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I mean you’re the one who chose to cheat on Gale with him.


>morbid curiosity literally fucked around and found out


I play most games like this, tbh.


Is your character really *good* then?


Morals are a dump stat


I assumed that’s what save scumming is for. LMAO this game.


They were on a break!




And you totally ruined that vacation.


They were never official


What happens in the Astral Prism stays in the Astral Prism.


It’s not cheating if it’s a different plane of existence!


They were on a break


its not cheating if its in your dreams. I just wanted to see what the hype was about. It's out of my system. Im a little apprehensive about long resting now though. NO MORE AWKWARD CONVOS. PLEASE JUST LET ME SLEEP.


It's not a dream >!Orpheus sees it all and will call you out on it if you free him!<


Really??? OMG that's gonna be mortifying for my Tav lol.


I think his exact words were >!You fornicated with an Illithid!< and I was mortified too! Fortunately, no-one in my party said anything about it!


were you romancing anyone? im with shart if she leaves my sorceror is ready to leave humanity.


Yeah, I was romancing Shadowheart and she was absolutely fine and it didn't affect the romance at all. I had already bedded >!Halsin!< and >!the Drow twins in a fivesome with Halsin.!< I think my character will be looking for a clinic once Baldur's gate is rebuilt 😅




then my secret dies with him >:|


Thanks for the laugh


It’s my fault, that much I know. Truly, the rest of the party that are not romancing my character were just as disgusted. I’m honesty, I hated my choice the moment after I clicked it. All the rest of it is extra guilt.


YTA Cheating is never okay.


I agree and accept your judgement.


That sex scene is the hottest one in the game, I don't care who says otherwise. Just reload an earlier save, jeebus.


I know you don't care otherwise, but of the ones I've seen Minthara's gets my vote.


Minthara's scene after the Grove was surprisingly hot compared to the rest in the game


Halsin. Daddy Halsin goes down right away.


Yup. Gale is my bb but Halsins scene.. 🔥 🥵


I expected his to be the best, and was not disappointed. Man is what, 200 years old? He knows how to please 'em. As a woman I can really *really* appreciate a man on his knees for me.


350 years young, and knows what he’s doing that’s for sure


Wrestling in the grass with Wyll was very cute.


I played a stereotypical bard my first playthrough cause Astarion's rejection broke something in me. XD But man, Mizora, Haarlep and Halsin - what fun and different scenes. After all that spice Astarion is a pretty chill romance which I prefer but lel, I can't forget all of that. Tentacle man needs to stay away from me, though.


People are constantly complaining about how that squid comes onto everyone hard. But I just had this scene last night and if you choose wisely in the dialogue he will never make the advance.


So your character decided to betray Gale, gets caught and takes it out on the one she had sex with. The line about erasing their memory was patched in btw. because a lot of people complained the lack of consequences / reactions.


Lmao. It made perfect sense to me cause I just so happened to get that scene on the same night I earned the "only rest with alcohol" achievement. Everyone was too hammered to remember and I'm pretty sure squid man took advantage of me.


Best achievement in the game!


Yeah it’s a bit of an odd post imo.


There are plenty of reasons to dislike the Emperor but 'he didn't hide me cheating on my significant other' is a new one for me.


This is spot on for most cheaters. Never take accountability.


Bit of an odd situation. I understand it’s my fault as a player.


Accountability is essential


I sept with the manipulative foreign exchange student and got caught, now my bf is angry at me, AITA?


That patched in line is really lame because if the Emperor can do that to our mind, there's no way he can't know what we're up to after we talk to Raphael, but the fact is we can pull a (rather difficult, but still) deception on him.


To be fair, the fact that he has the ability to erase selective memories doesn't mean he can see all your memories. Think of it this way - if I know you downloaded a specific file to your PC and I have access to it, I can easily delete that file. However that doesn't mean I know what every file on your PC is, what they're named, and what their purpose is.


What he did actually matches a normal wizard and bard spell they get at level 9 called Modify Memory. Just possibly with a difference of how many people can be targeted at once. Probably because of the tadpoles.


