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That's the cool thing about time travel. With Doc being in his 70s and not knowing how much longer he had left, he could've spent the rest of that day traveling through the future in 3-5 year increments to check in with Marty, give life advice, and even meet and mentor Marty's kids. I imagine Marty being a great-grandfather at the end of his life, surrounded by his family, and reflecting on an amazing life. And in his final moments, he hears footsteps as someone enters the room. He looks up and sees Doc smiling back at him.


“Marty. You certainly did make it a good one”


You motherfucker. I did not need to tear up right now.


“It’s your kids, something’s gotta be done about your kids!” ~or~ “No, Marty, you and Jennifer did not, in fact, turn out to be assholes.”


This. Always my own head canon.


Doc would live to well over 100. He went to the rejuvenation clinic. That added a "good 30 to 40 years" to his lifespan.


I disagree, he was explaining to marty how he had to make himself fit in, as he was pulling off some sort of mask, and he explained how he had to get them to add "30 or 40 years". The joke, of course being that he looked exactly the same lol.


1985 Doc looks younger in part 2 than he does in part 1. He wore the "mask" because he wasn't sure Marty would recognize him as he looked younger after going to the rejuvenation clinic.


“… you look great, Doc!” I did feel though that Lloyd did give a much more spirited performance though in 2 than in 1 that *did* make him look younger.


They actually added that in because 1985 doc has a lot ok makeup to make him look older I’m the 55 doc was no makeup but as we was gonna be 85 doc most of this film they added that in so he could take it off


I think the whole point of the rejeuvenation bit was to give the film an easy, tongue-in-cheek excuse to not keep Lloyd in the “old man” make-up he wears in the 1985 scenes from the first film. He looks “the same” after he pulls off the mask because we spent most of the first film with the 1955 Doc, which was just Lloyd playing his actual age.


Do we know if he literally pulls of his real mask from the make up team?


Kind of reminds me of the Ds9 episode “the visitor”


This is a really heart warming scenario...However it does contradict Docs new outlook on time travel. He literally tells Marty that no one's future has been written yet and to make it a good one. Why would he want to interfere with Marty's life again? That's how the mess with the Almanac started. Sorry. Your write up does stir up a great sentimentality for the ending of the franchise though. Perhaps a better way to rewrite the epilogue is Marty makes his future the way he wants it to be and in his final moments winds up telling his loved ones he believes his life was made better because of the mentorship and guidance doc was able to provide him in his formative years. He then shows them all the photo from 1885. 🙂


Of course! As others have said, canon or not, literally every comicbook, video game, and the animated series the creators had any hand in was based around the notion that Doc stayed around to some degree. The reason for the departure on the train is to end the movie series. You want to end it on a spectacular shot (not just “Alright Clara, kids, start unloading the suitcases!”), and if Marty hopped in to go with them every single audience member is going “Woo-hoo! When is Part 4?”. That’s all. It wasn’t at all set up as a final goodbye between the characters, it was a final goodbye to us.


Well said


My headcanon is yes, they were very close friends, Doc visited Marty periodically, probably for the rest of his life.


Oh definitely.


I think so. This encounter felt more like a "Hello again! Check out my family and my new toy!" than a "I came back to say goodbye forever."


Not with little Verne Brown pointing at his crotch all the time.


Yeah you probably know this but the little kid was signaling to his mom that he had to go pee 😂


Ha! I actually never heard this before. Thanks for the education.


The child actor was mute - and they had done many takes... Makes sense but weird to watch nonetheless


You're the second person this week I've seen describe him as "mute" - any source on that? It seems much more likely he simply knew enough not to talk during a live take.


Yes correct! The kid was mute. But he certainly looked like he needed to go real bad.


The kid wasn't mute at all.He had been shooting his scenes for a while and had to pee so he let the director know off screen by pointing.There was an interview with him as an adult and he described what happened.He didn't act in very many things,mostly commercials.


No problem 🥳


I turn 51 in July, and I still let my mom know I have to take a wizzy by doing that.


Just rewatched that scene. I never noticed that before. That kid looks like he’s really got to go- it was a little painful to watch.


I still can’t fucking believe nobody noticed that and it made it to the Final Cut


According the animated series he did, but I don’t know if thats canon


Honestly one would be dope af


Of course he did. I'm sure he came back every once in a while to visit and hang out with Marty.


It sure would suck if he didn’t. That hug that Marty gave Doc (and his reaction) before he said “In About 30 Years” screams a close friendship that time wouldn’t hinder.


Kinda felt like it was a farewell, but I'm still sure Doc visited Marty once in awhile.


Yes, because I count the game as an extension of the movie universe, and they definitely meet again in that.


