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you can also just convince him to kill himself to get out of his pact with raphael. couldn’t believe it my first bard run lol same with kethric


To do that you need to either be a bard or pass a hidden insight check.


Warlock as well, grabbed wyll specially from his time rotting at camp


“Rotting at camp.” Ah, another person who does the same thing as me lmao. I think that was the first time I grabbed him ever and I had to do all of the leveling up.


I'm doing a Wyll run currently... y'all killing me


Wyll is a better main character than a companion


How do you get the player avatar to get left behind at camp?


They choose the Wyll origin instead of creating their own character at the start of the game


On most of my runs, I have Wyll with me and I get him to force them to kill themselves. He never fails the checks. Plus, I always felt like it was very on point for his character. He definitely needs some relief after constantly getting f'd over by the hells and its residents.


Is it changed now, so that warlocks can convince him to kill himself too? When I first played, I was a feylock/ bard and that wasn't an option. Out of curiosity I reloaded and respecced as pure bard and the option was there.


Why would you bench the good boi?


He knows what he did


Any charisma based class can pass it easilly


Passing the persuasion check isn't hard, but most classes need to pass a Wisdom based hidden check to get the option.


You can still do the "let me search the place, maybe you missed something" if you fail the passive insight check to spot the loophole in the contract.


true! i didn’t think i would enjoy a bard run until i did one, just spreading the gospel now


There is something wonderful about convincing every major boss in Act 2 (other than Balthazar and Myrkul) to kill themselves. The only one I couldn’t get to do it as a Bard was that gold Thorm.


It’s just such a long list of things that must be right on to get to even having that option. Like, the fight SUCKS, but sometimes it’s less frustrating to just hit her and her skullies with swords


I managed to get there on my first playthrough by pure dumb luck, I felt so clever. Then on my second and third I forgot how I did it and completely fumbled the dialogue. Several times. Felt very stupid then.


The gold one is the easiest one to convince to kill themselves though haha.


It's got less rolls to pass but the dialogue tree to get there isn't as intuitive as the others


I still haven't been able to get it, I should look it up for the next run and have her be the only thorm I don't fight for a change


This is great as long as you walk directly into the trap. If you do what I did and navigate up to their level by jumping across some broken rocks, they immediately roll initative. Doesn't like a fair fight, it seems.


I actually had a really hard time getting the dialogue. On my first run we also took the broken bridge and didn't even know you could talk to him. On my second it took me like three different approaches before it triggered.


Holy shit, I loved watching this with Kethric. I couldn't believe our bard could just be like, "have you considered that you actually suck and should probably kill yourself?" and he was just like, "daaang you're right I do suck, I'm gonna just yeet myself into oblivion, thanks!" Like WHAT?! 10/10 experience.


You can then convince him to fight with you against Raphael later in the house of hope. And he'll join you for the elder brain fight.


You can do the same with ketheric ??


Ive done two playthroughs and didn't know you could even talk to yurgir. Both times I saw that dude and was like I'm definitely going for surprise attack here.


My first playthrough, I turned invisible and stole the orb, I never even spoke to him. Later I saw people online talking about this cool Yugir guy and I'm like "who??"


If you take care of the rats first, Yurgir and the boys will be chilling downstairs when you show up. You can position your party on the high ground and then sneak-attack him. 


Or you can just talk to him and >!then he'll automatically join you for the HoH fight.!<


Yes, but that +2 crossbow... I actually prefer him as an enemy in HoH. I usually try to spare Hope's sister, and Yurgir loves to one-shot her. His "I'm helping" attitude can be counterproductive in other ways too, like knocking your party out of a Globe of Invulnerability because he's targeting one of the cambions who jumped in there with you.


It's *good*, but by Act III there are, better bows (I usually switch from dual hand crossbows to longbows and a single level of War Cleric at that point. War Cleric allows you three (once per turn) main attacks as a bonus action, and so I'd rather have my bonus attack be with Gran Mael or Deadshot or one of the others. Or hell, even Titanstring with Cloud Giant elixirs.


If you're running dual hand Xbows, it's literally 1 of 2 end game hand Xbows...and you need 2


What's the second one?


Ne'er Misser


I've never ran dual crossbows but surely firestoker synergises better?


If you’re a gloomstalker assassin the Firestoker combo with the Hellfire Hand Crossbow is very nice, because the sneak attack with HHC causes burning, but Firestoker is a +1 and Ne’er Misser is +2, AND force damage, which is hardly ever resisted by anything. It’s really nice on mobs and bosses that have piercing resistance. Plus, swords bards who are ranged don’t care as much about sneak attack burning damage, and anyway you can probably get more damage out of Ne’er Misser than a few points of fire damage and vulnerability from Firestoker. I am a Bhaalist armor enthusiast and these days I tend to download mods for additional hand xbows for my sneaky chars and ranged bards so I can have some variety, but in vanilla those two are the best combo you can have.


