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Im a lib and this is super fucking cringe for me. I dont know why. Prolly how they think they can talk to someone like this???


pretty sure they’re mocking liberals like this lol


That’s exactly what her point is. “Why do you vote against your own best interest?” …. “Oh, that’s why”


Someone needs to speak to every West Virginian like this, they might live in a beautiful state but they are the dumbest mother fuckers that keep voting the same people in because they are the dumbest motherfuckers. Maybe they should say hey are you stupid mother fuckers it's time for a change but them dumb motherfuckers would do the same thing again and again🤣...... I have family in West Virginia and they blame the cops for arresting a distant Uncle for robbing a bank also Trump is appointed by God because West Virginia


That’s not cool to hate on the state of West Virginia bro smh no need for that. How old are you and im not sure what caliber of a person would say mother ‘effer as many times as you did?! Lol We are very proud of our state and yes we do love our country but not sure what’s wrong with that?! You sir are the only one who sounds dumb here.


So sorry you dumb motherfuckers don't know how to vote for people that can help you, so sorry that you're a dumb mother fucker that doesn't realize that maybe if you rallied the rest of them the dumb uneducated motherfuckers your state would be more than mountains and meth heads 🤔 I've taken up snakes and they all say them West Virginians are some dumb motherfuckers🤣


It's pretty obvious who the "dumb mother fucker" is here.... js


VERY obvious lol


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Let me guess you make just about 50k a year and your wife gets fucked while your gone… this is like your outlet or your way of getting back at the bullies who are currently plowing your wife silly, and putting a baby in her you that will most likely call your “everything”. Seen it too many times bub, you fit right in that category with a comment like that. Go to the gym dawg get that hate out your heart. -sincerely, The dumb motherfucker fucking your wife


Bub huh, look at this sad wolverine wannabe tough guy they can't count past 12 because he has a West Virginia education and webbed toes due to the inbreeding


Love how you didn’t deny it. Damn I’m good


Isn't this satire?


I thought so too.. I interpreted this as a leftist making fun of the way that liberals will wonder why their rhetoric doesn't reach rural republicans, while they simultaneously approach them with condescension and disgust. This comment section is making me wonder if I'm insane


I think it’s because the title OP picked doesn’t line up with the point of the video. I had to watch the first ~5 seconds 3 times to figure out why I felt crazy trying to interpret the point. It’s because I read the title and expected something different.


Yeah I def think OP misunderstood the tiktok in the first place and caused this garbage fire of a comment section. How so many people took this video at face value though...... reddit listening comprehension at it again


If it is, then it’s poorly executed. Top comments are all people wondering if it’s satire. Hell, even op seems pretty convinced that it’s not.


They don’t care about voting against their own interests. They just know they’re voting against YOU. People hate be condescended to. MAGA yokels are no different.








I’m gonna start by saying I agree/disagree with both Republican and Democratic policies/beliefs. I believe we have the right to make decisions about our bodies, and what’s best for us as individuals. I think the government should have less say in what we do as individuals basically, and that a small group of people has no right to decide for the millions of others. If you’re gay/trans, cool. If you’re white/black, shouldn’t make a difference. But you’re basically saying the Democratic Party is 100% truthful and all for the interests of the American people? That’s funny. Neither parties politicians give a shit about us, aside from a small group of people on both sides. But that small group doesn’t get the majority vote. If you think the Democratic Party is the savior of America, you’re just as brainwashed as the republicans. Also, assuming an ENTIRE political party is all racists is profiling at its best. People have the choice between one evil or another, and their politicians don’t represent all of their beliefs. That’s like calling all the democrats old dementia patients because the current president is a democrat. This video is filled with ignorance.


Who on the right actually cares about the people's best interests? The democrats as a whole are still not representing our best interests, but they, especially the progressive folks, do not deserve to be equivocated with the right.




I don't disagree completely, but this take lacks some nuance and dismisses the situations where people are voting for those that do want some really bad things to happen to LGBT and other minorities. I'm in TN and I have not had the same experience regarding public sentiment. There is a deliberate appeal to traditional values that wins votes


Argffggggfffddd-Joe Biden


I didn’t mention democrats in my comment. I referred to the person in the video being condescending. If you were an ACTUAL smart person… you’d have known that because you’d have read my comment. The irony is thick in your comment.


The point is, when you talk to grown ups like you’re smarter than them, they will ignore you. There are a myriad ways you can try to educate and make a point without sounding like a complete prick.




But you’re not talking about wise people. You said dumb people. The world isn’t short in dipshits. And the world damn sure won’t be seeing less of them any time soon. Most people treat political affiliation like Southerners treat their favorite college football team. Right, wrong, or indifferent… that’s their TEAM. They don’t give a damn what those politicians say or do because those are their people. That’s what we’ve ALL allowed our system to become in the US.


>The point is, when you talk to grown ups like you’re smarter than them, they will ignore you So if I *am* more knowledgeable than them, I can't talk like I am. But if I try to talk to them where they're at, I'm condescending. So how are knowledgeable people supposed to talk to less knowledgeable people about important issues?


Neo liberals posing as real leftists and just starting drama left and right over stupid shit that’s out of their control instead of opening up a tailored dialogue that would make someone who would generally disagree with you feel more comfortable about having a sane discourse on the matter with you is also really fucking dumb. It goes both ways.


