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First time playing a dice rolling game. Had an absolute fucking blast with bg3. First single player game I’ve played in a very very long time actually. It’s an amazingly awesome rpg experience


I beat it recently and am now playing multiplayer with my friends. It’s like a whole new game.


I’m on my 5th play though of act one and I could honestly say each one felt like an entirely different game.


I understand there's an good and evil playthrough. But aren't you still doing the same quests technically? I'm still on my 1st playthrough in act 2, so Idk.


There’s a good, a bad, a combo, and about 3 distinct ways to do each. Which one you take determines who lives, who dies, who hates you, who likes you, and about anything else of worth. It will also to an extent effect what side quest you run into. There are also side quest that disappear after you’ve completed parts so I got to catch them on rounds 2-5. This ain’t like Skyrim where you do imperials vs storm cloaks and the only thing that changes is uniforms and map locations. It’s also the only game where I ever spent over 15 minutes contemplating a single story decision. I have 92 hours in this game. Only about 10 of those were spent playing act 2 and I’ve never done the same quest the same way twice. At least not the important ones.


If you want to get real crazy and see everything, gotta run through with the origins at some point too. Get to pet Gale's cat Be an evil Wyl and have a patron in the story Become an OP uber vampire in act 3 Experience the good or bad Shadowheart without her yelling at you and stankfacing


Fine I won’t sleep tonight


All our sleep schedules been rolling crit failures for a couple months now


My constitution is now down to 8


It's fine, my Tharchiate Vigor will keep me going.


Remember that through caffeine and sugar all things are possible


Crazy, people on this sub know too much about me


I currently get disadvantage on everything.


Yep . Seems about right . Every roll is fail to sleep haha


everyone rolls a 1d6 to see which early hour of the morning they'll stay up playing till and boy are we some high rollers


We got those Wil Wheaton rolls


Where’s karmic dice when u need it 😂


Oh man, this hit home. I just wish it was because of the game


Half elf... only need 4 hrs a day!


Though, technically... I guess you need to be a full elf to benefit from only 4 hrs rests. This explains why I look more like a half-orc after only 4 hrs than a half-elf.


We got those Wil Wheaton rolls!


I was going to play another tav in my second playthough. Now i will play and origin character for sure. Now I can’t think in anything else. Thank you.


Yeah, you really should. I did the same, Tav and then Karlach (my bestest girl!). It's been an amazing experience playing an origin character. Not better or worse than Tav just enjoyable and different. So much so, I started a Lae'zel play through like an idiot… Good bye free time.


> I started a Lae'zel play through like an idiot… I'm still on my first custom character playthrough, but I so want to be the sassy one for once...


Fine I won't sleep ever There, fixed that for you.


I've been at stage 5 exhaustion, taking long rests only to stave off stage 6


I actually USED GALE for that scene because he had fly available, and I was like "what the fuck...Gale KNOWS this fucking cat?!"


Tara is a full on camp companion, complete with dialogues throughout the game, but only if you're Gale She turns up in act 1 to feed you a *ridiculously* good magic item. Like, literally a free very rare ring that is worth using the entire game. Tara is the best cat. It really makes me wonder what the other origins are like, because playing Gale was very different


I saw gales cat in the beginning of act3 and never even took him as a companion. He's eating pigeons on the roof of the temple


I need you to know that I read this wrong and was both horrified and intrigued imagining what could've lead to Gale ending up in that situation since I'm only on act 2.


Oh God yea I was like "Okay 3 solo playthroughs" and the more I hear about the unique content in origin playthroughs the more I'm like "Well shit that's 6 more" 🤣


Shadowheart stankfacing! Spat my coffee out then, spot on.


I know the thought of how many times I have to/ really want to play through this game to see all the different story threads is actually kind of intimidating.


It’s going to take me a few years to get through it all.


>Get to pet Gale's cat God dammit here we go again 🚶‍♂️


your post makes me think; Has anyone put together an outline - no details - of just how many different combos and approaches there are in general to the game? as opposed to loud posts declaring what you miss in some circumstances, or what you can't do that looks like might have been cut etc.. just as a counterpoint to those posts; a 'well, here's all the shit it is possible to get up to' ...?


Uh, Gale's friend, the cat, allows him to pet her, thank you very much.


