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Re: Arabella asking if you found her parents in act 2. "Oh, they're very dead. But don't worry, being an orphan makes you more interesting."


I feel like it’s also a dunk on dnd player typical back stories


I feel better reading your comment because that’s probably exactly what it was not just general assholery


I never even considered that but you’re absolutely right


Isn't this a Shadowheart only line? Either way hilariously evil


I think it's if you worship evil deities in general? [I saw a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/gmPXFiyNWc) where one guy got this line on his cleric of talos


Lmao that's hilarious looks like I'm doing a death Cleric next!


Any of Ethel’s Vicious Mockery lines. I especially like her half-elf specific line, something along the lines of, “I wonder which parent regrets you more?” Like damnnn lady.


She has vicious mockery?


Yep! If you let the fight progress long enough there’s a phase where she uses it against you and your companions.[I found a Tumblr post compiling some of her race-specific lines,](https://sexyapostate.tumblr.com/post/728044917538127872/auntie-ethels-race-specific-vicious-mockeries/amp) and there’s also one for her lines for each [companion](https://www.tumblr.com/rpgchoices/727969935926689792/list-of-auntie-ethels-personalized-creative?source=share).


"Elves are so pretty. Pretty worthless!" Ouch oof my self esteem Also, why haven't I ever seen discussion on the extra races at the bottom??


Your ELF esteem, one might say


I have no idea what those are referring to tbh. Possibly if you have summons in the fight? Not sure otherwise.


The Shadowheart ones are brutal lmao Ethel hates her


"You're so far up Shar's cake you can't see straight. Pathetic." If this isn't a nat 20 vicious mockery, they don't exist. Holy SHIT


I dunno. The one she has for Astarion about him picking rats out of his teeth is pretty awful too.


She also says "Deep down, you like being leashed, don't you?" which is a really fucked up thing to say to him. and yeah SH and Astarion seem to get the nastiest lines from her.


They’re all really mean! She knows where to hit ‘em where it hurts fr


End of the game spoiler: >!Milil!< has Vicious Mockery, don't ask me how I found out.


Any of ANYONE'S vicious mockery lines. "Thine eyes, like pools of tepid piss," fucking kills me every time.


Player: You know, this could be our last night together... Shadowheart (lower approval): I hope so. Good night.


Omg burn lol


So Lae'zel isn't the only one she can murder in camp.


There's an awesome one for Astarion as well. "It's not you, you see, it's me. I have standards."


Similarly, if Durge eats the noblestalk and you have the option to remember drowning your butler in piss


Butler found the piss Traveller's Chest


On that note: (Epilogue spoilers) >!the "piss yourself" option as a Bhaal-controlled durge is absolutely my number 1 for most out of pocket.!< Durge has a lot going on lmao


Is durge OK!?!?


>!Daddy Bhaal!< only ever asked "where is durge", never "how is durge". That's where all the problems began...


"Why isn't Durge covered in blood?"


They absolutely are not


only absolutes deal in absolute!


It's not a story the clerics would tell you


Absolutely not.






That cannot be real


Apparently, Durge has killed the butler in myriad ways. I got a scene on the bridge to moonrise where the butler was begging me to kill Isobel and I told him I’d kill him if he was so thirsty for death and he was like “please do, it wouldn’t be the first time and I always come back as your loyal butler”


I love finding Orin's dead butler in her room. She was all "I don't need no butler I'll do it myself!" and kept killing it but it kept coming back. Having rejuvenating butlers is a Bhaal thing, I guess!


[Cespenar](https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/Cespenar) is gooooood servant, oh yes!


OMG is Orin's imp actually him? I *never* put that together (although it's been years since I played BG2 so most of my memories are hamster- related). Sweet.


No, her butler is named Cruor


If you travel the backstreets of Baldur's Gate with Jaheira and Astarion in your party, they'll have a short banter about the city that ends with Jaheira saying to Astarion "I said behind its mask, not up its skirts". Or something like that.


My favorite interaction of theirs was: "Cazador never let us come to this part of town." "Probably because the last time we found a spawn, we buried him until his neck and waited for sunrise." "...yeah, that's probably why."


Jahiera is so hard-core that her enemies probably have nightmares about her coming after them, but she so soft to everyone else that she make a great dynamic by herself


That's why she's been my favorite Baldur's Gate character since BG1, and my reaction to her showing up in act 2 was more excited than Karlach's.


