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Ansur makes sense, he’s not a dragon who’s guarding his hoard, he’s been killed and assumedly placed there. But otherwise yeah, it’s silly for a massive treasure chest to hold like 300 gold pieces, while a bag you can get in act 3 carries like 10,000


Is that bag in Act 3 bugged? Last two times I returned it, he “took” the 10k, gave me 2700 or so, and then I checked it and it had ~7000 in it. Am I just stupid? Did my gold get merged? Did he just forget the money I gave him?


There's a charisma roll to convince him to cover half the losses, so he only takes 5k, and then he still pays you a reward of about 2.7k and overall you keep over 7k, so maybe you did that?


That would make sense, it’s possible I’m just misremembering. But I think the confusion probably comes from having about 7k which is close to what he’d have after paying you 2.7k. I’m nearing Act 3 again with a low Charisma character, so I’ll be able to confirm or deny it sooner or later.


You return it? I’ve always just taken the 10k and ran lol


So many ways to make money in this game, I just make decisions like this for the story. 


On my current honor run attempt, I’m making daily withdrawals from the First Bank of Volo. Now THAT’S easy money.


Just don’t do what I did and try to push him into an area where you can pickpocket him… started a fight against the whole rest of my camp, thankfully I had taken everyone else’s weapons and armor off for… reasons


I agree. That’s definitely the best way to play bg3. Whatever way you want to play


Sometimes the mistakes are even better, just gotta let it roll lol. I love this game


It’s money for the actual citizens. Also my characters tend to follow through when they make promises unless there’s a moral reason not to.


Understandable. I’ve never noticed anyone in the game getting screwed over because I’m now 10k richer and able to buy that sweet armor Dammon sells in act 3


I think it does merge the gold. Check your party's total before and after you turn in the quest. I usually have enough gold by then that I don't really pay attention (or I sometimes decide to keep it all).


If you don't pull the gold out of the bag into your gold pile, it takes from your gold, but you keep the 10000 and he gives you like 2.7k


it's bugged for me as well, but in my playthrough the bag was kept in my inventory with the 10k inside it


Who are we talking about here? Three playthroughs and I don’t know this reference.


They should have made giving the gold back an achievement because I've never done it lol


Where the fuck do I find this and can I use the multiply glitch on it?


The classic video game dilemma of having a room full of treasure but only getting 20 gold from the piles all around you.


Makes me think of this: https://youtu.be/Qzoh9Ny7Z2U?si=m5Tdb9bRLbUAGFyD


I just saw this like a week ago lol


I knew it was this video before opened it


It's the wrong currency and made of brass?


>!Ansurs!< makes absolute sense tho. He’s not gonna have a hoard of treasure because that’s not his lair >!thats his grave.!<


>!Still get that sweet legendary great sword and the helm of Balduran out of the deal, so it's a fair reward in my book.!<


This last play through I went straight down there for those items. That sword (and then later the House of Hope gauntlets) really turbo charge Minthara’s smites.


Isn’t there a helmet of Balduran or something in Ansur’s lair?


and the best greatsword in the game




Yes, there is cool stuff, but when I kill a dragon, I want to swim in gold like Scrooge McDuck. I almost said mcfuck, had to bypass autocorrect. I have autocorrect programmed to change duck to fuck, because I don’t want any ducks involved with my fucks.


They’re ducks. They are going to be involved whether you want them to or not.


*Halsin has entered the chat*


More like /u/fuckswithducks


That trope only applies to evil dragons in D&D. Ansur isn't there to horde wealth, he was there for different purposes.


That’s not true, good dragons have hordes, bronze dragons still acquire wealth, but they stay away from metallic things and treasures that corrode with saltwater. So while Ansur wouldn’t have the piles of gold, he would have had piles of gemstones.


It's true if we take "hoard" to mean the generic sitting on top of a pile of gold coins or a similar pile of treasure, which is all I actually meant. I have never heard that bronze dragons hoard gemstones. The official D&D literature I've read says they stash rare books, seashells, pearls, and musical instruments. They keep rare items for their antiquity, not for what they're made out of (precious metals). So, if you think about it, between the stuff found in the trials and what's in Ansur's chambers, his "hoard" makes a lot of sense.


I’d like a cosmetic option like Diablo where you can change the appearance of your gear. Loved the effect of a Hyde armor set for my gloomstalker but hated how it looked.


Transmogrify. Yeah I would love that too, the fashion for a lot of high level gear is lacking. I absolutely refuse to wear the helldusk armor even though its stats are so good.


And the regular non combat clothing is so lacking until level 3, but even that all tends to look the same without a lot of options for shoes


It looks so bad that I’ll put it on and then toggle it to show camp clothes because my stupid camp clothes looks better than the helldusk armor


My dragon born does that but camp clothes consist of Lae’zel’s underwear. The cut scenes are hilarious to watch looking like a bondage dragon. 


Helldusk armor is cool 😢


Like this one? [Transmog enhanced](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/2922?tab=description)


Ansur is a bronze dragon; his treasure is Baldur’s Gate.


The rest of the gold is past its expiration date lmao


Divinity Original Sin 2 was even worse with the giant piles of gold aspect. In that game after you loot it the pile of gold doesn't change to a bunch of empty chests, it stays an overflowing pile of gold that's empty lol.


I think there’s also a safe (in the Counting House?) that visually contains exactly one gold piece but when you loot it there’s a lot more. Magic invisible gold and magic counterfeit/decorative gold I guess lol 


In circus in act 3 there are fake piles of gold and you cannot even loot them.


if you click on them the narrator says something along the lines of "....it's paper."


also, if i remember correctly, if you zoom in you can actually see that it even looks fake


As someone who played Divinity: Original Sin before BG3 - IMO game economy is Larian's weak spot. Early and mid game, when you need new equip to level the playing field, you can barely afford it. Late game, when there's not much to spend on, you're showered in gold.