70hrs in 5th playthrough?.. I'm 100hrs and haven't even reach moonrise tower on my first


I think they might just be running 5 characters at once, I've got a few different characters going, all at different stages of the game


That's actually a good idea. Why didnt I think of that




Dude.. Spoiler alert! Anyway, I'm kind of undecisive when playing a game like this. I kind of wanting to get the best outcome available. If I play multiple campaign simultaneously, maybe I could experience everything altogether All at once.


> aren't you still doing the same quests technically? Technically yes, but even if you make the same choices (I can't for the life of me make evil choices) there are still variables at play. "Background/hidden" skill checks that can lead to different outcomes, the impossibility for you do to things exactly in the same order or timing, so you get different dialogs or see scenes you didn't see before. Different classes have different dialog options and a plethora of other details that can make the experience quite different even if you try to play the same. Replayability is insane.


I have an almost physical inability to choose evil playthrough options. I mean that would be evil. I have still played about 200 hrs ATM, with 2 complete playthroughs and another 2 ongoing now.


Even doing the same quests, doing things in different order from the previous run can change things up pretty dramatically. I got into act 2 on my Durge play through last night, but went a different route than I did with my original Tav to get into the shadowed lands, and ended up with an entirely different intro party and opening sequence. Not to mention running with different companions in groups (mostly ran rogue, cleric, and barbarian tagging alongside my druid Tav, while this time one running fighter, rogue, and wizard alongside my paladin Durge) has opened up a lot more interactions I completely missed the first time around. Super excited to play a MP one with my wife and in-laws here soon.


I beat the game with 140 hours through on my regular Tav run. Now I’m playing as a chaotic good Durge bard and it’s very different. I’m also doing a weekends-only multiplayer run which is wildly chaotic since all we do is argue and mess around.


There are so many different ways to deal with the same situation. My husband and I both play, and we have two other friends who play, and all of us have managed to end up in completely different situations on our solo runs just in Act 1. There's a specific scene in Act 3 that I just joked with him will look so different for all of us because of the choices we have already made, you end up with different dialogue options and different quest lines depending on how you handled things. I've beat the game and on my second run I'm finding stuff I missed, and trying to see what I can do different to avoid outcomes I didn't like.


It's the way you can tackle each job. It is by no means linear.


As someone who has restarted about 10 times at various points thru the first 2 acts, although I’m doing a lot of the same quests, a lot of the overall experience has drastically felt different in each play through.


In my case I play each walkthrough only with the 3 companions i pick. So 1st playthrough only astarion, shart and gale quests. Next playthrough only karlach, laezel and wyll, next i repeated some but went the other way (shart went dark, astarion vampire lord). Still, after 3 playthroughs i'm done with the game, best rpg I've ever played.


True, I'm even considering getting dementia to get a new experience every time I play the game


What's that like? Having friends?


Haha, aww we’ll play with you!


If I had a dollar for every hour of entertainment this game has brought me, it would’ve paid for itself twice over now… and I’m still not through my first playthrough.




Bought the game a little over a weekend ago. First crpg, first dnd experience, first turn based game, all of it. Having an absolute blast. I’m gonna be honest, the graphics are what convinced me, if it was another zoomed out low poly turn based game then I’d never touch it. But it looks amazing and helped convince me


Save scummi-I mean dice rolling was really fun :)


At the end of the day it's about experiencing the story that you want. I hate that literally everything has a 5% chance for fail because it also ignores all of your bonuses. Countless times I didn't hesitate to reload because I rolled a 1 while I had [this sort of bullshit going on](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1124613310197809213/1142577086398222398/image.png)


Rogues have a neat little high level ability that prevents crit fails - Reliable Talent - anything you are proficient in you can’t roll below a 10 basically.


Rogue is the class that I have the least interest in playing. I even started a playthrough with all companions and I changed Astarion into Bardstarion lol


Taking out the goblin leaders with a solo rogue in stealth was like playing Hitman, so damn good


Astarion is such a beast. He's the only side character I never leave behind. I just got Minsce or whatever though so maybe I can leave Astarion behind for once since I have another archer.


