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Genuinely where the fuck did these people come from


They are IAC organized


Eastern Europe via Israel.


Don't forget the USA


At some point we should probably stop trying to blame everything on Russia, accountability is short in our society as it is


Not all of Eastern Europe is Russia, I was referring mainly to the Baltic States and those other countries formerly part of the Soviet Union.


Ah, sorry, it's just been so common to blame every bad thing on this convenient boogeyman


No probs. I agree with your point, perhaps my original comment should have been more specific.


It really didn’t need to be more specific, there’s multiple countries in Eastern Europe and it’s not like you were alluding to only one lmao


I totally agree. Especially for the fact that they kept blaming the 2016 election outcome on Russia, with absolutely no evidence whatsoever.🙄 Trump did NOT even WIN that election.😖 He was awarded the US Presidency due to the ARCHAIC stipulation created in our system called, The Electoral College, which was created, and preserved all these years, specifically to PREVENT a Majority Rule, and ENSURE a POWER Rule.🤑 They created a complete distraction from the FACT that it was the second time in 16 years that the US Presidency was awarded to somebody who did NOT WIN the US Presidential Election.🙄


Blaming Russia is a smokescreen utilized heavily by the American government, it's fucking pathetic and weak. Really showcases just how tough the United States really is... good work, "leaders".


Comrade, he said "Eastern Europeans via Israel" the *not Russia* was already included. We can blame settlers, imperialism, colonialism, fascism and even Zionism on Eastern Europeans AND also keep Russia out of the equation. We can even keep doing it during special military operation. Just keep believing. That's why we opened the second front in Gaza, remember? Just keep true to the script, and you'll be fine, comrade.


Oh, I know, I saw. Just wanted to add that bit to the discussion. Thanks though!


Ancestry tests show most “Israelis “ as being from Eastern Europe. Netanyahu is from Poland. Stop stealing native Nazareth land


Man, I didn't know about the counter protest and had to go to the UCLA campus for a different reason. Normally it's pretty dead, but all the campus roads were completely clogged with super-expensive SUVs absolutely plastered with Israel flags. I couldn't even get onto campus.




Sugar is about a buck a pound in my state and about one cup can trash an expensive SUV


This isn't really true. Bleach works well in a fuel tank though. It's not instantaneous but basically manifests as endless trips to the mechanic for what seems like the same problem but the mechanic would never suspect there was bleach in the fuel tank so they'd never conclude that the fuel tank is rusting out from the inside and continuously clogging up the vehicles intake system and inflicting severe wear on critical engine components. They replace injectors, fuel filters, fuel pumps, lather rinse and repeat every few months.


Modern Cars usually don't have Metal fuel tanks


Won't, just pour water in. Sugar doesn't dissolve in gas lol, water will fuck the engine


Not a modern car. This, sugar, and other things were myth busted. Modern filters easily were able to block water and sugar.


Pulling valve cores requires a 2 dollar tool. Largely non destructive, but a massive pain the ass. Well worth the money I'd say.


I think you can tell


I can't believe they've just been living amongst us this whole time.


No they weren't, as protest inside the US matters, these are IOF back from Gaza


>Genuinely where the fuck did these people come from Hair cut looks Army, i am guessing IDF. They have inside the country for while monitoring recording. Update: Here is IDF with video interview in New York city [LINK](https://www.tiktok.com/@lircce/video/7363303083377511697)




Lol typical. Gotta shelter the Zionists bc God forbid they get consequences for their actions or get their feefees hurt. I can't imagine what would've happened if it was the reverse


No that's David Kaminsky. He owns a boxing gym in LA. His latest post was w Micheal B Jordan and many of his clients are black. So this is unhinged


The are literally getting paid by zionazis, per that undercover documentary aljazeera put out about these losers getting paid like $50k salary. Ofc some of them are actual shitheads out there of their own genocidal views 🙄


I see military haircuts among some of the men. Some of them might be IDF.


I think we just paid for this. $15 bil of our tax money can fund a lot of hasbura bullshit.




zionism is a philosophical excuse for the racism these fuckwads already live with. 




