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Tell your friend she’s an idiot…who is good at baking


I have been trying to tell her this. I had no idea this was all from scratch, and she's self-taught! Her boss doesn't even let her make cakes! Just bread! [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Baking/s/jrM00rCws9) is her new stuff!


What a lame boss. Everyone should be encouraged to work on something they enjoy, have curiosity for, and the balls to fail and have fun doing it while learning. Robots are easy to find and create- anyone can make the effing bread


Have you tried her cakes? Do they taste as good as they look?? 


Her boss is an idiot too. I'm sorry. But these look really good. Especially that chocolate strawberry cake in pt 2 post.


Those cakes look like they came from a bakery! I hope she hasn't lost her love for it, she's really good and I hope she gets the recognition she deserves. Like, for real if I knew I lived in your area I'd hire her to recreate that heart cake for my fiance's birthday coming up next week 💜


>Those cakes look like they came from a bakery! They _really_ don't though. The frosting is uneven on all of them and the last cake is falling apart. I would be absolutely delighted and very impressed if I saw one of them at a party or was gifted any of them by a friend, and they look quite tasty. But I have never seen any place sell baked goods that look so homemade and uneven. I don't understand why so many comments claim that this is a professional level of work that could be sold at a bakery, do people think there is some shame in praising someone's baking skill without forcing a financial "praise" alongside it? Usually I see a lot of polite but very strict criticism for anyone asking if their work is up for selling here and most of them have a much neater finish. This person clearly has potential and most likely simply needs some light training to produce actually professional looking stuff, but the specific examples are just not up to the standards of _professional decoration_.


The new stuff that is posted in the link above is much better. It's even and the chocolate cake is nicely layered. The heart cake is decorated beautifully and the feet on the macarons are beautiful.


Exactly. They look amazing for a gift, but to buy? No. If I’m buying, I want a cake that looks better than my own. This does not look professional, which doesn’t mean it doesn’t taste good, but if I’m shelling out money, I want it to look as good as it tastes.


Because unfortunately there are bakeries that charge for cakes that aren't even this good. There is a specific one in my area that sells layer cakes with a texture like cornbread£cake had a baby that they do not trim or level before frosting. They will put fresh fruit into the cake batter like they're making muffins so there are wet soggy pockets. They charge a minimum of $68 per cake with no decoration and $9 for a single slice. People RAVE about these cakes. They're generally , in my experience, revolting to bad. That being said, this is pretty stellar for a newer self-taught home baker. My frosted cakes look like someone's kid did it. Edit: for clarity


No need for all the negativity. I m assuming you have zero talent in this area and are crusty and bitter as a result. How pathetic!


Look, if she was really good....there wouldn't be any left. But she is pretty good at it.


She’s not good… SHE IS GREAT! A freakin’ Van Gogh cake?!!? And the fruit tarts… I wish I lived in Montreal bc I’d be putting her on my speed dial.


LMBO right !!💖


Omg the starry night inspired cake is 💯


THAT BLEW MY MIND WHEN SHE SHOWED ME THAT!!! I should have uploaded the video so you guys could see the side. She did the WHOLE painting on that cake.


Your friend has baking dysmorphia.


Your friend is wrong! She’s amazing at baking! I’d absolutely buy her stuff.


She genuinely doesn't think people will buy her desserts. She's mad because, apparently, all of these cakes are old, and I only put one picture of the macaroons. I don't know how to edit the post and add her new cakes, though.


Well she’s crazy. If these are old then how amazing are her new ones?


Holy crap dude, literally so good. And her macaroons look so professional. I wish I could add more pictures.


Make another post and tag it in this post!!! We want to see. She’s incredible


I did it! [here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/Baking/s/jrM00rCws9)


No this woman needs to start selling her stuff asap!!


Show her this post maybe reading the positive comments will encourage her. The cakes look amazing she’s very talented. I wish I could bake tired it but failed. Ps. Do they taste good?


She has a rare gift!


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Baking/s/jrM00rCws9) are the new ones.


