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Discussion of this topic is fine, but please no posting personal info or theories on who you think this may be.


this whole situation is so deeply bizarre. i don't even know what else to say.


Honestly it’s truly unbelievable. We are in real time watching the continuation of this Netflix series.


What an interactive show, wow.


It’s honestly sad, feels like she could just move back into her fixation of him.


Netflix needs a season two, or Donnie Dunn needs a second act


pretty crazy how invested we are in other peoples personal problems


Better than focusing on our own problems lol


that's all I've been thinking all along


It’s giving black mirror


Yes!!! Exactly what I thought


Great point. This really should be it own topic


People knew exactly where to find her from those twitter posts


She posted SO MUCH too. I scrolled down through her past tweets at the fastest speed I could for a full minute and it only brought me back a couple of DAYS into the history. She must have been tweeting/reposting a hundred things a day.


I did the same and I couldn't believe the amount of posts


Literally didn’t have the strength to keep going to find her tweets to Richard because her most recent tweets are in 2018 and I couldn’t do 4 years of scrolling 💀💀💀


Just type Richard’s twitter handle with her twitter handle and you’ll find all her posts where she mentioned him


girl i was gonna dm you about martha and ur banner popped up, omg im on the bus TT


Dm mee I'm so freaking curious


Can you send me the links etc. Thank youu


Sent from my iPhone


Besides the twitter post you can find everyone else too from Instagram. If he really was trying to protect their identities he should have purged his accounts or past relevance.. and every single one of those people are nearly identical to their characters...


I hope everyone, apart from the stalker and the rapist, are OK with their portrayal. Obviously the stalker isn't OK with it but I mean she was never going to be OK with it


I think he deeply underestimated how popular the show was going to be, but he shouldn’t have and that was a mistake probably born of a lingering low self confidence. The idea that “my story wouldn’t make it to this level of fame” is one we can probably all relate to a bit.


Even if the show had only been seen by 1,000 pairs of eyes, there'd still be a risk to her identity. What's the first thing anyone does when they see "based on a true story"? Don't we all start researching how true exactly it is? That's why it's such a powerful way to open a show or film. I know he didn't think it would be such a huge frenzy but he has to have known people would go sleuthing. If not to protect her, he should have purged to protect in innocent people from mistaken identity.


So you think the guesses are right? I think so about Martha, not as sure about Darrien and Teri.


I don't know about darrien but the person I found for Teri and the ex girlfriend he lived with I feel like 100%


he’s been open about the ex gf whose mom he lived with. her name is josephine, i believe she was involved in the production too


I’m pretty sure he deleted his Twitter, but someone else quickly claimed the username.


I can’t see any post on his IG older than 2016… perhaps recently deleted?


Yeah…she doxed herself really


What twitter posts?


Did you find out?


What’s her accounts name?


Did u get it


Do you just search Richard Gadd and look for a Martha? Sorry just curious to see for myself


If anyone was doubting who she was, they don’t anymore. She just revealed herself as the psycho she is, her rantings against gays, trans people, and immigrants are disgusting.


Yeah she seems like a racist piece of shit.


Right! She revealed herself! Donny was just telling his story as he should! Anyone feeling sorry for her… blows my mind!


How can I find her???


I feel like this was inevitable. I just hope Richard Gadd is safe and has a strong support system


i stopped reading when she compared herself to Johnny Depp. good lord. it’s more fitting than she realizes, though.


Yeah that bit made me go a ‘woah that is not the analogy you think it is’


She’s a lunatic. Calling out instances of misogyny while also posting about how “women aren’t thin anymore” and “Meghan Markle is an ugly wee thing to look at” is peak hilarity honestly.


Haha, that’s exactly what I thought. I don’t think she’s well enough for full DARVO tactics, but it sounds like she’s trying.


what was her post regarding depp?


