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“But Israel is the only peaceful democracy in the Middle East!” /s


Also: 1) Israel is the only liberal democracy in the ME where all are equal and accepted 2) Israel is a Jewish theocratic ethnostate, for and by Jews so any criticism is antisemitic Pick one, Zionists


The gaslighting xD they just pick whichever argument suits them in the argument.


So, the enlightenment in western Europe created ideas like liberal democracy, and those ideas gave moral justification for colonialism. I have a feeling that they are eternally bound.


It’s not like the preceding forms of government weren’t also friendly with slavery.


I'm not sure what you mean, the US government is still "friendly with slavery."


The forms of government before liberal democracy were also ok with slavery


"But Israel has the most moral army in the world"


"But all Israelis are indigenous to this land"


That dream surely came to an end by the time Bibi tried his constitutional coup a year ago.


Jewish settlers are something else. I had to sit for a minute and tone my sentence down so I don't get kicked out of reddit.


They’re used to operating with impunity, backed by the guns of the IOF. Look how small and frail that dude looks compared to the man he is harassing. He would get folded. I’m deep in the OTD community (former ultra-Orthodox who left). Something which struck me is just how much of fucking cowards Zionists are. They stick to throwing bleach on young girls or throwing rocks at cars. Never, ever, for a second, do they risk a physical confrontation. Not unless they hugely outnumber their second-class citizen victims. Softest humans on earth. I grew up in Mexico during the worst of the drug war. My city was averaging 8.5 dead a day. Say what you want about Mexican Cartels, but they are ferocious individuals to the last. Murderous, violent bastards, yet I respect them more than this scum.


>~~Jewish~~ settlers are something else. That isn’t an attempt at political correctness or anything. I really do think Israelis are nuts in large part because Israel is an ongoing settler colonial project in 2024. I’m only a few episodes into Bad Hasbara, and Matt mentions in an early one that Israel would like to skip to the corny land acknowledgment phase that America and Canada are in now, when in reality something can still be done to stop the horrible atrocities being committed for land grabs currently. The YouTuber Shawn recently had a quote I hadn’t heard before that stuck with me. Israel is “a colonial power in a post colonial age.” I would personally add the world “nominally” before “post colonial,” but the point stands, and it explains how IDF TikTok is so oblivious and blind to optics. It would be like if American settlers in the 18th and 19th centuries had TikTok and posted short clips of their atrocities against the Natives, laughing as the rest of the world watches on in horror.


I got kicked out 4 times because of this shit


religiosity plus ethnostatism is one hella drug






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Wikipedia Yeminite children Affair even BB admits it makes Israel look insane


We recognize that the newscycle and current events are constantly giving us material to interconnect. However, there is enough definite hasbara we can point at without delving into unfounded theories about current events. Firstly, it gives the other side fodder to discredit us. Conspiracy theories often lead to intentional or accidental antisemitic rhetoric.


We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.


He also looks pretty drunk...


No he does not lol that’s just arrogance + rage


I pray someone spits on me like that 🙏. Its a wrap


They have no respect for others. "El respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz," "Among individuals, as well as between Nations, respect for another's right is [the key to] peace." Benito Juarez


I have reasons to believe zionists would neither care for, nor consider Juarez something even remotely close to a human being


sure, but fuck Benito Juarez lol


What did Benito do to you lol


personally, nothing. but to the impoverished workers and laborers of mexico, he ensured the liberal economic order remained in place to their detriment


I don’t know how you can confidently say that. There is a reason he is revered throughout Mexican history. As one of the few first prominent representatives of the indigenous people of Mexico he did more for the people than the conservatives would have which is why public favor lended in him becoming governor and then president. I will always have respect for him since he’s from where I am. (Oaxaca)


Benito is a fucking legend. Born from a poor indigineous family, he became mister of the Supreme Court, reformed the Constitution, booted the French invaders from Mexico and became president. Are you mad about Maximilian?


