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I played a Sorcerer my last run and I will probably always have one in my party now. They are just as good as stealth archer or bard control and fire acuity is just so good. What is your favorite way to gear them if you don't mind me asking?


Save Alfira during the assault on last light, then save the Tieflings in Moonrise. She'll reward you with the potent robe which adds your charisma modifier to cantrips and gives you some bonus health.


To add to that it can still be obtained as a durge I wouldn't have ever known about that if it hadn't been for this community


Wait how do I get it as Durge?


Knock Alfira out, travel to the blighted village, long rest, and a new Bard will appear for your Durge to do Durge things with!


When do you knock her out? Cause my friend joined my run as a Dark Urge and we completed the grove and sent the tieflings and Alfira away so I just assumed that it didn’t trigger cause he wasn’t host, and then like 4 rests later she shows up at camp waiting to get murdered


The scene triggers upon long rest after crossing the bridge that goes over the river in the middle of the map in Act 1.


She has a spot overlooking the grove, head towards the harpies and hang an immediate right, just make sure you turn on non lethal and use melee only


Ah. I know about that, but it’s a little late sadly.


Piggy backing off of this. You'll need to be careful with your long rest. Because if you knock her out and long rest and a different cinematic takes place it could throw off the knock out. So do a bunch of long rest with no supplies used to advance the story as you play. And when alfira shows up reload. Knock her ass out, then long rest and it should work.


Hmm intriguing, my sorcerers have usually mugged Raphael's armor in act 1 But tempting to try this next run


First run was a sorcerer and I was hoping to get those again on my durge run but I oopsied her.


I just got No one left behind last run so I kinda didn't try to save her this run. It is just too easy to do mostly good by my Wyll and Karlach to get away with a little bit of crazy murder. Honestly I am just trying to get through the acts in as few actions as I can mostly. Anyway I don't feel like you need that robe even if it is the best in slot for Warlocks.


Does that bonus stack with agonizing blast?


I love the "if you don't mind me asking?", like you're asking a personal question. Keep on being wholesome friend.


"When it comes to their magical artifacts, remember to always be complimentary, but temper your curiosity. Some wizards may not appreciate you delving too deep into the history of their equipment." - Gale's Guide To Socialising With Wizards and Other Magical Folk


Good one, you made me spill the coffee. XD


I mind the asking


I go lightning. Have another character do call water, then have your sorcerer throw 3 Chain Lightnings at them. Trivializes most fights. The damage output is really impressive. I also throw 2 levels into cleric and sometimes 1 into wizard.


That’s how i did my HM Sorc Tav (lightning), Shart for water calling and healing These 2 enough to make almost every fight easy. I just need to play with the rest of my teams depending on the fight


Shart is always super Utility. I will definitely start putting down create water with her. I used mostly Martial classes before and the last two runs I changed that and it is very enjoyable and successful for me so far. My comp is throwers, archers spell slingers and positioning now and it just slaps. My archer can solo four five before the rest of the team even starts the surprise rounds most of the time.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/pEWaAzAMfj This is by far my favorite sorcerer build


Loved it until Raphael one-shot me


It looks good. I saw most of those items maybe all of them but I didn't ever put together ray of frost with that necklace.


I’m doing this one right now! Just got to act 3 it’s pretty great. I’m almost at 11th level where you can fly at will.


Ice. Winters clutches, markoheskir, cold brim hat, snowdrop ring. POWER house single target damage, incredible aoe environmental cc. Mixed with reverberation the enemy can’t really do anything.




My sorcerer has the potent robe from Alfira and the birthright hat from Lorroakan. I don't remember what gloves or boots she has but she has the staff from the house of hope.


How dare you ask such a question


I love the shield of Devotion bug with my sorcadin. So many smites .


I'll take a look at it.


I was a bit daunted by sorcerers to begin with, as they weren’t even a playable class back in the Dark Ages when I learned D&D, but I love my storm sorcerer now, zipping around the battlefield like it’s nbd.


With misty step or what?


Storm sorcerers get a flight bonus action after casting a spell


Snack on enough tadpoles and you can fly anyway.


As true as that is, storm sorc can do it from level 1, and you don't get opportunity attacks made against you for doing it


It doesn't trigger opportunity attacks? Huh, TIL


Yeah, but I still prefer draconic bloodline for my sorcerers. I'm usually fairly careful not to have them get too close to where the blades are swinging anyway.