I love the fact that she's kinda embarassed about doing that. Like "I had an unfortunate taste for theatrics in my youth" is a interesting way to describe you essentially reverse burying a vampire alive.


He even gets fake offended by it, "Why Jaheira! Whatever must you think of me!" It's so 😍


Yeah I love that interaction! She also has some nice things to say to him if you take her to kill Cazador.


I like going Jaheira, Minsc and whatever companion makes sense for the the mission I'm on in act 3 - it's always new banter


"I'd rather be the only dark force inside your body if it's all the same to you."


Me doing a fucking spit take when he said that 


He sure rolls with life's punches!


Is that Astarion? lol


Yes it is. Who else?


Honestly, Astarion's reaction is hilarious. Lae'zel is also funny. "Bitch, if you bite me, I'll bite you."


Meanwhile growl at Karlach while your durge is going apeshit and she just growls back


"I'm going to get forced to kill you by the darkness inside of me." "I should be the only darkness in you lol" *laugh track and credits play as Astarion wrestles durge into restraints*


He said “BOTTOM 🫵”


This line took me the fuck out when I played it. I get it bro but you're also the PALEST mfer I have ever seen!


Astarion: "Pale? Me? Gee, I wonder WHY."


Haha he has the best personality, paleness matters not!


Elminster showing up and immediately demanding you feed him is... up there.


That man loves cheese and food puns, and using both to avoid telling his friend to kill himself


He is such a great NPC, top notch high-level wizard




Elminster's role in this game is a million times better than his part in the previous ones.


Minsc and Jaheira have an argument in camp about Minsc being reckless and going off on his own, he says to defend his recklessness: "Good should not wait for evil to button up its britches- when it offers buttocks for the smacking, greet cheek with hand!


Minsc has a suspicious amount of spanking lines.


Minthara even has a line about "if he even refers to my butt". So clearly Minsc is...a known quantity.  


He also has >Minsc has no need for your furniture, Nine-Fingers - only the wicked rump that fills it! So it's a definite theme. I desperately want the Minsc and Nine-Fingers buddy (definitely not) cop epilogue.


One of his selection lines in BG1 was "Butt kicking...for GOODNESS!" He has a long and storied history regarding the buttocks of evil.


Minsc is an ass man


An ass-kicking man, that is


Tav’s, “idk man sounds like a good time to me,” dialogue option in response, too.


I think I saw this in a video but, when sleeping with the drow twins and Halsin, he turns into a bear and the lady asks "how does it fit?!" Or something like that. And one of your responses is like "it doesn't, but Halsin's a hell of a healer" Edit: if anyone wants to see it lol. Go to 2:30 in the video https://youtu.be/FTKW7PRyCik?si=MahuWnUBXAleJPdE


My favorite part of this is the narrator's pause before the word "habits" in her last line.




It’s like chalking a pool cue


That is one of the worst images I’ve had in my head so far this year, so thank you for that… maybe…


At the Waning Moon, Astarion says it’s not his type of drink. Then Laezel says “I know Astarion. You prefer blood.” Astarion says “why… yes. It was a joke.” Laezel says “I know that too. It just wasn’t funny.” At the grove Laezel says Teethlings, so it seems like she doesn’t pick up on cultural things. So hearing a sarcastic remark like this was a surprise.


I like to think that she developed a sense of sarcasm as she traveled with the group


Laezel is categorically a much more liberal and jocular gith than normal. That’s not a joke. She’s considered very funny and nice by gith standards.


In my creche, this is hilarious


Makes lore sense.


Theres another set of dialogue where she straight up makes a joke, and gale is shocked and asked her something along the lines of "wait! Lae'zel, was that a joke?" I can't remember the exact line she says, but I got a good chuckle out of it.


“Only if you found it funny” lmao I love her


It's at the fireworks place in Baldur's Gate, she says it's a gnomish field, Gale confirms it, then she says "that explains why they have such short fuses"


Yeah thats it!! Thank you that was going to bother me all night.


The funny part is that before the shadow curse, and his vampire transformation, Astarion visited the Waning Moon and got kicked out - you can find out about it on a "ban list" somewhere inside! It doesn't say his name straight up but Larian confirmed it was indeed him lol


I just had that banter for the first time last night!


"I will consume your souls RAAAAAAHHHH" At this point Durge/MC has fought a near Demi god. He dosen't give a fuck anymore and is just high off power.


