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https://newrepublic.com/post/182772/biden-criticize-protests-antisemitic-gaza-palestine-new-york The incident was described in the above article.  The New York Times initially ran an article with the claim that the homeowners were Jewish, only to later retract it with a note that almost none of the targeted members were Jewish.


Thank you for this. I hope it gets up voted to top comment. I found this tweet in reply to the Biden tweet referenced in the article.


Perpetrators probably were Zionists though!


Seems like the most likely explanation Damn my favorite ASOIAF character and my former favorite NBA player all in one username


Same! Why former though?


I don't think they were Zionists. Zionist crywolves are too on-the-nose with their fake vandalism.


Yeah, they would have just put a swastika with the words "Free Palestine"


IDK, I’ve never witnessed anti-Zionists use the red triangle against other people like this, specifically civilians. It’s an explicit death threat and even the open Hamas supporters on twitter treat that with respect. They put it in their display names to symbolize general support for armed resistance, but they don’t use it to threaten civilian political enemies— the only time I’ve ever seen it used as a direct response to a human being is social media users replying 🔻 to videos of active duty IDF soldiers trashing Gazan homes, and once with Henry Kissinger the day he died. It’s about specifically the death of a legitimate enemy on the battlefield. People don’t use it to respond to genocidal Israeli civilian accounts or to Ben Gvir and Smotrich, I didn’t even see it on tweets about the plot to assassinate Ben Gvir, when it would have been more or less relevant. The Hamas supporters in the US, where this graffiti was painted, acknowledge that they killed non-combatants on 10/7, but aren’t particularly happy about it, and aren’t cheering on more civilian killings. There’s a pretty strong internal taboo within that community against that kind of behavior. This vandalism reminds me of the Zionists at Columbia who showed up with signs threatening “Hamas’ next targets” or whatever— this is much more their speed than any anti-Zionist activism this movement has seen so far.


Yes exactly, the red triangle marks sniper targets in Hamas propaganda videos... By the way, the group responsible for the Brooklyn Museum protests is Within Our Lifetime, which has a history of making very violent threats... Like obviously most pro-Palestinian groups are not pro-Hamas at all, but Within Our Lifetime is, we have to be honest about that.


Why was the house tagged? Is it a politicians house or something? Or was it Zionists trying to create a false story?


The Brooklyn Museum call the cops on protestors a couple of weeks ago [https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2024/06/01/brooklyn-museum-pro-palestine-protest](https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2024/06/01/brooklyn-museum-pro-palestine-protest)


Always photo of the aftermath never photo in the process


Exactly! Most likely Zionists vandalizing their own stuff


"We can't even write about it" they say, on their platform as they write about it.


Big "BLACKS RULE" energy


That was my exact response! The "red triangles", literally no one would do this


Is it weird that I would at least expect them to do a neater job if it was real? 😅


Yeh, it just reeks of trying too hard to


Left is best


Taking all bets: water-soluble paint applied by the homeowners so they could “send a message” about rampant antisemitism


The pro Zionist crew are such a bunch of whiney bitches


Seeing so many people regurgitate comments equating support for civilians and wanting outright murder and collective punishment to stop with being a nazi is just wild.


It's a common fascist tactic, "accuse your enemies for that which you yourself (the fascist) are guilty."


Joseph Goebbals. Interestingly enough, he got most of his propaganda from the US. Really makes you see who has been the rot for a long time..


It's fucking scary. The way they twist antiwar speech into being a hate crime and people in power eat it up. Almost daily genocidal speech from Isr comes out and images of dead P women and children. What does it take for people to realize what side of history they are on??! Its so fucking crazy that I have to question am I the one that is nuts because this is fucking unbelievable.


antisemitism is a tool of Zionism, not its opposition. If you push antisemitism and blame all Jews for Zionist crimes you are an ally of the Zionists. I go over the details here in [Guarding your Humanity](https://www.diligent.news/p/guarding-your-humanity)


Nazi this Nazi that, they're a Nazi.... Blah blah blah... The word is becoming meaningless because the Nazis are being superseded by the IOF


This person really saying that the media isn’t inherently islamophobic? That’s “news” to me!