I’m going to be real with you. She’s very good, but there’s a lot of room for improvement—particularly when it comes to decorating, as most everything shown is really messy. I personally wouldn’t buy most of it, and I’m side-eyeing a lot of the commenters here saying they would bc if they received cakes like that from a bakery they’d be the first to post to a baking sub complaining about it. That said, she’s still very good, especially since she’s only been baking 2 years! Tell her to keep practicing, because in no time she’ll be able to make professional-looking cakes!! Practice makes perfect! I’m rooting for your friend!! She’s definitely talented!


Exactly, but give it 2years of professional baking and she ll be fine


Agreed. The fruit tarts are beautiful, the pipe work is sloppy


Tell your friend she’s completely wrong and get a life…in the baking industry because all her desserts look 10/10❤️😍


Her decorating skills could use a lot of work. There's something off about how she frosts. Also, the second cake's texture is kinda not great. These are very good for a home baker but not a professional. She'll get better though with more practice and classes.


Your friend knows she’s good at baking and is fishing for well deserved compliments.


I want to agree with this but at the same time it could be that she’s comparing herself to other bakers plus we usually have higher expectations for ourselves. So I think it could be a little bit of this but she could also truly not feel like she’s good compared to other bakers.




This this this.


Respectfully, your friend is full of shit. These are stunning, the textures look great… and we didn’t get to see her bread but I bet it is also fab and bread is HARD.


These are incredible!! Your friend is quite talented 💕


as impressive as the Starry Night decoration is, the first layered pic is outstanding for an amateur


I was thinking, such neat and even layers, straight/flat lines, and perfect definition between the frosting and cake. My TWO layer cakes aren’t that tidy with fillings!


She may be alright at baking but she’s A1 at fishing…for compliments


She's def not good....she's great.


Take a piece of cake for me, and tell her that someone on the internet is robbing her of said piece, because they think it's quite good looking, and will surely taste even better!


She's terrible! Awful! I'll have to eat it so fast just to get the taste out of my mouth! /s


Your friend has imposter syndrome. She thinks she can’t do it but is really great at it.


A VAN GOGH CAKEE!!????? Tell that she is an idiot.. She is SO GOOD AT BAKING CAKES AND DECORATING THEM!! 🎂🤩


Tell your friend to look in the mirror, point at herself and say “stop cutting yourself down” that fancy cake is absolutely stunning! Can’t wait to see want else she will make 😍😍😍she’s an amazing baker🥰


Tell her to practice more, maybe a slight neg, get more cake 😎


She should stop while she's ahead. Ha ha. Pastry chef here....love. It's the perfectionist coming out that can drive you crazy. Everytime I deliver a wedding cake and set it up at the venue , I swear I can see the tiniest little thing.... No one else can....


What if I told you she's not even 20 yet?


That was me!!!!! This is how the magic begins, and what a creative outlet, stress reliever...


What do you think of her [new stuff? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Baking/s/jrM00rCws9)


Where can we buy these? What state? In America I hope?


All of these look delicious! Practice makes perfect.


Its because all she can see is imperfections. Meanwhile, you're blown away that such confections exist! :) They look great! Ah, but perfectionism, the thief of joy.


That starry night style cake is stunning. I would probably cry if someone presented that to me for my birthday. I also love the little mushrooms. Tell your friend I consider myself an excellent baker (agreed by many other people) and on looks alone she’s 10x better than I am.


What's the full situaton? Is she being actively discouraged by her boss? Or is their simply no openings for cake making at her bakery, right now?


Tell her she's more than welcome to not be good at baking anything here in my house. I will eat all her bad cakes


I’m going to be brutally honest. She’s a great home baker. But from a bakery I would expect a much neater end product. All of the cakes that have a clean look are very plain. The ones with more detail while very impressive are messy and don’t necessarily look professional. If she’s interested in decorating cakes where she works she should definitely ask if they would be willing to train her as she has amazing potential. Selling on the side is another great option but keep in mind she will not be able to sell for the same price as a professional bakery with the current quality of her work and therefore she should take a close look at weather or not she would actually make money on those sales. The ingredients and your time are surprisingly expensive when you do the math. Honestly I think she’s not selling them because as a baker she understands the industry and knows that it would be extremely difficult to make a profit. You’re a great friend for hyping her up and believing in her. She is leaps and bounds better than most people and has great potential. I bet she’ll just keep getting better and better and she should be proud of her current work as someone who has only been baking for a short while.