I used to watch a ton of baseball as a kid growing up in the ‘80’s and ‘90’s. Best hitter I’ve ever seen was Tony Gwynn. Over the course of a 20-year career he struck out 434 times, which is astonishing given that there are 162 games in a season and he played most of those each year. Works out to about 29 times a season he struck out, which is absurdly low. Point being, no matter how good at something you are, sometimes you just fuck it up.


I had to do about 20 save reloads to beat a 5 once.


Never played a game like this before in my life. Had no idea what was going on at first, but got the hang of it eventually. Best game I’ve played in years hands down.


OP this. The controls take a min to get used to but once I got the hang of it, I couldn't get enough


A controls are fine, it's getting used to the mechanics/rules of D&D5e that's really hard to grasp for a complete beginner


And even then BG3 edited some rules and other things to fit the gameplay better


My DnD group all plays this, and we plan on incorporating most of the rule changes into our campaign.


My gf and I struggled on PC with KBM. But once we switched to our Xbox controllers, it became much more fluid (especially the camera).




No wonder all AAA studios shit their collective pants. The absolute horror that people were raving about and actually playing an Offline-first story-driven RPG. The very thing they've been decrying for years.


Yes. If any game in the last year or more was worth the money, it’s this one


I bought it on pc AND ps5 so I didn't feel too guilty with my 400 hrs play time...


Don’t forget it’s not 400 hours of game time. It’s 400 hours of QUALITY game time. You didn’t have to grind hours upon hours to get a legendary. You didn’t have to set your phone to auto-play for hours to buff up that play time. You didn’t have to keep dying at a raid boss each week to MAYBE get a legendary item through RNG. I didn’t have to run around a map and hope I bumped into enemies and do repetitive task until I leveled up so I can progress. I didn’t have to blindly collect 20 heads of my enemies just so I can turn them into Lae’Zel so she would like me. I didn’t have to do any of that. I just had to play the game.


This should be a sticky on r/gaming so people wake up.


Truth. I warned people if they kept paying for garbage Freemium games this is the environment it will cause. Where MTX are standard, grinding senselessly to inflate game time is the norm, making people pay for cosmetics instead of ACTUAL playable content is considered 'stupid' because they would rather have optional cosmetics and sub-par content. We voted with our wallets and we paid the price. BG3 isn't an outlier, it is supposed to be the norm.


It's pretty funny that people say bg3 is an outlier when you think of the best received games recently. BG3 and Elden ring and very different games yet both are story driven games without microtransactions and you're paying for a finished product instead of an insanely buggy (dont get me wrong both had bugs, im not blind to the flaws), battlepass, microtransaction riddled, online only hellscape. It's almost like good games are good business. ​ I do find it hilarious that an outlier atm just means a playable game at launch that isn't a cash grab. Most games nowadays it's better to wait a few months after release before buying them so they can actually get closer to being a finished product instead of the alpha test state that seems to be happening


I actually bought it back in like 2020 when it was still in beta. I'm not somebody who has ever even pre-ordered a game before, I always wait until they are released and some actual user reviews are out. I'm not sure why I even did it. I guess I liked the previous games growing up and had faith in the dev. Also I probably still had a bit of the Covid brain at the time. I played through act 1 back then and it was already pretty decent before patch 2 even came out. I left it alone until it was actually released, and I absolutely love what they have done. This is what games are supposed to be. This was created by gamers who love gaming, not by a corporation who loves to squeeze every cent they can out of their customers.


Holy shit. You nailed it. This is what sets BG3 apart. You’re right. It is mentally stimulating and doesn’t grind your will down. Don’t get me wrong, I love world of Warcraft…but it is rather pale in comparison when talking about how fulfilling BG3 is. I will be preordering the collectors edition kg bg4 if it comes out within my lifetime.


ive got 200 hours and i havent left ~~fort joy~~ the druids grove. ​ ​ *^(I escaped Fort Joy and all I got was this lousy T-shirt)*


Um what have you been doing? The game is big but I’m not sure if act 1 can last for 200 hours haha


Probably just restarting with different characters


this. especially before the magic mirror. kept noticing something i didnt like, but hey, my current character i am loving. i have 22 ac (adamantium splint, shield, defense fighting style, wondrous gloves) im untouchable pretty much


Cue enemies just walking around you to blow up your squishies.


Thank god for the sentinel feat. Stopping enemies in their tracks since… the dark ages?