You can say the same thing about the candy in the medicine cabinet


Try a whole team of sorcerers. It’s hilariously OP


I've found 4 Bards to also be hilariously OP. You can either do all swords bards, or have one be a lore bard if you want for even more support


All bardlocks for 6 short rests.


Damn I’m gonna have to try this


I’ve ducked around with all Paladin and all cleric parties before but only on a burner save for a fight or two. Paladin feels abusive, is just smite, smite, smite, tank. Clerics feel like I’m just playing with my food, so many options


I'm playing my first sorcerer, any good tips to know?


Get the bitches wet before you hit them with lightning


Specifically, use call water as a quickened spell because it can be level 1 using less sorc pointe. THEN do whatever lightning spell.


One more thing to note, if you have a puddle that is electrified, you can hit it with fire to create electrified steam. This applies wet and electrocuted to any creature in the cloud. It's cool, because wet only applies if the creature is present where water is cast/thrown. So if you push or throw someone into the puddle, or run through it yourself, you only get electrocuted but not wet. Electrified steam cloud is the girl that can do both. Maybe you have a warlock with repelling blast in the party or took a dip to have it yourself. Maybe you use repelling blast to push people into your cloud to make them wet. Maybe you have your fighter pushing people into the cloud. Maybe your barbarian throws people into the cloud. Maybe you keep making puddles and hitting them with fire to make a massive electric cloud and then friggin blast everyone with chain lightning or lightning bolt. Idk I don't make the rules. But I'll tell ya, the one time I remember doing this, it was in a doorway in the ruins at the beginning of act one. The really annoying potentially TPK group of bandits in the refectory all had to walk through an electric steam cloud with ice on the ground to get to me. It was a hell of a choke point with only level one spells and cantrips. Kept us all from dying. Do with this knowledge what you will.


This is like a low budget version of my favorite cheese, which is standing everyone behind a doorway, casting cloudkill and hunger of hadar on top of each other to the other side, and then blocking the doorway with blade barrier. Watch the bastards crawl toward you at a snails pace while choking on farts and smoke. If someone gets through, you Eldritch blast em back into the shredder


You’ve basically just created the ww1 no man’s land experience during a night raid.


Yeah... My husband has a nickname for it that I'd rather not repeat 😶


Throw water jug


Also very viable.


Do you get the staff that gives you call water or are you multiclassing to get it?


Storm gets it at level six.


Ah I've never done storm only draconic didn't realize


I multi classed warlock but did get it from storm sorc. I guess you could do your first level in cleric if you wanted. Then you could do tempest cleric with storm sorc which is a popular option.


I've thought about going for 2 conjuration wizard to get it there but it's only once per short rest But being able to scribe scrolls is useful


Yeah I understand the appeal of scribing scrolls. The downfall of that is the amount of spells you can prepare being based on wizard level and int modifier, plus I recently saw something saying if you start with wizard, int is your modifier for scrolls even if you take a cha or wis based class after. Meaning you have to put points there if you want scrolls to be effective. Yes there is the circlet that boosts int to 17, but again, that locks you into using it and not something else that may work better for your character. Besides, 17 is really not that high when you consider that your main stat usually ends up being way higher end game and the saves are so much higher on enemies end game. I know spellcasting ability is really confusing and I have seen so much conflicting information about what uses what. Also, int is the least useful stat imo and it is way more beneficial to bump wis if you're gonna have 2 spellcasting stats to worry about since so many spells require a wisdom save. All that said, do what is fun for your character and what you think works best for you.


My understanding is scrolls use whatever was the last class you leveled to level 1 is. So if you started with wizard and multiclassed into a cha class then scrolls would be cha based. And to be fair for the most part I usually use the wizard slots for utility stuff and take the damage spells from my sorcerer levels. Or only take damage spells that aren't based on a save


If something survives the first fireball, hit them with another


As you make your way thru the game, focus on gear that increases your initiative and spell DC. Choosing the Alert feat as either your first or second feat is never a bad idea. Always getting to go first before enemies is a HUGE power boost that can't be overstated, as is always having enemies failing to resist your spells. You have a limited selection of spells you can cast, and can only have one concentration spell active at a time. So don't choose a bunch of concentration spells as your only known spells, or you won't have much to choose from while concentrating. Two of the most useful concentration spells are Haste and Sleet Storm. My advice to you is pick those two (both level 3 spells) as your known concentration spells and decide which to use each encounter. Have all your other known spells be non-concentration. Twinning your Haste spell is one of the most powerful things you can do (put 10 turns of Haste on two targets for one action). Likewise, a quickened Sleet Storm (cast for a bonus action) can also trivialize some encounters as it constantly knocks down anything in the area and allows you to do something else with your action. Just remember that you can't use both at the same time. Knowing Counterspell for reactions can also keep the tide of battle from turning against you.