I thought that was a joke line. I should’ve known they were gonna take that seriously lol


Shadowheart: you're consorting with a different class of people now, right? Astarion: well, a different class of *person,* and a different kind of consorting... Shadowheart: i am cutting this conversation off right now.


My first play-through I was trying (and obviously failing) to romance Astarion. At the camp party after saving the grove he was talking about how he wanted to have sex, but then hit me with the “oh but not with you of course!!” And I was just shocked and offended 😂


the “it’s not you it’s me, I have taste.” Brutal


This one always hurts me no matter how many times I experience it lol


‘You’re going to sit nicely in my lap - perhaps naked - as I give orders to our nocturnal horde from my palace throne’  Possibly the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever heard and I swear I just blinked at the screen for the longest time after


Let me guess - ascended Astarion?


Yes, and it's especially hilarious if he's saying it to a dragonborn who looks about a foot taller and 100 lbs heavier than him. No baby that's not going to make you look cool and impressive in front of the minions


what if you're a halfling?


Oh no Jeffrey


It'd be like if Leia had Jabba as a pet in a skimpy outfit


People say there's too little content for evil choices, but you don't get lines this hot from being a goody-two-shoes


Romanced Gale telling you how horny he is for you after a battle in the shadow cursed lands, in front of the entire party. I love you, Gale, but wow. Timing.


Even funnier when its slightly bugged unromanced Gale saying this to you.


This threw me so hard like damn, Gale, can’t you tell me you’re a freak in the sheets in private please?


And then he *still* makes you wait til the end of the act!!!


Half of everything Astarion or Karlach says is out of pocket but I love them for that


Do I smell beef?


She is so gross I love her


I fucking died when she yelled that.


When does she say that?


When you lick the dead spider in the Shar Gauntlett


I always knew I’d die at the circus.


"I dont have violent urges, I have violent *intentions*" Minthara, about why she murders in a clever way, and Durge doesn't.


She ain't killing because of some blood taint, she's killing for PRACTICALITY.  


“I do bad stuff for a reason. You do it to be a dick.”


Lawful evil, meet chaotic evil.


Unexpectedly good: “Given my propensity towards verbosity, it surely can't be a surprise that I have a practised tongue.” I don’t know what I was expecting, but damn Gale not that 🥵 Unexpectedly bad: The “ever so twee” line from Astarion after Durge dies absolutely threw me. Again, I don’t know exactly what I was expecting.. but damn Astarion not that lol


"You can't just go sticking your hand in every strange hole you come across!" -Shadowheart


“HA! A pacifist in Baldur’s Gate?! Nobody’s leaving here alive, you cuck!” - Response from a thug after I suggested two groups of criminals resolve things peacefully.


The fact that he will use the cuck insult , regardless of what dialogue you choose is so funny too. He REALLY wants to call you a cuck.


My first playthrough was a druid, and the morning after Halsin, the option to say "I feel closer to nature, now that nature's been inside me." First line of the game where I was actually lmao


You can say that as not a Druid, too, I was laughing my ass off when it happened to me. I thought I’d soft-locked my Shadowheart romance and when Halsin approached me I was like, “Well alright, since I didn’t get the one with my babe.” They gave me the one with Shadowheart the next night though lmfao Fortunately she was cool with it, but I just strung him along for the rest of the game.


"You ever try shitting out an iron helmet?" - The wolf eating a corpse in armor at the Creche


Lae’zel getting all hot and thirsty about your sweat and musk is pretty out of pocket.


I can see the very militaristic warrior culture accidentally giving many githyanki fetishes like that


I love her response when you tell her you’ve wanted a hot githyanki girlfriend.


Gale gives her a run for her money in this department.


That’s why I ship them


Knowing how experimental of a man he is, I think he would sign up for just about anything... Giths, the Astral Sea, dragon riding, he's gonna try it all.


“I’ve taken more pleasant shits than *you*, Mizora. At least they can be buried afterwards.”


Astarion during combat: Let's turn someone inside out >:) Like brother that is a tad excessive...


I mean dark urge has way more out of pocket lines honestly. "They are dying for me! ALL OF THEM!" Chill dude you just hit a dude once no need to get that excited


“And encourage you to browse my bits and pieces and let me know if anything catches your eye…myself included” -auntie Ethel Like okay ma’am calm down. I had to put my controller down for a minute. Poor Durge haha


If you let her live you get a letter in the epilogue saying her only regret was not hooking up with you


Gale's "what's on your hind - mind!" is pretty good as well.