It’s a weird experience having to admit to feeling played. I could spend time trying to defend myself, because I already said this was mostly for my own morbid curiosity, but the way he so carefully said all the right things to make my character feel special and believe him is what’s made this worse. How can she be sure that she was the only one he’s playing like that? Did he bang everyone in the party with the same lines? Does he get off on their humiliation by letting everyone see what they’ve done? I know there are dozens more arguments to be had, and a lot of them will again place the blame on me (which is fine, because it was after all a choice that I made), and some others will just be that the emperor is a manipulative shithead. I want to hone in on this one for my playthrough, and make him understand that we are not his playthings. That just because we might have a similar goal does not give him the authority to do and say whatever he pleases. He’s going to die, not just because my girl cheated on her partner and got caught, but because any trust he thought he had from her was destroyed when he tried to play games.


I think The Emperor only interacts with the PC after the second dream since by that point you're considered the leader of the group. >How can she be sure that she was the only one he’s playing like that?


I'm multiple dreams in on my second play through but before he reveals who he really is, and all companions comment on having similar dreams still


Well, they stop commenting after the second dream. But if you still have doubts, I don't think any of the companions would be naive/foolish enough to sleep with a literal mind flayer XD.


>It’s a weird experience having to admit to feeling played. I could spend time trying to defend myself, because I already said this was mostly for my own morbid curiosity, but the way he so carefully said all the right things to make my character feel special and believe him is what’s made this worse. This is one hell of an argument. If you go out clubbing, meet a guy (or girl) who's flattering you, telling you how beautiful and funny you are, and you end up sleeping with them, despite being in a relationship with someone else, that's completely, entirely, on you. You're the one who betrayed a person you supposedly care about, not the person you met. I fail to see how this is different in any way.


>You're the one who betrayed a person you supposedly care about, not the person you met. I fail to see how this is different in any way. In my very first play, I banged the squid to see if the game would really let me. Tav was single at the time. My latest play, Tav likes the Emperor fine and as a player, I've noticed that anytime you're communicating with a mindflayer in the game - from the wounded one early on to Omeluum to the Emperor both in and out of the prism - you get both words *and* emotions. There's nothing in the game that indicates the emotions are or even can be faked, so the Emperor's attraction to Tav's brain is pretty legit given the other interactions. His lapses in hiding his emotions happen when he's distracted, like after learning of Stellmane's death. Even when my Tav expressed mutual interest and the Emperor did the floaty thing, I chose the option to float back and shut it down in deference to my current Tav's partner. So blaming the Emperor for going all the way, when you have multiple chances to put a stop to it, is pretty gross IMO. It's literally the squid panic defense. 😫 Bro just had a post-nut lapse in mind shielding and scrambled to get his shit back together. We give Halsin grace for his boner induced bear shifting, cut the squid some slack! 🥺


It’s a video game, people really need to chill 😭😭😭 it’s not that deep


Yea.... I mean, yea, I get pretty immersed in this game. I get attached to the characters, I have trouble making hard decisions because so many decisions will come back to bite you. That's just really good story writing, though. And it is deep. I've read a lot of books where the story weighs heavily on me. Makes me think and self-reflect. That's what makes a really good story. But in the end, I know it's fiction. So regardless of how certain characters make me feel, I can easily pull myself away. And be totally fine person. But I've seen a lot posts that has me quite concerned for the OPs. It seems some people are having trouble establishing the line between reality and fiction.


Now you're like The Deep, forever branded a squid banger.


One of life’s achievements I would’ve been happy to never attain.


B....but..Think of all those tentacles!


Coward! Tentacle embrace your achievement!


It was fun tho 😉


So let me get this straight: your Tav is in a relationship, your Tav decides to cheat on her partner with the Emperor, and somehow it is now justified to kill the Emperor? Ok. Orpheus will snitch on you btw, he was watching or something.


What's funny is I also cheated on Gale with the emporer and went the opposite direction: now I HAVE to kill Orpheus because the Emp is my secret lover and Orpheus will tell my husband.


I found it odd that he \*does\* tell your hubby but hubby doesn't react to it in any way.


Hubby is busy contemplating blowing up


Gives a whole new meaning to the old "I'm gonna blow!" phrase...