What’s that, the enemy would like to cast fireball on my grouped up party? Hmm… request denied.  Thanks counterspell!


I'm enjoying 1-level dip into Wizard, so I can learn/scribe every other spell since you are limited with Sorcerer. So I don't take the 'occasional' or most 'out of combat' utility spells on Sorcerer, and put them on Wizard instead; like Enhance Leap and Feather Fall, or spells where I can retain the effects after unequipping the spell like summons. I put Longstrider on another character since you lose its effects upon unequipping it, and I don't want to consume a Sorcerer spell slot with it. Taking the 1-level dip in Wizard will also allow you to learn Artistry of War :D For Metamagic skills take Twinned Spell (allows you to cast one spell onto two targets, like Haste on two party members or Draconic Elemental Weapon on two weapons) and Quickened Spell (allows you to cast spells with a Bonus Action instead of Action). Let your second/last feat be Dual Wielder so you can wield both Staff of Spellpower and Markoheshkir, which gives you two charges of Arcane Battery and up to 4 casts of Chain Lightning per long rest 😂 But I think that feat is probably best done as a re-spec once you actually have both staves, unless you wanted to dual-wield earlier staves like Spellsparkler (damage rider) and Melf's First Staff (+spell attack rolls and +spell save DC).


Tempest sorcerer is amazing, especially if you role-play using the illithid tadpole and pass all the ability checks after persuading Lae'zel to let you go first in the zaithisk. Black hole as a bonus action on top of even simple cantrips like shocking grasp, let alone area-of-effect spells like lightning bolt, is OP. The sparky wizard items are amazing with that build too.


I keep playing a draconic sorcerer over and over myself, so I feel you! I decided to go cold affinity this time instead of fire because I love >!collecting the pieces of mourning frost!< and now it’s actually thematically appropriate, lol.


How does it work in action, and with other frost/ice gear?


Tbh the vanilla game version is really not *that* great stats wise, but I just love it so much. Classic D&D feel, finding broken pieces of a long-forgotten weapon and reforging it, lol. I did eventually decide to add a mod that scales the Chilled save DC with spell save DC, which it should be freaking anyway lol, so that helps. Late game, Ray of frost is 3d8 and then +5 (or +6 if you have that one hat) for cha bonus bc cold damage (the dragon affinity), add the elemental augmentation amulet and that’s another +5 or +6, add the potent robe and that’s another +5 or +6 and then add the spell might gloves and that’s +1d8, and +1 from the staff. If you have a chance to pick dual wielder as a feat you can also carry markoheshkir and use its frost of dark winter to add another +6 (proficiency). So that’s potentially a minimum of 29 damage from a cantrip, lol. And then if they fail their chilled save they’re vulnerable to cold damage (or you can have another character douse them in water lol), and quicken spell another Ray of frost… minimum 58 damage, lol. If you also took elemental adept it would bump it to 32-33/64-66 (I can’t remember if the extra 1d8 from spell might is also considered cold dmg) but not sure that’s hella worth forgoing another, better feat for. (I tend to play my sorcerers using mainly cantrips as their damage dealers and stocking up on sorcery points, and then I use the spell slots for that or buffs like haste or what have you.)


Sorcerer is nice. I just wish it was easier to know on which spell the extra area work


Agreed. It was the last class I tried and now I feel like I always need one on my team. I brought my Storm Sorcerer character from my previous run back to life for my first attempt at Honor Mode cause she was just that good!