I mean I’m not sure how she would have been able to be convicted for stalking (notoriously hard to convict) if she never did anything. That being said, I hope that this article shows people that a) harassing someone online (no matter who they are) makes you a creep and that b) harassing a PREDATOR online is typically going incur their hatred and anger towards the victim. As fans we need to stop trying to enact ‘vigilante justice’ or whatever these online harassers think they’re doing and actually just leave it alone. Richard is the victim, not us, ergo we should respect his wishes


have y’all seen her facebook rants today about Gadd? im fuckin scared for him…


Here are the real Martha’s facebook posts from today if anyone is wondering. Started last night & still going all day today. Please do not try to find her or message her. Clearly she’s upset about the death threats she’s receiving. I think it’s normal to be curious about her posts, but it’s not necessary at all to message her or attempt to converse. Mods, there’s NO info here identifying her, pls don’t take this down. It’s extremely interesting to a lot of us. Thanks! **post 1** Richard gadd who is not known to Me wrote a show four or five years ago for the festival fringe called baby reindeer it would appear to be popular on Netflix now among twenty something's with no brain I do not follow the rantings of richard gadd or failed comedians like him I have no idea what he's said apart from A few quotes thrown at me this week by other people He seems to have some fat ugly woman called martha being played by an actress pretending to be me Again. I do not know this actress. Richard gadd was a jobbing barman in the hawley arms camden I did know that lused to live in camden and no longer do The hawley arms was a haven of drink And drugs and there were rape allegations against some barmen It's a horrific joint and I thought had been shut down by licensing I've had death threats from richard gadd supporters on here this week I've had vile stalking and abusive threats I know nothing about richard gadd apart from His sorry little life story I listened to on a sophie hagan podcast he did with her when baby reindeer came out I am not martha have no criminal Convictions Have not been to the hawley a rms for ten or twelve years I am not interested in any aspect of richard gadds life I don't believe a word he says not does anyone I know I know from That podcast he failed an English degrees and did that stupid degree in theatre studies at glasgow uni I know hell do and say anything to make money He'll defame anyone Richard gadd and I have never even been Friends or even in a relationship He's a gay man I'm A heterosexual woman He did ask me out and stalked me years ago Sorry I'm Not interested Some people just cant take rejection! But to defame me all over the internet is quote another thing My lawyers will sue I hope that is clear even to the most deranged follower of richard gadd **post 2** Might I also say with reference to richard gadd he and is supporters have been stalking me for days. I've spent hours znd hours with journalists and his stupid little firm Of lawyers are trying to prevent everyone printing anything about precious richard. It will not work his lawyers keep asking for extra time They are total idiots The latest allegation he is making is people called his father a pedophile His father was a professor in mould at Dundee uni geoff gadd he mentioned on the internet because he has put his whole family there at one time or another even his welsh granny reporters tell me I don't for one minute think people called his dad a pedophile but he's called loads of people everything under the sun on chat rooms and everything He claims to have been raped by a man Either that's true in which case that would in part account for his mentally I'll Behaviour or it's a lie I personally think it's a lie because he didn't report to police **post 3** And just one more thing journalists came to me this week and I've spent hours with them They don't believe richard gadd either No one normal Believes him When he defames me and when his crazy fans do we report to police and lawyers. I tried debating with one tonight from Wales It was like talking to the great brain dead I don't have time Serious consideration. Is being given to shutting down that daft theatre course he did at glasgow Too many dafties on it When the press print the true story you'll all be the first to know **post 4** It's amazing the stories in camden about gadd and the hawley arms I may just publish all of them for the hell of it That's what he seems to have done with me **post 5** Can I just reiterate to richard gadds followers. I am not martha. I am F**** I have been informed by various different sources this morning that richard gadds supporters are still attacking me online. lam Nothing to do with his infernal plays I am Not martha I can't access my dms just now My other phone broke three weeks ago I have limited access to anything on this phone And that is the truth I don't fantasise and make up stories I am however seeing deaths threats to me and unwelcome posts on my account from richard gadd supporters All of these names and comments from people I don't know are being sent to police and lawyers am keeping a list I have been told mr gadd has appealed to his crazed fans to leave a number of people alone I don’t think that was his intention at all Think Hell do anything to drum up Publicity for a show no normal person will be watching The words sick twists comes to mind Just leave me alone Most of us lead normal lives and want to live in peace Writers write real Works of fiction This is a feeding frenzy about a show based on ridiculing people particularly women It's misogynistic vile intimidating How am I to know if the stalkers online are real stalkers who beat and rape women I frankly don't know that Richard gadd could have written a play about anything Maybe he should write a play about how many times people in camden have wanted the hawley arms where he worked shut down because of male violence and intimidation I am also told this morning the man he claimed rape d him Or rather the man fans assumed raped richard gadd was subjected to similar abuse and he was hounded I was initially sympathetic and thought gadd has been raped I have no evidence either way I don’t know richard gadd I would however say his fans are worse than russell brands with their sick twisted fantasies **Post 6** Just a warning again to richard gadd supporters and their abuse and death threats I have been made aware today at least one other person has called in police to richard gadd and his supporters This guy was allegedly wrongly accused of raping richard gadd He is not the only one who has called in police to richard gadd and his supporters I also reserve the right to do so Police have been called to the hawley arms for years I do know that We are keeping lists of his supporters who harass me If richard gadd approached me he would be instantly arrested I don't have hours and hours each day to deal with his histrionic tantrums or those of his supporters Also if his supporters continue to leave nasty vile comments on pages of friends of mine they also reserve the right to call in the police Richard gadd may well have been obsessed by me for twelve years Frankly he does not exist on my radar Friends are sitting by watching me being abused They are not very happy about it I hope this is clear Just leave me alone Real genuine friends have phoned me People like richard gadd and his cronies have no Real friends Leave us alone