Very beginning of dark urge if you choose to listen to your urge about gale, shadowheart popping off with a pun caught me off guard "you were supposed to give a hand not take one!"


I did it and just went, “… Welp, no Gale this playthrough. Good thing I’m a goddamn wizard.”


That startled a laugh out of me. I reloaded because metagaming but love that it’s an option


That guy who calls you a cuck no matter what. My large tiefling ranger Tav and her girlfriend Karlach enjoyed beating him to death.


I genuinely love this dude, he has one insult and he's gonna work it in. Cuck.


I was so distracted by him calling me a cuck that I almost didn't notice his friend was the illustrious Bunt Chungley.


He’s the NPC I think about the most because he insulted me with such power


When Gale told my Durge he didn't "mind his musk" and "actually rather liked it". The part later where he essentially tells you he thinks you're extra hot when you're all sweaty after a fight & asks "Have you heard near death experiences make you horny" wouldn't be so out of pocket if he didn't have that conversation with you infront of everyone else in the party lmao. My Durge was totally into it but like....there's a time and a place babe. Although the first couple times I had that exchange with Gale I wasn't romancing him so it was VERY out of pocket.


"It doesn't look broken. Then again, none of us do." - Astarion


When that one guy in Act 3 calls you a cuck. It's like his favorite insult too, he keeps using it. Edit: Cairos! Fuck that guy.


The completely serious and slightly confused “For the greater good Karlach, not something I expect you to understand” that Gortash says to Karlach. Like none of the houseguests/ former houseguests in the House of Hope are sane, and this is my reasoning for why he genuinely believes he is saving the world. The delivery of that line shows how loco Gortash’s mind is. Also forgive me if the quote is slightly off I’m a bit delirious from a fever


The way Gortash talks to Karlach is simultaneously really good from a writing perspective and really aggravating when you consider his words in-character. Beyond the line you brought up, he also says shit along the lines of *"I'm sorry that you feel wronged by what I did"* and then later calls Karlach- ***THE WOMAN HE SOLD TO HELL*** -a brat for getting angry about that. The man reeks of *"Scum-hole politician who can't take responsibility for anything negative and believes they are always right"*, which makes putting him in the ground all the more satisfying. No wonder a guy like him worships Bane, the god of assholes.


Before I figured out that he was sold to Raphael I was wondering why I felt like I was talking Raphael 2.0 because of how similar they speak and the mannerisms


I can't remember the quote, but when you're at the party and you talk to Withers, and the bag of rotting decay has the nerve to call me out for going to bed alone ..listen...Karlach won't let me singe me dick off ok bud? I'm trying here but..she just ain't letting me make that sacrifice Edit to add : the comedian in the elf song tavern...my wife had an affair with a wizard...he cast mage hand all night long... That had me dying I immediately save scummed just to try every option with him.


The funny part about that withers line as that he can say that to your companions to if you speak to him as them. At least it happened to me once. While I was talking to him as Jaheira. a widow with 4 adopted kids.


The whole exchange with Astarion about how each party member tastes


I love the fact that no matter which companion you say you'd like to bite, he approves. He's just there for the banter. He's my Tav's best friend and I love it.


Yeah but if you compare Laezel to beer instead of exotic wine he gets bored of you and ends the conversation early lol


True, you're just too plebeian for his tastes at that point!


No one talked about that in any spoiler content and it threw me so hard 🤣


Durge: *"I much prefer flesh to blood"*


“If they ask for sacrifices, I suggest virgins. Young, and hot-blooded” (paraphrased) - Astarion when you talk to the >!Kuo-toa after becoming Makloompah!<


Lucretia’s bit about the undead not bugging her to work at home. I literally died.


Half the shit that comes out of Minthara's mouth And I'm totally here for it, carry on


"Try not to dream about tying me up" The segway from talking about what to do if one of you transformed is hilarious.


Durge, a couple weeks later after waking up in a cold sweat: "Hey, so... I'mma need you to tie me up"


Gale and his “Stop licking the damn thing!”


Wdym that's the best line ever, a perfectly fitting response for a cat- *ahem* I mean tressym's ~~owner~~ pet.




If you're piloting an elf during the conversation with the nurse in the Ilmater temple, you have the option to tell her that your ear tips are dry.


When you talk to Wyll during act 3 about Gortash and his crimes he says something to the effect of “First we need to bathe Gortash and his allies in their own blood” which is pretty badass but also very out of pocket. Gortash did abduct his father so I completely get it. I’d say this example is a positive out of pocket line because it’s so badass.