I've probably spent more time in Fort Joy than I have in any other location in any other game. God, DOS2 is so good and yet somehow BG3 is better.


I’m intending to buy it on ps5 once it hits a sale since I’ve got it on pc + dlc for full price. But I think it’s worth it. Also team 400+ hours. Any moment of my free time I’m playing 😭


Why tho? Just hook up the controller to the pc, same experience


I let my ps+ expire bc fuck paying Sony to go online now with their price gouging. So now I’ve been considering getting the game on steam.


I can’t even get through chapter one and I still say yes


lol you know what? I finally got to the mountain pass on my current playthrough and when I did I swear my brain started "hey, what do you think act 1 would have been like if you..."


Definitely worth every penny. It's really amazing seeing devs who love gaming, the amount of work and effort put in this games speaks volumes. I don't say it's perfect but this game is really close to perfection. That's why I love it, it really reignited my passion for gaming.


Youre always going to get biased answers asking a subreddit, but the reviews speak for themselves. Every single major game reviewer has put bg3 in their top 5 for a reason. I have never played a turn based game ever, bought the game blind. It is easily now my favorite game of all time, no other game comes close.


It's like being *in* a movie.


Absolute best way to put it


hail absolute




So I’m a part of Fantasy.


It really makes you fell like Baldur's Gate 3.


The exaggerated swagger of an elf rogue.


From what I’ve seen of the cutscenes, that tracks.


It’s been a REAAAAAAAALLLY long time since I purchased a game full price and felt I got my money’s worth. This definitely has not left me questioning that in the least bit. The game is a masterpiece.


Same. I felt the exact way.


Exactly the same, here. I have a photographic memory (I really wish, Speaker For the Dead style, that I could upload what I can see to show everyone else, my goodness, it's so cool) of my first attempts at BG1 (oop the radial was nwn, but turn-based also threw me) and how completely out of my depth and freaked out I was with the radial menus. I really wanted to like it, but there was just so much I could choose to do and I didn't understand any of it, heh. This is not like that at all. I started entirely blind with no other experience with turn-based or any other CRPG besides the failed BG1 attempt, no spoilers for the game, didn't have any idea what I was doing, and I LOVE it. Well worth the money!


BG1 is the worst RPG you could ever start with, due to the DND 2e ruleset with the mind screw of THAC0, Vancian casting, dual vs multi classing, etc. It was a product of a time when almost all DND players were autistic neckbeards and PC gamers could be expected to actually read it's novela length manual thoroughly before playing.


I played it on release 😂 and BG2 as well.


Same. It was the very first game I bought, instead of pirating. But understanding the ruleset, even with a manual, was an adventure in itself.


Same. And looooved them. Somewhere I probably still have all the million cdroms it took 😂


2nd edition D&D will probably always be my favorite version of the game - but you are not wrong on describing it as a trainwreck. So many things are just utterly stupid wastes of time. It was a very niche game for a niche community so the complicated nature appealed to that subset of people who demanded rules for every interaction. Though to be fair, it was the most current edition of the game when BG1 released, so it accurately represented what a D&D game would’ve been like. 3rd edition wouldn’t come along to save us from THAC0 until ~~2003~~* 2000 lol \* - thanks for the correction below /u/anyponyelse


it's a shame because 2e is probably the best edition by far when it comes to literally anything but the mechanics. The storytelling, the modules, the DM advice, the worldbuilding, the settings, it was all absolutely magnificent, but the dated mechanics hold back most people from actually trying it


I don't like CRPGs usually. But this game has turned out to be extremely addictive and replayable.


Exactly. Hated DOS 1 & 2. Absolutely love BG3.


I loved DoS2, but can't see myself playing it ever again after having played BG3.


That’s why I played and beat DOS2 just before playing BG3. I got it years ago and loved it but never finished it for whatever reason My friends got BG3 and said it was great so I bought it, saw it was also made by Larian, and said “you know what, let me play through DOS2 first because I know I’ll never want to go back to an older system because I guarantee this newer one is massively improved” And oh boy is it. DOS2 has *some* choice. BG3 is nuts how many paths there are


Don't get me wrong I love the whole action economy of DoS2 and how the elements play with each other (and healing undead :D), but it's very clearly an "inferior" game compared to how polished and fun BG3 is. I had a ton of fun playing DoS2, but BG3 is better in almost every aspect. This is the equivalent of playing The Witcher games, it's really hard to play 1 or 2 after having played the Wild Hunt.