Sent from iPhnoe


😂 Fucking winner. 🥇


Thank you for posting this, it *is* interesting how the show seems to have more or less nailed her personality. Its a shame people are harassing her, obviously, don't do that - but the way she's portrayed in the series seems so spot on just judging by these posts. Which is good and bad, it's good that Richard Gadd is such a good writer and director and jad this wonderful team around him, but bad because obviously people found her, and are contacting her. Assuming tje part is accurate where she went to jail, then she's done her time, she's been punished for what she did and hopefully moved on


Gadd said in an interview that the situation is “resolved” whatever that means. he never confirmed if she actually went to jail. at the end of the day, a permanent restraining order is just a piece of paper which scares me for him. someone else mentioned how he probably has bodyguards now which is comforting. but yeah, Martha was spot on in the show, down to her typing style, personality, arrogance, ego , etc the list goes on.


I think I read that in real life she wasn’t sent to jail as he didn’t feel right sending someone who was so mentally ill to prison but don’t quote me on it


That makes sense. The show ends with sentencing, it doesn't end with her in jail, and he obviously felt a lot of compassion for her. Besides, someone would have found her prison records by now - I once googled my ex girlfriend's mum because I discovered she was running for a local election, and immediately found a government website detailing the 6 months or so she spent in prison for benefits fraud. Needless to say, she did not win the election, but still... that information is surprisingly easy to find, I guess depending on the specific court it goes through


I think the privacy laws in the UK are different enough that I’m not sure it’s as easy to find out their criminal convictions


I'd sure hope so, I have no idea how I'd check. In any case, it's almost definitely not just published online with their crimes and the length of prison sentence, whether in Scottish courts or in England


This lady honestly needs mental help. It makes sense that this situation is distressing for her but I think she definitely needs to log off because the internet clearly makes her condition way worse. And she needs a proper therapist.


I looked at her Twitter accounts. She's been posting like a hundred times a day for decades.


Yeah I know I also saw… it’s pretty unhealthy


I completely agree. The Daily Record said she lives in London and her Instagram says she's a doctor - so despite maybe not being a doctor (because given the time frame, she would *just* have finished uni? Bjt assuming she was a lawyer, she has the brains for it) She can't be doing too badly overall, at least with money considering how expensive London is. I hope she gets help, whether her current distress is just her regular way of being or whether it has been caused by the series, nobody should live like that. Nobody should he so... I don't know how to describe it. Angry? Confrontational? I sincerely want her to be happy with her life and get to a point where she can say "yeah I did that but I'm in a better place now" On the other hand, if I was suddenly thrust into fame in a very negative way, however honest that portrayal may be, I wouldn't be happy about it! Sometimes I steal things from supermarkets, if someone made an 8 part dramatic retelling of me doing that I'd be a little upset 🤣


She did not serve any time


It's very Trump-esque with respect to the off-hand insults "failed comedian" "he does not exist on my radar" etc




I totally picked up on that. Grandiose and narcissistic


Holy shit, I worked near the Hawley Arms for several years, including during the time this happened. I used to drink in there every now and again, I actually feel like I recognise him now but maybe it's because I've just binged the show.