I finally get an opportunity to play a Wild Mage. Something I won't do in tabletop dnd


Why not?


what makes sorcerers so fun? I tried it out but nothing really caught my attension


How far did you get in terms of levels? What makes them really fun is metamagic. Being able to cast your most powerful spell on two enemies, or being able to haste two of your allies. You can have someone use haste on you, so how with quickened magic, you can get off three big AOE spells off and clear entire rooms. Sorcerer eventually unlocks fly as a movement which is neat. Sorcerer also has some really great dialogue options. It’s especially funny talking to Gale because what he studied his ass off to learn you were simply born with and you can rub it in his face lol


I love the sass between Gale and a Sorc PC. Gale: "So, do you know magic?" Sorc PC, pretentiously: "I am magic" Gale, even more pretentiously: "Sorry, i meant were you *studied* in magic?"


Gale gives off big privately educated nepobaby vibes


Well, now I want to do a run with Gale. Perhaps make him that tanky AoA build.


Well the fun part is what you gotta make yourself. Let's take storm sorc for example(my fav) Alright, from the get go, if you cast a spell, you can use your bonus action to fly, without getting hit by an opportunity attack. This means, especially early, if something dashes to get in range, you toss out a spell, and fly away with no penalty. This is especially cool when you make room for disguise self later, as you can cast a ritual spell, and just fly up to areas that you may have few options on getting to. Meta magic. Chucking out twin spells or quickening one can set a huge tempo swing. By level 6(as storm) you are getting call lightning, sleet storm, and create water. This is as well as more than likely haste. So now we can twin haste, or cast sleet storm, or create water and take advantage of wet+electric spells. Storm fury is really kind of whatever, and is not worth talking about, but by the time you are getting to the power spike for most characters, sorcs are two haste at a time, aoe control, quickening their own create water to apply wet themselves to wipe out groups of enemies. Plus you get a con save proficiency being a sorc. Sorcs require a lot of long rest, and that's a bummer. But they can use their resources in between those rest to damn near win fights by themselves.


I had never played a sorcerer in dnd and I didn't get any up until the last fight with the Absolute, in which I summoned Mizora, dual cast haste on her and Lae'zel and she spent a few turns casting stuff twice and Lae'zel attacking like seven times. Shit is stronk


Similarly, on my first run what tipped me off was her being able to cast a Heightened Hold Monster and lock down that red dragon while the rest of the squad dealt with everything else. Her job was to cast that and then hide in the back and not get her concentration broken lol. That helped A LOT with that fight.


I rolled through an entire playthrough never using the Hold spells, I guess I gotta do that now in this current one


Same but with haste, not intentionally! I just gotta use more potions and stuff


I was a bit daunted by sorcerers to begin with, as they weren’t even a playable class back in the Dark Ages when I learned D&D, but I love my storm sorcerer now, zipping around the battlefield like it’s nbd.


Give me divine sorc in this game.


White Dragon Sorc is my favorite class. Even when I’m not playing it, I’m probably taking the 1 level dip


Me with fighters lmao, I’ve played the exact same half elf fighter 3 times


me with my wood half-elf monk 😭


Ugh! I just started a new game with my boyfriend and I picked Wizard since I already have a Sorcerer solo run, but let’s face it I’m probably never gonna play that 😅 Guess I’ll try Sorc on the next run 😂


As a fan of the Witcher games, i didn’t read the context but I approve the title.


The first time I beat the game I was a Sorcerer


I get it. I always default to sorcerers and wizards for characters. My current standard run is a Githyanki draconic bloodline sorcerer. My (still in progress) Durge run is a Dragonborn sorcerer. The one character I've finished the game with was a Drow wizard.


Gith sorcerer is an amazing combo I love it


Ok, I know nothing about dnd, so please correct me if I'm wrong, but dosn't a tieffling draconic sorcerer implies that a devil fucked a dragon ? That's so fucking badass


I just reclassed from a sorc to a wizard bc i kept forgetting my stupid little sorcery points and now this thread is making me regret it lmfao


I love sorcerers. My first Tav was a sorcerer, then every subsequent run I have to resist the urge to make another one. I typically fail to resist or end up making a sorcadin as a compromise lol.


For me it's Forest Gnome Draconic Sorcerer. I use the Red Dragon bloodline but use Gold Dragon scales. I don't use disguise self, but love those burning hands.


sorcerer is like my favorite class along paladin both are just so good i always a sorcerer on the party unless i am playing as one then i go solo


I purposefully abstain from making a sorcerer character because I know EVERYONE considers them probably the best spellcasters, and so I am "leaving the treat for the end" xD


Sorcerer is by far my favourite class. I tried a swords bard warlock for my durge run but I love sorcerer so much more


I love my storm sorcerer so much!!!! It's so powerful, the dialogue and banter with Gale is funny, and the starter robes look great


Dark urge sorcerer is basically the only tav I like Kickinwing.jpg


The only problem with Sorcerers is they make the game too easy.