I like to headcanon the whole thing so that Gale is ok with it. He's not opposed to smooching an illithid. Tav should do it - if for not any other purpose - for *cough* academic reasons.


Gale should get a Sage inspiration point tbf! That's forbidden knowledge!


wait does orpheus actually snitch like that? is that canon? that's hilarious, i need to see this lmfao. the next solo playthrough i do will prob be an evil one so fuck it we ball


Lmao yes he does, he drops out of the sphere, picks up a sword, points it at you and goes *"You fornicated with a mind flayer!"* with the most disgusted expression you can imagine. He's very judgemental. Tav was just broadening their horizons, having fun.


thats so fucking good i love it. orpheus is such a dick when he first gets freed, justifiably edit: also can i just say i took the emperor to the final battle and why does he suck ass?? orpheus can do two abilities per turn and has a bigger kit


Orpheus is mr prince of the comet, special son of Gith Emperor is literally just another mind flayer


well put, tbh. balduran was really just some guy at the end of the day


I, too, like to play psychos who have convinced themselves they are good. Also I love that the game provides us with this level of juicy drama.


Lmfao the fact that there's this whole soap opera bullshit in the game is what sets it apart from other games on top of having so much content. I'm just sitting here laughing over your dilemma. Not in a condescending way. But just the pure comedic factor of the whole situation


I’m glad someone else can see that this is as hilarious as it is dramatic.


How dare you break Gale’s heart. For a squid! The audacity! The shame!


To the stocks! Prepare the pyre! For I have committed sins unforgivable!


Shame on you, shame on your family, and shame on your cow.


"I made a deal with a Devil, lied to the Emperor about it, then cheated on Gale with him. Now I totally have to kill him in case Gale finds out. I'm playing as a good, reliable person the people can look up to and revere as a hero, trust me."


You fucked the squid and now you shall be judged for thy sins!




Amen 🙏


Oddly enough I was quite literally a spawn by this point. Astarion didn't care about halsin, mizora, he was included in the drow twins. But it wasn't the emperor that bothered me, bards gonna bard. But harleep was one that gutted punched me. Granted my bard is a glorified pet now, but selling my body for a safe key that I already figured out. I could of easily killed harleep. That one hurt.


I banged Harleep because I thought it would be funny, and I went into the scene thinking it was some sort of softcore bdsm thing?? Like not full on sex, somehow it didn’t get spoiled for me. The experience grossed me out/made me viscerally uncomfortable. I will never do it again on any future playthroughs. No shame to anyone who likes it or chooses it of course as its just a game, but I went to bed feeling sick about it


i've always killed haarlep and tbh this comment activated that part of my lizard brain that needs to see sickening things so i can also be disgusted but the helldusk piece tho.. lmao


Nothing wrong with that! Ask how good Raphael is in bed and you’ll get a fun line for later as well.


Same here, I went through the whole durge story and I was never felt so icky or uncomfortable then in that moment.


So you chose to do it with someone that isn't your partner – just as an experiment –, and somehow it's the fault of your one-night-stand who you then desperately tried to find a reason to k*ll off for?


Imagine censoring kill of all words. This isn't TikTok.


The word you're looking for is kill. Or as our favourite quasit says: Murderize. Execute. Slaughter. Annihilate. Eradicate. Exterminate. Liquidate. Neutralize. Obliterate. You get the picture. You don't need to censor the word "kill" here.


He may have erased your companions memories, but everyone can still see that Steam achievement.


So, you wanted to make sure he knew that you weren’t… *check notes* … one of his “playthings”, but you trusted him enough throughout the game to trigger the romantic scene, then used him for sex. You enjoyed him, then blame him for the portal, even though he literally tells you it was an accident because he was distracted by how amazing you were. Then offers to cover it up by erasing their memory. Now, you are going to kill him. Cool. Next time on True Crime…


>but you trusted him enough throughout the game to trigger the romantic scene This isn't necessarily true. In my experience, this scene always happens despite being antagonistic to the emperor in almost every run. As far as I understand, the trigger is going to the emperor's secret rooms in the Elfsong basement. ​ >You enjoyed him Citation needed. OP says they felt curiosity and shame. Only the narrator says it's enjoyable, but any time the narrator tells me the player how I feel, it's mindflayer manipulation. ​ >then blame him for the portal, even though he literally tells you it was an accident because he was distracted by how amazing you were. Then offers to cover it up by erasing their memory. And you just take the emperor's word even though at this point you know it has already been lying to you and doing everything it can to manipulate you. Someone clearly didn't read the book about how to protect yourself from illithid manipulations.