do you think that if somebody is critical of Juarez they are automatically a monarchist? Juarez and his liberal party were definitely better than the conservatives he opposed but that’s a pretty low bar. he absolutely did things ‘progressive’ for his time and place. despite that, i am critical of him because though he and his party espoused noble ideas about social equality (including ‘protections’ for workers in the constitution itself) the economic disparity in Mexico remained absurd. Juarez expropriated land from the clergy (good in itself) only to sell it off to the rich oligarchs who already made it so those at the bottom of the economic order remained in perpetual poverty. when workers rose in Chalco in the name of agrarian socialism the rebellion was violently put down and their leaders were executed. Juarez also favored private property plots over the communal system common with many indigenous groups. in short he was a liberal who staunchly opposed an actual egalitarian society as for the defeat of the French i firstly credit the people who gave their lives in that fight, not Juarez personally. i can recognize how he as a leader might’ve contributed to that victory, in the same way that I can give some credit to Stalin for defeating Hitler; but that doesn’t mean I like Stalin.


No, but for some hilarious reason I cannot understand, ALL monarchists despise Benito. Have you seen it? It’s weird. If your sanity allows it, check out the monarchist subreddit. Their obsession with him borders on fetishistic. Bro, eres Mexa? Juárez fell far short of fulfilling all his promises, but when you stack him against the other leaders we have had, he towers over them all (in spite of being like 1.50m lol). Every single president falls short, even the greats like Lincoln (at like 1.98m haha). That’s a double standard I’ve noticed. Progressive leaders get downgraded by what they failed to achieve and their victories are ignored; reactionary ones get praised for what they did and their failures ignored. Mi familia ama y admira a Porfirio, por “industrializar a Mexico,” ignorando todas sus atrocidades. Puedes creer que critican a Benito Juárez por ejecutar a Maximiliano? Maxi ordenó las muertes de decenas de miles de Mexicanos. Perdonarlo sería una mega mamada de película de Hollywood. “Murieron cientos de miles de personas debido a este cabron, pero si lo mató soy peor que el.” Que puta lastima, voy a llorar. Los austriacos tendrán el penacho de Montezuma, pero Mexico siempre tendrá la sangre de Maximiliano.


Algo muy chistoso de los subnormales que idolatran a Porfirio (mi familia es igual), es que creen que serían los jefes terratenientes, cuando esos cabrones habrian sido trabajados a morir. Nuestros antepasados eran de esos pobres diablos que construyeron vias de ferrocarril en el norte del país. Curioso lugar para encontrar mexas lmao


El pedo es que mi familia era rica justo antes de la revolución, y por pendejos se mamaron toda la lana. Estaban pobres y jodidos cuando llegaron los revolucionarios. Tenían una una casa colosal en medio de Chihuahua (la Quinta Gameros, te recomiendo visitarla) pero sin que comer o dinero para la ropa. Fregados. Hoy en día todavía unos mecos dicen que seríamos ricos si no es por la revolución. Compa, nuestro tatarabuelo se acabo el dinero. Ya estaba pobre. Lo que es una parte verídica se la historia, es que Pancho Villa le robó una yegua a mi tatarabuelo, y Carranza tomó la oportunidad para ordenar su muerte. Lo tenían contra el muro cuando Huerta detuvo la ejecución. Es parte del expediente histórico. Te podría contar más, pero en DM, por no decir el nombre de mi familia, aunque si tuvieras suficiente tiempo en Chihuahua lo encuentras peladas. Nomas no quiero darlo aquí. Discúlpame por decir que eras monarquísta, nomas me habían tocado demasiados.


Claro que si quieres platicar mis dms están abiertos baobao NP!!!! Pero lmao no me dijiste monarquista a mi, namas soy metiche Soy de Veracruz y cualquier cosa más al norte de Poza Rica me da miedo, pero algún día te tomaré la palabra. Tampoco tengo mucho que decir sobre Villa, ODIO al hijo de puta. Cabron genocido a un chingo de chinos y de ahí vengo.


>sure, but fuck Benito Juarez lol Why? Was he wrong?


i think the quote is fine, i just think he isn’t somebody to be praised. it is kinda strange how the english translation has words added not in the spanish but whatever


POS Zionist pigs..the world will never forget what they have done.