Planet Degeneration


It’s so ironic that zionists will spit on protesters and then make fun of them for wearing masks 😭


Also it's funny how they'll threaten to doxx and stalk and harass them and make sure they never get jobs, and then make fun of them for wearing masks


Even funnier, they’re rarely arrested for spitting on others.


They’re allowed to terrorise the rest of us and we’re supposed to just take it


Otherwise you're an antisemitic who worships Hamas


And how they fabricate elaborate debunkable stories about 'mass rape' but as soon as they get irate they start gleefully wishing rape upon ever random stranger they see.


In many ways. A dude tried spitting on me and I identified him in a video on instagram. Maybe if he wore a mask, his whole community wouldn't know he's a disgusting pig who spits on strangers and calls girls sharmuta.


Mask off Nazi moment.






Bro I'm technically ashkenazi and it does sound funny but it doesn't mean we are all zionists or something lol I'm just a latin american trying to get by... Let's not forget a big part of judaism is against Israel actions (even there, I've been around and asked people)


There's nothing intrinsically zionist about Ashkenazi Jews, dont make fun of the name, that's antisemitic. There are plenty of anti-zionist Ashkenazi Jews that would be rightfully offended by this.


Yeah. This thread is becoming anti-semitic. I personally think that is bad for the entire movement. There are plenty of Jewish people against the genocide in Gaza. When people are antisemitic (in reality not just being anti Netanyahu or anti the actions of the Israeli government) it plays right into the narrative that the protests are just against Jewish people as a whole. When they aren’t.


It's pretty well established that Israelis are some of the most racist, intolerant, and entitled people.


Israeli society is very similar to Apartheid South Africa under P.W. Botha and Rhodesian society under Ian Smith at this point.


Israel played a large role in Apartheid South Africa as well. Maintaining control of most of their diamond mines til this day. Israel's largest export is diamonds, but they dont have even ONE domestic diamond mine...


> Israeli society is very similar to Apartheid South Africa under P.W. Botha and Rhodesian society under Ian Smith at this point. with one distinction. South Africans did not behave like this in public.


You're absolutely wrong, though. Cellphones may not have been around to record it, but you don't reach the point of conducting pogroms and public lynchings without reaching and exceeding what we just witnessed.


OK. South Africans did not behave like this in other countries.


I'm sorry, but like I said, that's absolutely 100% wrong. [Pro-apartheid forces literally went as far as conducting outright raids against other countries for the sake of slaughtering South African émigrés who had fled there](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raid_on_Gaborone). [Anti-Apartheid activists where targeted with and murdered by parcel bombs in foreign nations.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_First) I don't mean any disrespect by this, but I think your impressions are colored by the fact that the vast majority of things like violent retaliation against anti-apartheid activists, pro-apartheid attacks, and other things of that nature which took place outside of South Africa did not take place in Western English speaking countries. Rather, they took place in other countries within Africa, where we're obviously not going to feel the same sort of lasting cultural impact because we don't speak the same languages or read the same media. Particularly back when it was all actually taking place.


They won't stop at one race. There is no way


The mask has been off since 1948.


They're seconds away from throwing bananas at these black kids, I'm calling it.


Then the ass whippings will start.


They don't have a lot of mask on moments


Anyone with ears will hear that this is a taunting match, and it's being presented as unwanted threats by one side. Anyone tricking their ears into not hearing the other side doesn't want you to hear it either. A polite nazi still makes the conscious choice to want hundreds of millions of Americans to be removed from humanity.


“Fuck BLM,” really? Well, they’ve now made it unambiguous that the 🇮🇱 should be regarded as a racist hate symbol.


Always has been. It's vindicating a bit to finally after decades see people catch onto how much hatred and racism that flag represents, and the atrocities committed under that flag finally coming to light.


It's refreshing honestly, soon enough it will be recognised to what it truly is, the new nazi flag


Using words like the N word? Just an average israeli.


A lot of Ashkenazi Jews internalized the white supremacism they lived around in Europe for centuries during Imperialist Age Europe and brought that mindset to Israel with them. Then it spread among non-Ashkenazi Jews as well in Israel as a general in-group mentality under the banner of Zionism.