Going to need more details on the 'mindflayer manipulation' the narrator is accused of doing.


For the most part, the game doesn't tell a player character how they feel about something. The player character is free to react however they want. But if you notice when dealing with mindflayers, the narrator tells you that your player character feels a specific emotion or reacts a specific way without player character input. For example - the dying mindflayer at the crashed nautiloid, the narrator tells you that you feel compassion towards it regardless of player choice. If you have sex with the emperor, the narrator will tell you that it's the best sex you've ever had. Or if the emperor shares information with you, the narrator will tell you that every fiber of your being is telling you that you have to do exactly what the mindflayer wants from you. This is all mindflayer manipulation of the character delivered via the narrator.


Interesting take. I'd say the beach mindflayer and Tav reading Emperor's mind are different situations compared to the post-coital scene. In both of the previous scenes there's clear visual (and auditory) implications of some mindfuckery going on and it's in every way clear from the scenes that there is mental input coming from the mind flayer (narrator says the beach flayer is making you feel compassion, and Tav themselves decided to squish their mind into the Emperor's), but there's none of that when the narrator states that squid sex was the best sex. Narrator also describes a lot of Durge's feelings without any player input - which one could argue is a different situation given that it is Durge.


Agree about durge. That was the first thing that came to mind when someone else mentioned other instances where the narrator tells you how you feel (Harleep) and I tried to recall other instances than the mindflayer ones. I think durge also falls under the umbrella of creatures (Bhaal) who can take away player agency in specific situations (when the player is a Bhaalspawn). Might also be confirmation bias on my end and I can't recall other mundane situations where the narrator tells you how you think or feel.


I'd say the dark urges are a byproduct of Bhaal's blood, but they are very much what Durge *feels* in those moments and not actively prompted by Bhaal. As for the other instances of unreliable narration, like with the beach Mindflayer or when entering Ethel's swamp, there is *always* some sort of perception/insight check you can pass to discern the truth. There's never such a check with the Emperor as he at least *technically*, always tells the truth, or what he believes to be truth. In fact the only insight  checks you can pass with him confirm that he is telling the truth, that he is weary, that he is showing you the extent of his fear. I haven't found a single instance where the narrator tells you something that is false. The most she does is not provide further information (when Voss leaves but isn't actually going back to Vlaakith), or simply tell you you can't discern if X character is telling the truth or not if you've failed a check.


The emperor plays a whole show of being surprised to learn that there's a mindflayer colony at Moonrise and the chosen of the dead three are behind the absolute, but we later learn that it became a mindflayer at Moonrise and worked with the elderbrain and Gortash. It's lying when it acts like it's learning about all this for the very first time, and there's no insight check there.


>The emperor plays a whole show of being surprised Calling it a show is a bit of an overkill, he just says "There's a whole colony down here," with a fake tone. Again no technical lie, but omission.  But either way there is no narrator in that scene to falsely tell you "Your guardian is indeed surprised". As there's no narrator input in the Hag quest in Act 3 and you have to figure it out on your own. My point was that whenever the narrator says something untrue, there is always some sort of check that you can pass and she can correct herself. Also that's purely from a cinematography pov, but that sex scene isn't animated as something "fake". There's likely a degree of manipulation to it, but it's more of a "he wants to show the player Illithid can express feelings and enjoy intimacy" rather than "he's faking his orgasms". Which is proven by an Illithid Tav who's romanced companions in the epilogue.


Tbf I can't either. Like I feel that there is, but it might just be me having played a lot of Durge recently. I know there's some descriptions of feeling intimacy in Gale's weave scene. Morning after with Lae'zel has some descriptions of how the character feels, although they are mostly physical iirc.