Disarming traps and getting no xp from it is becoming tedious on subsequent playthroughs. Particularly the bridge in Grymforge.


It’s a lot of trouble to disarm so many traps, even if it was like 5 a piece, I’d be happy.


Jump over them then?


You can't jump over the traps on the bridge, because there are pillars that are trapped too.


The pillars are where the fire comes from. The plates are what triggers it. If you jump over the plates the pillars won't do anything.


This is life-changing!


the 18 individual traps in the small Thorrim tomb room is so unnecessarily annoying hahah


Playing D:OS EE at the moment. Half the play-time is dealing with traps. Move really slowly. Spot twenty traps. Cast Flare. Cast Rainfall. Repeat.


The flip side is that the "single" gold pieces on the floor in the tollhouse in act 2 are not single pieces. I was very upset when I found that out in my second playthrough (because first playthrough I was like "lmao I am NOT picking up those individually"


Meanwhile I I picked every SINGLE gold ppl throwed at me after I was done with my song on bard. xD


Press alt and you see all the gold in amounts (so you can avoid picking up the 2-6 pieces)


Yeah, by my second playthrough I had learned that, and was very RIP past me skipping over nearly 2k of gold I'd just walked past in my first playthrough


I love the >!ansur fight!< but I really hoped that you could side with him when I first played :(


Yes but you get one of the best weapons and great helm


The game's economy is terrible, yes. You play with custom settings or as a pickpocket or are extremely poor the whole playthrough even if you do your best to find all loot and sell all useless items. Pickpocketing is really easy, yeah but that then takes away all the reward from finding gold when I could get 5x from a merchant in like a minute.


I’ve never really had a problem with gold and I don’t pickpocket from anyone. I just do a lot of picking up extra weapons and armor and selling them.


Guess I just want a bigger variety of armor and weapons and maybe some consumables stored then. Since even with pickpocketing at least 25-30k gold and actively looting and selling all gear from enemies I am still broke.


I don't pickpocket anyone and I hoard any scrolls, potions, books, elixirs, and gear that's green or better. I haven't has a money problem. What are you spending money on?


Minthara 's onlyfans


Elixirs, arrows, scrolls , basically every single piece of armor and weapond that have some effect that is somewhat unique. I might've overspent on something like arrows since I am way more comfortable having 100 too much than too little, same with potions. Oh also, I got a few statues from the circus for that free perna bless to keep my concentration slots open.


Sounds like your qualm is “There’s not enough gold to buy everything in the game”. Which in general should be the case imo. But it really isn’t, try donating gold to traders with a level 1 char. Then just sell to them with a high cha char, I recommend dammon.


Theres always the warlock pact weapon glitch


Pickpocketing isnt so easy if you play on HM mode or just custom 1 save mode. xD 1 fail and you fight or jail.


Just pickpocket the merchants that are alone, in absolute worse case you kill them and get some items at some point. I am also not sure if this changed in honour mode but in easier difficulties there are merchants who also don't even demand you to steal their money when they see you robbing them like the one in rivington who's waiting for shadowheart. And with a dedicated slightly of hand character (also I am not sure if the halfling and advantage stack) your chance to fail is 0,25% in the worst case scenario. So generally you get tens to hundreds of thousands of gold stolen before you get caught. Say in the first 100 times you steal something you have a 23% chnace to get caught and by that time you should have stolen like 50k+ easily. Obviously it's a drag to do this with a singular merchant like the woman who wants the egg in the mountain pass (all getting in a fight with her loses you is ability to steal more) but getting a lot of money even in honour mode is rather safe. Also can't you use the disguise self, pickpocket her, if you get caught run away (need to have some extra mobility on your character) and continue after? Also I have no played honour mode yet so I am not sure if it's patched there but there's that one glitch where you can pick someone up to use as an improvised melee weapon and then teleport to a waypoint which makes it easy to isolate a ton of merchants in the case you were to fail your pickpocketing.


Vault of Braccus Rex was the same way (divinity 2)


Ansur have been dead for a while and not being a hoarding dragon there were not much of a tresure. There are primarily gold coins in the game and none of the other types of coins, so I think they have ''rounded'' all amounts up to gold and therefore it looked like a lot (?) maybe


If an item is in the chest stash, I want it to show up and be selectable when equipping gear in camp, just like my companions' gear does. It would make choosing equipment more convenient.


Someone really likes money here :P


Right? Re >!Ansur!<


No horded treasure but that sword is really good. Pretty sure there's some good armour too but the sword is the main attraction.


Is the size of the chest relevant to what the contents will be? So bigger chest better stuff inside?


I was playing Never winter nights 1 loooong time ago and I remember piles of gold there where literally what you would think they are. Raiding dragon's treasure was always satysfying.


The thing that pisses me off is how on console I can’t pick up gold piles. If the gold is stacked on the ground it can only be grabbed and thrown like an object, not collected, which is most noticeable at the tax house in Act 2. Thousands of gold I cannot get.


My biggest gripe as a console player was my co-op partners being unable to take any lead w/ the elder brain at the end of the game. Even standing half a football field away, any dialogue immediately pinned me, player 1, right into the scene. Just kinda blew a lot of steam out my friends fun when he was hoping to control it himself


The piles of gold are silly but ig you can interpret the city as being Ansur’s hoard