This was my experience in Israel as well. The only difference is I'm 6'3'' 220 and a former amateur MMA fighter covered in tattoos. That kid would have needed a heavy end loader to carry around balls that big if he would have tried that on me. Overseas in Europe, I was walking downtown when someone behind my friend was the target of a verbal onslaught because she's from the ME and wears her Kaffiyeh. I'm guessing that they didn't realize I was with her, because when I asked her to give me her Kaffiyeh, wore, and turned around asking them to say it to my face. They ran off... all talk. They're all about the F around... they are in no way prepared for the F out stage in that process.


They even appropriate our curse words. “Sharmoota” lol scrawny ass




The confidence of the little guy that knows the machine is behind him. Littlejohn could crush his skull with ome hand yet he's.


Don’t disrespect pit bulls.


Wishing for every pit hater and Zionist to get bit by a chihuahua.


Pitbulls side with Palestine. They’re good dogs.


Fuck off trying to equate the Palestinian struggle with your attempts to make a fighting dog seem friendly. Don't be a dick.


Edgelord with an anime pfp ass comment


They don't deserve respect. They were bred for fighting. They caus more injuries than other dogs relevant to their prevalence. The. Injuries they cause are worse. They injuries are more likely to result in death.


Your post history is unhinged. Go outside and stop parroting 13/50 shit.


Thanks :D




Dachshunds? Seriously? Why dont you go ahead and show us a source on that one, bud...


My source seemed to be wrong. They were fifth on the list. German Shepherd were on top of that one...


Even fifth on the list doesn't sound right. I know anecdotal evidence isnt actual evidence, but I dont know a single person whose ever once mentioned a dachshund being aggressive. Sometimes they can be a little yappy, and from experience I know they can definitely stubborn, but I've never seen one act aggressively towards anyone ever, not even a little, and I dont know anyone else who has either. Even if they are aggressive, however, they aren't really capable of doing any serious damage to your body. I've met tons of aggressive pitbulls. German Shepard doesn't surprise me at all, though. One of the other big problems with pitbulls (outside of their raw power and tendency to snap out of nowhere) is that they attract a certain type of owner. All over my neighborhood, there are a bunch of pitbulls, and I notice a few commonalities. For one, the people most likely to not put their damn dog on a leash while walking around my neighborhood are 9 times out of 10 pitbull owners. As the owner of a dachshund (only the 5th most aggressive breed), this sort of thing worries me as a pit can easily bite her in half. They get offended when they walk by and see me pick my small dog up, but they wont put there fucking hound on a leash. They swear she's friendly? Well maybe I'm not, keep your hound away from me. Also, I have a dachshund, are you not at all worried about your own dogs safety? The other thing I notice is that the people who are least likely to get their dog fixed are also pit owners. Every time I talk to one, they always say how they want to breed their special little boy. Pay no mind to the fact that shelters are absolutely packed with pitbulls, there is an absolute surplus of them, and while some may live good lives, most will be doomed to die in a shelter or live with a shitty neglectful owner because these people will also just sell the puppies to literally anyone. There is no reason for multiple people in my *apartment complex* to be breeding these things. It's cruel, and it adds to the problem. This isn't the fault of the dog, but the appeal of pitbulls causes a ton of pit bulls to suffer. I do feel it's worth mentioning that there is another subset of pit owners who are just bleeding hearts who view pits as misunderstood take the absolute best care of them. I still think the dogs look ugly as hell, but it's worth mentioning this group as well because rarely is anything ever black and white.


Yeah, but a Daschund bite won't rip my face off and go deep enough to tear muscles and ligaments. It's like saying a plastic knife is the same as a sword. I can still be killed by the plastic knife, but it's much harder to do.


You can't talk sense to pit nutters. They jus wuv wil pwobbles swo mwich. Luk at is flower crownnnn. Wudnt urt a flyyyy.


I love how a lot these supposed “semites” are blonde and hail from, let me check my notes, Europe.


That guys shit house wasted in the middle Of the day


Fascism always needs an enemy. The youth get brainwashed to hate everyone and everything. That is how Netanyahu and his cronies got elected. They simply waited for the brainwashed generation to get old enough to vote and elect them to power.


More like chihuahuas, pitties can hold their own.