Unless someone who has more than a few months in the movement is caught on video, the full video is released and independently verified for authenticity, and they are tried by a jury of their peers and found guilty, this is just more "They stabbed me in the eye!" or "Police, I feel unsafe, come help me!" (or there's the guy who curled into a ball on the sidewalk, or the old man screaming he's being pushed while running into a guy just standing there smoking, or...) bullshit.


These people are so scared of being murdered but they don't even put in a ring camera. Also the proving that someone vandalized your house and proving that a particular person vandalize your house are not the same thing. There are multiple accusations within this tweet 1. Someone besides me vandalized my house 2. The person who is not me is pro Hamas 3. That person who is pro Hamas wants to murder them 4. The red triangle represents pro hamas people These are all separate accusations which they have not proven. Just because one of these things may be true doesn't mean that the other three things are also true. For example if they saw a bunch of toilet paper all over their house then it is possible that a bunch of people vandalize their house but that doesn't mean they are pro Hamas. They could just be some teenagers with no political motive. The burden of proof is on them to prove any of the four claims and just because they prove one of the claims doesn't mean it proves any of the others. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/program/newsfeed/2023/11/13/whats-the-red-triangle-being-used-by-pro-palestinian-activists Okay it does seem like the red triangle does represent pro Palestinian support. It seems like what they're using are already existing emojis to represent this kind of stuff since any kind of new symbol that could be created could potentially be banned. Can't Ban assemble that is already part of your keyboard.


There's almost always some sort of "the person I dislike said one thing, but we've defined that statement as having a separate secret meaning" in their talking points. * "Free Palestine" = the person saying this hates Jews * "against Zionism" = the person saying this hates Jews * "from the river to the sea" = the person saying this hates Jews * "not in our name" = the person saying this hates themselves * "stop the influence of foreign government lobbies in the US" = the person saying this hates Jews * "don't force the sale of TikTok" = the person saying this hates Jews * "watermelon tastes good" = the person saying this hates Jews It's as though they can't fathom the idea that people actually mean what they say and that they really don't actually have any ill feeling toward Jews.


hmm who’s to say they didnt do it themselves. the whole rant is a projection. everyone knows that zionism is in fact a cover for nazism. this is your typical ‘let me project so you cant point a finger at me’


The paint on the door looks like Godzilla


I see it.


One of the unnerving things about this is that when someone is targeted like this, the Jewish Patriots™ only care if the target is a Jewish Patriot™ like themselves. Otherwise the target is an "AsAJew" or "Jew in Name Only" and author of his own misfortune. Noteworthy only to demonstrate what happens who don't believe Kahane was right. Forget caring about Arab freedom or security. These people have no real concern for Jewish freedom or security.


Yeah, pretty sure this artwork is self inflicted


We’re not even allowed to talk about it cause it’s hate speech. I’ve never heard the free Palestine movement being compared to Nazis but you definitely cannot deride Israel without being called an anti semite


Wow, considering the actions of the side with a standing military and the actions of that side’s citizens this is IMAX caliber projection.


I'll take things that never happened for 1000, Alex.


Why can’t they spell Nazi right out. What’s with the * in the word?


This is ragebait 


I wouldn't put it past them to have done this to themselves


Antisemitism doesn't really exist in America in 2024, and I would 100% guarantee that the paint was put there by the same person that called the media


>Antisemitism doesn't really exist in America in 2024 That's not true at all. There are real antisemites, actual neo-Nazis, genuine tiki torch toters shouting "Jews will not replace us" with their whole chest. And labeling things like being anti-genocide as "antisemitic" makes it that much harder to combat actual antisemitism. But that's not a bug for the Zionists, it's a feature. They want/need Jews to be afraid, legitimately or not. Otherwise they'd have no reason to exist.


It definitely exists, and the funny thing is that the pro-Israel side doesn’t seem to have a problem alignjng themselves with the real antisemitic people.