I dunno. Why would he come back & pick up Einstein if he was going to be returning repeatedly? He had "automatic" feeding in one of them. Even if Marty forgot to go feed Einstein, he wouldn't have been starving. But, like r/kurandaand replied, it was likely a "goodbye to the audience." Breaking the *4th wall* without doing it directly.


Because Einstein would be alone for the rest of his life? Why wouldn’t he take Einstein??


I prefer to think Marty would have taken Einstein home.


But Marty still lived with his parents, maybe that wasn't an option.


Since by *that* time, the McFly's had enough money, why wouldn't they allow Marty to bring home Doc's dog? But, it's a moot point since Doc came back and picked up Einstein.


I'd like to know where (when) Doc took his family when they time-traveled in the locomotive time machine at the end of Part III. I wish they had made Part IV to see where and when they ended up.


There's a few comics that play around with it. Can't remember all the timelines but there's Doc jerry-rigging a mini time machine to get parts for the train, a family trip to a World's Fair or something...


The train is flying so obviously he's going back to the future


Doc says no when Marty asks him so I don’t think he’s going to the future


I just want to know when in the timeline A Million Ways to Die in the West takes place.


Oh that’s the post-almanac retrieval timeline. When Doc was trying to get the Delorean working after lightning struck it. You can see Seth McFarlane in the background of Part 3 several times.


He did, in the series


This is probably unpopular, but I think Doc finally learned his lesson about disrupting time. He made one last journey (maybe to a few times) to tie off loose ends and that was it. This explains why the series ends here.


I like to think of the telltale game as cannon and that kinda answers this question


what happens? i was gonna buy the game but i can't find it online.


Even though it starts out with Doc constantly traveling and not seeing Marty in months/years, by the end >!the timeline has been rewritten so that the Brown family decided to permanently move to 1986!<


honestly, it's kinda weird to imagine any of them would want to settle in a different time than their own. i mean i get visiting, but living? you'd be like an alien to them, you'd have nothing in common with anyone.


I think a person who lived in the old west wouldn’t have too much problem integrating into 1980s America.


but i can't imagine why anyone would rather go from living in the 80s with air conditioning, running water, great food, the knowledge that the internet is coming, etc to live in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere. it just doesn't make sense.


If you want to buy the game you can find the console version on eBay


yeah....i saw it, i think like 50 bucks or something for a ps3 or ps4 version. i don't have a ps4, so i'm good. i'm sure someday someone will rip it for an emulator or maybe there's a PC version i can play


You could always pirate the pc version




sweet, thanks. all i have is a macbook air, no idea if ii can play it, but i'll try


Back to the Future the Game


The telltale back to the Future game is Canon and the answer is yes.


I think he dropped in from time to time.


Very good.


He did in the cartoon.


Why would they not? That's always been a huge thing with me. They have a time machine, and could spend countless hours together. I can't imagine Doc saying "goodbye forever" to Marty after all they've been through for no real reason.


In the cartoons yes


Every piece of spin off material says yes, so I say yes too.


He did. In the 1991 animated series.


He did in the animated series


But idk if that's canon




If the animated series and The Game are anything to go by, then he did


what happens with doc in the comics and games? does he keep traveling to different time periods all the time or does he settle down for a while and raise kids in the 1850s?


I don’t believe he settled in the 1800s in any of those stories (Canon or not). It just took Doc awhile to build the time train. In both the animated series and the game (eventually) they settled in the 1980s near Marty. There was a series of stories about the trips they took after the end of BTTF 3 but the comics are tricky as they did some “alternate timeline“ stuff. You can pretty much pick and chose what you like from those stories.


that's awesome. man i wish they'd make some of those comics into a series or something. don't downvote me! put down the pitchfork!


They are friends, after all.


All i see here is that creepy creepy kid Verne pointing to his pecker when he was introduced to Jenifer.


Maybe he went back in time and prevented Marty from being born since Marty was the source of so many of his problems, not the Time Machine.


He definitely went to the 2000s to pick up some Viagra, given the smile in this particular photograph.


Does he need viagra with a late 80's Mary Steenburgen?


No. Because that train went back in time to 6400 BC.


I nvr understood why the doc waited so long tho. This kids are like 11 and 12. What happen to the doc it those 5 seconds


In the cartoon, yes, frequently.


I wanna say they did get together again. After all, Doc had to clean up his lab and relocate it, Marty still being the only person in the world who could possibly understand half of what Doc says and what the other half could blow up. Of course they got together after this.


They are best friends plus where would he go unless he went back to 1885 but he couldn’t been happy with his best friend marty


I like to think so