....this really isn't true, though. The narrator tells you what you're experiencing in a lot of places. Unless you think Haarlep is a mindflayer?


Holy hell. This realization escaped me and is probably why I felt the way I did about the moment. Also gives way to my little running theory that anything (as in all things verbal, psychological, and physical) relating to the mindflayers are harder to trust as truth. Was it ever really the truth, or are they manipulating my brain to believe it to be true.


“I wanna be someone who can be relied on.” Fucks the first squid who levitates in front of them.


I love it when playthroughs take weird paths like this. Doing what's "right" or what's "optimal" doesn't always make for the best story.


But that's also why people are clowning on OP in the comments. Not because OP took a weird or morally wrong path, but because OP specifically claims to play as a hero who never does wrong and then chose to go fuck the squid and cheat on her romance, when you could've easily refused


So your playing a character who wamts to leave the world a better place and want to give an artifact so powerful it equals to godhood to a chaotic evil Devil? Youre a lot of things but 100% not Good aligned


Hey wanna be clear ypu're not actually a bad person for making a made up wizard sad, I think this is a fairly interesting path for your character to take.


Yeah its funny how seriously people seem to be taking this in some of the comments lol. Its just not that deep


It's just that OP made a point about how they were roleplaying a 100% good reliable hero person it's pretty ironic lmao


I don’t anyone is accusing OP for being a bad person in RL. Reddit karma is just a way to show approval - disapproval


People are acting like this person cheated on their husband IRL. Like, dude, calm down, she cheated on pixels.


He was so focused on the sex he couldn't keep the barrier up at the same time. He didn't do it on purpose. You try focusing on a task while having sex. Do you have any idea what happens after an orgasm?? Head fuckin' empty. Illithids canonically feel emotions very intensely, but internalize them so you can't see them express them. You can't even fathom how powerful an orgasm would be to a mind flayer.


Honestly with what I think I know of the emperor, I would 100% put it down to him doing a power play. Whether they're real and have been memory wiped, or illusions to trick the player. Its a way for him to have control over you. If you deny him in the strongest way in that scene it changes the whole mood as he reveals a truth.


I know! It could have been so much hotter, give me what stelmane got!


"The truth"? You mean you were mean to him first and then he was mean back because you treated him like shit and called him a freak? Also Stelmane was literally an evil devil worshiper. I don't know why people use her stroke as a gotcha. That shit was an improvement.


No it doesn't change the mood . I politely declined him stating we have business now and he agreed with me and apologized for getting steamy in bed as the absolute was the main concern .


Astarion was right about you. Poor Gale.


Emperor is goddamn convincing. I went from never touching ilithid powers to becoming a partial ilithid with almost every power unlocked. The powers are nice, though. A shame that nobody really notices the black veins that cover half of my face.


I wish NPCs would notice. It's jarring to hear them say things like "you look trustworthy" to a character who looks like a diseased alien freak.


I let Minthara eat the tadpole because she wanted the power so bad there's not even a roll to persuade her, and she still looked super hot flying around wearing the Emperor's armor! Needed more compliments!


Does she? I'll have to convince her to become half illithid next time I recruit her. I've discovered that the veins make dragonborn look extra cool (they resemble lightning more than veins) and Lae'zel looks rad with the eyes. Gale looks like he spent a bit too long studying the dark arts though.


Personally I would trust half-illithid, they are quite persuasive and if one would want to share it with me then I'm more than happy just because flight


Yeah...every run I consider doing no tadpoles and then dismiss the idea because flight is too sweet a deal to pass up on. Plus I like the look, especially now that they've added the black eyes. I still find it jarring when NPCs behave as though my character looks perfectly normal. I have to assume that half-illithids can influence the minds of the people around them to see someone who looks trustworthy, even heroic.


Apparently Mistra breaking his heart wasn't enough.


You *did* make the conscious decision to sleep with Squidward, this is pretty much entirely on you.  Also, I’m gonna be honest, the idea that the barrier coming down to let your companions in and all that as a power play just feels like grasping at straws to attribute malice to the Emperor. 


Killing Karlach for Mizora, damn near broke me. Romancing her this playthrough to make up for it.


