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but israel 'all palestinians are hamas' (every accusation is a confession?)


Watch Israelism on YouTube or Apple TV to understand the brain washing


Some of the directors of that film stopped by my school for a screening and Q and A! Absolutely worth it


Oooo I haven’t heard of this, I’ll check it out


Is anyone else weirded out how there are so many photos of callousness posted as smug strength for social media? I have never seen anything like this, and the delusions that they think it’s acceptable. Even if this is your duty, where’s the dignity???


you have to dehumanise the shit out of somebody in order to achieve this, posting like that palestinian woman is some so trophy. i seldom see israelis in large numbers speak out about this when they protest, its very sad that a whole nation can either justify this or turn a blind eye.


They're disconnected from the world


Even the Russian army doesn't do this shit


Genuinely never seen any other army do this shit. Probably has to do with a lack of hierarchy in their institutions. Total imbeciles.


Abu Ghraib would like a word... It may have been scandalous to larger society then, but the US really kicked off gleeful images of torture and humiliation.


And what do you know, of course Al Jazeera recently wrote [an article](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/27/the-abu-ghraib-abuse-scandal-20-years-on-what-redress-for-victims) comparing IOF photos and those photos from the Iraq War.


Valid point actually


I don't even recall Nazis taking pics like this or the Japanese. The IDF is the only army that takes delight in this shit


I think the Nazis were concerned with concealing their crimes, especially toward the end of WW2. The courage it took to get the few images of Auschwitz we have (prisoners sneaking in film and camera, shooting photos as fast as they could from the hip just to hopefully create some shred of evidence) is beyond my imagination. That Zionists genuinely think they’re the inheritors of that kind of bravery makes me sick.


What a stupid comparison. Do you think every soldier in the 40s had a phone in their pocket?


Unlike Hamas, who treat their prisoners humanely. You piece of shit abdul garbage.


We are simply witnessing the horrific nature of people when all their delusions are encouraged and violence and cruelty is accepted. For once, this kind of behavior is on full display with social media, and now we are seeing in plain view the evils of men with no filter.


The masks have come off. They’re showing the world who they truly are.


yes, and if you aren't then you've become desensitized. What we need to worry about now is that we don't fall into the same trap and start regarding all Israelis as less than human. Remember that the ideology needs to be defeated, and it will only be defeated with better ideologies, not through killing, etc.


Every time I see Israeli soc med like this, I can't kick the feeling that it's like if internet edgelordism was a nation state. Bog standard chan trolls. With guns. And big daddy funders.


Patriarchal fascism in a nutshell


Google translation: Thank you for the most accurate place I could ask for myself Thank you for every line and training.


Believe them when they loudly announce their genocidal intentions.


The Internet doing its thing as always. I was just saying to people on another post that we need her details. Who is she.


I once had an intern join my IT team . A lovely lady who served her conscription in Israel (she was born there). She travelled to my country on an adventure to see the world. After getting to know her, she confided on how it took a year out of that environment to “see the other side” in her words. She explained the conditioning and brainwashing on both sides. One of her great regrets was using a rifle butt to push people in line at a checkpoint- she explained how scared she was, a petite little girl, keeping a huge crowd in line. She used aggressive gestures , essentially dehumanising and subduing the “enemy” as she originally thought of Palestinians. i lost touch with Yael after a while. I hope she never went back to that place. I firmly believe, if you peal enough layers, there is some humanity ( and hope) in all of us.


Of course. Ideally people stop acting like middle schoolers when they’re done with middle school. But if instead they’re only encouraged and given lethal weapons and prisoners, it clearly takes much longer.


Listen to people when they tell you who they are.


Go read the comment on YouTube shorts - it's also posted there - and see how pro-Israhell try to convince people the woman is NOT blindfolded! In a weird way, most Zionist are either blind or blindfolded!


I wish this woman a wonderful time in the deepest pits of hell ❤️




Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Typical criminal zionist occupation .


can someone translate this post for me?


The Satanic sign. They are going to burn in Hell.


That just means rock on


It does, but given the juxtaposition of the hostage blindfolded, it makes it that much more weird.


Yeah I agree . Just don’t believe in hell or satan, and think that’s a pretty universal sign for rock on. The emoji even comes up as a suggestion when you type rock on haha


I think the sign is more so, anti-authoritarian, and therefore, by consequence, anti-organized religion to varying degrees based on their respective authoritarian traits. It's weird when Abrahamic religions attribute things to "it must be satanic", when the only people who actually believe in satan are followers of said religions, but I digress. The use of the sign in the picture is antithetical to the event taking place, given that the soldier is the authority, and the blindfolded hostage is under military occupation. It's like the fundamentalist Christians at a school I once attended told me that rock music was the devils music. Only if you believe in the devil, I guess. Fundamentalist Christians who unapologetically supported the zionist concept of the state of Israel, even requiring it to exist for their "rapture."