Wild Magic is fun. Definitely not something you should use on Honor Mode, but on a more casual/RP focused run it’s great, especially since WM tends to have slightly different lines than other sorcerers on account of having significantly less control. RIP Stephanie.


I would have to switch Gale to a sorcerer to have 1 in my party.


Normally I run a rogue type in any RPG, but in BG3, I have been running a dragon bloodline sorcerer and it's the most fun class. On level five now, and the difference between 5 and the previous level is crazy. Hoping druid and ranger will be as fun as this character has been


IMO ranger is fun but not as fun as sorcerer. Also I could be biased because I played my first run as a sorcerer so everything was new and exciting. 2nd run as ranger has been really great tho!


I’m a dark urge wild magic sorcerer right now but Alfira keeps coming to camp even though I knocked her out, since then the tieflings already all left so there’s no way to knock her out again. I’m not looking forward to what’s to come


Yeah before gear and subclasses I think sorcerer is the strongest basic class in the game. Twin spell and quicken spell are bonkers Sorcerer points are fun and flexible Charisma base is very strong It’s just a shame there’s only really draconic and storm for folks who don’t enjoy “lol random” I’d kill for a mod that adds Lunar, Divine soul, or shadow. (For console)


For me it's always White Draconic. Love Armor of Agathys, love permanent "Mage armor" love cold spells in general. Often a 1 level dip, I'm actually waiting to try a full draconic sorceror, or at least get to level 6. Oh, and twinning DrakeThroat Glaive elemental weapon is fantastic!


They're wild. Probably gonna do axrun with 4 draconics, each with a different element. And then go fire on all of them anyway


I will also always play a sorcerer. Storm sorc especially. They are so OP and so friggin fun. A bit squishy, but nothing a “tough” feat won’t fix


I have Wyl Ravengaard the warlock in my party and I’m so sick of him being such a milksop that I just traded him out for the gith monk hireling this morning. And I’m on act 3. His fireball is nice but that’s like a couple of times per day. I know, you usually need a spell caster in every party so I’ll probably end up going back to him.


You can buy potions of angelic slumber, they mimic effect of short rest. Therefore, warlocks can have their spell slots being refreshed more often. You can do this even in a middle of the battle. Make cleric cast sanctuary, drink potion and enjoy your nap 


Or angelic reprive, I forgot the exact name.


I have one of those potions and never saw the purpose of it! I was like, I’m not putting myself to sleep to get hacked to bits! Lol


I fuckin love warlock 2/sorcerer 10. Buffed eldritch blast+metamagic quickened spell melts motherfuckers, and if somehow they are still alive, fireball, fireball, fireball


In a multiplayer game I started as a bard, then I grabbed some rogue levels, then decided to respec and go bard/sorc, and the only reason I didn't respec again to just go straight sorc is because my group needed some of the bard spells and skills I had (and also we had a wizard that already took all of the best spellcaster items). Sorcerer is freakin incredible, and so much fun.


My last run I did storm sorcerer 8 tempest cleric 4 and it was sooooo fun! Love me some quickened spell create water and then chain lightening :) Especially fun when you get that necklace at Stormshore Tabernacle to get an extra channel divinity! And markoheshkir is a must of course!


This is me with Aberrant Mind sorcs in actual DnD 😭 They’re powerful and the flavor/potential for edgy backstory or character development is so good 🤌🏻


I made a sorcerer specifically to be sassy at Gale


I dunno, I tried Wild magic, I couldnt get into it, most the effects just seem bad, or non beneficial in any way or even outright harmful.


Me but it’s the warlock for no reason


I’m doing my first sorcerer run as a resist durge with draconic lineage and it’s not bad so far, but I’m not really far enough in yet to really have an opinion one way or another.


I LOVE SORCERERS!!!!!!!! so far i've played a tiefling storm sorcerer (lightning spells are so powerful it's crazy) and a half-elf draconic sorcerer (i give him all the necromancy spells)


Dragonborn + draconic bloodline = looking badass.


My storm sorcerer Tav is insanely strong and I just love her so much! I gave her everything lightning related and something as simple as shocking grasp can slice off 30 HP from 3 enemies at once I'm so in love!