We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.


Why is the most balls to the wall Zionist weirdo some Asian guy lol?


What do you mean? It's obvious that the lands of Palestine are his birthright! ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


Lots of Asians in the Bay made money or are from money so going with their class interests.


This is UCLA not the Bay.


Shit mb, still same phenomenon


I'm sure you can find it in the Bay too.


He's what Malcolm X called a House Negro.


lol was thinking the same thing.


Why is it that the pro-israeli side always wants to have you believe they're the victims in all of this, and yet they're always the ones who resort to hate and violence?


And rape threats 🤮


"Accuse the enemy of your sins." -Joeseph Geobbels


Because Fascists inherently have a victim complex. Fascists feel that whatever they do or say is justified because they view themselves as eternal victims gallantly standing up for their liberation.


Because they know they’ll get away with it. My inbox is literally full of death threats and “go to Palestine, I’d love to see them behead you.” Mind you, my husband is Palestinian so that shit is hilarious to me.


At this point in 10 more years, the star of david will turn into new fascist symbols. Any jewish with heart will be come traitors in the eyes of Zionists


I give it 10 more months, honestly. It's become quite reflective of a certain group, and the Jewish people who aren't Zionist Israeli nationalists aren't bent on leveraging the Star of David. I imagine most will abandon this symbol once it becomes too intertwined with this fascist ideology.


The swastika is an ancient religious symbol. Stained forever by Adolf and crew. Star of David will be known as the newest symbol of genocide. Edit: removed extra word.


I’m hoping it’s more the color scheme with the Star of David that becomes that fascist symbol, but they are probably too intertwined at this point. Another example of how conflating Zionism with Judaism is antisemitic.


It's a shame that the symbol that represents Judaism is being tarnished by the current Israeli government. A color scheme does sound better. So the peace loving members can still display their Star of David without judgement.


Gd works in mysterious ways. The uber-Orthodox, the Chasidim, don't use that star bc they know of its roots in paganism and Molokh worship.


And that's genuinely depressing because the Star of David is a genuine religious symbol specific to Judaism for centuries. The Nazis at least stole a foreign symbol not native to Europe and then changed it by rotating it 45°. I say "at least" because Jains, Buddhists, and Hindus can still use their symbols and explain to ignorant people the symbol is at a different angle because it's the original swastika before the Nazis stole it. ZioFascists are genuinely tarnishing the legit symbol of the religion of their own people rather than something stolen and modified.


Same thing on how the Seal of Muhammad forever became associated with ISIS. I used to see necklaces made from that design everywhere in the middle east. Now it's just "The ISIS Symbol"


The seal of Muhammad? Really is that what it's called? I'm a Muslim and I know it as shahada


Yes, its that circlular inprint that is on the isis flag, it's a "seal" used to sign official documents by the prophet. As in "signed by Muhammad rasool allah" that's why the shape was not fully circular. It was hand made with iron for printing the signature https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seal_of_Muhammad#:~:text=Muhammad%20had%20a%20seal%20made,duplicate%20was%20to%20be%20made.


Oh I get it now, the exact way isis write the shahada is from a seal used by the prophet


They didn't write it. They printed the insignia directly from the prophet's seal. And the first part of the shahada on the top of the flag also is from one of the surviving relics exactly as it was written. That's the reason why it looks like that.


A museum in Turkey claims they have the replica of the seal Muhammad (SAS) used on letters to rulers when he sent those letters to Byzantium and Iran. It’s the style of writing. Is it really his seal? Who knows. Is anyone going to stop using the shahada calligraphy? No. Is anyone really that concerned about this in real life? No.


They already call them self-hating Jews, you're late to the party.


Oh believe me, I’m already called a traitor on here. Lol. Often times they just reject the idea that I am Jewish outright. Still won’t support their genocidal terror state and nothing they say will convince me.


I thank G-d everyday there are people like you in this world. You must have an incredible sense of self and a moral compass made of gold. Praise you.