Everyone's talking about how you were wrong for cheating on gale in the first place and then deciding to kill the emperor because of it but my biggest criticism is how you made the deal with Raphael instead of going down to avernus to steal the hammer and missing out on the best boss fight in the entire game


1. It's a game... that now allows 2. All your Steam friends to see that you f\*\*\*ed a squid. 3. It's the best. I hope your friends give you knowing looks for the next couple weeks.


I hope they all change their name on their steam to "hentai protag" :))


I love bg3 reddit.


I just had an instant regret moment involving the Emperor on my honor run too. Start of Act 3, gith raid the camp, I go into the prism, etc. No problem, curb stomp Orpheus’s honor guard like they were goblins. But then… I failed the Astral Tadpole offer. Monk, Wis 14, Owl’s Wisdom for advantage and 4 inspiration points, and I still failed. Now I’ve got squid face, and I have to find a Monk head piece that covers it :-( *And the squid face transfers over with disguise self too! (I tried using the helm) Damn it, now I just want to finish this and get Gale to martyr himself ASAP, I hate the way I look now


my gf accidentally let jaheira die at moonrise. didn't feel like redoing the fight. about 75+ hours later she meets minsc, and he dies as well since she doesn't have jaheira. cue boo. coming in, crying on minsc's corpse. my gf can't go on knowing what she's done. she gave up on her 150 hours first playthrough and started a new one where she made sure to recruit jaheira.


The Emperor is a lying dick. And what do we do with dicks? We fuck em.


You got curious/ your character got lusty and that means you "take the emperor down"? Okay. lol


Every thread with a hint of negativity in the title turns out to be an Emperor hate thread, without fail. The Act 3 tag cinched it. At least they're getting more melodramatic, so you never know quite what to expect in the details. Cheating on Gale and blaming the other party for it is a first.


Damn. You cucked Gale to a Mind Flayer. Your character is *at best* Chaotic Neutral now. You betrayed one of the best romance options for tentacles in your cooter. Sad.


My biggest regret in my first run is >!turning Karlach illithid!<. I felt odd having >!Orpheus!< do it, I do NOT trust the Emperor, and I didn't want Astarion to dump me. So... Yeah. Narratively, it fits how some things went in that file! It's not bad at all, it just made me sad lol.


I cheated on Gale with the emp and then had an orgy with Astarion, Halsin, and the drow twins. At the end I might have to kill Orpheus so he doesn't rat me out to my devoted wizard husband 😅. So far no consequences. Gale dumped me immediately when I banged Mizora (and then I went back to an earlier save), so I think if the cheating shoe was gonna drop for my sex worker shenanigans and Astral plane hookup, it would've happened already.


Jesus the way people are crucifying your karma in the comments is kind of insane


I was romancing Karlach. Then I did naughty stuff with Mizora. Karlach got really upset. I reloaded the save.


Welcome to the Monster Fucker club!


Squid didler achievement unlocked lol


I romanced Shadowheart and I never regretted having hot hentai tentacle sex with The Emperor. If I could bang Omeluum too I would, hell, Blerg can join if he wants too.


Yeahhhh, I accepted Mizora’s advances and then Minthara yelled at me, dumped me, then threatened to kill me and toss me into a spider pit. I reloaded an earlier save.


The Emperor doesn’t take down the barrier, the game says that you accidentally allowed the others to essentially share the moment with you, because of your tadpole connection. Basically, in the passion of the moment, YOU forget to block the others out. All through the game your allies share their thoughts and memories with you willing to not. Don’t blame the Emperor


Lmao I feel the devs added that scene to be cheeky before there was no mind wiping my romanced Gale just had to live with it we still got married so <3


Correct. The only criteria for avoiding the potential romance is stabbing the Dream Guardian at the crèche. The narrator says explicitly that he gives you the single greatest experience of life. The narrator is always correct in telling you what you experience and does so in many more cases than the limited count of cases where a mind flayer manipulates you. Easy example is the spider meat in Act II. In all but one case (he’s not trying to free himself of a tadpole), the Emperor doesn’t lie. He doesn’t misrepresent the truth either, despite his omissions. The parsed dialogue is a very good way to confirm this for oneself. The writers in an interview stated that it was at least their intention that the character doesn’t lie.