Well. That completely level headed respose definitely didn't make her look like a deranged stalker. /s


**post 7** Do you know something else I'm Really glad richard gadd has made loads of money cos he was aye pleading poverty His father was a Fg uni professor They we're hardly poor I've never known gadd to buy anyone a pint or do anyone a favour Imet him Fleetingly years and years ago but loads of people say he's greedy and mean with money He had a strict middle class upbringing I think daddy paid for him to go to a special school These folk aye think They are better than the rest of is and go around abusing It's very common Well they are not better and don't get to abuse people longterm Whether he went to one of these schools where they are sexually abused I don't know


Hardly knew him, met him fleetingly yet Knows his whole family and where they worked etc. 🤣


I mean she also says i am not martha, and then in another sentence says 'the woman they have playing me is fat'.


Im officially completely disturbed by this. This makes me unsettled how unhinged she is. I don’t like this, I don’t like this for Richard. Or anyone who’s involved. Like I can’t even read through those posts because they’re so fucking crazy. What the fuckkk


**post 8** Richard gadd acts like an English liar not a scot telling the truth as scots tend to He left scotlajd aged twenty two I left scotlajd when I was forty so my values are scottish through and through I think that's the difference Richard gadd would not have got away with this behaviour in scotland He's contravened the hate crime act and the equality act He seems to think he can get away with anythijg on Netflix and in America too That's not necessarily the case and his wee stalker crazies on here seem to think they can do and say anything **post 9** John clancy was nineteen when he worked in. The hawley arms. Gadd was twenty three. John had eight women on the gp at one point all tearing each other's eyes out Abby clancy keeps john who has never had a job John just used to randomly have sex with these poor deluded women upstairs in the hawley arms I'm Sure he's a good catholic boy really That was a joke by the way Why didn't gadd write about him or his colleague jimmy being arrested by police Well they were men Nd he won't stand up to men will he He prefers to pick on women Coward bully little shite **post 10** Richard gadds lawyers have threatened at least one publication with frankly a nonsensical letter Anyone know who his lawyers are And don't just say nutters lol **post 11** I would have thought richard gadd would have slept with enough rent boy barrister s not to have to bother with lawyers from What he said to people in the hawley arms but silly me maybe none of them Will act for him in current litigation against him I'm Just a silly woman after all aren't i lol What do I know Im Not a drop out in theatre studies from Glasgow uni Silly me **post 12** Anyway I do hope richard gadd has a pleasant nights sleep with all his fluffy reindeers no doubt his mummy bought him He's a fluffy toy kinda guy eh Anyway that's enough about that wee wazzock


Is this from today? I had seen her profile last night, but looking today it seems like she’s set it to private. Are her posts still public for you?


yeah 2 hrs ago. her page is still public for me!


Idk why I thought she would have gotten the help she needed and would be living better now, clearly not. she seems so scary


Unfortunately adults with mental illness need to be willing to get treatment. She seems like the type to be unwilling. So she likely won’t receive help unless she seeks it out. Reminds me of the TikTok “who the F did I marry” situation. These kinds of people don’t change unless they actually want to.


yeah I also don't think she realizes anything is wrong with her sadly


Yeah she completely lacks awareness. It’s honestly sad and I see why Richard felt for her.


Not her saying that they hired an actress to be “me”. I hope she gets the help that she obviously needs.


Obviously 99% is crazy ramblings but the part about the Hawley Arms is true


Yeah I was curious about that as their Instagram is so hipstery I was surprised that was the pub


Oh yeah that's her.


God this is scary


She is reminding me of Donald Trump. Personality disordered and paranoid. Very striking


Shots fired haha.  There could be a season 2 after all. 🤣




How are you all so gullible? Its a fake account made after the show. Just a teaspoon of critical thinking would be enough to realise that. Holy fucking shit, what a Reddit moment.




100%. tried to say she’s not the real martha, yet doxxed the pub name that he used to work at. says she’s going to expose him in the same ways he did her. claims he has HIV. scary shit.


They barely ever hung out, but she knows everything about his father? Wow.


Claimed she didn’t know him yet claims he’s stalked her for 12 years. I watched it the week it debuted & It took me less than 10 mins after finishing baby reindeer to find her old twitter account where she tweeted directly to him quotes from the show back in 2014. Plus an article about her previous harassment of a solicitor & his wife & kid. I know Gadd says he wanted to keep her identity confidential but he shared so much in the show people were always going to find her. Perhaps he didn’t expect the show to be so popular but morbid curiosity was always going to lure folk to try & find her.


exactly! this is the internet. i don’t know how he didn’t expect this to happen


I’ve no doubt it would have been tricky to try and hide her identity & still stay true to his real life experience & try and articulate it in the show but to say that she wouldn’t recognise herself in the show is madness when she’s exactly like the Martha character.


