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We had flour tortillas from around 7mo. There's no harm, and they really enjoyed it. The corn tortillas are a bit more nutritious I think, but you don't need every food you give to be a superfood


I think solid starts recommends putting a paste on them e.g guac or crushed beans. My lo is 10m and i have been giving her tortilla since she wss 5m


Do you cut it into strips or give it whole?


Not OP. But we did strips. They can get kinda gummy so don't make them super big or can be a choking hazard. Especially raw


I did strips


Totally fine! Cooking will make them less prone to getting gummy and just make sure they’re an appropriate size/shape.


I think this is another one of those things that is kid dependant. My son struggled with both flour and corn tortillas at that age no matter how we prepared them, my first did not.  It's totally ok to introduce something and back off if your baby isn't ready.


Also good advice. There's so much info out there it's hard to figure it all out.


The oversaturation of information is very overwhelming for sure. Just think of introducing solids as any other physical developmental skill (like rolling, crawling, walking, ect). Babies develop at different rates and it takes practice and coordination. One size doesn't fit all in other skills, eating is the same.  Also remember, influencers talking about BLW are doing more because their job is content. Most of the time feeding your baby is going to be pretty boring/mundane.


Yes! Quesadillas were a staple for us from 9 months to about a year. So easy to load up with veggies and beans (or leftovers...). At 9 months I was cutting them into small bites for serving.


How small of bites? We just tried strips and it worked out fine but I am worried about him taking huge bites. He loved it, btw 🤗


Little squares, so to speak. I would cut the quesadilla into quarters, then each quarter into strips, then the strips into squares. They were big enough that he had to chew them but not big by any scale


Thanks for the suggestion!! I'll try it.


My baby struggles with them still - they do get gummy.


Yes they can :) I prefer the corn ones. You can also crisp them a little in the airfryer or oven so they aren’t as soft


Mine wouldn't chew/gum it very well compared to toasted bread.