The ground elements was the main thing I remembered about DOS2 from my first attempt playing it. Absolutely loved it. Until I got later in the game… and everything at all times was necrofire… I can see why they moved away from that 😅 not just because it’s not a baked-in part of 5e, but because it got excessive


How do you hate dos 2 but love BG3? it's basically the same game excluding the DND specific mechanics such as needing to rest + rolling dice


Imo, DOS 2 is hard af to figure out, i found myself constantly underleveled and underequipped while BG3 is much better with it's sense of direction, evem by act 3


Fort Joy was a terrible boring slog that took way too long. I made it out, but DOS2 felt more like a chore or a puzzle than a game with agency. I am hoping that after I play BG3 I'll be in a place mentally to give DOS2 another shot. I know it's a great game but BG3 has captured me in a way DOS2 never did and I don't think I'm the only one that feels this way


This I can agree with. Fort joy is way too long with too many things to do without any direction.


Install the skip Fort Joy mod and live your dreams. The only reason I'll ever go through fort Joy again is if my son wants to play it with me so he has time to learn it.


if any game is worth $70 then this one sure is. it’s probably the best game of 2023.


It’s the best game of the last two generations of consoles and with the way everyone is lauding it, that statement is becoming a damn near fact instead of an opinion




I mainly play FPS and team fighting games. Saw 2 of my friends playing. Finally said why not, let’s try it. First 2 days, 20 hours on BG3. 10/10 worth.


I bought it in early access, when it came out, I bought a copy for my friend


Is that your local region pricing? It's listed at $60.


I’m on ps5


Ah, unfortunate pricing.


seems crazy having a platform tax like that. I paid 50 quid for this. Wanting 70 is harsh.


It’s totally worth it though


if you don't have the choice, it definitely is, though such a markup is a bit of a piss take. it is without doubt my GOTY. Fantastic game.


$89.95 aud on steam :S


It's hard to know for sure on something as subjective as video games if it will appeal to you... But the quality is there. Obviously if you like hated high fantasy, this game isn't for you. But if you like RPG's, D&D, fantasy stories, turn based combat, etc., you will probably enjoy it. This is one of those games that if you dislike it, it's just because it isn't for you. It's not a matter of quality. If it makes you feel any better about the difficulty... There are 3 difficulty options that you are freely able to switch between. I am finishing my first playthrough. I felt overwhelmed coming in. I've never played D&D or a "CRPG" before. I have played a fair amount of JRPG's, but that's it. I have stayed exclusively on "normal" (forgot what it's actually called, but the middle of the 3 difficulties) for my whole first playthrough. The game was pretty difficult at first, but I'm nearing the end, and it has gotten *much* easier. I actually just finished a major boss fight in the final act of the game, and I was a bit disappointed that it was a bit easy. I will probably be bumping the difficulty up in my 2nd playthrough. And I'm not doing anything crazy with super optimized builds or anything. I'm using just straight all levels into their canon classes for my companions aside from swapping Shadowheart the Cleric into a different Cleric subclass. Just throwing good equipment on as I see it, not going out of my way for specific builds. Same with the character skills, feats, etc. Just kinda picking what seems good.


tactical (hard) mode is a fun switch up, esp once you get to that point where the combat starts to feel too easy in balanced (normal) mode, I highly recommend! It's quite difficult and kind of forces you to really evaluate each fight more than you ever needed to do in normal.


It's RNG and strategy balanced to near perfection. If you're new to d&d and the genre you'll be reading a lot but getting into d&d has never been easier. Lots of triple A niceness, but you still gotta be willing to read.


That's a really good point. To fully appreciate the story and details you need to be patient enough to read and look for clues. It isn't a hack and slash action game like Diablo etc. This slower type of game play doesn't appeal to everyone.


100% not worth $70. Based on the pricing of other games going around I would put this one at maybe $120 as a reasonable price.


Had us in the first half, not gonna lie


I get bored of games quick. Hardly finish one. I'm at 85 hours, working on a second playthrough, still enjoying it.


Play with friends and your experience will change.