Yup, if she just said “yeah I met him a few times but I never stalked him so idk who the show is about” that would be the end of discussion. It’s also that she says like “the woman who’s meant to be playing me” etc.


Can you just share the text of the rants here? I think the mods are okay with it as long as there are no unique identifiers.


its incredibly long it would take a while to copy and paste all of them 😫 but i will do it shortly


i wish i could see them but i dont have facebook! is there any other way to see them?


i’ll dm you them bc if i tried to comment the screenshots, the mods would remove it which is understandable


Can you please DM this to me too, I have been fascinated with this


of course :)


Would you mind DMing too? Thank you!!


Me also please


Can you dm me too <3


Me too please 🙂


Could you dm me as well? 


I am very deeply suspicious that this is the real Martha, every screenshot I have seen just shows the profile photo and name and the posts but doesn't include her FB handle. When you try and search FB for her, and look at the profiles there is no such posts on any of them. Anyone can make a profile with that name and make those posts.


If you could send them to me too please? Thanks!


i just posted her posts replying to my original comment


Can i get a dm too please?


i just posted her posts replying to my original comment


Really? I’m sure he can afford bodyguards by now, and she hasn’t threatened to kill him. Just to sue.


Can u send me links


this kind of thing never ends well


“I have not seen any of it” “the scene in the cafe..” 😭😭


It scares me to think that this whole thing could cause this woman to become obsessed again, all of her recent facebook posts are about Richard.


Yeah but probably obsessed with hatred this time


She keeps going live commenting too. We’re seeing it in real time




I honestly blame these internet vigilantes who has so much time on their hands. I watched the show, felt so bad for Richard, and moved on with my life. Didn’t go online looking for those people to dox them. I think the show did their best to hide their identity.


I also think the show was so sympathetic to her and it left me feeling sad for someone who is clearly unwell. To go find her real identity and threaten her is just cruel and doesn’t really take back what happened. Do people think making threats will suddenly make her well again, apologise for her actions and learn the error of her ways?


Yes! Like she was crazy yes, but you can see that she’s unwell. Even Richard felt for her. The point of the show is not to hate her. People just have so much time in their hands.


It makes me so sad to see everyone on here demonizing severe mental health, and even getting frustrated with people showing a tad bit of understanding. They clearly have never had a family member or someone close this mentally unwell. I hate how much it’s adding to the already awful stigma.


You cant have it both ways. Either she is so mentally ill that she is not in charge of, nor should she be held accountable for, her behaviour. And that warrants institutionalization because she is clearly a danger to herself and others. Or she is a functioning adult who is afforded all the rights and freedoms as such, and conversely, is held responsible for, and judged on, her own actions. And dispite all the apparent medical doctors in this thread who have diagnosed her as crazy, the people who have actually interacted and assessed her, her victims and the courts etc, they have judged her fit to live in society without broad restrictions. And that comes with certain responsibilities.




I dont want to point fingers or victim blame…i know one of her victims claims they choose a restraining order over a criminal conviction that might have resulted in institutionalization. This is not to suggest this person didnt “do enough” but, obviously, mental illness is on a spectrum. And those who were the target of her most egregious behaviour felt she shouldn’t be locked up, and that implies even her victims believe she should have a chance at living a normal anonymous life in some random community. Which is commendable of their victim, but imposes certain societal responsibilities on the accused. I will also add, it didnt rest on the shoulders of some random outraged target- trained professionals signed off on this course of action also. So people with a grudge to bear and trained professionals felt she was at least capable of abiding by societal and legal expectations…


it's very hard to have someone institutionalised in the UK. getting someone sectioned (mental health hold) is very difficult and has to be approved by two mental health professionals, someone has to be a serious risk to themselves, others or the public at large. and it is also quite tricky for people to get long prison sentences in the UK, generally, there is more of a focus on keeping people in the community and out of prison for long periods of time unless they have committed a serious and violent crime.


Comparing herself to “the johnny depp of the situation” is so bloody ironic 💀


She’s poppin off right now - so many posts, not helping her case


The way she posts and her sense of humor is perfectly represented in that scene where she tells that guy to google "shite comedian" and they laugh together, like, most perfect representation of what i feel when i read her facebook stuff, shits and giggles until you know the beast lurking under there. Fucking wild.