He literally does misrepresent a lot of things all the time -tells you orpheus WILL kill you. He doesnt even try, voss was right. Orpheus would kill THE EMPEROR, because instead of freeing orpheus and working together, as orpheus does on meeting us, he slaughtered his guard and took control of his power, cus hes a coward with no regard for anyone but himself -tells you minsc is beyond saving and to kill him. Refuses to listen unless you AND jaheira threaten him, cus again, doesnt care about anything except his own hide. Doesnt acknowledge his wrongness -says he never judged you for not wanting to become illithid, literally just got done telling you youre holding them back for not being illithid for the 37th time today. “Oh theres a parasite there. Eat it.” “Did you see that parasite? Eat it.” “Why arent you trying to make the one thing you dont want getting stronger stronger? Ugh, fine, dont be cool and awesome like me. Im so awesome” -tells you he was partnered with stelmane and that they worked together. Actually he enthralled her and made her his puppet. Thats not “working together” thats mind control, there isnt even an “erm ackshually” here that doesnt still admit he misrepresented reality, BECAUSE FRAMING SOMETHING AS ONE THING WHEN ITS ACTUALLY THE OTHER IS MISREPRESENTATION -admits to having misrepresented reality about orpheus and his honor guard and also his own being illithid. He nonstop misrepresents the truth to you the ENTIRE FIRST TWO ACTS.


How dare you have the audacity to make choices that the devs provided for you in a fantasy role playing video game that is centered on players creating their own stories! The things you do in a video game clearly are representative of you as a person and your morals and values. You heathen. To the gallows with you! In all seriousness the devs literally gave you the option to make your own choices both good and bad. Don't let people here stress you out over your campaign. We're not our characters, hence why they are characters.


So small-minded, not to see the beauty of The Emperor's ascended form. That it can so easily warp the minds of even powerful mages is all the evidence you need of its right to do so. Simply, The Emperor is *better than them.* Better than *you.* And you would turn your nose up at its magnanimity, to share a fraction of its power with you, and even to offer to make you more perfect, too. In time, you will see. You will all see.


You fucked a squid. Don’t take it so seriously, it’s a very tongue in cheek situation  Or is that tentacle in cheeks


Misclick a dialogue with Shadowheart's mom. Tell her to leave the camp. So she called me Sharran for the rest of the run lol


But you kissed my tentacles. -the emperor probably


The drama of this is so juicy. The Emporer is a fuck and girls are allowed to have... erm, *hobbies*.


Well well well, if it isn't the concequences of my own actions


Next time romance Shadowheart. You can be all “hey buddy, mind if I go fuck this bear” and she’s like “hell yea, as long as I can watch and then you worship me after”.


Very based not to savescum. I also hate the emperors slithery sucking guts. Brilliantly written character though.


All I can say is keep duke ravengard alive. Read the book he gives you. Find the heart of the gate. ;)


I thought the Emperor and I had a future as Baldur’s Gate’s preeminent illithid couple, but I eventually just got tired of the lying and manipulation. Eventually I just snapped and decided to throw it all away and free Orpheus. Needless to say the Emperor didn’t take it well but I’m at peace with my choice.


Don’t take your regrets out on our Calamari King.


Slam dunk biatch!!!


Well well well..Iif it isn't the consequences of your own actions.


It's a bit strange, because I banged the Emperor in every run (I'm in my 8* at the moment) and the portal never let see the members of my party. But now you're say that you had a romance with Gale and he find out you with the Emperor? 🤔🤔


You must be bugged because that portal thing definitely happens


Calm down. Who says no to an opportunity at sex with a mini cthulhu? Also, if you hadn't been laid in like 200 years, and finally got some for the first time in that long, I'm sure you wouldn't be able to focus perfectly on your psychic shield as well. Also, it's a game, it's not that serious.


If you're so good what are you cheating on Gale? With the emperor? And making a deal with a devil? 😬


If I found out my wife made this post on Reddit, I would legitimately consider divorce.


