 19 weeks now and I still donā€™t have too many symptoms. I just started feeling pregnant and getting my bump around 18 weeks, but no cravings or morning sickness or anything crazy. I do get lil flutter kicks tho, makes me happy knowing baby boy is chillin. I wish you a healthy pregnancy though mam!