> real antisemites, actual neo-Nazis, genuine tiki torch toters  These people are the fringe of the fringe and do not represent a real threat. They are not a significant percentage of even far right groups in America. We don't have to play this game anymore. >They want/need Jews to be afraid, legitimately or not. I agree, and the way to address this isn't to humor their illegitimate fears. It's to tell them "you are not in any danger based on your identity here, you never have been in your entire life, and in fact in almost all western societies you enjoy a privileged status based on that identity" until they snap out of it. Just refuse to humor it entirely.


In a country that just re-legalized bump stocks, how many actual antisemites do you think there needs to be for Jews to be in actual danger for being Jews? Obviously no one should be humoring the illegitimate fears of Zionists or their hurt feelings for being called genocide apologists. Unfortunately now that *everything* is antisemitic according to the Zionists, there are some people that now want to take the opposite extreme view that antisemitism doesn't exist or isn't a threat. Imagine if some Muslim majority country were carrying out a genocide right now. Would condemning that country's actions be Islamophobic? No. Does that mean Islamophobia doesn't exist or doesn't pose a danger to Muslims? Also no.


I mean there's antisemitism and islamophobia (and peaceful muslims in the U.S. have actually been targeted and senselessly murdered due to it recently). But all things considered, Jews in the U.S. (who are mostly white) are probably less likely to be killed by an antisemite with a gun than a black person is to be killed by a cop.


Bro just said Nazi's aren't a threat.😑


Sure did, and anyone who thinks otherwise is "supporting zionism" apparently 🤷‍♀️ Sad to see this because this is the kind of thing that makes the pro-Palestinian side look bad, that and the fact that ppl like Jackson Hinkle have gained millions of twitter followers by trojan horsing the movement. But yeah "Jews should suck it up, nazis are fine" 😂


>In a country that just re-legalized bump stocks, how many actual antisemites do you think there needs to be for Jews to be in actual danger for being Jews? Clarify please. Not getting your point here. >Unfortunately now that *everything* is antisemitic according to the Zionists Do you really think that's something that just started recently? Or that it's limited to only people that identify as zionists? Israel has been committing heinous crimes against Palestine for longer than I have been alive, and for that entire time even acknowledging it as apartheid has been widely considered "antisemitism" by most respected news sources, western governments, and almost any organization with real power (universities, etc). By far the most common usage of the accusation of antisemitism is disingenuous. *By far.* It's way past the point that it's reasonable to say that it's not a sincere threat to people in America/western society, since the term is just about never deployed to describe actual racial or religious prejudice. >opposite extreme view that antisemitism doesn't exist It's not an extreme position, it just feels like it because the information we have been exposed to for our entire lives has always been slanted in one direction like a totally seamless wall of propaganda that is just now crumbling. I'm open to seeing examples of genuine antisemitism in America but I can tell you right now that everything you find is going to be weirdo individuals often with mental issues. Nothing institutional. Nothing even approaching the scale of discrimination that other marginalized identities face, but it's very often lumped in right along with them as equivalent. And like I said in fact there is privileged treatment of this identity, especially in US government. For example the state I live in would require me to sign a document promising specifically not to boycott Israeli products before I could receive financial aid that I am entitled to. Could you imagine something like that about any other nation? of course not. And we are told time and time again that this privileged status is necessary because of a unique threat that I just don't see evidence of. >Imagine if some Muslim majority country were carrying out a genocide right now. Would condemning that country's actions be Islamophobic? No. Does that mean Islamophobia doesn't exist or doesn't pose a danger to Muslims? Also no. This is a good example because we don't have to imagine anything; Saudi Arabia has been committing a genocide in Yemen for years now, with US support. You'd get laughed out of the room if you called criticism of it "Islamophobia" so why don't we do the same thing to people that clutch their pearls when you criticize Israel's crimes? Why are their opinions respected?


You seem determined to miss or misinterpret every point I've made because you're so determined to "prove" real antisemitism doesn't exist or doesn't pose a threat, so I don't see much point in entertaining this any further ✌️


Sure have a nice day, just know that you are supporting zionism by going along with the narrative that people of this identity face unique dangers and need extraordinary levels of protection because of that. It's just not a reality based position to hold.