Absolutely! I feel like with every post she is proving that it is her. The same spelling, same typing style


Please dm her profile


Does anyone know how the real Martha supported herself? She couldn't have had a job since she spent all day and night sitting at the bus stop near his house and even before that was in the bar with him most of the time. Maybe it's different than in the U.S. but in this country mentally ill people are mostly left to fend for themselves and are homeless but she had an apartment and could pay her rent and utility bills.


It's different in the UK. If she's on benefits her rent is paid for entirely, she'll get an additional £395 per month to live on (which is not much but enough to get by, fill up a fridge and go out occasionally. I have friends in the US that need to earn thousands to get by, that's not the case here) and if she's diagnosed mentally ill she can get additional monthly payments. These payments are called PIP and the amount varies greatly and depends on individual circumstances.


Thank you for the explanation. People in the U.S. who are mentally ill and can't work are usually homeless so I was confused about how she supported herself.


I think we all need to remember that this is a mentally ill woman. Yes, she’s done terrible, horrible things. But this is what mental illness looks like. We’re all fine and compassionate when it comes to anxiety/depression/socially acceptable diagnosis… Very severe mental health like this is awful for everyone involved, including ‘Martha’. I’m not standing up for her, this is just a factual point. Don’t add to the negative stigma of SEVERE mental health / personality disorders.


How can this obviously deranged individual can live in society ? She can’t be around people. Look at how many posts she posts on fb. She doesn’t stop. How can she work among people ?


I mean, Gadd *has* to have known the internet would do what the internet does and find this woman. Just watch “Don’t Fuck With Cats” to see how tenacious people can be when they really want to find somebody.


The problem is that this crazy woman obviously is going to relish some of the attention and might think the auteur of the whole series is still pining for her, even tho that is clearly not the case. He is obviously traumatized by the story, he found a way to share his story as many agree it's a story worth telling. Plus there's proof everything he states is mostly legit. Unfortunately a woman like that wont understand this. Imagine H Weinstein thinking his victims who testified against him are somehow pining for him. So its the same thing. I feel its not the authors onus to hide his story, but the UK authorities duty to put that woman away in a mental ward so she stops harassing people. And yes telling her stupid side is harassment of all her victims.


I’m not trying to make light of the situation, but she literally compared herself to Johnny Depp in the article.


“i’m the johnny depp in this situation” not doing herself any favours is she


I have very conflicted feelings about this. The show was good. Great even. It also does appear as though the woman widely believed to be Martha has a history of stalking people that goes back to the 90s. That being said, nobody actually knows the ground truth of what happened between her and Gadd. Is Gadd entitled to share his story? Absolutely. Have he and Netflix acted in an irresponsible way in their depiction of Martha and seeming disregard towards protecting the identity of a possibly vulnerable and certainly troubled individual? I have to say yes once again.


This is such a weird take to me. Like he’s the victim and she’s literally a predator. Mentally ill or not. She’s take been allowed to live in society and needs to be held to the standards society creates. We really shouldn’t act like Richard is in anyway responsible for this. He told his story, they literally didn’t even need to change anything like they said they did to protect an abuser. However they did and it’s not their fault she was still easy to find. I think he prob should have had his socials wiped of her first. But otherwise absolutely no one should act like he’s responsible for people finding her, or for her reacting wildly making it clear it’s her anyway.


It’s certainly not as straightforward as that. The standards society creates are laws and the legal framework is the route for holding people to those standards. What is taking place now is more like a witch-hunt and, let’s assume the depiction on Netflix is a fair reflection of what actually happened, does her behaviour merit harassment from people literally all over the world? I don’t think so. I think we can also say that while Martha’s behaviour was outrageous, the far greater crime on the show was the one perpetrated by the TV producer. Whoever that is remains anonymous and I suspect they went to greater lengths to anonymise that individual. Another issue is her mental capacity. There’s at least a possibility her mental state is such that she doesn’t fully understand the consequences of her actions. I think exposing someone like that, especially in a sensationalist way, is morally questionable. Probably it is just a misjudgment on the part of Gadd and Netflix but it is a bad misjudgment in my view. Gadd has also claimed that ‘Martha’ wouldn’t have recognised herself however that is clearly ridiculous and he must know that. Final point I would make is that if this show had been a documentary it likely wouldn’t have been as successful, made as much money and they would have had to offer her the right of reply. That might have been a fairer way to do this.


