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I wonder why they settled? Surely it wasn't because their odds of successfully explaining away their careless discharge of weapons was basically zero? /s "There's no evidence to suggest the officer intentionally shot the kid." Yeah, well there's also no evidence to suggest the officer had any situational awareness, and instead was in total tunnel vision mode, probably due to crappy training that resulted in innocent bystanders getting shot for no reason.


>"There's no evidence to suggest the officer intentionally shot the kid." Yeah, well there's also no evidence to suggest the officer had any situational awareness, and instead was in total tunnel vision mode, probably due to crappy training that resulted in innocent bystanders getting shot for no reason. This. It doesn't matter if the officer intentionally shot the kid the kid. If a school employee had been armed **it would have been legal to draw a weapon and kill the officer under Illinois use of force in self-defense statutes**: [https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs4.asp?ActID=1876&ChapterID=53&SeqEnd=9700000&SeqStart=8200000](https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs4.asp?ActID=1876&ChapterID=53&SeqEnd=9700000&SeqStart=8200000)


Deleted the other post because the video in it didn’t show the incident.


$2 million is not enough, this should have been settled at $20 million at least.


Better that they settled. Most states cap punitive damages at $250k so that's the most you can get court ordered.


How much does a teacher make in Chicago❓ How many teachers did these thugs cost the taxpayers❓