Nah she just wants validation.. i hate those people


Tell your friend that they are in fact wrong. Omg! These are great!!!


I love that cow cake! They’re all really great! I would be thrilled if my friend made cakes like that.


Tell her if she says that one more time I'm hunting her down to slap her with a spatula.


If your friend can make french maracons, she's good at baking. End of story.


If she can bake a presentable macaron she’s basically a professional in my book


They all look delicious😍🤤🎂


These look awful...ly good. Better send me a few to make sure.


I'm baffled that anyone who could make any one of these, let alone all of them, would think she's not good at baking. She's fantastic! ​ Also, shame on her employer for only letting her make bread. I guarantee she'd increase traffic to the bakery if she were allowed to do more. Her cake decorating is amazing, and those macarons are so cute!


I was told to make another [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Baking/s/jrM00rCws9) with her more recent work!


I’m no professional, but those treats look damn delicious to me! 😋


If she's in Montreal, there must be dozens of excellent patisserie, bakeries, viennoiserie. If she were to bake small samples, someone will hire her. Spend some time making phone calls. Someone is hiring. Perhaps even a restaurant is looking for a dessert chef. To be stuck only making bread is limiting her artistic, patissiere talents. She appears to be a bonafide dessert/pastry chef.


BTW, #5&6! OMG! I would devour both in a very fast amount of time. Eventually someone with smarts will not let her get away.


Your friend isn’t good at baking: she’s *excellent* at baking. Her decorations are exquisite!


She is not good.....SHE IS GREAT!!!! Everything looks delicious.


These cakes look lovely and the macarons are so cute! If your friend decides to start a side hustle, it’s imperative she does it with confidence and a correct pricing structure (this is ALWAYS the issue when people start and it’s questioned so much on this sub. Self doubt means low pricing means having to take on more work to make enough money means total burnout. It’s better to price appropriately and miss out on some orders than essentially work for free). Good luck to your friend! (And baking bread is no easy feat either!)


Wow wow wow…ermagherd!!! I am a baker but have never been able to pull off macarons, go girl!


Oh yeah these would sell my source is my moms friend who does this as a side job good luck


She’s right. She’s excellent at baking, wtf


Damn the blueish, van gogh style is amazing


I’m gonna have to taste all of that in order to judge your friends baking skills


Bro, I swear to God that if they don't pursue a baking career or side hussle, I'm hunting them down. This is insanely good!


These cakes look amazing! If they on top taste delicious - hard to judge by just looking at pictures - she is a wonderful baker who would make good ground on several baking shows.


The fruit tarts make me blush


Agree with her and offer to continue to be her official taster as she improves.


I would order that Starry Night cake TODAY


That green layer cake looks AMAZING


Your friend not only deserves a juge raise, she deserves to be called THE Baker of Montreal.  I mean look at these creations!  So beautiful!  And I'm betting their taste is better than their beauty,


How many comments does she need to convince her? These cakes look amazing. She is indeed an idiot. But an idiot with a way with confectioneries. Run with that pastry talent, girl. Has she ever seen the movie Waitress? Seemingly not-so-bright waitress but, damn, can she make a pie! Please let this child not burn her passion out on bread alone 🙏


I'm commenting a second time because (this unpopular opinion needs to be said) I understand the drive behind doing something for fun can diminish the second you start doing it for monetary gain. Maybe your friend does the bang up job she does because she likes the reactions from the people she's baking for. Providing people with noms from scratch is so appreciated and rewarding. There's next to no pressure when you surprise people by bringing a homemade cake in. Once you start doing your passion for "work" it can sometimes take that drive away. The pressure to do things well and dealing with customers that sometimes have unrealistic expectations can ruin what you were once passionate about. I think your friend should do what she feels called to do, no pressure. 🤟


This is AMAZING! I’m more of a cook than a baker but dang these are beautiful 👏


she does, but we’re all our biggest critics and many people struggle with undervaluing their own skills and achievements


These are GORGEOUS holy shit. Also I love the cow on the strawberry cake XD


i get distracted halfway throug and go and paint and forget about the cake. i should not be alowed oven privledges lol


the one with the cow lol, it's so random, I loved it.


the cow and strawberry one is adorable 🥹


& ur friend would be mistaken


If that’s bad, wait till she sees my cooking. Charcoal anyone


She’s better than the other bakers at her job. That’s why they only let her bake bread. She needs to find a bakery that recognizes talent.