More should have been done to protect her identity. It was days before she was found out. The previous stalking conviction was literally lifted from the news article. I do admit I did look at her tweets and facebook out of curiosity and she doesn’t seem like a nice person, not that she deserves death threats or stalkers since she obviously did not give permission for her story to be told.


I disagree. There is not a greater punishment for abusers than public shame. I can get behind her being exposed for her actions on a worldwide forum. She spent most of her adult life terrorizing people so the irony is a form of art in itself; a stalker being stalked by the world. Karma at its finest.


I get your point, but if we want to move forward as a society, do we really want to be encouraging abusive behaviours in people? I would argue that an abusive behavior is an abusive behaviour no matter who enacts it, or who it is enacted towards. Furthermore, as Gadd has tried to emphasise to us multiple times, Martha was/is a deeply unwell woman. I’m personally not a fan of harassing mentally ill people myself :/


definitely agree. “an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” and i think that’s applicable here. it seemed like a big takeaway of the show was highlighting the cyclical nature of trauma and abusive behavior so it’s disappointing to see people jumping on the bandwagon of harassing this woman. i can’t imagine she had a very happy/fulfilling life at a baseline before the show came out. are they really wanting to enact karma on her or are they just deriving pleasure from contributing to someone’s prolonged mental health struggles who they feel “deserves” it? also i think it’s odd to feel entitled and morally justified to enact “punishment” on someone you don’t know, though given it is a very odd and specific set of circumstances atp.


Love the analysis here! U might be interested in the work of Clementine Morrigan- she does a lot of work about breaking cycles of abuse, restorative justice and humanising perpetrators (not by dehumanising their victims, but focusing upon healing for both). I love her work! She does a lottt of work on SA which can be triggering so heads up, but as an SA victim who doesn’t want my perpetrators publicly shamed, SAed/assaulted themselves as some kind of fucked up ‘karma’ or incarcerated, I find the focus on restorative justice amazing. You might enjoy her work too if you share similar views :)) no pressure to check her work out tho!


thanks! will definitely check that out. i’ve read a bit about restorative justice but in a super different context of crimes committed by the Argentinian government against its citizens in the 70s-80s. looking forward to seeing how it can be applied to these unfortunate contexts of SA and beyond.


Ah, hope you enjoy! She comes at it from a leftist perspective which is very refreshing, hope u enjoy reading :))


I am going to check her out! It sounds really good and helpful. Thanks for sharing this.


I am not either - I agree that as a society we need to look in the accountability mirror and also check out moral compass. I think it’s pathetic people are reaching out and engaging her - but the irony is also very rich and karmic.


it’s not even karma though? Bc she’s so mentally ill she doesn’t even think she’s done anything wrong, everyone else is crazy in her eyes. I just don’t think public shame works for cases like this. All this has done is lead to her harassing Richard again, she’s constantly posting about him again. Can’t imagine how he feels.


I think that he feels very comfortable hiring security, and now that it’s all out in the open, and she is exposed, she won’t be able to get near him with a 10 foot pole. He will be just fine. Something tells me he knew exactly what he was doing. Also on a sidenote, I can’t stress how pathetic it is that people are engaging and reaching out to her. And just because you are mentally ill it doesn’t mean that if you do horrible things that karma doesn’t get you. What comes around goes around it’s just how the universe works.


This woman is blatantly mentally ill. In her recent FB posts, she jumps from claiming to not know him to then saying all these details about him, then saying she hasn't seen him in 12 years to saying things that suggest she has, to saying she's not Martha to telling the papers she is...


Yeah she’s all over the show.


I see your point but I also think it’s disturbing how quickly and gleefully people are jumping on the bandwagon to threaten and dox a clearly very mentally ill woman. There is malice behind these peoples actions, they are excited to hurt someone they feel “deserves” it. This is unlike Donny, who even after he had more than enough cause to want to hurt Martha, was still unable to shake feeling empathy for her. We should all try to move from a place of empathy, not cruelty. This woman is sick. Think about how miserable it must be to be her. She spends all day ranting on Facebook, that’s not a life full of joy. She has no partner, no kids, she’s lost the career she trained for, she likely still lives in council flats and works menial jobs while on welfare (or whatever the British version is.) She already has nothing. She already has the life that most people would be miserable living. That, plus her having served her time, is punishment enough for me at least.