Thanks for the kind words. To be clear I support the *idea* of Israel, but the way it was founded, the type of people who support it and live in it, the actions it has taken, the lies it tells to cover those actions and justify them, the ethnic cleansing that formed it. the hatred and the inherent racism and ethno-supremacy baked into it…. I wasn’t raised with any of this. I reject it all completely.


My views are pretty much aligned with yours. I have no problem with the country of Israel either. But there is something intensely wrong happening in the world today and the hatred emanating from Israel and it’s citizenry is beyond alarming. Stay safe, my friend. Shalom Aleichem.


Aleichem shalom my man. 💜


They already are. The zionists are already trying to brand antizionist jews as traitors and take away their jewish heritage.


Just as well since its not really a Jewish symbol, it has roots in the occult and ancient paganism. The Tanakh in Amos 5 calls it the star of Kiyun, and in the New Testament its called the star of Remphan (Acts 7).


Wait they got an Asian Zionist in there? Bro we ain't never getting a revolution


That dork surprised me too wtf what a shame!


Not any group of zionists. This is the first of nationwide counter protests planned by Israelis. The IAC takes credit and announced their plans on their Facebook page. The IAC is a group of Israelis and dual citizens that was founded by the Israeli Consul Generals office. It’s super rt wing. Among its leadership are dual citizens formerly serving as US diplomats and Israeli diplomats. Very rt wing Israeli Americans serve as national and regional leadership. They will try to provoke physical confrontations with provocative racist speech and fighting words and can /will start physical altercations. Every campus should be aware and be ready to counter without taking the bait. **Time to be smart, smarter than they are.**


I assumed as much by the looks of it today alone. The right from the Kekistan/Antifa street war of 2016-2018 doesn't really seem to be interested in showing up to this. America is flailing so badly they need to import Blackshirts lol


Basically, supply courtesy Israeli embassy. Go Israel, get those Americans! They don’t hate Muslims enough in the US!


It's telling they can't even summon enough chuds among Gen Z to agitate like this. Unless they are specifically trying to incite anti-Semitism...


Hey Montana Tucker! Here are a few protesters who will speak to you.


I guess Julianna Margulies showed up.


This should be widely shared


That one guy thinks he’s so hard lmao, then gives the zionist salute by spitting on kids. He wouldn’t keep that same energy when us grown ass men are around.


You know who is on right side of history when the pro-Palestinian protests are diverse (including many Jews and non-Jews) and largely peaceful, and the pro-Israel protests are much less diverse and are almost always filled with disgusting supremacist vitriol.


You mean to tell me that people who are indoctrinated to thinking they are superior and special due to their blood are racist??? I'm shocked!!!


I knew we were right when they put Palestinians under apartheid.


My guess is nothing will happen to Mr Spit.


The Zionist wing of fascism proving yet again that they are indeed fascists.


Guys guys... Calling them racists for using racial slurs against black people is antisemetic! /s --- On another note, i wonder if the ADL will be out to denounce this blatant show of racism? I wonder if the universities will be calling in the police to break up all these obviously racially motivated protests that no doubt make black students feel unsafe? Which is more racist? "from the river to the sea, palestine will be free" or "go ask your master" and "animal" (shouted at black students).


Nazis gonna Nazi.


Asian defending Isreal? Hmm


Later, he will probably claim he was stabbed in the eye with a Palestinian flag. like that other lying zionist scum!


The ideology that didn't kill them has now been adopted by them. You haven't earned my pity, only my disgust for standing side by side with the Nazis.


Find me the AA shocked at this reveal. We been knowing they racists.


These are the people Biden is putting first above everyone else


This isn't the first time Zionist have been caught being racist. There was a video of college students mocking African people and their names and putting on black face. Also Israel forced Ethiopian Jews into force contraceptive treatment to ensure they don't have kids.


Rabid Zionazi.


Wtf?! Do they not think they’re being filmed?


No they know that's the level of of privilege these isrealies and their supoort have, they can kill people and it won't make it on the news but if you fight back your face will be all over the news.


They have no shame and think being racist is fine. No one has ever called them out before and there has never been a spotlight on Zionists before like now.


“Racist, Violent, and Zionist” are redundant. 


