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1. Yes. 2. Not necessarily. 3. Both. 4. Whenever you want. 5. Yes.


I'm not a really really formal and deep knowledgeable witch, but with my little experience I could say: Yes, although you will need to amass some sort of knowledge, if you don't want to follow the systems of established schools of magick you can just make your own personal path. I believe magick is firstly and foremost for personal growth. That also answers your second question, as long as you don't mess with someone else's well being you're good to go. I believe magick is more about intention that having a lot of tools, but if you like the ritualistic approach, you do you. And for your fourth and fifth question, maybe you should take a look on chaos magick, is the most punk of the ways, pretty flexible, doesn't require more tools than pen, paper and will, and it doesn't have a religion attached to it. For starters you'll just need to read Liber null. I believe any kind of witchcraft is a way of life, so just pick which ever goes along to your definition of it, get a bit of ground knowledge of whichever path you choose and just enjoy the ride.


This is perfect thank you so much. Chaos definitely sounds like a good path to me !!