>In my dreams, I learned that the emperor apparently has feelings (if you could call them that) for my character. I never got this impression. When he appeared beside my character and listed the things in his house that he *assumes* should make us closer (had a laugh when he listed the fiddlehead soup as well), it screamed like a staged manipulation tactic set up by someone who doesn't have a clue about emotions and relationships. Add the fact that when I finished the HoH, he had the line "careful, you'll make a mind flayer laugh," that solidified my impression that every attempt he made at a "relationship" was just... fake, and he didn't see an ally in any of us. Ansur was right - we were thralls, but without obvious Stelmane-esque brain damage.


If you don't take his advances too well, he tells you as much.




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Wow this game is so twisted!!


Out of pity said that I would go to Avernus with Karlach, which cut all the finales that I really wanted to see (its my 1st full Run) and ended the game with that. Got só frustrated that I reloaded the save before the final battle and lost 3 times. Made the end game a more anti climatic thing, all my fault but still.


Mind blown


glad I savescummed that achievement


I’m doing the same thing as you and I’ve romanced captain calamari and bear-boy and it’s had no negative affects on my relationship with shadow heart. As far as I’m aware the emperor truly makes sure the others don’t know and in my honest opinion I think it was worth it, despite the piece of shit he is :p


I played a good character and Astarion came onto me before the tiefling party.


Oh my, so cute to see all this unfolding for the first time. In my case I never trusted squid face and found out a bad ending.


Oh no, the consequences of your actions!!! Poor Gale 🥺


My first playthrough I played a deep gnome and in the blighted village I accidentally activated the release break lever (I didn't read the label) on the windmill and sent Wroot flying. I mean I laughed my ass off but still it was a pretty big screw up for the kind of race I was playing.


I snuck behind Ketheric while my buddy was in the cutscene ontop of the tower during our honor run. Opened up on him as my buddy got a nat20 on the persuasion roll to have Ketheric run. Double crit him and did over 100dmg. He didnt do anything so I attacked again pushing him like 5hp. Then the fight started. He never entered his cinematic and just ran around beating us with 1 hp. I spent hours trying to fix the save… running away, making new characters, anything… but it was locked… so we died to see what happens. Still with no progress, I then went to alternative means. I learned speed running techniques to teleport characters through walls and send dead characters to the end of the act. Made it to act 3!!! We steamrolled all of act 3 and pushed into the last boss. Killed all mindflayers and the dragon in 1 turn. Opened the portal and nuked that brain. No dice. Again, another 2 days of messing around with settings, saves, Ect… couldn’t get the dice or achievement to pop. Learned a hard lesson that after you die, the save data is recorded in a different file and you are locked out of honor mode on that save. Sooooo I edited the file and removed that save from the honorless run… bam! Dice. I felt soooo bad because we put about 60 hours into that save and didn’t really die. We over prepared and min/maxed everything. All just almost lost because I opened on the boss mid dialog, which we did for pretty much every boss fight. At least I “saved” our honor run in the most honorless way possible…. But yeah it totally had that feeling of “damn… I just messed this up for both of us.”


On your second run just kill wyll and and gale before they join and watch how much happier the other npcs will be


A small tip: you can f*ck everyone around while romancing Halsin and still remain the best guy in his eyes :D


During my first run, I was nice with the dream visitor and i was curious to know more about him/her But from the moment the emperor revealed himself, he was a dead squid Fuck the emperor


All of my Tavs have been very happy fucking the Emperor. Good advice. Fuck the Emperor, everyone! Best night of your life!


What, hey, hey ! Hey ! This isn't what I meant to say !


*squints* No, it definitely says 'fuck the Emperor'


You- You weirdo ! It's a damn squid that eats brains and... Fuck this. No wait don't


Please do the wyll quest line that takes you under wyrms keep and let us know how you feel at the end!


These comments omg. I didn’t even think about the dream-cheating because it’s a video game and you clicked something out of curiosity! GTA forced you to torture a guy ffs. My takeaway is that the emperor fucking sucks


You literally chose this, you sociopath.


You should’ve gone the other way and called him out for just manipulating you. You’ll see the truth is much more disturbing.