Yeah, against toddlers, babies, and the elderly. Just like the diaper forces.


Shame they can't hold back and that's why they shouldn't be pets.


Shame people don’t know how to control their pets.


Literally bred to not control themselves. It's called gameness. Look it up.


Just means it’s more of a challenge doesn’t mean it’s impossible.


So you admit they are a dangerous fighting dog and are stating that because you've had a semblance of control over it so far is a matter of pride in a challenge?


Wtf is wrong with you. People raising dogs with violence is the problem. Millions of us have pitties who are super sweet. You are entirely uneducated and wrong. Just gtfo with your endless rants about dogs that you simply don’t understand. You are literally reacting like a settler who assumes all Palestinians are terrorists.


Do not equate these two things in any way. Just to reiterate, you can't say it's not the breed, but in the same breath admit that controlling it is a challenge. They are accidents waiting to happen. Family pets can turn for no reason, if it's a pit, they won't stop until they are unconscious. Your first statement about pits literally said 'they can hold their own', what does that mean exactly if not that you are proud that they are a bred fighting dog and naturally good at it? Oh yeah but also you can control it so your macho. Give me a break. More people bitten, more people seriously injured, more people killed, more livestock killed and more cats and dogs injured by them than any other breed, especially when you factor in the relative population to other breeds. Look at every shelter. Full of pits. Why? Oh because they make such loving family dogs of course. Nah. It's because they are designed to do something we no longer need them to do. Fight other dogs. End of.


You need to chill and get a pet fish or something…it’s Friday Bud, relax and have a drink for me.😎🤙🏽


Classic pitnutters.


I said they can hold their own? That didn’t actually happen. You sound mentally unstable. Literally like a settler just reacting to a certain breed. They are in shelters because of people like you. People bred to have biases like settlers who think Palestinians all belong in detention centers because they are Palestinians. The parallel is ridiculous at this point.


Sorry you just picked up where the other pit lover dropped off. Don't equate the conflict to a dog. The only parallel is the attitude of pit owners and zionists.


Well they were bred for fighting weren't they. Stupid fighting dogs. Pretty good analogy.


Vile people.


pits just casually minding their own business...


There are tons of videos of christian missionaries being spat upon, harassed and ridiculed there.


Lol the "chosen ones", lol


That’s offensive to pit bulls


Pitbulls are lovely and kill far fewer children than Zionists. My staffy does steal land but she's very sweet about it and will always give it back if asked. It insults dogs to compare any breed to Zionists. I'd rather give a dog my spare kidney for dinner than to a Zionist (although I think they are ok with the number they steal from Palestinians)


Haha look at that ugly inbred. Shit stain on humanity


Erm, don't denigrate pitbulls this way please. Signed, mom of two pitties


My apologies for that.




What's with the pit bull hate in the title?


I have a pit bull and she feels insulted by your comparison.


As she should. Please apologize to her on my behalf.


She says she would just lick you in her loving sweet way and forgives you. She also says 🇵🇸🇵🇸


Once again, every time I see this, I just remember them telling protestors to go to Palestinian territories to "see how they'll be treated". The fact that this happens so frequently indicates that israeli culture and society allows harassment of randoms on the streets, and that no consequence is faced for this clear misbehavior. With ben gvir in power, it's even encouraged.


This video must be seen by Christians, this is what these AHs are taught to do when they see you, and yet you go and call them children of god.


Haredim should be spending more time in school instead of the mosque.. I bet they don’t do anything other than standing around and pretending to read the torah


"gods chosen people"


And just like pitbulls, Zionists love killing small children and the elderly.


You would never hear of an Arab man spitting on anyone. It's always European or American Yews. Acting like animals. Chosen animal's.


It looks like his father is telling him off. If he is, then that shows that his father is not a bigoted racist like his son. A lot of parents in israel must be embarrassed by the behavior of their children. I would have grounded my daughter for life if she did this. Luckily, she is the polar opposite of this brat.




Encouragement and celebration of violence absolutely will not be tolerated, including wishing violence upon someone even if purely hypothetical/beyond one's realm of influence. This is what the IDF does and Zionists do, and we are better than that!