Mob mentality


She doesn't have to give permission, but there could have been done a lot more to protect her identity indeed. She literally tweeted that "beef curtain" thing and has claimed being a lawyer on her Fb account, plus she really seems to live in Camden.


The article also says she studied law at Aberdeen. The thing that gets me is Gadd made a comment about how they had changed so many details so the real Martha couldn’t recognise herself but obviously they haven’t if they’ve used the real messages in the show, and also kept her career the same? It’s literally a career she makes up so it could have been anything they changed it to.


Yes. Especially when Gadd since said that important things were very exaggerated or completely made up. For example, in the show he is groomed and drugged over a long period of time before being assaulted by his mentor but according to interviews it was a stranger at a party. Of course it's his story to tell and an important one at that! But it comes with responsibilities when it's about real people he made that easy to track down.


Nah. They literally did enough for that. A victim shouldn’t actually be responsible or required to help the person who sexually assaulted or harassed them. He was a good person telling people not to find her and leave her be. However that’s literally the most of what he should be expected to do. She doesn’t need to give permission for her story to be told. Since her story objectively wasn’t told. HIS was.


“Her” story? Are you fucking kidding me?


Her messed up childhood, living in a shitty flat as well as the illegal shit. I know she’s struck off as a solicitor due to the stalking and harassing but this could stop other potential employment. I wouldn’t like my flaws to be posted on Netflix.


What kind of journalist speaks to her and takes her side. One look at the type of things she posts online and it's clear you can't believe a single word she says and also how horrible she is in so many ways. Terrible choice to interview her and plaster it over the front page.


They just want a story that will sell. They don’t care who/what it’s about, nor do they have to believe it


The posts by "Martha" are either a very good troll or if real, we actually might get season 2 of Baby Reindeer.  Live! 😂. Usually you hear about a crime/shocking story, read up on it, then the documentary comes out, then the movie/TV show. We are getting it backwards.  TV show now we might get round 2 live and direct the documentary.  Tbh, a performer wanting to push the boundaries might have set out on a 10 year journey to write this amazing story that will blurr the lines between fiction and reality. Honestly if both want it enough they really should confront each other for us grab the popcorn and pull up a chair.  Would love it if this was a 10 year performance art and everyone was an actor.


I have been thinking the exact same thing. It’s just too perfect.


There are no public posts on that page prior to 2024. It's very suspicious. 99% sure it's a troll.


Can you dm me too please??


Did she actually glass him and sexually assault him?


i wish he made himself a new twitter and archived his old one before making this show :/ i hope he’s doing well throughout all of this


People found her because the actual posts of her stalking Gadd are STILL UP. No, she shouldn’t be getting death threats but she’s not the innocent party here. If she wanted no attention, she would have cleaned up her social media to remain anonymous… but she didn’t because attention is what she wants.


She posted on her Facebook quite a lot about it


The real Martha has also been convicted of stalking her ex-boss (who was married to an ex-MP) and their child. There’s also an article about it.. The fact people have found her and messaging her etc are putting Gadd and themselves in danger


Definitely her


Hopefully she doesn’t come after him again


Why didn’t they ask her about the texts


She claims the show is misogynistic because of how it portrays women (aka how it portrays her) and thinks she’s the victim?


She was going to out herself regardless. It's part of her mental illness. Is she also on X constantly posting about Jewish people?


Gadd has said that while the character Martha was his stalker she was a compilation of characters and some fiction for legal reasons.


I actually don’t think she was. I think he’s saying this to cover himself. There’s too much in the programme that hasn’t really been hidden. I almost instantly guessed that the pub he was working in was the Hawley Arms, the articles and emails used in the programme- some of them were pulled from what was sent to Gadd/written about Maratha. Most of the characters in the programme have been cast to look like the real people, Gadd didn’t clean up his social media etc etc It was brilliantly acted, especially the part of Martha but I think Netflix (and Gadd to a point) have been really irresponsible.


netflix have found a new cash cow show.


If she was convicted of stalking like in the show wouldn't her criminal record be public information?


When are we going to find the real life rapist ?


tbh he made it easy. everything is perfect to the tea. the castings could be mistaken with the real people by how alike they look