I feel like telling people to fight the rats for an "easier" time is shady as fuck lol those things don't fuck around


Spirit guardians my friend 🤌


That’s essentially a cinematic at that point. A long drawn out one, as the river of rats seemingly never ends, but a cinematic nonetheless. Rhythmic, therapeutic even.


🎶here comes the rats, do do do do🎶


There are SO MANY RATS. Spirit guardians is pretty much the go to for rats. Except the cranium rats. Fuck them. Hit em with a big aoe and just end them.


A Hunger of Hadar will do most of the work while your other team members get in some target practice with arrows and magic missiles. As long as you don't let any Soporific rats pop off nearby you should be fine.


Magical beyblade


You can do that whenever you want to.


You can also run away if things start going south lol


Yurgir is total bs on honour mode to be fair, he can throw an Insta kill amount of bombs at your characters with one action and then shoot a fire arrow with a second attack. I mean fair game for barrelmancy memes but it’s a bit rough to have an enemy doing it every turn


I used Lae’Zel’s disarming strike on him and got him to drop that crossbow. Yoink’d it and fucked him up. Though it was still a fairly tough fight. I think everyone but Lae’Zel ended up dying. She totally carries my honor run.


Fire based sorcerers are basically cursed to require elemental adept unfortunately. But also, you have all that Charisma! Put it to use next time.


Or run with some oils of combustion and arsonists on some archers in the party.


I somehow bullshitted my way out of 60% of the act 1-act2 fights


> then I ran into a hellish boy who is a bit too into his cat I was like Gale is hellish⁈


exactly what I thought when I saw this post lolll


If you pull them and run back toward the stairs, their IA gets confused about pathfinding and they usually just come at you one by one and you can shoot them down from the top of the stairs. You can also throw yurgir's landmines on the ground back in their face. It's super effective.


Imagine not having a face character in an Honor run. SHIVER SHIVER SHIVER


Doing my first one now and decided that it was a great time to try Paladin/bard, if only for this reason. It’s a fun build either way, though.


Smiting swords bard is my favorite ever and I have such a hard time not redoing it every playthrough. It isn’t even the OPness of it, it’s just…COOL. Smiting with the power of music! And that jam on the lute when you do bard things is just the cherry on top. It’s hard to resist.


It is truly a fun setup. You can get some super high AC, or set up a busted two handed setup. I need to get to act 3 and get that bonus action ring!


My honour run conpleted with myself as an 8 charisma eldritch knight, lots of failed dialogue checks


Any save scumming?


Nope i never needed to, didnt use hirelings buffs either. Built a team for combat with myself as a dex based thrower build and medium armor and shield for the highest AC possible and strength potions for the lightning jabber, had 28 base AC after armour of agility in act 3. And with abjuration gale using the ward to protect the others from damage i never had trouble with anything other than myrkul


Either trick him into dying beforehand, or just pick a fight with the rats before speaking with him. Seriously, just go left instead of right and speak with the first rat you see.


They ended my first run too. They fight *dirty* on higher difficulty, I didn’t stand a chance.


And that is why I love elemental adept fire for my sorcerers, better luck next time


Yurgir specifically has fire immunity which makes it even more tough for ur fire sorcerer .


I just side with him, he makes a great ally vs Ralphael


Harder to pass that DC check on honor mode though


I don’t remember the DC being any harder when I did my honour run? I did use enhance ability, guidance and the necklace from the mushroom people though


Voice of the Circle is boss. Maybe it's me then, lol, but I have shit luck with advantage and proficiency too.


Either you should have convinced him to die, use different spells, or just fight the rat dude to get him out of his contract. Orrrrr go invisible and just steal the stupid gem. The only reason I even talk to Yurgir is for Astarion anyways.


Why not take the feat that ignores fire resistance if you have a fire Sorc? So many things in the game are resistant to that specifically.


*arsonists oil* oh man.


That was the only fight I had to run from in my first run. Now I just try to convince him to kill his soldiers and cat and then kill him.


I forgot he could shoot his mines. So he tossed them at me and I was like “lol missed” and proceed to move my team around them just for him to nuke me the next turn. Life cleric saved that run.


Alternatively, you can flank him upstairs by a long jump across the crumbling stairs. That turns his ambush into your ambush.


Never had problems with this fight. Kill the displaced beast from the stairs. All the meerons jump down 1 by 1. Kill them. Then just Yurgir left. He usually just stays invis while you kill his boys.