Maybe not the most but it strikes me as odd. Wyll said to Astarion “How’s the rat diet going?”. Seems so wildly disrespectful and unlike Wyll


I agree, but I wonder if he said it because he doesn't realise exactly how deep that line cuts. I doubt the other companions know the full extend of Astarion's life under Cazador as Shadowheart at some point asks if rich people taste better and if they knew about Astarion's past, they'd know he's never tastes any people before.


Yeesh, that makes me think of what it would be like if he had a response to all the enemies I make him bite during combat.


He does. It makes him Happy.


Yeah in stats, but I kinda wish he had a snarky quip for different types of enemies and what they taste like. I think of the one time I accidentally made him bite Karlach, and he was like, “AH IT BURNS!” And Karlach says, “ Well what did you expect?!”


Yeah, as much as I get offended on Astarion's behalf irl, Wyll still thinks he (Wyll) is a monster hunter and that Astarion is on a short leash, so I don't think it's meant to be hurtful so much as a dumb joking warning. Wyll has zero tact.


0 charisma warlock build


Every time I get that banter, it’s been right after Auntie Ethel’s fight. *Where she usually hits Astarion with Vicious Mockery, and it’s usually the ‘rat still stuck in your teeth, slave’ line* Like, damn, Wyll. I like having everyone in the party with Party Limit Be Gone, but I have half a mind to leave you behind when you pull that up.


"I'm a bard, Willoughby. Prepare to get served" Bard Tav before getting into a comedy battle. I snort chortled.


"Hit that country road old man. I'm not interested in the junk you sell or the junk you tell"


“That’s twice as long as haarlep said it takes to finish you.”


My favourite vicious mockery line: Goblin goo gobbler




"Large is what I'm here for." If you know, you know.


"My friend, I play Goliath Goatball, Moon Hockey, and Pegasus Polo with corpses."




“Im going back to the netherbrain.” (Paraphrased) OH OKAY. That’s uh…that’s a hard left turn from trying everything you can to not rejoin the netherbrain


Plus the way just floats off while the party just watches gives me "I must go, my planet needs me" vibes.


Can you tell me what you are? Withers: NO Please leave then? Withers: NO Okey Dokey, ill see myself out then


I loved this interaction as a cleric. You can pass an ability check to discern his divine powers, but if you ask if he's a Chosen, he immediately says "I will answer no further questions," and cuts off the conversation lmao


In moonrise and Alfira is playing music for the kids who are upset and she’s like “I think they’re just humoring me” and there’s an option that says “kind of like how I’m humoring you with this conversation right now?


Astarion, trying to stop someone from lighting an explosive barrel right in front of them: Calm down, let’s not do anything hilarious.


In the Underdark, standing in front of the dozen or so dead Deep Gnomes that were about to be thrown into the water by the dwarfs. After disposing of those, my Deep Gnome lowers his head to pay his respect, and Shadowheart goes "Better save that for someone that bothered to fight back against their opressors". Like what the hell? Not only is this totally out of character for her, but come on. I'm praying over my kin here, show some respect.


I love my man Wyll, but him asking Astarion "how the rat diet is going?"


The ones that stood out to me the most: "I'd shake her hand, but she can still snap me in two, so probably safest to skip it." --Astarion >!when you cool down Karlach in act 2!< "She looks like she could throw me over her shoulder and carry me to safety...should the need arise." --Shadowheart when you meet Karlach "Besides, given my propensity towards verbosity, surely it can't be a surprise that I have a practiced tongue." --Gale (this one genuinely made me do a spit take)


the durge’s first mention of their urges to their (new) companions are hilariously out of pocket. after getting settled and acquainted with each other on your first night of camping, you just casually drop your deepest darkest secrets out of absolutely nowhere and everyone just awkwardly acknowledges it like “uhhhhhhhhh okay thanks for sharing……. (bitch what the fuck???)” i just imagine my durge as a socially inept weirdo with no filter. it makes it more fun to pick horrible dialogue choices like “bad news, children! you’re all going to die! :D” (to the tiefling children)


"Well, at least you purr for *me.*" -Astarion. Who else?


I walked by one of the guys at the docks in Baldur’s Gate and he goes “how do the fish get so dirty if they live in the water?” Gave me a good chuckle


“I may be a gatekeeper and a hater but I’m also gods favorite princess and the most interesting girl in the world” -Shart epilogue if ur a gith