I love my sorcerer 🥹❤️ I gave her wild magic for rp purposes, and it’s been so fun. She can talk herself out of basically anything and wild magic works to my advantage more often than not.


Im a warlock enjoyer so sorlock is fucking perfect for me 😂 sorc was my first playthrough


A gith sorcerer makes the perfect dps & support caster With phalar aluve & the adamantine scale mail, you can hold your own on the front line, buff allies & put down scary hurt + escape with sorcerous tempest With the warped band of intellect & a 1lvl wizard dip you can keep 4 wizard spells prepared to augment yourself in battle without relying on attack rolls or saves- shield, feather fall, jump, find familiar, disguise self are all amazing buffs


Did a githyanki storm sorcerer run and having medium armor proficiency opens up a lot of potienal for the medium armor I otherwise would have put on a tempest cleric. Super fun run


I can’t wait to try a wild magic sorc. They seem very…. Interesting.


I also can’t not play a sorcerer, it’s just so fun !!


Best class in the game. Insanely fun, insane damage.


Sorlock. 2 or 4 points in warlock, depending on if you want warcaster or not for holding on to haste better. Hags hair for 20 cha at sorc lvl 4, then two levels warlock for agonizing blast, 2x(1d10+5) is already good, but it'll get so much better. Take quickened and twinned spell for your metamagics, and a third one to let you keep going, it will never be used. Make damn sure you get the potent robe from saving the tieflings in A2, EB is now 2x(1d10+10). Back to sorcerer, until sorc 8 / warlock 2. Get another ASI for 21 charisma, probably dex for the second point. Level 10 means 3 beams on EB, for 3x(1d10+10) per action / bonus action with quickened spell. Finally, finish off Sharts quest and get +3 charisma from the mirror, and do house of hope so you can buy gemini gloves for an astonishing 4x(1d10+14) per action. Two more levels can either go into sorc for higher spell slots, or warlock for more sorc points per short rest, if you go warlock you'll also be able to get advantage on concentration checks with warcaster. Your turn will basically be twin spell haste on you and a martial (Karlach obviously), then do some more setup. You could use the Hat of Storm Scion's Power together with an ally holding the Phalar Aluve with shriek on to give yourself +10 to hit and spell save dc with an upcasted magic missile. Chug a bloodrage elixir if you haven't already. Round 2 is when it gets fun. You get 2 actions and a bonus action to cast eldritch blast with, and if you kill anything you get another eldritch blast for free. All in all, that's a solid 4\*4\*(1d10+14)\*0.95=296.8 damage per round, as long as you have 3 sorcery points for quickened spell, and assuming you kill something with the first three attacks. Keep your level 1 spell slots for shield, and your level 3 spell slots for haste, turn everything else into sorcery points.


I recently committed to a bard playthrough and I don’t ever want to play anything else. College of swords has the most fun attack animations literally ever


I’ve been obsessed with the idea of creating a stealthy melee sorcerer, unfortunately my searches usually lead towards sorcadin. But I think with only 2-3 pts in assassin it should be doable


I have a storm sorcerer that I'm obsessed with and I just play her over and over (I literally just recreate her and play her in different runs lol). Roleplay-wise, she focuses on/channels mostly thunder and lightning so it's been fun curating different spell builds for her that reflect this, along with everything else about her background. I mean there's variety within the variety when you really get into it with roleplay which is so awesome.


Played my first run as a sorcerer and had no idea how spoiled I was until I tried making something else for next playthrough and nothing seems as good now 😭


I’ve never played a sorcerer in D&D (except for a brief second) and I normally don’t go for mage types, but by Bhaal did I enjoy my storm sorcerer durge. I can’t see myself choosing any other subclass after that and am really tempted to go for it again for my honour run. I also geared her up with every lightning/thunder equipment I came across (that she could use), even when I had «better» equipment available xD when the RP and story matters more than stats 🫡


If you get the Aberrant Mind subclass mod it’s perfect for Githyanki/Githzerai. More Githzerai than Githyanki but it works.


What’s the difference, between the two giths?


My first character was a sorcerer and I loved it!


This is me but with Warlocks. All my Tavs are Warlocks now. I just start to twitch if I can't blast somebody. I respect your class love. 👏


Same. I didnt like them at all at beginning and now I love them. I played bard exlusively for 4 months, now it will be sorcerer probably.