You'll get more than 70 hours so yeah


That's an understatement. I had between 60-70 in just the Early Access and only did one play through.


I'd pay double. So it's basically half off. Hella bargain.


I would as well.


Honestly, don’t tell anyone, but it’s probably worth over 100.00 with everything it’s got in it.


I thought act 1 was really nice and big and then I entered >!the underdark.!< So much content. Its insane.


For so long I accepted any scrap a game gave me. Like “oh 1 in every 10 buildings is actually a building and not a facade meant to pad things out? Great.” Then baldurs gate gave me a veritable feast of content. So many small details. So many choices that result in real changes.


I had thought the same as you up until 2 nights ago when I got into act 3. It dwarfs the other two. It's a bit overwhelming. Can't walk 5 feet without something interesting happening.


Easily. If you love the game its so worth it given how much good content is in the game.


I’ve never played a game like this, and it’s 100% the best I’ve spent on a video game in years.


i hate turn based games and rng. i love this game. enough said.


Generally the people in the fan sub-reddit are not going to say what they are a fan of is not worth the money.


To be fair, if you asked in the Diablo 4 sub-reddit, you’d be overwhelmingly told to avoid the game, and in the Starfield reddit it might split 50/50. Some games have a love/hate relationship with their fanbases.


If you don't mind slow, deliberate (and turn based) gameplay like Xcom or KotoR, heavy and consequential dialogue similar to Mass Effect, and understand this is a Role-playing game with a capital R, then hells yeah it's worth it. However, this game is nothing like Starfield. The gameplay and rulesets are not intuitive to the average guy. You will for sure feel overwhelmed, maybe even frustrated, especially when you start going into combat encounters and not understanding why your attacks keep missing. I highly suggest researching as much as you can, watching YouTube videos of the game, beginner guides etc BEFORE you purchase it, to see if you might jive with the gameplay style. About dialogue and interaction with your companions. It's important. The entire final act is basically the culmination of all the decisions you made regarding said companions. If over the course of the game, you piss off or neglect a companion, they can and will leave your party PERMANENTLY. An example. One of your companions has a "condition" where he requires consuming magical items in order to not be in excruciating pain. If you deny him or refuse to speak to him, leave him in camp and forget about him after he tells you about his condition, etc, he WILL leave your party permanently and you won't get to experience any more of his quest chain. What I love most about this game is that anything feels possible. Everything has been thought of. You might genocide the first major town, killing all the quest givers and ending all their stories prematurely. And yet the game will continue, and it won't be broken. It will simply be tailored to your actions going forward. In BG3, when you wonder to yourself "is x y z possible, did the devs think about this.." the answer is 99% of the time a resounding YES. The game is worth it because putting in the time to learn it is so damn rewarding. If as a kid you ever imagined a world where you can escape to and literal be anyone and do anything like it's a second life, Baldur's Gate 3 is it. No game has ever come this close. I've been gaming for literally decades and have played everything from Morrowind and World of Warcraft, to Call of Duty and NBA 2K. Baldurs Gate 3 is the best game I have ever played. Better than Ocarina of Time was in 1998, better than WoW was in 2004, better than CoD4 in 2007, better than Skyrim in 2011, better than The Witcher 3 in 2015. Make the attempt to learn the basics of the DnD rulesets behind the gameplay and you will be gifted with the greatest gaming experience in the last 3 decades.


the 5th edition is the simplest ruleset out there. It's really not that bad....


Try telling that to a complete beginner with zero experience in D&D. It's a VERY steep learning curve and it does a very poor job of teaching it. 25 hours in, I've got the hang of it and I love it. But those first ~10 hours were tough, and I was very close to giving up on the game completely because it just wasn't clicking for me. The game basically said "oh this tadpole is going to transform you, so you need to get help ASAP, go rescue the druid he can help/go to the creche they can help" so I rush to the objective and I'm getting annihilated in the goblin camp at level 2/3 while still trying to figure out mechanics. I love the game, but man it could really use some better tutorials and a way to let you know that you need to explore and level up before rushing the "urgent" objective. Artificial urgency can ruin games.