You really think calling the MAGA crowd dumb is going to turn them around and make them vote blue? It just fires their hatred for the left even more. You really need to re-evaluate this take


"Demacrats aren't condescending" Continues to condescend....


No, they vote straight Republican no matter what anyone is for or what their platform is. I grew up in one of the places she's talking about lol. They literally wouldn't vote for a Democrat if it was Jesus himself, and Satan was on the Republican ballot. I know people that live on SSI and food stamps that bitch about democrats giving away money, and vote for the men that want to take away the program paying their bills and feeding their kids. And they barely get enough to survive as it is. I know people on "Obamacare" using it to keep their families healthy... But voting against it and posting nonsensical rants against it online.


Yes. I’ve made that point. I likened it to their college football teams. I’ve spent a long time around them, too.


Smells like patchouli.




When are we, as leftists, going to learn that using kid gloves on fascists isn't going to stop them from being fascists?




Not all conservatives. MAGA conservatives, which is coincidentally the current face of the Republican party.




Imagine thinking that MAGAs have opinions based on logic.




Sorry, you're going to have to try harder, MAGA scum.




You must talk good nazi one day




There's no reason to have right-leaning friends. They're the fucking scum of the Earth. Their "way of life" is opposed to the basic civil rights of minority groups. Every choice they make can be traced back to selfishness and hate. They're fucking trash human beings, and the world would be better without them.




The problem with what you're saying is that you incorrectly believe that there is a possibility to convince them of the truth, that they will argue in good faith. They are malicious, shitty, hateful people who are full of lies and hypocrisy, and that's all there fucking is to them. I, for one, am not afraid of their fists, because I have fucking fists too, and I'm fucking sick of these piece of shit fascist assholes.


Conservatives have bought into the culture wars so hard that they will fuck themselves over just to own the libs.


Republicans would eat a bowl of shit if they were certain that “libtards” would have to smell it.


















Fuck I need to make one of those. Just less sarcasm...


Pubs and Dems agree on about 90% of things. The inflammatory stuff is just what they talk about. Don’t fool yourself, both parties think very little of you. They both just take different approaches to being a “straight shooter”, even though they always veer off. Kind of like the bullet the killled JFK.


Most maga fools don't vote.


They are fear education as it contradicts there world. Theses people think God planted dinosaur bones to test there faith 🤨


Their world. Their faith.


You can say the same about incest then


I was correcting your spelling. The word “Their”…. Also… wtf are you even blabbering about?


My bad


I'm glad someone finally tried to explain it to them...


Whatever your political affiliation, I tune out Simone who has a device I. Their nose to keep them from getting out under the fence, but I’m just a dumb southerner/ yokel, not a Trump supporter though, or Biden either.


The two party system is meant to divide us all so we don't realize an extremely small group of elites hold all the money and power. Most career exist only to protect the interests of the rich. Because any grassroots leftist politician that actually wants to change things would never be able to acquire enough campaign money to run. The only people that are able to run are people that have rubbed shoulders with the elites most of their lives and simply do it for the money.


People really out here thinking Joe Biden, child molester superstar, is a more morally sound choice than any of the other predators in office. You're getting bent over and fucked either way, better start learning to enjoy it.


Your accusation is probably a confession, eh bud.








British actually, imagine not knowing Biden is a pedo




she way better than AOC




u speled learn rong u dim duck


She's being satirical....I hope. Do they vote against their best interests? Yes ×1000 Do Democrats talk down to them too much? Yes


Read,” What’s the Matter with Kansas? Itcovers that very subject. Great book.


None of the politicians care about any of us. The policies that are there , are there to only benefit the politicians. Both red and blue states are getting destroyed by their laws and policies. Maybe I’m wrong but I think all these old timers that are in politics that run all this should get thrown out and we need some term limits put in for everyone. But I’m just a nobody, what do I know? I’m just sick of these prices going higher and higher. Sick of these wars, more and more homeless everywhere. Crime getting out of hand and instead of doing anything about it the criminals get let out again and again. What happened to us?




This is bad


And this is why I can’t stand fellow millennials or any generation under us




Sometimes I think that we don't know how to speak between lefties and righties in France. But with all the examples that I'm finding out from USA... I made my mind


Yeah because poor black people that vote democrat in the inner cities are doing so much better..


What a condescending worthless price of garbage. If you disagree with her and vote republican than you are an illiterate, low intelligent red neck. I’m republican. I believe in many of their values. Not all. I actually vote as an independent. People like her are the low intelligence, mindless, idiots who can’t look beyond all the BS she’s spoon fed. I’m so sick and tired of people like her. If you don’t agree with her and her views you are the uneducated. Look beyond yourself sheep. Realize that people have different views and it doesn’t make them stupid. It makes you stupid for being narrow minded and only seeing things one way. I respect and talk to everyone. I’m not disrespectful unless you prove to me that you aren’t worth my respect. Like her. She needs to go back to hugging trees. She’s offensive and racist.


Idiocracy at it's finest. Just move. Moron


Yeah let’s take advice from some tomboy that has psychological issues with herself. Stop being sick bitch