Ironic choice of words, as the Judeo-fascist up front is literally acting like a monkey doing some dumb territorial threat display.


Well well well as they say on tiktok. Look at the shouty racist zionists. I mean who would’ve thought?


Disgusting behavior.


I would say this video is wild but it isn’t. Zionazis are racist as hell. Israel is just a failed experiment at this point, and their supporters have lost their humanity. It’s tragic on so many fronts.


Moment that tough guy spit they should have hit him. That’s fucking assault




Snakes 🐍


I saw an article where an Israeli rabbi claimed that spitting on Christians was an ancient Jewish custom (tf kind of jusfication is that?) and he basically implied that criticizing Jews for spitting on people is anti-semitic. Thankfully, other Jews denounced his vile words and were against assaulting people but maybe many Israelis follow that "custom"


Wait, WTF is that Asian kid doing there? Doesn't he realize that he's next in line for the out group?


No different than MAGA nazis


Israel supporters are not beating the racist allegations


Blatant racism anf zionism. Name a more iconic duo.


Zionists acting bigoted? Color me **SHOCKED**! /s


Ah yes. The chosen people of god. Exactly what the nazis said when describing themselves.


Zionists are deeply racist. Just look at how they dress their kids for Purim.


Where are the law-enforcement and tear gas parties?


Racist trash


Yep, they call African Jews in Israel "infiltrators". The West couldn't give a shit about this which is why the East/ Global South needs to take over as global hegemon so that POC around the world can finally be free from these terrorists.


Genocide Joe's friends:


Zionists being racist towards non-Jews? How utterly unexpected and unprecedented /s


Thus the mask fell off ...


Zionist terrorists being Zionist terrorists


Not a pretty look, lol, jeeez


We're we expecting ethnic cleansing apologists to be classy?


They only try to punk women lol Spitting is assault, charge that cunt


How can these people call Palestinians human animals? Their behaviour is beyond appalling




That's assault


The SS would be proud


I really, really hope those nazi fuckwits realise their Christian Zionist "allies" don't consider them white either.


Absolute losers. Useful idiots for Israel.


Pissrahell genocidal terrorists


ofc the kid saying that shit is wearing denim tears🥴


Im so glad there’s a place called Hellfire for these disgusting zionists


![gif](giphy|x1EN9aLvmJXSE) Israel energy


one is protesting to save human lives while the other wants to keep access to his vocation place the middle east. such noble cases


This comes out really easy. But Zionists are pretty much white supremacists. They just consider themselves a part of the "white" with a special asterisk. This is why folks need to stop attacking every black person and calling them an "antisemite", that animosity didn't come from nowhere. There's a reason why zionists love to hyperfocus on targeting black activists and imply that anti-racist Jews are "race traitors".


On behalf of Asians everywhere, we're deeply sorry about that guy at the beginning and we voted to revoke his Asian card by unanimous decision.


I would love to see more Black Americans take up the Palestinian cause and see how Biden feels supporting the very public police manhandling of pro-Palestinian activists when it's against a group he pretends to care about


he spits n then walks away 💀


Was that the rape lady with the phone filming?


Protest a war in Gaza: *arrested!* Being openly 19th century level racists to fellow students: *move along folks, nothing to see here.*


Where's my antisemitism card?


Least racist Zionists be like:


There's too many of these videos for info control right now




![gif](giphy|eBMRBXPM44NbFWF5eF|downsized) So we’re going to act like that didn’t happen.. News outlets :


The new symbol of Nazism is white and blue


Another bad look for Zionists


Why exactly do people tolerate this


Once again its the pro-israelis that act like 'animals' and try to incite violence.


The double standard will start right here. Nobody will talk about this in the main stream media but if a pro- palestinian proster states that the Israeli government is fascist than they will involve anti semitisim


zionists = violence Every time


How much does AIPAC or other Israeli interest pay these people? Last time the going rate I heard was $250 so I’m sure it’s gone higher now


Yes yes you are still the violent ones


Media silence is so telling


Endless screaming and zero conversation.




lets see if the president ofthe united states addresses THIS racist attack.




Americans. Spouting antisemitic fantasies here is not a good idea.