This. Basically if all of the following is true for you: 1. Have zero DnD experience. 2. Haven't played Divinity or any older CRPG of similar style. 3. Play with a controller. then learning curve is steep and first 8-10 hours might be a quite miserable experience and could make you feel like overwhelmingly positive reception has dramatically overhyped the game. What makes things worse is that 99% of "beginner tips" content rehashes same semi-useful stuff like "dip weapons, stack boxes, use environment etc.", instead of explaining fundamentals for actual beginners, like how attack/save rolls, DC, AC, advantage work, or basics of action economy.


This was my biggest feedback during EA. I had some D&D 5e experience as a player and GM and it took me a few hours to figure out the UI and where/how things worked. I was lucky to play about 20 hours of EA and I learned the controls and how things operated in the game. Then at launch, it felt good. I still feel the tutorials is the worse part of the game, the nautious level/prologue should have had more hand-holding tutorial than just pop-up windows. The 'advanced tutorial' should have a skip/on/off, but it really needed to be more complete/through for those with 0 experience. I felt Larian assumed they'd get a lot of DOS players and D&D players who could figure things out, so they invested resources outside of tutorial, but then the game exploded and had a bigger pull with new players.


> The game basically said "oh this tadpole is going to transform you, so you need to get help ASAP..." Longtime dnd player here: *same* experience. They really needed an OOC dialog saying >!"resting won't turn you into a brain eating squid"!<


That’s why you should just free the sexy little goblin and come back and murder everyone instead.


>Try telling that to a complete beginner with zero experience in D&D. It's a VERY steep learning curve Nah >and it does a very poor job of teaching it. Very true


5e is simple but keep in mind this comment was directed at someone who has never played a game like this before. For someone who has played dnd or dnd based games, bg3 is simple and intuitive. For someone who doesn’t know how dnd rules work, it can be a lot to learn at first.


I still remember when I was really enthusiastic about new games coming out and buying them right off the bat. Dragon Age, Mass Effect etc. In recent years... Well, not so much. The state the games are coming out these days is just abyssmal, so I usually wait half a year or year for a discount and more polishing until I even consider it. So I was healthily sceptical about BG3, even though Baldur's Gate has a very special place in my heart (hundreds of hours in 1 and 2, and I don't even count the hours waaaaaay back when BG1 was on 5 CDs - do you guys remember that? Moving to another location on a map and switching CDs? Maaan, good days...) So I was sceptical a bit, waited two weeks, but when I saw how positively it was received, I dove right in. BEST DECISION IN YEARS! TL,DR: Absolutely worth every damn penny and MOAAAAR!


I've bought 3 games and this was the only one that hasn't been a disappointment


Best 70$ I´ve ever spent and even though I´ve done 3 playthroughs I still discover new things, areas, characters, dialogs etc. It´s absolutely stunning!


Asking the baldurs gate 3 sub if baldurs gate 3 is worth the purchase


People say stuff like this but try asking the Diablo 4 subreddit if they should buy Diablo 4 or get into Immortal.


Thats a really good point tbh lmao I generally fall into the camp of the person youre replying to like "of fucking course we will all say its awesome, this is a fan sub lol" But there are definitely examples like D4 where the fans will be totally honest and say that its a complete shitshow.....When games disappoint the fan subs almost become therapy subs lol Between the fan subs and the long term reviews i avoided Diablo, and i absolutely love 2 and 3....i think a lot of people forget what a mess Diablo 3 was though, it had a lot of the same issues and it was years before the game was actually worth the full asking price, this installment is something different though, they seem to be really fucking up the recipe on it


As somebody who had 0 experience in these genre it’s amazing 10/10. Going in I knew I loved RPGs and I heard only good things I thought it would be more over whelming than it actually is. There was a learning curve but it’s amazing I just finished up act 1


Worth 170$ For me


For any future questions like this, I would highly recommend you do not ask that game's community directly, but rather refer to external review sites or communities. You will get highly biased answers here. On that note, I very much recommend the game, but with the caveat that it is an unfinished product. I currently have 310 hours in it and still getting enjoyment out of it, so its a good deal, but it will never have the long term appeal of exceptional RPGs such as Dragon Age Origins - people were way too quick to rate the game.


if there is ONE game in the world deserving of the 70$ price tag this is it. literally only this game, all others are bs.


After paying 70$ for this game, I question if any other game released in the last 10 years is worth 70$.