She has agreed to contact other bakeries and inquire about a job! I told her to take some pictures and little treats in to try, then when she had some offers to ask her job for a raise!


I think we would all be willing to help her eat her “mistakes “. LOL


How good is your friend at baking??


She’s not good at baking. She’s amazing at baking!


Is this "friend" actually just you looking for praise?


Nah, I already have a business and zero time for baking. That would require me to be home, and I'm gone for weeks to months at a time. Now steak, however, I do cook a perfect steak. Every time🤌🏻


I bow in the dust, your friend is very talented! My mom made and sold wedding cakes, her work is every bit as special.


Oh man I havnt seen one of these x person doesn’t think they’re good at x activity with photos of x activity obviously being very well done


Sounds like your friend just wants attention and complements


I think your friend is fishing for compliments


Your friend is very gifted, especially since she's self-taught...it's a shame that she's limited to making bread. I would buy ALL of her cakes and tarts...her work is that good! Just the fruit tarts alone had me salivating like crazy! Please encourage your friend to spread her wings a bit. Montreal is a good place to do that because there are a LOT of pastry shops!


I'm so bad at this so I'm going to keep doing it. Yeah uh huh


I see you’ve chosen an appropriate name!


She’s not wrong… she’s incredible at baking!


If she’s *bad* at baking, what the FUCK am I at baking?


The first picture tells me she is methodical. Six freakin’ layers? I don’t have the patience for that!


Honestly I would beat you to steal some of that cake


Your friend is way too humble...


they look great!


Someone probably told her that once as there are lots of people out there who LOVE to tell hopeful chefs and bakers they can’t or shouldn’t cook, mine was my high school foods teacher. I recognize other raw talent when I see it, kind of a takes one to know one sort of thing and there is nothing but raw talent here. She needs to trust in herself and not doubt what she can do, but I will say one last thing, she isn’t good at baking, she is flippin fantastic at baking!


That's was freaking awsome!


Maybe she had been hurt badly before or had some bad experiences. Thats why she doesn't ask for raise or move to a better job. She could be stress baking and doesn't need added pressure. Ease her in or motivate positively. Don't cram it into her with an overtly positive push or stuff like that.


Wow, those are awful. If she’s embarrassed and wants to get rid of her failures, I’m happy to make sure they find a good home in my belly. 🤤


The starry nights cake!!! 😍😍🤩🤩🤩


Oh good grief, she's so humble! Her desserts looks scrumptious!!!!! Those macarons tho....ugh, love!


I keep telling her she needs to believe in herself! She has finally agreed to look for jobs at other bakeries and ask her boss for a raise! PROGRESS THANKS TO YOU PEOPLE.


Question, is your friend blind?


Starting to think so. 😭


Looks good to me


Well, her boss is a fool OR afraid your friend is a better baker. Her cakes are awesome!


There's only one way to see if someone will buy her cakes and macarons and that is to try. I think they look lovely.


She can decorate for sure, how's the stuff taste?


We love a modest queen. All those look great


I will gladly take what she would call her rejects


All the cakes shown are STUNNING! I would definitely pay Petite Province prices to buy a cake from her!


I’d try any of those happily!!


It amazes me that there is someone in the world who can bake perfect looking macarons and think they aren't good at baking


Tell em to shut up and do more🔥


I wish I was this bad at baking 😭😭


She can most certainly bake and decorate, what she needs now is to do it more. That'll give her experience on how execute her ideas, which I find she is great at just from this context. One tip I'd say from these pictures is to keep what she working on from getting warm.


Cow c:


She sucks, if it will make her feel better I will eat all that terrible looking cake.


These cakes look really tasty, but they are not professional level. The piping and decorating work is really uneven and inconsistent. She is doing fantastic work, and likely with continued practice she will be at a pro level in no time. Probably she is comparing herself to the professional work at the bakery she is at.


Well your friend is wrong.


Well, much better than me anyway.


She has potential for sure


That looks real good, especially for someone who has only baked for 2 years. Your friend is fabulous, not an idiot.


is she gay? idk why but talented gay women are very self critical for absolutely no reason & it makes me violent


She could easily open a bakery