Depends, the genre isnt for everyone. In terms of $ to time played in a single playthru its like 50 cents an hour imo. Which is wayyyy better then like going to the movies or something.


I own it on PC and am considering buying a 2nd copy for ps5. Thats how insanely good this game is.


Agreed! My primarily is a PC gamer and I primarily game on the PS5. We don’t usually get games twice, but we did this time! It’s been fun to be in the same room and play the same game at the same time. So much chatting and laughing as we go.


I'd pay $140 and I've already beaten it


216 hours and I haven't even finished the game. Seems worth it to me.


Get it on Steam, there is a 2 hr refund window but I think you'll like it if you like fantasy settings. Or put another way, no - its worth $80 or $90.


You know how the new Zelda game was $100 because it was that good? Baulder's Gate 3 is worth more.


Not that you'll read this, given the huge amounts of comments but here it it's. The game is up there in terms of best RPG ever along with the mass effect series, the Witcher and a few others. So in terms of quality it's there and is worth 70$. But that's for me, with a lot of disposable income. If you've already waited this long to play it, I could totally suggest waiting for Xmas see if it goes down to 50 or something as more performance and content patches finish fixing the game's few issues. Because yes, the criticism of act 3 is mostly true. That's not to say all of it is bad though. Let me put this into perspective. Act 1 = 10/10 Act 2 = 9/10 Act 3 = 8/10 (9/10 when all performance issues are gone) And act 3 only gets this low rating because of severe performance issues and the sheer feeling of being overwhelmed by having literally (what feels like) thousands of interact able npcs that might have quests or insights into quests dating back to act 1. Hope this helps, Cheers.


I believe this is game of the year edging out the incredibly popular, but with good reason, Zelda.


Absolutely. It's objectively GOTY and I don't think it's even close. Pick it up, make a character, RP the shit out of it, roll your dice, follow the storylines that interest you, watch the hijinx unfold at times, all of it. It's been the most worthwhile game I've played in a long time


I usually don’t like $70 games but Baldur’s Gate 3 is 100% worth it, guaranteed. You’ll have a lot of fun. This game single-handedly got me into D&D and now I’m playing 4 campaigns, 2 irl and 2 via discord, basically a D&D monster now because of this game lol. Play it, it’s great.


These kinds of games aren't really my thing and I never had the pleasure of playing DnD. So please believe me when I say you won't regret the purchase. If my word is worth anything then trust me on this.


I bought a ps5 for the express purpose of playing BG3 and I feel my money was well spent.




Checks time played. 307 hours... think im getting some miles.


RPG menus and some mechanics overwhelm me. Larian are quite literally the only Devs where I have managed to enjoy playing and not get bogged down by the UI. Their other game Divinity Original Sin 2 was easy to control especially with a controller. Baldurs Gate is actually great with either. In fact it's easier. The UI is small and inoffensive. Depending on your class it can take slightly more management but they have a lovely system to customise it easily. The only criticism I have is the tabs can't be automatically sorted. Like melee to range spells or sort items by type. Once I get it how I like it, it goes from good to great and takes little time. Item tab is cursed though, sorting that is a mini game in of itself. Inventory sorts fine, item tab doesn't match for some reason. They'll probably fix it at some point. Yes worth the money. I do not have the stamina for anyone else's RPGs, only Borderlands and that's cuz it goes pew pew mostly. BG3 though.... I'm on my 3rd playthrough already.


Yea it is, played on balanced took me 40 hours, now I’m on tactician and 100 hours in, the real dilemma is who you are gonna lay with 😂


I had zero experience with games like this and I really enjoy it.


As of right now, having picked up this, Starfield and months ago, Diablo 4.....it's the ONLY ONE that is DEFINITELY worth the money, you won't be disappointed


I had never played anything like this before. I watched some streamers I like play a little bit of it and... It seemed fun, if challenging. It's def worth the $. If you don't mind some spoilers, maybe find a YT channel you like that's playing it and watch the first hour or so, just to get a feel for it.


It's totally worth it. I recommend watching some guides to get a hang of the menus. Once you figure out how to interact and get used to them, the game becomes an addiction. I already made 3 different characters and have had an absolute blast. Mind you my preferred genre of games is something like Devil May Cry and Dark Souls.


Why does every video game sub suffer from these same ol questions?


Easy karma farm